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70 Exercises to improve mental fitness

By on Aug 17, 2016 in Blog |

70 Exercises to improve mental fitness

  1. Practice free writing with your non dominant hand.
  2. Create a drawing with your non dominant, and dominant hand simultaneously.
  3. Eat with your non dominant hand, whenever possible.
  4. While practicing speed reading, flip the pages using your non dominant hand.
  5. Pull or push doors with your non dominant hand.
  6. Apply soap on your body using your non dominant hand.
  7. Brush your teeth with your non dominant hand.
  8. Apply body spray with your non dominant hand.
  9. Drink tea with your non dominant hand.
  10. Use TV remote with non-dominant hand.
  11. Bowl using your non dominant hand.
  12. Go for a walk and take different route whenever possible.
  13. If you watch some TV channels.  Watch a different one on a weekly basis: National geographic or discovery channel. Break routine activities and do different set of activities.
  14. Eat something different like fruits/salads to break routine food habits.
  15. Change the brand of your pen/pencil with which you write.
  16. Change the brand of your notebook, so that you get used to another style.
  17. Read variety of books.
  18. Change your sports habits, experiment with different sport for a day or so, and do that weekly.
  19. Instead of reading a book, try a computer, and vice versa if you are reading on computer or tab.
  20. Try yoga or stretching exercises, if you are not, or something different.
  21. If you read comics/magazines, read a history book or a book about motivation.
  22. Change your desk location at home, change your chair, clean your cabinet, and arrange them differently.
  23. Dress differently, than what you are doing regularly.
  24. Talk to different people, about different subjects, whatever they like to, and listen more.
  25. Add 5 minutes of breathing techniques to your routine. Do it in the morning, afternoon, and in the evening.
  26. Drink warm water, if you drink cold water or room temperate water if you drink hot/warm water.
  27. Close your eyes, and dream about how next day is going to shape up. Practice doing this daily, for the next day.
  28. Count from 100 to 0, skipping 3 numbers at a time.  Example: 100, 96, 92, …..
  29. Cover your eyes and listen to inspirational music for few minutes.
  30. Draw a picture with your eyes closed.
  31. Keep ten objects on your table, and with your eyes closed, pick one at a time, and feel the object, and then draw them on your notebook with eyes closed.
  32. Close your one eye, and watch TV for few minutes, and then close the other eye, and watch with the first eye.
  33. Play jigsaw puzzles.
  34. Watch TV on mute for few minutes daily, and see whatever is happening.
  35. Learn and play chess.
  36. Listen to music while you eat.
  37. Play scrabble at home with friends/family.
  38. Write one short story weekly.
  39. Do a short research about a topic of your choice, and write two paragraphs about it.
  40. Do a research about a place that you like to visit, and then create an itinerary for your ultimate trip.
  41. Sit quietly for 10 minutes, and write about all the thoughts that came, and how it impacts you/people around you.  Do this on a weekly basis.
  42. Pretend tomorrow you have to take a class in the school. Write down how you will do it, and what you will do. Do this on a weekly basis.
  43. Watch discovery channel for 10 minutes, and then write in your own words what you saw.
  44. Pick one person you like, and write about what you like about them, and what you have to do to be like them.
  45. Write about a moment in life that inspired you.  Write about what you saw, heard, and felt in that moment.
  46. Pick up a word from a dictionary, and learn the usage, and then write another sentence.
  47. Learn one to ten in a different language, and practice it for some days, till you remember them forever.
  48. For 15 minutes on a daily basis, be curious, and make sure your senses are alert (you practice to see more, hear more, and feel more)
  49. Learn one new word in a week, and then use it your language on ongoing basis.
  50. Speak with a person with whom you generally don’t speak, and talk about what interests them, and notice how they speak, pay attention to body language.
  51. Learn something new on a weekly basis, and write few lines about it in your notebook.
  52. Every week go in a grocery store, and memorize what vegetables and fruits were there.  Next week, look around and notice something different and memorize as many as you can by looking around.
  53. Memorize the names of your favorite cricketers or any other sport, their heights, and the numbers they wear.
  54. Write a paragraph backwards using your non dominant hand.
  55. Memorize the heights of highest mountain peaks in the world.
  56. Memorize the country and capital of 5 countries in a month.
  57.  Walk backwards for 5 minutes daily.
  58. Memorize the dialogue of your favorite movie, and practice that in front of the mirror.
  59. Visualize a place that you would like to visit.  Close your eyes, and paint different scenes when you will visit that place, see how they will look, what you will hear, what you will smell, what you will feel, and do that now, when you are thinking about that place.
  60. Remember a TV show or a movie that you like, and create three different endings for that, and write them down.
  61. Make 20 flash cards, and write what you want to memorize, and then memorize them till you remember them clearly.
  62. Learn something about a different country and capital of that country (spend 10 days), and make notes about your research.
  63.  Put your clock in front of the mirror and check the time.
  64.  Write ten words with your non dominant, and spell them backwards.
  65. Daily for 5 minutes, go to a silent place, and talk something motivating and inspirational to yourself.
  66. Read a book for 20 minutes, and create those images and create a video movies out of that.
  67. Think about 3 people who inspire you, and imagine that you are that person and behave like that person (as often as you can) as if you have become that person.
  68.  Write down every thought that you think about in 5 minutes, and then think about those thoughts, and how they are either inspiring you, and if they are not inspiring, question them, and release them out of your brain.
  69.  Watch national geographic for 10 minutes, and observe what you see, and now think what the animal is thinking and feeling.
  70.  Every day for 5 minutes, draw something on paper, and talk to yourself and explain what it means.  If it is not serving you well, delete it, and see those thought going away, and if it is serving you well, color that image in your head, and see more of those.

These 70 Exercises to improve mental fitness will go a long way in improving your performance, and learning ability.

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