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Online NLP Training

By on Aug 23, 2017 in Blog |

Online NLP Training

The purpose of this post is to provide a brief about Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), the advances it has made in the last few decades, and the application of NLP in Coaching, Sales, Leadership Development, and the need to get some portion of the NLP programs covered online, and the need for online NLP Training program.  What are the criteria to select an online NLP training program, and what are the considerations to select a good online NLP program? 

NLP the cutting-edge technology (also referred to as key to open the full potential of the Human Brain) was created by Richard Bandler, Frank Pucelik, and John Grinder, along with other co-developers of NLP (Robert Dilts, Steve Gilligan, Judith Delozier, David Gordon, Steve Andreas etc.) in the 1970s in California.  The classic definition of NLP is that ‘NLP is about modelling excellence’.  It’s the study of exemplary human behavior and breaking that down into learnable patterns that anybody can learn. Example. A person who is good at public speaking is good because of some excellent patterns which are unique to that person.  Using NLP this behavior can be broken into sizable chunks which can be used to create a model to make effective public speaking easy for those who want to learn this behavior.  Being the premier behavior-based change methodology NLP programs were conducted in a classroom-based style, experiential in nature.  There was no online NLP training back then, as there was no technology that could be leveraged during those times.   

It is a study of people’s minds, feeling, language, and behavior to understand how they do certain things in life and help them manifest new and better behavioral patterns to achieve greater good in life. This approach allows any person to model the skills of geniuses and manifest them in their lives, by modelling excellence. NLP aims at improving the relationship between ones’ conscious and subconscious mind by improving the communication between the two. It helps the subconscious mind to understand what the conscious mind wants and helps in achieving that.

It can be referred to as a life-changing philosophy that helps to achieve our goals in both personal and professional spheres of life.

How were the NLP classes being conducted?

Initially during 1980-1999, when the training used to be conducted by Richard Bandler, John Grinder and other Tier 1 NLP trainers (Steve Andreas, Tad James, Robert Dilts, etc.), it used to be a 14-20 days’ program, where the focus was to soak in as much as possible.  It used to be a more generic personal change work techniques, and models, and was less modern-day application (Coaching, Sales, and Leadership Development) focused.  It was a total personal transformation program and used to go deeper into classic patterns and concepts.

Year 2000 onwards, there has been a trend where all major accreditation bodies have reduced entry-level Practitioner programs to 7 days program. The program objectives have become more precise and what used to be covered in a span of 12-14 days is now getting covered in lesser time though it still covers all the aspects of the classic code training. The fundamentals of these programs are better defined now than earlier which makes the training more organized and structured considering the time constraint business folks have these days.  Some trainers also explored training programs being available on videotapes, and CDs.  

Make sure you don’t fall for NLP Master Classes (2-3 hours).  Nobody can learn NLP in a Master Class.  It may be good to get awareness about a specific topic in those, provided the trainer is of repute and experienced, otherwise it will just be a waste of time and money.  

The Need of the hour – Online NLP programs

1.      Delivery style of programs:

With the advent of technology and a screen fixated society being the largest audience, some of the NLP trainers have thought about bringing changes in the way they operate. The need of the hour is to make things more interactive and flexible to a larger audience. Though it is fine to learn NLP in an offline fashion through videos, but that can’t be called a certification-based program.  Various accreditation bodies are fine for an entry-level program (Diploma/Associate Practitioner – 2-4 days content) to be delivered as an online NLP training program, instructor-led, with a requirement that for NLP Practitioner certification the person has to come to the classroom physically to experience the patterns, and practice, learn in a group setting. Some accreditation bodies are fine with online NLP Practitioner Programs ~ being run totally as instructor-led, and those are very subjective calls. 

Online NLP training programs gives an edge over the traditional classroom programs as it allows the trainees to be attending from locations which are geographically far away (different cities or even different countries), and the material more robust (which is generally the case in online programs), and electronically available as well. Online NLP courses are a boon to the shy participants as it provides them that safety cushion to start, and then creating a space for them to open up and interact more rather than face to face interactions on day 1, and finding it difficult to adjust.  It has also been reported that the online NLP courses let people (if it is more of a one to one course) concentrate more as they are not distracted by the classroom activities, and allows a deeper learning which is highly customized (Even though it becomes very expensive to do it this way, but people do prefer, as it becomes more of a personal coaching + NLP training course). It also solves the commuting problems, boarding and lodging, etc.

Please visit the NLP event page for Online Instructor-Led Virtual ~ Integrated Five Certification online NLP program + ICF Coach Program.  

2. Application based learning objectives during online NLP training programs:

Earlier the training programs used to be more generic but now they are becoming more application-based, where NLP methodology is being used as an integrated technology to get better in coaching, counseling, therapy, sales, public speaking, enhancing group communication, leadership development, etc. The online NLP training programs have become more focused on the specific areas that they want to concentrate thus providing the guidelines helpful for specific application. There are different sets of skills that are required for different applications. The skills and techniques required for coaching are different than what is required for counseling.  Application-based training is a better program as it lets the trainer focus on the specific set of skills required, thereby proving as an effective training program as the outcomes produced are better when a specific subject is targeted rather than targeting the generic aspects.

3. Training boundaries have disappeared due to online programs

With the rise of technology-driven programs, the training boundaries will diminish and there will be more collaboration-based learning across boundaries and people will benefit by being able to attend entry-level courses online. It will be advantageous to the people staying in the remote areas where the classroom trainings are not accessible and they can’t travel to be able to attend the training. It will be a more culturally diversified program also and participants will be able to benefit more from it as they will come to know how people from different cultures perceive different things. It will help them understand people better and will help them make better relationships with people. It will also make the training more interactive and interesting.

Classroom-based learning is still preferred by many, as it has its advantages over online-based trainings for group learners.  The trainer/coach being physically present is always a different experience.  The learning is crisper, discussions more in-depth, and bonding among participants/trainer of a different level.  Online NLP training has its place, and with technology taking more center stage, the penetration and acceptance of online NLP training will increase over time.


How to select the right online NLP course

If you are wondering where to start your Online NLP training, NLP training in general, or integrated NLP + Coach programs, how to select the right NLP course, how to decide which trainer is going to be the right one for you, etc then the following paragraphs will guide you towards the way forward.

NLP courses come in varied lengths and formats – Instructor-led Online NLP Training, Classroom-based NLP Training, online NLP training (recorded videos). Multiple training options are available at present. A seemingly endless number of courses are on offer. It is therefore important to ensure that you enroll in the right Online NLP training program, or a classroom-based NLP Practitioner course which meets your requirement the best. It is also vitally important to attend NLP training with the top NLP Trainer who supports you to achieve your desired results without leaving any holes in your pocket and covers the important NLP techniques. So, here are a few tips that will definitely answer your question ‘how to select the right NLP course?’

Identify your exact purpose for attending the NLP training

Be specific about the outcomes you absolutely want to achieve by the end of your NLP training. List as many things as you want to get out of attending the NLP Workshop. Unless you do this, you will not know your situation-specific criteria that the proposed course must promise to offer.

NLP has proven to be very powerful in many areas of self-development. This includes confidence building, public speaking, selling, negotiation, relationship building, etc. If you are looking for self-development, then an Online NLP Training program (NLP Practitioner – Associate) will suffice, as that covers all the required topics to cover the self-development aspects, and ensures that you get with your self-development and change work journey.

Recorded online NLP training programs are not so effective, however, if you are looking for USD 50/- type options, then probably they serve that purpose, and provide some information/knowledge. From a practice and practicality purpose, they are not so effective. 

If you are looking for online NLP training program where the program goes beyond basics of NLP into applications of NLP into Coaching, then online NLP training program which is instructor-led are very effective, as they are the best value for money in terms of knowledge, time, course coverage, ease of attendance, and managing the overall training outcome. 

Identify all that you are seeking, before you commit to any NLP training course, whether it is online NLP training or classroom-based NLP training program.

Identify the best NLP Trainer before you shortlist any training course

Based on what you are seeking, prepare the list of questions you would like to ask your prospective trainer. Do your due diligence before engaging with any NLP Trainer, especially because the NLP practices are currently unregulated.

Here are a few pointers for you to spot the best NLP Trainer in India for you:

  • Look for a trainer who is accredited with at least two or more reputable NLP organizations like the American Board of NLP (ABNLP), the International Society of Neuro-Semantics (ISNS), the International Association of Professional Coaches, Counsellors and Therapists (IAPCCT), INLPTA, SNLP etc.

The professional membership to such organizations of repute ensures that the concerned NLP trainer holds appropriate certifications, adheres to the agreed code of ethics, and pledges to hold himself or herself responsible and accountable to the accrediting and credentialing organization should any issue ever arise.


  • Ensure and double-check that the NLP Trainers you wish to work with are who they say they are. Some of the NLP professionals unfortunately fake their membership status and credentials to intake more participants in their public programs. Not everything claimed on the website, social media, or promotional material is true. Beware!

Check whether or not they obtained their NLP qualifications with a renowned and reputable NLP accrediting organization.

Ascertain the professional bodies they are registered with.

It is also crucial to verify that your potential NLP trainer holds NLP Trainers Training level certification which is mandatory to deliver any NLP training course.  

Ascertain whether the proposed course will really help you achieve your desired results 

Check what your proposed course offers and match it with your expected outcomes before you commit to a training course.

Seek clarity on the format for the training course.

If you seek to become a professional NLP trainer in the future, do not join any online NLP training program with an organization, which does not have Masters and Trainer level courses.  Make sure that you have access to mentors that provides you with ample scope of group learning and practice.

Choose the level of certification you ultimately want to achieve

Identify whether you want to attend the NLP Practitioner workshop for personal development, or career enhancement, or both. Develop deeper clarity on whether you really want NLP certificates. If yes, what exactly do you want to do with your certificates. Choose the certificates accordingly.

If you are unsure, join the Online NLP training at a reputed institute that allows you to attend NLP trainings under no certification option, and avail certificates later when you want them as per your choice.

In conclusion,

Choosing the online NLP training program wisely requires some homework. If you do that carefully, it will be well worth your effort in the long term.

Please visit NLP event page for online NLP Training Instructor-led (Our flagship Integrated NLP + ICF Coach program) 

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