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How to Solve Life Problems with NLP

By on May 3, 2015 in Blog |

How to Solve Life Problems with NLP – Neuro Linguistic Programming

Neuro linguistic programming or NLP is a framework that makes use of language and communication structures to influence the human brain, and enables people to make better choices, to succeed in life, to get better results faster. In the 1970s, Richard Bandler and John Grinder developed it.

The purpose of NLP is to modify your neurological processes, language, and behavioral patterns. These changes enable a person to attain certain specific goals in life.

NLP includes a set of techniques, which are so powerful that they modify your performance rapidly, repeatedly, and effectively. Moreover, an operational philosophy is also integrated for guiding the participant.

Aim in life is of utmost importance

In life, it is vital to have definite outcomes.  Generally, most people do not have proper outcomes in life, and they wander arbitrarily all through their lives. NLP accentuates the significance of living with determined aim, and a framework for how to solve life problems with NLP.

To attain specific results, it is essential to work and converse in certain ways. The program includes an array of behavioral and linguistic patterns that have proved to be extremely effective. People are able to make changes in their confidence and performance by using simple NLP techniques.

When you use any of these models, NLP emphasizes the importance of nonstop calibration with people you interact. It helps to assess, if the pattern you are using is working for you or not. If the pattern does not work, then you will need to vary your behavior till the desired outcomes are achieved.

This difference in behavior is not arbitrary. It comprises of a systematic application of NLP  patterns. Another most important thing to remember here is to take a committed initiative, without which nothing will ever happen. In brief, NLP is about observing, thinking and taking action to attain your set goals in life.

Development of NLP

NLP study was conducted first at University of California. The main purpose of this program was to learn the various methods that psychotherapists use in achieving positive results. In the end, this study developed and changed into a complete framework, on its own.

Significance of modeling process

The initial study focused on a method called ‘Modeling’. Modeling helps to detect and verify certain characteristics of a person’s state of mind and behavior. It even aids to achieve specific domino effects, by making definite alterations to these traits.

How was modeling applied?

Dr. Milton Erickson was an eminent hypnotherapist, Virginia Satir was a family therapist, and Fritz Perl was a Gestalt therapist and they were the world’s three greatest experts chosen as the main models of the initial study.

The origin of NLP was developed through cautious analysis of approaches and patterns applied by these three personalities to get results with their clients. Analysis was made on definite characteristics of each technique developed by them. It included choice of words, speaking pattern, voice tones, postures, gestures, and eye movements.

What is provided today as Neuro linguistic programming is basically the creation of this modeling process. Since its first development, NLP has expanded and has been described again and again several times. NLP studies how your brain processes the language, and how it is used to handle difficult situations in life.

Basic assumptions of NLP

  • Mind and body belong to the same system
  • Well defined behaviors are helpful in solving tough situations
  • Every behavior has positive intention
  • All the necessary resources are available within the body and mind
  • The meaning of your communication gets reflected in the reaction of the person you interact with
  • There is no setback, just feedback
  • You are responsible to create your own experience, and also what happens to you

NLP has researched on talented people and developed the program by perceiving –

  • The formation and processes they applied to attain the given task
  • Their thoughts and values
  • Their way of using the available resources
  • Their way to handle the difficulties

These talented people act as models, who are example setters. People think about the method used to resolve an issue by the models, and they do things in the same way. NLP presumes that if one person does something well, then another individual too can learn to do the same thing well.

For example, a person suffering from phobia can study people, who do not fear. The fearful person’s beliefs, response, and values certainly changes. Either the impact of phobia gets removed or reduced.

Various models are applied to help people change their method of handling situation differently. The 5 senses examined closely include:

  • Sight
  • Sound
  • Smell
  • Touch
  • Taste

The models help NLP experts to ask the appropriate questions, and determine the structure of excellence.

Application of NLP techniques (How to Solve Life Problems with NLP)

  • For self-help program
  • As a therapy
  • As a way to enhance learning, in sales, and in sports
  • As a method to identify and enhance communication and analysis features

Advantages of NLP

NLP process can be helpful in making optimistic changes in your personal and professional lives. Your relationship with friends, colleagues, and family gets enhanced.

  • You attain a capability to recognize any restraining beliefs and personal inadequacies, which prevent you from attaining excellence in all phases of life. Once you identify these setbacks, learn to let them go, and move towards success without any hesitation.
  • You get guidance on how to use vocabulary with better accuracy and select words cautiously for communicating efficiently with others. Professional communication is critical to obtain what you desire for in life.
  • The art of self motivation can be learnt, which can help you to inspire others around you.
  • NLP helps you to control your own emotions, which helps you to deal with all kind of probabilities without any difficulty.

Neuro linguistic programming technique can be mastered through coaching. Undergoing NLP coaching can be a life changing experience to many people. Coaching provides significant advantage to people, who are performing different roles in organizations by facilitating their own answers for different situations, and growing professionally.

  • Directors and executives
  • Administrators
  • Managers
  • Engineering & IT staff
  • Sales staff
  • Receptionists
  • Customer care operatives
  • HR & counseling staff
  • Trainers

How NLP techniques help to optimize businesses & organizations performance?

  • Set clear business goals and define practical strategies
  • Coach current and new staff to gain satisfaction from their input
  • Helps in stress management and develop assertiveness, self-belief and confidence
  • Enhance sales performance and build a good relationship with customers
  • Better awareness helps to control ones emotions and appreciate other person’s feelings, which enables better understanding and cooperation
  • Boost employees efficiency, productivity and profitability

Operational principles of NLP

Sensory awareness – NLP teaches the skill to read people. It includes the aptitude to interpret any kind of changes in skin color & glow, muscle movement, and breathing rate.

Changing behavior – Change your behavior until you attain the desired reaction. Your sensory acuity will decide, if you are leading towards the goal or not. It the answer is positive, move ahead, and if it is negative, then you must do something else.

Time for action – You must act to change your behavior, which is needed for the welfare of yourself and others. ‘Take action now’ must be the new slogan.


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