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Transform your life with this 30 day challenge

By on Oct 20, 2015 in Blog |

What’s your biggest dream? You know, the one that makes it all worthwhile; when you can sleep soundly at night knowing you’re making a positive difference in this world…. How close are you to achieving this dream of yours? Are you taking all the necessary steps to make it a reality? Take destiny into your hands now.

Yes, it’s true, pursuing a lifetime dream can be daunting. And it’s easy to lose steam after the first rush of adrenaline. Past failures and niggling doubts set in and we lose our nerve to push forward. At times like these, look to your past & current successes. Remember, the best way to achieve your long term goals is to break them down into bite-sized chunks. As you accomplish each mini-goal, you gain more confidence and get that much closer to your lifetime dream.

 The 30-Day Challenge (Transform your life with this 30 day challenge)

Defy and break through previous conditioning, patterns, limitations & take this 30-Day Challenge!

For the next 30 days starting today, pick one desired goal and consistently work towards it. You’ll be amazed at how much you are able to accomplish when you set your mind to it. And at the end of the 30 days, you’ll look back with pride and satisfaction at how you have grown.

And then, start your next 30-day cycle. Before you know it, you’re even closer to achieving that BIG dream of yours.

Working the 30-Day Challenge

Here are 7 simple steps that will guide you on your 30-Day Challenge:

1)      Write Down Your Goal

  • Everything starts with a specific goal in mind. A goal is positive – not “I will not eat junk food”, but “I will eat only healthy food”.
  • Where possible, always use numbers – how many hours will you spend on the activity, how many clients will you acquire, how much money will you earn?
  • Make sure it’s possible in the timeline. If you’re a beginner in yoga class, you may not be able to become a yoga teacher in 30 days.
  • Write this today with the help of this article: NLP Well Defined Outcomes


2)      Believe In It

  • Believing is seeing. What you believe becomes true for yourself and your ‘reality’.
  • Believe: You Can Do It, You Deserve It, Your Goal is coming Closer to You
  • If there is a belief that is holding you back, see why here
  • Then, follow these steps:

3)      Empower Your Behaviour

  • Change how you behave and your world changes in response. Live from the place of your empowering belief.
  • Be specific about the skills and actions you will be building to achieve your goal. What behaviours are you changing and what are your new behaviours?
  • Who are the most successful people in the world you admire? If they set themselves your goal, how would they behave?
  • Behave as if you have already achieved your goal. How would you walk, talk and take action when you have achieved your goal?
  • Use these Top 10 NLP Techniques to catapult yourself to your goal


4)      Get Yourself A Genius 

  • Don’t reinvent the wheel – just ask the best. Better than admiring someone from afar is to talk to those around you.
  • Find three people in your life (even if it’s the friend of your aunt’s cousin) who exemplify the skill or behaviour you require. Interview them and get inside their heads.
  • What do they believe? How do they cope with setbacks? What do they do differently to achieve their goals?


5)      Feel Empowered With A Snap

  • It’s great to feel confident when you have achieved something. But it’s even better to call up that feeling in an instant, when you need it most.
  • Identify a state/feeling you want the most to achieve your goal such as confidence, joy, calm, passionate.
  • Remember when this feeling was strongest in your life. Bring up those images, sounds and sensations.
  • Make this feeling stronger and stronger. And when you feel it reaching its peak, convert this feeling into a metaphor – it can be an image, a word or phrase, a simple gesture.
  • Any time you need this feeling during the 30-day Challenge, just call up the metaphor.
  • Want one more technique? Take a step forward in to your Circle of Excellence and sail through your new reality.


6)      Take Massive, Consistent Action

  • “Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action.” – Walter Anderson
  • Take bold risks. Small steps will get you there slower, large steps will get you massive learning.
  • Whatever you can do to get you one more step closer to your goal, do it today. And then do the next thing that gets you even closer.


7)      What Do You Do Elsewhere That You Can Apply Here?

  • Your skills and strategies in another area of your life can be applied here to achieve this goal.
  • If you want to stop a certain activity, how do you stop other activities in your life? If you want to be consistent in one thing, how are you consistent in another area of your life?
  • Map out each of the steps in detail like a flowchart. Do you see an image, hear an internal voice, have a dialogue with yourself, think of when you did something in the past… ? What comes first, what comes next? Then apply the same flowchart as a strategy to achieve your goal.


Well, have you started (Transform your life with this 30 day challenge) yet? Make your life an adventure starting today. An adventure that you live to the fullest. Start your 30-Day Challenge NOW and see the amazing transformation you are capable of as you get closer to your ultimate dream.

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