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12 Secrets Successful People Follow For Time Management

By on Sep 1, 2016 in Blog |

The essence of time is the most important factor in the making of a successful person. Since we are yet to invent the elusive time machine, managing time effectively is the only option we have to ensure success until we find a way of travelling back and forth in time. For now, time cannot be negotiated, it cannot be replaced and most important of all, once it is gone, it cannot come back. So living here and now, is important for anyone to be successful. The pricelessness of time makes it one of your most prized possessions every moment you live. Let us take a peek into the way (12 Secrets Successful People Follow For Time Management) in which successful people manage time.

1.       Value Time

When Chares Darwin said, “A man who dares waste one hour of his time has not discovered the value of life”, he was emphasizing on the importance of time and how it can make a huge difference in your life. When you begin to value every hour, every minute of your life, you learn to take control of your life and ensure that time does not beat you when it comes to being successful.

2.       They Look For People Who Are Passionate About Work

Successful people have passionate people working under them. Their success relies on people who value time as well. Not only do they practice time management themselves, they ensure that their employees understand the importance of time and manage it effectively too.

3.       Maintain discipline

“You may delay, but time will not”. Benjamin Franklin was quite right about the fact that no matter how much we try to delay things, time won’t be waiting by our side to wait for us to act. Every minute, every second we delay, we lose out the chance for being productive. Procrastination is one of the most common things that the average person experiences in his day to day life. We allow time to casually slip by, as we continuously delay our pending work till it is too late. If we complete our work in a timely manner, we will be more productive and more successful.

4.       Trashing The To-Do List

To-do lists are very handy when you want to show off how much you have been trying to do with time, but let us be truthful to ourselves, how often do we follow these lists to the point? The answer is the enthusiasm with which we create our lists gradually fades away as we try to live by them every day. We keep carrying over things from our to-do lists till we pile up our tasks and finally give up on the lists. Calendars are known to be more effective. Set up your tasks on your calendar and you will not have to deal with all that stress from the tasks that keep piling up on your to-do lists.  If you have been and can be disciplined about your ‘to-do’ list, as an aid to remember what has to be done on a particular day, continue to do that.

5.       They Value Their Passion for Things

While time is of utmost importance, there is one thing that you may find holds more importance than everything else. It can be your family, a friend, a hobby or just walking home. This part of your life that you value the most must never be compromised because you did not have enough time for it. No matter how busy a day gets, you will always have more things to complete, but once the time passes by, you will not be able to relive beautiful moments with the people you value or doing the thing that you love. Do not let time rule over this thing that you value the most. Just like tech giant, Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook says, “It’s about finding your values and committing to them”.

6.       Task Delegation

The importance of delegating tasks makes people good leaders and successful in achieving their goals without losing time. When you effectively delegate tasks to people who will be able to complete it, you can do more within a time frame and you can do it more effectively too. Successful people understand how to delegate tasks to ensure that they can get it done in time. They demonstrate leadership skills, and trust in people with whom they work.

7.       Consistency

How consistent are you when it comes to your daily chores? Sometimes we get up early and at times we sleep too late and start our day late. This breaks the consistency and makes us unreliable. When we are consistent we are more reliable and hence more successful in achieving our goals in life.  Stick to consistency in terms of managing your time. If you are a morning person, continue to manage your time by starting your day early; if you a person who can get more things done during the night, then make sure that you follow what works best for you, as each person is unique.

8.       Being healthy is important

Successful people value time and they make sure that things are completed in time so that they do not end up getting over worked and losing out on their health. A healthy body houses a healthy mind which in turn helps them think clear and act wisely.

9.       They Honor Time For Others Too

Successful people value time for others too. When you look at time for others to be just as important as it is for you, you will find respect in the eyes of the people and they will count on you when it comes to punctuality. Being prompt is a great virtue of successful people.  This is the key secret among the others –  ‘12 Secrets Successful People Follow For Time Management.’

10.   Staying refreshed and Energized

When did you think that skipping meals and staying up late could make you a millionaire? Time will not wait for you to have your meals and it will certainly not come back so that you can rest for some time. In your race for more, do not end up skipping meals because you will need that energy to help you through the rest of the day.

11.   Don’t Put Them Off For Later

You get a new mail. You check it and then mark it as unread again so that you can deal with it later. If this is your idea of dealing with things then you are not making use of time effectively. You will later open the mail again, read it, analyze it and ponder over the right response. Why delay the entire thing if you could have done it then and there?

12.   Meticulousness

Shabby work doesn’t really breed success. It is the meticulous manner in which successful people work that makes them take the top perch with the most graceful flight. Successful people are very careful with their tasks and they achieve every task in the most meticulous manner so that they do not lose on time and complete their work successfully.

’12 Secrets Successful People Follow For Time Management’ is not a one-time read, it has to be implemented, and followed on a daily basis, so that it gets hard wired in your sub-conscious mind and becomes your excellence.  Every behavior is a pattern and it can be programmed to work every time.

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