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Want to be successful with the law of attraction

By on Sep 2, 2015 in Blog |

We’ve been exposed over the years to several gurus who swear by the Law of Attraction in making their dreams into reality. But what is it really and how does it work? Why does it work extremely well for some people and not at all for others? Here’s the scoop on what the Law of Attraction and how to make it work for you, your coaching client, your team members, your partner and your friends.

Hidden in its depths is one crucial secret that sets apart the success stories from the failures – can you figure out what that is? Spot the clues and find the treasure!

Belief Image

Magic Trinity of Law of Attraction

 Simply put, the Law of Attraction has two elements, viz., Beliefs and Expectations. Addressing these components will work like a magnet, attracting to you the very things you desire.

Beliefs are deep-seated ideas that you hold to be true. They are not facts in and of themselves, but your confidence in them makes them powerful stakeholders in your life. Limiting beliefs are whatever you say to yourself that you think is keeping you from achieving what you want. Empowering beliefs are whatever you say to yourself that makes it all feel worthwhile.

Expectations are a combination of your emotional state and the outcome. If Beliefs are like your engine, your emotional state is the fuel, and the outcome is whatever you are focused on – whether it’s reaching the destination, arriving at your next pit-stop in time, or looking for pot-holes on the road.

Emotional/Mental State determines not only the amount of fuel you are pouring into your tank, but also the quality of the fuel. Non-Resourceful States are emotions that keep you from taking constructive action. Resourceful States are emotions that act as a springboard to take action.

The Outcome is the answer to “what is your focus?” Undesired outcomes emphasize a focus on what you don’t want to happen, on the things that can go wrong. Desired outcomes are what pull you forward to take action. In order to make the most of your desired outcomes, your goal or outcome should be well-defined (See how to do that here).

What happens when these three components come together?


Undesired Outcome

Desired Outcome


Non-resourceful State

Resourceful State

Non-resourceful State

Resourceful State

Limiting Beliefs

I can’t do it,

I’m afraid of it,

So many things can go wrong

I’m not good enough,

I’m excited about the opportunity,

I don’t want to mess it up

I never get what I want,

I’m angry at the world,

I want to achieve this

I don’t deserve good things,

I’m very calm,

I want to get to the next level

Empowering Beliefs

I deserve the best in life,

I’m sad about my life,

I don’t want to do these things

I’m very smart,

I feel energised,

What if things that are out of my control go wrong

I am good enough,

I’m afraid what it will bring,

I want to succeed at this

I deserve to have the best,

I’m very excited,

I want to accomplish this

Finding out where you fit in the matrix above is an overarching guideline for how you to choose to live your life in general, and if you want to be successful with the law of attraction. But, nobody fits into any one box all the time. Our behaviour can vary at any given time in any given situation. The most important thing is to become more aware of what we are saying to ourselves, overtly or subtly.

1. I can’t do it, I’m afraid of it, So many things can go wrong: This is a stage of no movement. Working on any one aspect of the magic trinity will push you to another state in the matrix. But, solid results will only begin to surface when all three, viz., beliefs, emotional state, and outcome are given due importance.

2.I’m not good enough, I’m excited about the opportunity, I don’t want to mess it up: This is what my friend, Dave went through when he got a promotion (See his story here). A typical example is writer’s block. Making the decision to write and dreaming of the ‘perfect’ book generate a lot of positive energy. But, this energy is dragged down by limiting beliefs and imaginary horror situations. Along with converting the limiting belief into an empowering one, what is also required is acceptance of the undesired situation. “Yes, it can happen, but if it happens I will still be better off because… .”

3. I never get what I want, I’m angry at the world, I want to achieve this: Dreams are all well and good, but just dreaming isn’t enough. It needs to be converted in to solid action. It is very easy at this stage to start complaining about one’s lot in life. A lot of destructive behaviours are also born out of living too long in this stage.

4. I don’t deserve good things, I’m very calm, I want to get to the next level: There are times in life when you have put in your best with a lot of positive thinking backing it up. Nonetheless, by some chance or the other, things just don’t work out. In all fairness, of course, it could be due to events and people out of your control. Acknowledge and be content with the work you have put in and take from the situation whatever learnings are relevant. It is all too possible that having experienced such situations in the past, one may tend to develop limiting beliefs, which without your knowledge sabotage all your actions. Drop those beliefs and catalyse positive ones in their stead.

So many times we assume that the problem lies in our (or the other person’s) beliefs, which is why things are not working out. But, even having the most empowering beliefs will not necessary resolve everything unless you work on your emotional state and your desired outcome.

5. I deserve the best in life, I’m sad about my life, I don’t want to do these things: This is a forerunner of demotivation. Have you ever had that one point in your life when you knew you were destined for the best, but you only felt sad that your reality somehow didn’t match your ‘expectations’ and you felt so afraid of all the things that could go wrong? Did you consider at this time analysing what is it that you DO want and help yourself feel excited about getting it?

6. I’m very smart, I feel energised, What if things that are out of my control go wrong: Anxiety tends to be a part of everybody’s life – even those who you think always keep their cool. Our brains are wired to look out for things that can go wrong. But, obsessing about them will re-direct one’s energy into imagining all sorts of horror situations. The trick is to direct the energy towards solutions. If you find yourself worrying over the things that can go wrong, solve them as they come up in your mind. If there’s really nothing that you can do (although I’m sure there is), then put up whatever safeguards you can and stop worrying. Isn’t that what an adventure is like?

7. I am good enough, I’m afraid what it will bring, I want to succeed at this: “The real reason you’re not taking action is not because you’re afraid of failure, but because you’re afraid of success.” The first time I heard this, it made no sense to me. Am I really afraid of success? Sure my life will change and some people may feel threatened by my success. I may come into the limelight and be exposed to the opinions of others. Oh, I see! So I asked myself, “What really excites me? If I were excited about it, what would I do, how would I behave?”

8. I deserve to have the best, I’m very excited, I want to accomplish this: Woo hoo! Congratulations, you are all geared up to achieve the life of your dreams. Just be careful of steamrolling people at this stage. And always remember to stop and smell the roses. Life may throw some googlies your way, but you have what it takes to hit them out of the grounds.

So, have you figured out the clues (If you want to be successful with the law of attraction) yet to the secret that lies at the heart of the Law of Attraction? The secret is simple: “Be Happy Now”. Don’t wait till you achieve your goal or have something or someone in your life. A highly resourceful state will act as a magnet that will pull what you desire to you. What you seek will begin to seek you.


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