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How to decide which NLP Program to attend

By on Sep 9, 2021 in Blog |

How to decide which NLP Program to attend

The winning NLP program for you at times can be a tricky choice with the plethora of NLP trainers portraying to be the best NLP trainer in India, the choices are many, and the criteria to figure out who is authentic and who is a fake trainer can be mind-boggling if you are figuring out how to decide which NLP program to attend.  If you are reading this blog, you have made up your mind to undertake NLP training, or are searching how to select the right NLP training provider. And the very first step for the same is choosing the right NLP trainer, who provides the best NLP training in India / Asia (considering now businesses operate globally).

To understand how to select the right NLP training provider under that each NLP trainer is different. Some may help you deal with resourcefulness or an unhealthy habit, focus on a goal, while others may give you an insight into the various top NLP techniques, and how they have to be used for self and with others as an NLP Coach. They even differ in the manner of teaching, experience levels and backgrounds.

Hence it is essential to make sure that you make the correct choice.

If you are not sure how to choose the right one, you have landed on the correct page. Here is a quick and easy peasy guide to getting you started with how to select the right NLP training provider.

Factors ~ How to decide which NLP program to attend?

Content versus cost. Insights versus data. Credibility versus popularity. Time versus value. Too many parameters make the choice of the right NLP training program confusing. Here’s how you can pick out the winner from a crowd.

NLP training leading to NLP Practitioner certification can be the giant leap that your career sorely needs. Before you leap, take a careful look around.  A new training institution is coming up every other month, proclaiming to be the best in the business, and this has been the state of NLP training in India from last 7-8 years. There was a time in India when NLP trainers were not available to deliver an NLP program, and now there are so many using that title (half baked NLP trainers / some not even trained), that at times it can become difficult to filter through the fakery.  As a newcomer to the field, you may not have sufficient information to separate the pretender from the champion.

Are you clear about your reason for taking NLP coaching?

The very first thing that you have to understand is, not all NLP training is the same. They differ in terms of training style, skillset and experience level of the participants.

Hence, when choosing the right NLP trainer, you should be ready to do a bit of research to find the trainer that suits your requirements.

For instance, you should have full clarity about your life goals. Is it to make more money in business? Or develop strong relationships? Or attaining physical wellness or good communication skills? Having a specific goal in mind will help the NLP trainer to target your need during the training program.

And in fact, you can even choose an NLP trainer who has dealt with a case like yours before. After all, having experience in similar cases matter a lot!

And in case you do not have any specific problem in mind, then don’t worry at all. Whatever coach you choose, remember that they should work with diverse NLP techniques to make lives better.

What do you want to do after NLP coaching?

Some people just wish to improve their life quality while others want to become coaches themselves.

If you are clear with the end goal then it will be easy for you to choose the coach and make a choice from the varied programs they have to offer. This is absolutely important question to consider when you are trying to figure out how to select the right NLP training provider.

As discussed above, if you want to sort an issue in hand, choose who has dealt with your kind of issues before. But if you want to take NLP as a career choice, then select a well-established coach who has many credentials and has a good standing in the market to deliver results.

Or, if your end goal is just to understand the concept of NLP, then a short online course may be sufficient.

Here are the chief factors that you should include when you are considering how to decide which NLP program to attend:

  • Content

Probe into the details of the course being offered. Is it an actual NLP Practitioner program or a basic introduction to NLP? Many NLP Practitioner programs in India are just an introduction to NLP, so check the authenticity of the program, content, accreditation body, trainer qualifications, trainer experience etc. Are the topics covered diverse and comprehensive? Or are they sketchily tossed together? Another feature that distinguishes the good from the bad is the flexibility and customizability of the content. Therefore, check whether the program offers the level of information you seek. If not, are there provisions for specific topics to be included into the curriculum to suit your needs?  This is the main consideration for you when you are looking for how to decide which NLP course to attend.  Is the trainer qualified enough to take you through a journey of NLP, leading into applications of NLP, and enabling you to experience NLP so that you can apply it in your personal and professional life.

  • Cost

You may have set aside a budget for learning and development. Does the program fee fit in? Are you overspending for a course whose quality is not guaranteed? If it is expensive, find out why. Could it be the stay at an expensive venue that is inflating the fee? Are they offering any discounts that you can avail? Will it include training material? Compare it with other programs that are on your shortlist. Do not assume. Check and double-check to arrive at the best deal.  Make sure that the amount you are spending is for the program not for the stay at the venue, which can inflate the price of the program.  You might as well spend on a quality program with the best NLP trainer, rather than a poor program at the best venue of the country.

  • Duration

There are 5-day, 6-day, 7-day, and 10-day Practitioner training programs. Pick the one that best suits your availability and the hours you can set aside for training in a day, for assignments etc. Also factor in the level of intensity of the course. For example, a deep-dive 6-days program means you get about 10 hours of training in a day plus home assignments. This might be more effective than a 9-days program that gives you only about 5-6 training hours per day. The more intensive programs will ensure you’re not spending too many days in training and are not taking too much time off your regular job. The shorter duration may also bring down the training cost relatively. Do a comparative analysis of the programs to understand which one offers real value for your money.  There are some organizations who will give you dual benefit or attending the program online (instructor led), and then allowing you to sit for a refresher in the classroom program as well.  Considering online has become a defacto mode of training, consider that option as well, and see if it makes sense for you to attend everything online (Instructor led), along with the evaluations, if any.  This way you can get to work with the best NLP trainer from a location of your choice, and might be able to spend your investment on the trainer fee, rather than on travel and stay, and attend a substandard program.

  • Certification

Practitioner. Master Practitioner. What tag are you after? What post-program takeaways can you expect? A certificate of training? Membership to a renowned institution/online portal? Is it accredited by an internationally recognized authority/institution? Is mentoring and professional support offered?  This is one of the critical elements when you are considering how to decide which NLP course to attend.  Get access to the best NLP training program with the best NLP trainer, that makes more sense that going for fancy names of the certificates.  Yes, if certificates are coming along with training program, which generally will come by attending a training program with the best trainer, because they will have all major national and international accreditations for their programs.  Hence, certification as an aspect is important and do take care of that as well.

  • Trainer

Ensure that you have done a thorough background check on the trainer who is going to facilitate the NLP session.  What are the credentials of the NLP trainer.  Are they really amongst the best NLP trainers in India, Asia, and beyond.  What is their reputation in the market.  Do they have mentors that they can boast about.  Do you have skills that they can demonstrate, and talk about.  What is their market buzz?  What do they share on their social pages, on their blog, and on other content platforms?  Do you connect with their content, their videos, and their Linkedin profile, etc.  Is the trainer a coach as well, as that provides you an input into that area as well.  NLP Coaching, Leadership Coaching, Executive Coaching, Life Coaching etc.  In fact, Vikram Dhar who is the founder of NLP Coaching Academy is one of the top celebrity life coaches in India.  He is also one of the best NLP trainers in the world, and facilitates NLP based program, and other behaviour based programs in Emotional Intelligence, Neuroscience & NLP, Gestalt, Cognitive Behavioural Coaching etc.  Learning from the best is a critical part of attending an NLP program.

  • Continuity

To answer the last question, you need to check whether the support will continue once the program is completed and you’re no longer a participant. Does the training institute have a process in place that allows you to refer back to your erstwhile faculty/co-participants/alumni/associated NLP coaches? This kind of support structure and belonging to the NLP fraternity is vital. It will help you stay fresh and updated on what is happening in the NLP world. It can serve as a bridge between your theoretical learning from the course and its practical application in your professional/personal world.

Are you all prepared?

Once you have chosen the right coach, ask yourself one last time: are you ready for the change? Can you commit the time and energy these sessions will need? Can you move out of the stubborn mindset and get ready to learn something new?

The above questions are extremely important as you are one who has to undergo the change, and this is a key point when you are searching for how to select the right NLP training provider.

Your coach is mere a guide to facilitate the change process, you are the one who is going to take all the actions. Coach can be there to manage the coaching process, but at the end it is you who have to give their 100 percent.

Also, understand that NLP is not a magic wand to your issues but a stepping stone for a transformed life.

In summary ~ How to decide which NLP program to attend

This article just gets you started on your research. For more insights, read top NLP trainers in India and the best NLP Practitioner program in India. And then use your own intelligence to make the right choice. It is apt that a program that changes your life begins with you taking control of your choices even before you enroll for it.

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