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Posts by nlpcoach

How to become an Executive Coach in India

By on Nov 13, 2019 in Blog |

How to become an Executive Coach in India   Are you someone who is passionate about executive coaching? Are you that experienced executive who is looking at coaching as a second career option? Are you still in doubts about how, when and where to jump start on executive and leadership coaching career? And How to become an Executive Coach in India? Are you looking for a popular leadership coach training program in India that will fill your pocket with the wealth of proven coaching tips, tools and techniques? If yes, then here are few pointers for you to spot your route clearly on the journey to how to become an Executive Coach in India. Points to consider – How to become an Executive Coach in India #1. Envisage your future The greater clarity you have with regard to your ideal future vision as a coach, the easier it will be for you to plan, prepare, and implement your plans. Therefore, start with your ideal vision of your career as a professional executive coach. As if you have a magic wand to waive and create that perfect coaching career that you find most appealing, what would it look like, sound like, and feel like? What is the vision you have of your ideal future as a coach? Who will you coach? Where will the coaching take place? Will you consult by Skype or in your office or in places of business of your clients? What is your plan of action towards how to become a successful Executive Coach in India? Where do you want this career to get you in the future? What are the benefits? #2. Identify your bull’s eye The second most important point is not about How to become an Executive Coach in India, but extends further into How to become a Successful Executive Coach. Executive coaching is all about helping clients gain awareness, clarity, perspectives and learnings from different situations in the organisational setting. When you are starting as an executive coach, it is therefore advisable that you identify a niche for yourself where you have have both confidence as well as some considerable prior experience. When you decide to specialise in a coaching niche where you are...

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The need for Meta NLP training in India

By on Nov 7, 2019 in Blog |

Meta NLP training in India Just as manufacturers keep bringing improved and revised edition of their products, the co-developers of NLP have been enhancing and updating NLP models for years now. A lot of look-alike variations of NLP (Read: Why NLP is Rubbish) came and after some time vanished from the market, but Meta NLP stayed because it retained the essence of Classic NLP at its core. Moreover, Meta NLP extended the already existing NLP models to tap into the explanation of how exactly people give meaning to the events of life and go on forming understandings, beliefs, values etc. at various levels. Using the metaphor of ‘height’, Meta NLP explains and expands the existing powerful NLP tools in a much better and easier way. If you are looking for Latest Code of NLP or Newest Code of NLP, then definitely, you need Meta NLP training in India. Meta NLP has spread to over 40 countries all over the world. Growingly, India is also experiencing this radical shift in preference from NLP to Meta NLP – the improved and revised NLP. So, if you are someone who is intrigued to know why and how Meta NLP gained precedence over classic and other codes of NLP, read this article on the need for Meta NLP training in India:   What is Meta NLP? Meta NLP is the powerful framework for becoming more resourceful, taking control of your own life, and unleashing your hidden talents and potential.    Who can benefit from Meta NLP? Meta NLP is for each and everyone, because it’s learnings and findings apply to each and every aspect of human experience. If you want to master the powerful and effective techniques of managing mind and emotions to achieve success, health, happiness, self actualisation, and greater effectiveness effortlessly, then Meta NLP is for you.   What are the benefits of Meta NLP training? There are many added benefits of attending Meta NLP training in India. The robust framework of Meta NLP allows you to master your thinking and emotional states, easily read non-verbal communications, develop strong personal and professional relationships, understand fears, anxieties and limiting beliefs, adopt useful habits, and modify undesired behaviours in yourself and other people....

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How to become positive in Life

By on Nov 1, 2019 in Blog |

How to become positive in Life  If you are searching how to become positive in life, then Embrace the negative. Those who want higher emotional intelligence (or EQ) must necessarily make their peace with negative emotions. The very term Emotional Intelligence tells us that it has everything to do with the way we handle our emotions. Even here, most people don’t have much trouble negotiating positive emotions. Negative emotions, on the other hand, tend to leave scars on the individual and on relationships. Therefore, people wanting to enhance their emotional intelligence must have the ability to negotiate negative emotions, and even leverage them.  To further learn how to become positive in life, a person must bear the following mantras in mind: Pointers – How to become positive in Life 1.   Negative emotions are natural This self-evident statement is worth repeating. Since life is a journey of ups and downs, emotions too have a rollercoaster effect on the mind. They swing from the positive to the negative, aligned with the positive and negative developments in life. Accepting that negative emotions are integral to life helps us accept them and leads us one step closer to sanity. 2.   Negative emotions linger for longer “Positive emotions are like sparklers – they dissipate in no time. But negative emotions add a melancholic fragrance to our life like incense sticks.” This is a dialogue from an old Bollywood movie – the thought is lyrical, beautiful and truthful. Knowing that the effects of negative emotions tend to last longer help us “just be” with these emotions, instead of feeling victimized by them. As a bonus, we might also learn to celebrate and treasure the blips of positive emotions as and when they occur, and learn how to become positive in Life by being aware of our emotions. 3.   Culture suppresses negative emotions In many eastern cultures, children are taught to suppress negative emotions based on gender. For example, girls are encouraged not to get angry while boys are ridiculed if they cry to express sadness. As a result, children of both genders grow up converting an “unacceptable” negative emotion into another misleading negative emotion. Boys might get angry when they feel sad, and girls might cry...

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How to improve your Emotional Intelligence

By on Oct 25, 2019 in Blog |

How to improve your Emotional Intelligence  Five pillars determine the level of emotional intelligence (measured by EQ) of an individual. These include three intrapersonal pillars (self-awareness, management of emotions and motivation) and two interpersonal pillars (empathy and social skills). It is not surprising that EQ has intrapersonal as well as interpersonal dimensions. After all, emotional intelligence can be seen in the ability we have to navigate our own emotions and the emotions of those around us.  So if you are searching for how to improve your emotional intelligence read how empathy plays a big role in that. In this article, let us examine the crucial role played by empathy (an interpersonal phenomenon) to improve emotional intelligence (an intrapersonal phenomenon), and how to improve your emotional intelligence using Empathy: 1.    Empathy suspends judgment You cannot empathize that which you judge. In order to empathize, you have to keep your pre-conceived notions (biases, prejudices and judgements) at bay. This creates an openness within you to receive information. This information includes emotions. And as you judge less, you will find yourself connecting more with the person in front of you. Impact on EQ: Every pre-conceived notion distorts reality, just like a filter applied to a camera lens. Practicing the art of being non-judgmental helps us see the world as it is. This gradually helps us develop a greater acceptance of this world the way it is, not the way we want it to be. And the person who refuses to run away from reality is a person with a high EQ. 2.    Empathy improves listening Having suspended judgment and having resolved to connect with the other person, you now give your full attention to them. And listen. Not just to their words, but to the emotions and silences behind the words. You pay attention to the body language. When your boss says, “I think I’ll have a double scoop of ice-cream,” you will know whether the declaration conveys joy, sadness or resignation. Impact on EQ: Listening is integral to growth-oriented skills like problem solving, decision making, negotiating, conflict management etc. As you become a better listener, you will find your life becoming less obfuscating and more rewarding. And as you know, growth...

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Which NLP program to attend in India

By on Sep 20, 2019 in Blog |

Which NLP program to attend in India As a newcomer to the world of NLP, your first challenge will be to face a barrage of technical questions attached to NLP training programs. Which NLP program to attend in India? Which one should you join? What do the terms Classic NLP, Pure NLP, Authentic NLP, Better Code NLP, NeuroSemantics, Meta NLP, and latest developments of NLP mean? What is NeuroSemantics? Who does NeuroSemantics training in India? And will the program qualitatively differ based on these terms? How will the program coverage, content, experience of the trainer differ based on these terms? Well, it’s time for a quick history lesson, before we move into the noteworthy points with respect to which NLP program to attend in India. NLP was created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in the mid-70s. But one could also see the beginning of NLP as the culmination of work that was happening in the area of Human Potential Movement since the 1940s. NLP quickly became popular because it was results-based and not the typical cause-based approach to situations. People preferred solutions to causes and therefore, NLP gained momentum in the late 70s. By the early 80s, the first set of co-founders and co-developers had parted ways and created sects in NLP. In the process of creating distinct identities, many top NLP trainers of that era created half-baked theories out of the original classic code. For instance, John Grinder created the New Code, as a better alternative to classic code, but he was lambasted by other co-developers for many parts of New Code which they considered lame. For the next decade or so, nothing noteworthy emerged in NLP barring a couple of good ideas like Timeline. People continued to use bits and pieces of classic NLP, mixing and matching classic ideas with other methodologies. In the mid-90s, Michael Hall infused freshness into NLP with the introduction of Meta NLP (NeuroSemantics). Hall is one of the original pioneers of NLP. He had worked tirelessly in the shadows of other NLP co-founders and co-developers. Even as bad PR bogged down NLP in the 80s and late 90s, Hall was silently contributing to NLP. To the insiders, he was already a...

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