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Benefits of Meta NLP Training

By on Mar 19, 2020 in Blog |

Benefits of Meta NLP Training

Meta NLP (Neuro-Semantics) is increasingly gaining popularity as more people are reaping additional benefits of Meta NLP Training. The purpose of this post is to talk about how Meta NLP (created by Michael Hall) is different from Classic NLP, and how Meta NLP is the ‘Latest Code of NLP’, and the future of NLP. If you do not know about the benefits of Meta NLP Training already, or if you want to know more about it, read further-

What is Meta NLP?

Meta NLP (Neuro-Semantics) is the model of human functioning that describes how people operate and experience their lives.  It builds on the extension and simply the latest code of NLP, not just because it just arrived, but because it has been constantly improved since the inception when it was first coined.  Meta NLP builds on traditional classic NLP, and has propagated and proliferated at a great rate.

It was co-founded by Dr. Michael Hall with Dr. Bob Bodenhamer in 1996 as a field which focuses on helping people unleash their hidden potential and highest performance.

How is Meta NLP different from NLP?

In essence, Meta NLP is not different from NLP, because Meta NLP has expanded the classic NLP to soaring heights. So, it retains the essence of classic NLP, and expanded NLP and took it to greater heights as Meta NLP encapsulated NLP and benefits of NLP, and provides a direction to NLP Practitioners as to how NLP can be leveraged for self (Heart of Meta NLP), and how NLP extended into Meta NLP can be used for applications of current era. The benefits of Meta NLP training is in the application of content and contextualize it.

The term ‘meta’ refers to one thing ‘above’ ‘beyond’ or ‘at a higher level’ to the other thing. Likewise, Meta NLP involves the process of mentally stepping back and rising up from immediate experience to notice what you are thinking and feeling, and how you can give much more useful and helpful meaning to the event or experience, and gain much better control over your thoughts and emotions.

  • Meta NLP explores the concepts of self-acceptance, self-appreciation and self-esteem in wide depths. Where NLP highlighted how you can run your own brain, Meta NLP empowers you to run your own brain, and also take charge of your life and stay congruent with life choices. The patterns of Meta NLP bring in much needed self-reflections for NLP Practitioners to sort out their own life first, before they work with others.
  • Meta NLP enables you to explore the matrix of your mind that make contextual meaning of your reality. Where NLP elaborated that people re-present their reality, Meta NLP narrates how people make meanings out of their experiences. It helps you to navigate through the matrix of your resourceful as well as un-resourceful beliefs, concepts, and understandings. It allows you identify the mental-and emotional frames that govern your lives and map your experiences and ideas.

Meta NLP has identified over 80 + ways in which people move around the diamond of consciousness, perception and focus. There are frames, and various frames within-frames that govern processes of re-presentation and meaning-making around the reality, and making benefits of Meta NLP training very evident. Meta NLP has elaborated the larger mental contexts within which paradigms, understandings, and decisions are formed. In simple language Meta NLP provides way to understand the current reality by applying Meta NLP framing model, which is based on how we evaluate things, how we give meaning to them, and when we have those available, it is easy to figure out how we make meanings of our reality, and how we can be more in control of our thinking patterns, by being more aware of those Frames.

  • Meta NLP includes numerous meta patterns for you to strategically work with your mind and create the most resourceful states. Where classic NLP gives a working model of how thoughts translate into responses, behaviours, and actions, Meta NLP elaborates how the meanings (semantics) that people have in their minds in the form of words, memories, self-talk, imagination, etc translates into feelings in their bodies (neurology) so then they experience meta states.

How is Meta NLP Training useful for you? What are the benefits of Meta NLP Training?

The evolved concepts and principles of Meta NLP further support and enhance the exploration as well as experience of NLP. Consequently, the most noteworthy of the benefits of Meta NLP Training is the ease that several Meta NLP skills offer to apply NLP tools and techniques much more effectively.

The key models covered in regular NLP training are:

  • The Meta Model of language for change work
  • Representational Systems Model
  • Eye Accessing Cues Model
  • The Milton Model
  • Strategy Model
  • Basic Meta Programs Model
  • The Sub-modalities Model
  • Time-lines
  • Specific models for specific outcomes: Spelling strategy, Phobia resolution model, Motivation strategy, Decision strategy, Positive parenting, NLP techniques etc.

The several specific Neuro-Semantic models that are covered in advanced Meta NLP training are:

  • The Meta-States Model
  • Mind-Lines Model
  • The Frame Games or Inner Game Model
  • The Matrix Model
  • Axes of Change Model
  • The Self-Actualisation Quadrants of Meaning and Performance
  • The Peak Performance Model

Below mentioned are some of the additional benefits of Meta NLP Training-

  • The Meta NLP training gives you a better understanding of self. Furthermore, it allows you to understand others better, and become more empathetic as well as compassionate.
  • The Meta NLP training enables you to think more systemically for increasing personal choices
  • During Meta NLP training, you learn how to develop self-reflective consciousness to “go meta” to your thoughts, feelings, states, and experiences to further expand your perspective for greater wisdom, and avoid the meta-muddles. When you go meta, you are able to align all the levels of your mind for getting more personal power of congruence, creating more wealth and financially independence, and enjoying more fulfilling relationships.

When you understand how your beliefs, values, decisions, identity, mission, vision, intention, memories all work together, you can easily eliminate internal conflicts, relate to others with more elegance and grace, sell more effectively and ethically, and take your performance to the highest levels.

Integrated Meta NLP + Certified NLP Practitioner Program at NLP Coaching Academy

Our flagship integrated Meta NLP + NLP Practitioner, Meta Coaching Essentials and ICF Coach Training Program is Asia’s only course recognised by the most reputed accreditation bodies like International Society of Neuro-Semantics (ISNS), American Board of NLP (ABNLP), International Coach Federation (ICF), Meta Coaching, and International Association of Professional Coaches, Counselors, and Therapists (IAPCCT), and is delivered by Vikram Dhar, the best NLP trainer in India, who at times is  called by his participants as Richard Bandler of India. The program is based on the learning from Richard Bandler, John Grinder, Frank Pucelik, Robert Dilts, Michael Hall, Steve Andreas, and other developers of NLP, Meta NLP, and latest advances in NeuroScience.

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