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Self Confidence is the key to success

By on Jul 13, 2015 in Blog |

Self-Confidence is good, as it powers a person to reach greater heights, and to do things that they otherwise would not have been able to do effectively or had not considered doing at all.  Self Confidence is the key to success, as it creates a sense of feeling that they can make better choices and take better decisions, which otherwise they would not have taken due to the fear of failure. Self-Confidence makes people realize that by even attempting, they are moving closer towards their goals/outcomes. People generally have very high levels of Self-Confidence in some areas, and in some they may not have as intense Self-Confidence. Low Self-Confidence in doing a particular activity can be caused by some Programming (created by self-thoughts or conditioned by other people) or a Belief that gets imprinted during childhood or as a result of some incident which would have happened at some point in a person’s life.

This gets fixed either automatically by being part of a group (Like a sports club or professional club) or by taking a particular job where this gets sorted on its own, as doing things and getting results creates a sense of achievement, which creates positive beliefs, and small achievements over a period of time lead to Powerful Beliefs.  Over a period of time this situation changes, and a person becomes more and more confident.

Self-Confidence is the ability of a person to do things effortlessly, meaning that a person is confident about their ability to do whatever they want to do or handle situations that they are faced with. This does not mean that a person has to do everything. A person may have challenges in tasks where a specific level of competence is required, and this may require somebody else handling that, while they can learn and possibly do it better later when they would have learnt that skill.  Self Confidence is the key to success that a person can learn anytime, as people have all the resources to be confident in any situation. Over a period of time each person undergoes different experiences, and these experiences of handling creates Self-Confidence, and this Self-Confidence of handling situations in one area can be replicated in other areas of life as well, which ensures that a person move towards their outcomes/goals in ways which are faster that they would have otherwise achieved.

One of the ‘Beliefs of Excellence’ is that – ‘People have all the internal resources to achieve whatever they want to’.  Unfortunately many people are not aware that they have that belief already present, and these powerful resources remain untapped for long durations. Everybody must realize that they can achieve anything that they can dream with their eyes open, and using Self Confidence this becomes even more powerful.

One of the basic beliefs which helps to become Self-Confident is that, ‘You can be super confident.’ Each person is unique and is born on this planet to do something different. Remember all those things that you are good in.  You may not be good in everything, because a person does not need to be good in everything.  A great musician who is 5 feet tall, may not be good at playing volley ball, which does not mean that the person will not have Self-Confidence.  It is a resource which a person will have no matter the situation, it is an internal resource.  A person needs to focus on things which he/she is good in and focus more on developing it further, to get better at that.

Sometimes people listen to what others think about them, and over a period of time they start believing that as true.  This in turn leads to low Self-Confidence, which gets replicated in various areas of life.  Suddenly, person finds that they can’t do basic things as well, and then it becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy where nothing seems to be working.   To break out of the loop of being useless, and performing at a level which is not who you really are, take small steps towards things that you can achieve. Once you complete few things, you enjoy these moments and create a time where you felt good about this, and this leads to a state of Self-Confidence.  Once a person continue to do this over a period of time it leads to larger results, and automatically Self-Confidence increases.  Now a person has a resourceful state which can be replicated and be used to improve other areas of his/her life.

Self-Confidence can be improved by thoughts running inside a person’s head.  Positive thoughts can trigger a series of states which a person can reinforce to improve Self-Confidence.  Mind and body are part of the same system, and a positive body language goes a long way in improving Self-Confidence.  History has enough evidence that great scientists/researchers were not immediately successful in what they were attempting to achieve.  They just did one thing that was to maintain consistency of purpose and continue to take actions towards the goal/outcome that they had though for themselves.  They stayed positive and no matter what others told them, they continued to believe in themselves and moved ahead.  Eventually, they discovered and invented amazing things, on which modern science is based on. They consistency demonstrated Self-Confidence in what they were doing and continued to stay confident that they will succeed no matter how many disappointments they had to suffer during the journey.

By now you would have realized that Self Confidence is the key to success.  A great technique to develop Self-Confidence is to see what others (who demonstrate Self-Confidence) are doing.  Watch their body posture and model them, to get the same results.  Associate with people who are winners and demonstrate Self-Confidence in all activities they do.  The more time you spend with people with Self-Confidence the more you will be influenced with them at a deeper sub-conscious level to become even more Confident, and replicate this in different areas of your life.

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