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How to find a good NLP training program

How to find a good NLP training program

Simple steps to make sure that your quest for an authentic Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP training) program is successful.  If you are looking for how to find a good NLP training program, then this post is provide useful information regarding the same.  

Before you set out to find great treasure and claim your share of it, prepare for the fool’s gold you are bound to find along the way.  If you are searching for an NLP training course, read further.

In the heady days of the gold rush, people would blindly jump onto any of the hundreds of carts and wagons heading towards a rumored mine. They did not stop to consider whether the vehicle they took was well-equipped or would crumble much before they reached their destination. And being ignorant and gullible, they wouldn’t be able to differentiate between real gold and shiny pieces of rocks and stones.

The difference in today’s gold rushes is that there is ready data to enlighten and guide us to the genuine article and away from the cons and fakes.

With more and more people jumping onto the NLP training bandwagon, understanding what a truly effective training program must contain is of great significance, and the below mentioned points will go a long way to ensure that you understand How to find a good NLP training program, and ensure that it fits into your own long term scheme of things. 

Good NLP training program ~ some features to look for:

Program fee: Good quality comes at a price. While you can only choose programs that suit your pocket, beware of those that seem low-cost and therefore attractive. Do not choose affordability Over quality. Otherwise, you may end up paying the hidden cost of being taught content regurgitated and repackaged directly from the Internet.

Accreditation: NLP’s founders had the foresight to set up organizations to oversee, monitor and approve the quality of training being imparted globally. However, this did not prevent untrained/unqualified people from running their unauthorized programs at will. While sniffing out such fake programs may not always be feasible, you can be watchful. Do not compromise on your credibility by aligning with just any random program on offer. Ensure it has been approved by more than one global accreditation authority.

Quality of the Master Trainer: When a trend turns into a worldwide phenomenon, quantity tends to supersede quality. But you cannot afford to be okay with that. Do not compromise on the quality and proficiency of your trainer. Find out if they have the wherewithal to train you with the right blend of domain knowledge, approach, and methodologies that will optimize your learning experience.  How to find a good NLP training program, well do your research well about your trainer and coach.  

Ongoing guidance and support: Training is just the beginning. You will need expert hands to guide you through the rest of your NLP journey. Benefit from the expertise and experience available in your training faculty. Find out if senior coaches and trainers are willing to guide you even after you’ve completed the program.

Relevant program content: The history of NLP is good to know. But understanding the future of the field gives you a competitive edge. Look for a program that offers both historical and modern content. You need them both. To become a competent NLP practitioner tomorrow, you need to stay abreast of the trends in NLP methodologies today. At the same time, you may sidestep rookie mistakes by learning from what practitioners and experts did in the past. You may even take those inputs to address current needs in Leadership/Wellness/Business/Life Coaching. Or you may discover approaches that have become outdated and understand why they don’t work anymore in the modern context. If you want to the attend the best NLP training in India, then you must ensure that you have understood the program content, and about the NLP trainer as well.

Let’s say you have completed your research and have zeroed in on the perfect NLP training program for you by researching about how to find a good NLP training program. There are still a few pitfalls you must look out for, such as:

NLP Trainers /Training ~ Misrepresentations and Gimmicks

Fabricated experience

A fake NLP trainer tends to mislead people with fabricated numbers. They declare decades and decades of experience in the field when NLP as a methodology has only been around since the 1970s. Not even NLP’s founders can make that claim. Or they declare training lakhs and lakhs of people when their practice is only a few years old. There are trainers who claim to have addressed hundreds of participants in a single NLP Practitioner training program. Discredit them. Only the founders could have attracted (100+ in a batch, with 10+ assistants around) more than the industry above the average of 30 to 40 participants (market leaders attract that numbers) in one batch.  How to find a good NLP training program, ensure that you can see through fabricated experience.  If a person is saying NLP will make you a great communicator, and you can see a poor speaker talking about it, then you don’t have to go beyond.  

Tall claims on social media

When one global phenomenon intersects with another, it’s to be expected that the two will find ways to grow together. The intermingling of the social media and NLP worlds has resulted in both pros and cons. In India, people have taken to social media like moths to a flame. Unfortunately, this hasn’t directly translated to proper awareness of facts and legends. Very few lay people on these forums actually know what NLP is about. There’s also a growing tendency to believe all that is said in virtual forums without realizing it is far from reality.

This fact has been exploited by so-called NLP training companies. It’s therefore common to see them claiming to have trained incredibly high numbers of people or claiming to be the best in the field based on purely fabricated experience. What is truly scary is that they think they can get away with it. Even if you call out one fraudster, the next fraudster is already putting up a page on social media with similar claims. So beware, and weed out the fraudsters!

In Conclusion

It is smart to find your preferred NLP program, trainer, mentor etc through independent research. Do your initial shortlisting using the web. Use your traditional offline sources, contacts, and methods to dig out more information. And if you’re still unsure, use your common sense. If you know how to distinguish the real ones, you are less likely to be deceived by these programs.

It’s highly possible that the fakes and frauds will get away with their claims and continue to ply their trade, unchecked. The onus is on you to avoid being taken in by them and to find smart ways to separate the gilt from the gold.

Visit Asia’s only course recognized by Association of NLP, UK, and American Board of NLP (ABNLP), two major international NLP boards, and International Coach Federation (ICF-USA), delivered by none other than Vikram Dhar, Asia’s most sought after NLP Master Trainer and Coach. 


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