NLP Training and Coaching Organization providing NLP Programs – NLP Bangalore, NLP Delhi, NLP Pune, NLP Kolkata

NLP Training FAQs – Read this first

By on Jun 2, 2018 in Blog |

NLP Training FAQs

These NLP Training FAQs are based on the questions that people generally ask us, and these are important from the perspective of somebody who is looking to attend an NLP Training program.  NLP Training FAQs are an important element from a participant perspective, as it provides them an idea about what is going to happen in a course, provide information about the trainer, and also the structure of the certification. 

How is NLP Coaching Academy different than others?

We don’t compare ourselves to others.  We focus on what we do, we can tell what we have been doing, and what makes us unique.

  • We are accredited by American Board of NLP (ABNLP), and our NLP Trainer Vikram Dhar is Certified by ABNLP, is an ICF Mentor Coach, Licensed Behaviour Trainer, Licensed Neuro-Semantics Trainer, and an ICAgile Authorized Trainer to facilitate Agile Certified Coach training (the only trainer in the world to have this qualification combination). He is certified by Richard Bandler, John Grinder, and has trained extensively in classic code and New Code NLP, NeuroScience, and NeuroSemantics. He has been trained and has attended mentoring sessions with John Grinder, Frank Pucelik, Robert Dilts, Ian McDermott, Michael Hall, Michael Beale, Shelle Rose, some of the big names (Co-founders and Co-developers, and Tier 1 NLP Trainers and Coaches) in NLP.
  • Our trainings are also approved by International Coach Federation (ICF, USA) for ACSTH hours, which allow a participant to become an ICF ACC Coach. This probably is the only program in the world which offers this combination of NLP & NeuroScience in course curriculum along with a path towards ICF certification.
  • Our Master Practitioner level course is a modular based course which allows a participant to learn Team and Group Coaching, Accelerated Learning, New Code NLP (John Grinder’s approach), Coaching using Neuro Science, and the latest developments in Neuro Science, which are changing the NLP world drastically by bringing in elements of science and research into NLP.
  • We have a large NLP Trainer and Coaches network spanning across many countries: USA, Canada, UK, Dubai, Australia, Kuwait, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Australia and various cities in India.
  • We allow best post program support by having all participants in a closed whatsapp group for further clarification and mentoring by senior coaches and trainers.
  • We allow all past participants to repeat the courses for free.
  • We have a Franchise model for Accelerated Learning (as part of Master Practitioner) and provide free access to coaching portal to find clients.
  • How to select an NLP Training program and how to decide which NLP Combination to select from the Integrated Five Certification Course?

Selecting an NLP Training program is easy.  If you are looking to bring in changes within yourself at a personal level, then a person must only attend a course without a certification (We allow that as part of our social responsibility during our Integrated Five Certification Combo). NLP Training FAQs are important to ensure that you get the information that you are looking for. If you are looking to become an NLP Practitioner and use NLP in counselling or for change work or therapeutic intervention, then only NLP Practitioner combo (Diploma in NLP, Advanced Diploma in NLP Coaching, and NLP Practitioner – we provide them as a set) is required – Combo I.

If a person is looking forward to become a professional coach, then along with NLP Practitioner, coaching credentials is something that will come handy.  Our five-certification combo (Combo II) is sufficient to get started, if this is the outcome of a candidate.

If somebody is looking forward in becoming a professional coach (certified by International Coach Federation) then they can opt for Combo III (which is the first step towards becoming an ICF certified coach).

The course content in all the combos and without certification option is the same, trainer is the same, and days are the same (7 days).  So, depending on what a person wants, they can select the Combo.  We have created flexibility so that it becomes affordable, based on the outcome.   Post program offline is different for Combo II and Combo III, which is mentioned in the program page.


What is the scope and future of NLP in India, and what are the career options after NLP training?

It depends what a person intends to do with NLP.

Some people attend NLP training program to get certified as NLP Practitioner or an NLP Coach, and leverage these to become more marketable in the market to get a job as a Behaviour Trainer, Soft skills trainer who understands NLP, Learning and Organizational Development Consultant etc.   This indicates that a person already has a set career path and NLP training is just going to provide a boost in this scenario.  So, in this case this is fairly simple.

Coaching:  NLP trainings can be explored to become a Coach.  A person has many different areas of coaching to explore from:  Business Coach, Wellness Coach, Executive Coach, Leadership Coach, Sports Mental Coach, Agile Coach etc.  Each domain is a different one and caters to a different clientele, but the base methodology to coach can remain as NLP.  The scope of each coaching domain is again a sub topic.  Depending on the area of interest of a person they can select the domain of coaching and start to find clients in those areas.  Each area will come with its own set of difficulties and challenges.  Sales and marketing, networking skills, past connections and leveraging those connections will make a huge difference whether a person is going to be successful as a coach or not.  To learn coaching skills is easy, to find clients is the most difficult part; otherwise every coach will be successful.  This is an important part of NLP Training FAQs. 

NLP Trainer:  If a person intends to teach NLP to others, that is a career option.  A tough career option because the New Trainer will have to compete with the existing established trainers, they will have to bring in something different in terms of what they are offering here to be different from the others.  Most trainers make the mistake of doing Diploma, NLP Practitioner level programs, and that is the worst decision they make considering that is where the maximum competition exists.  Untapped corporate market is where the money is.   Yes, it is difficult to explore, but once a client is set then further trainings are easy to get.


Who is the Best NLP Trainer in India or Top NLP Trainer in India

I want to learn from the best NLP Trainer in India or I want to learn from the Top NLP Trainer in India, many people ask this question.  It is a valid question.  The first experience of learning NLP is very important, as that sets the foundation, sets the experience of a person to attend higher courses, and be curious about NLP as a methodology.  If a person learns from an NLP Trainer who does not even understand it properly, but is teaching for the sake of doing it, then that might be corrupting the experience of the participant.  It is always useful for a New Trainer to co-facilitate with an experienced trainer to model their facilitation style, to model their question handling style, to handle participants, to build NLP in their muscle memory, and to work in a safe environment of someone experienced.  Cheap programs might sound a good deal, but eventually it is better to pay extra to learn NLP from somebody who knows what they are doing.  If a person is suffering and needs medical attention, they won’t risk going to a doctor who is operating patients on the road.


What can NLP do for me?

NLP won’t do anything to the participant.  Question is to check back and ask yourself, what do you want to do with NLP?  There are some people who have  issues from the past that they want to let go ( bad  memories), some want to get rid of certain   phobias,  some want to become a better speaker,  some want to improve their communication skills,  some want to improve their coaching skills,  some want to set goals, and move towards them,  some want to let go of beliefs that are holding them back, some want to change some behaviours that don’t work for them,  some want to  install a new belief, some want to learn group / team coaching, and some want to improve  sales skills.  These are some of the outcomes that people expect when they are contemplating to attend an NLP training program, hence, they are provided as part of NLP Training FAQs. 


How important is an NLP Certification?

NLP Certification is a piece of paper, and what is more important is what it can get you.  If a certification is going to get you a credential as an ICF Coach in a corporate office which can earn you a million-dollar multi-year deal, then yes, the certification is great.  If you are learning NLP to just change some area(s) of your life, then certification is truly just a piece of paper.  Understand your need for an NLP Certification, and then depending on how the outcome suits you with what you have at hand, decide the right combination of certification accordingly.


Will NLP help me in changing all areas of my life?

This is a Social Media Marketing statement, ‘Fix all areas of your life with NLP’, ‘Get answers to all your questions by attending an NLP training’.  Common sense prevails here.  A person needs to look through the gimmick that is around NLP marketing, and look into it deep in terms of what they are looking for from an NLP training program and based on that should take a call.  This is the most important information from a training perspective and has been provided here as NLP Training FAQs to help understand this better. 

A person can change only if there is a willingness to change.  No matter who is training or coaching, if a person has decided that they don’t want to change, then nothing can change them.  The basic step of change is the willingness of a person to change, and then the NLP techniques / methodology will come into picture.


What is the sequence of an NLP training?

Classic Route:  NLP Practitioner program, NLP Master Practitioner, NLP Trainer and NLP Master Trainer.

Coaching Route:  NLP Coach, Master NLP Coach

Hypnosis Route:  Hypnosis Practitioner, Certified Hypnosis Master Practitioner

Classic Route: 

NLP Practitioner:  NLP Practitioner is the basic program, generally 7-9 days or in some cases if additional topics are covered, can go up to 12-14 days.  NLP Practitioner is useful for those who are looking to experience NLP and its flavour and want to undergo Personal Transformation.

Master Practitioner:  NLP Master Practitioner is 8-9 days course or sometimes 11-12 days, depending on who runs it, and how they are doing it.  Some trainers prefer to have 9am – 6 pm timing, and some prefer 10 am – 4 pm, and depending on how the timings are, the duration changes.  Master practitioner is where a person goes deeper into NLP fundamentals, NLP techniques, NLP modelling techniques etc.  The idea is to get more knowledge and skills on using NLP, and is a step towards NLP Trainer, which is the next step.

NLP Trainer:  NLP Trainer is someone who is interested in teaching NLP (NLP Practitioner and NLP Master Practitioner programs).  Once a person has completed NLP Master Practitioner they can become an NLP Trainer and work with an accreditation body and become part of that.  New NLP Trainers work with established NLP bodies   and based on their choice and rapport with the NLP Master Trainer, they get some mentoring from them, and co facilitate some programs with them, so that they can speed up their learning process.

NLP Master Trainer:  NLP Master Trainer is the highest level of NLP Training.  It is not a course.  It is based on the time spent by an NLP Trainer with the accreditation body, their experience in delivering programs, and the number of programs an NLP Trainer has delivered.   Accordingly, an NLP Trainer can be provided with a designation of an NLP Master Trainer.

Coaching and Hypnosis tracks:  Coaching and Hypnosis tracks are modules inside an NLP Practitioner / NLP Master Practitioner program.  Some trainers run it as modules inside the NLP program, some trainers prefer to run them independently.  NLP can be used for Coaching and Hypnosis model of NLP and that is called Milton Model, which is based on modelling work of Milton Erickson who was a conversational hypnotist.  Many participants have benefited from NLP Training FAQs, as it provides a holistic idea about what to expect in an NLP program. 


Which NLP Techniques will be taught during the NLP Practitioner program?

NLP is a methodology, a technology of achievement which leaves behind a trail of techniques.  NLP Techniques is a by-product of the NLP framework.  We do cover NLP techniques in the course, but the essence of NLP is more than NLP techniques.  We focus on the methodology and framework; techniques are applications, which are covered during the course as well.


What are the criteria to find out that the course is very good?

    • Profile and quality of work done by the Master Trainer (What is the legacy of the Trainer)
    • Accreditation of the course
    • International affiliations and training approvals
    • Testimonials (Google page, LinkedIn  profile of the trainers)
    • Help and mentoring from coaches’ post program
    • Repeat policy

These are some factors that one must consider before joining for a course.


What is NLP?

There are many trainers who have created their own definitions of NLP.  Here are some we can explore:

  • NLP is about modelling excellence – If someone can do something, anybody can model their strategy and can replicate the same
  • NLP is Neuro how we experience the world using our five senses, linguistics – verbal and non-verbal, how we give meaning to those experiences and relate, and programming – how using strategies and techniques we create long lasting habits and behaviours
  • NLP is whatever works
  • NLP is the user manual for our brain
  • NLP is a powerful technology to unlock human potential
  • NLP is about enhancing communication in our personal and professional lives


What is NLP – History, Evolution and Future?

NLP came into existence way back in mid-1970s, when Richard Bandler stumbled upon the work of Fritz Perlz (Father of Gestalt Therapy), leveraged his work and improved on that in due course with John Grinder (other co developers: Frank Pucilic, Robert Dilts, Leslie Cameron Bandler, Christina Hall, David Gordon etc.) by modelling Virginia Satir and Milton Erickson’s work.  In due course many others contributed to NLP including various Tier 1 NLP trainers Steve Andreas, Charles Faulkner, Tad James etc.

In due course NLP spread far and wide to UK, Australia, Latin America, and later on to East Asia and India.

Future of NLP:  NLP is now mainstream and is used as a Behavior Change Model in Leadership Development Trainings, Leadership and Executive Coaching,  Sales Trainings, and is  used by Therapists, Counsellors etc.  With self help space experiencing massive growth in last 4-5 years, NLP has further expanded and penetrated in various parts of the world.  It is here to stay!!


We take great pride in bringing you the most authentic NLP programs at a great price.  We make sure that the information provided is absolutely correct, we stay away from the Gimmick that is there in the NLP World these days.  We value our association with our participants, and ensure that they get best value for money, and continued support for further development. 

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