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Eight Steps to boost your Brain Power

By on Jun 10, 2016 in Blog |

Eight Steps to boost your Brain Power

If you think you have less Brain Power, you may be surprised that you are programming yourself to have less Brain Power.  If you want to change this, and think in a better and resourceful ways, you may very well be few steps away.  Eight steps to boost your Brain Power is just a starting point.  If a person decides to tap into their Brain, they can do wonders.  It all starts from a desire to achieve.

Following are eight steps to boost your Brain Power:
1. Regular Brain Exercise

You may be doing exercise for your body, by indulging in aerobic exercises (walking, jogging etc), and working out in a gym, but that is not enough.  Your Brain needs exercise as well, treat it like a muscle and it will grow.
Simple physical exercises release neurochemicals, and these neurochemicals make us feel happy, and allows us to get into a resourceful state easily.  Combine this with simple brain based exercises, and you will see wonders in your mental capability.
Try these three simple exercises to exercise your Brain:
•    Create a drawing with your non dominant, and dominant hand simultaneously.
•    Count from 100 to 0, skipping 3 numbers at a time.  Example: 100, 96, 92, …..
•    Keep ten objects on your table, and with your eyes closed, pick one at a time, and feel the object, and then draw them on your notebook with eyes closed.
2. Supplement your Diet

Eat nutritious food like fruits and vegetables.  Some of the foods that are believed to boost brain power are as follows:
Blueberries,  Whole grains,  Oil based fish, rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, Tomatoes,  Adequate dosage of Vitamins and Minerals, Pumpkin seeds, Blackcurrant, Broccoli, other leafy green vegetables, asparagus, olives, seeds, nuts, eggs, and brown rice.

3. Play Games

Play games which are going to stretch your thinking.  Board games, like Chess, Checkers are going to stimulate your Brain.  Solve puzzles, play games like scrabble, monopoly etc.  There are lot of computer games which are designed these days to boost the brain power.

4. Do something new

Every now and then do something different that you are used to.  When you do something new you stimulate your brain by creating a new neural pathway, which results in increasing the intelligence. By doing something new you are utilizing parts of your brain which were not being used before.  This way you are providing a boost to your brain power by adding new paths in your brain.
5. Take proper rest

Brain is being used throughout the day for various activities, and it needs rest.  Sleeping is when Brain gets the rest required to recharge.  Sleeping ensures rejuvenation of body cells, and helps to flush out the toxins from the body, which is very much essential for proper functioning of Brain.
6. Positive Thinking
Anxiety and stress are the major reasons of damage to Brain cells.  They create a negative state which will lead to damage of existing neurons and also does not allow Brain to rejuvenate and create new neurons.  Positive thinking is the key to stay in resourceful states, which leads to creations of new brain cells, and increases the brain power.  Allow yourself to relax many times during the day, take a deep breathe, step out in nature and look at the nature, hear the nature and feel the nature, breathe outside in nature for 5-10 minutes 3-4 times in a day, and you will reduce stress levels and will boost your brain power.  Try various NLP techniques like State Management, Anchoring, and get into some good states during the day by being in positive states.
7. Stay focused
Stay focused and complete one task at a time.  Multitasking is a myth, and brain gets distracted by keeping focus on too many things at a time.  Also, it burns the energy much faster resulting in mental fatigue.  So stay focused and complete one activity at a time to boost your brain power.
8. Writing by hand
Writing by hand activates a portion of the Brain which will improve skills like memory and faster learning of any new skill.  Maintain a journal and write regularly in that journal: some of your goals, some of the things that motivate you, some of the things that have worked for you in the past, some of the action items towards your goals etc.

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