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Posts by nlpcoach

Business Coach Programs in India

By on Nov 21, 2018 in Uncategorized |

Business Coach programs in India Here are some answers to FAQs around Business Coach programs in India, based on what prospective participants have been asking, when they are exploring for Business Coach certification in India: How to decide which program to attend when a person is searching for Business Coach programs in India? Any coaching program which is classroom-based or an online course.  Classroom-based courses allow you to spend more time with Mentor Coaches and directly learn from their experience.  You can ask questions, and get personalized attention with respect to your queries during the course. The learning goes beyond coaching skills, once you build rapport with the Mentor Coach, you can ask other questions also: How to build a Business Coaching Brand? How to get coaching clients? How to build a coaching business from the ground up?  Online programs are useful if there is a constraint in terms of travel, location, distance, timings of attendance, and request for extra time post the program as well.  So if your considerations are to ensure that you want flexibility for attending Business Coach certification in India, then go for online programs.  Considering everybody is attending programs online, so you can go for Business Coach programs in India if you are looking for one. If you are searching for Business Coach programs in India, then, go with a coach who has been doing both: coaching + delivering training programs.  Both require different skills. Someone who has been delivering training programs and is not coaching, won’t have the same amount of grip on the subject as the one who is doing both.  So make sure that your coach trainer is also a coach. One-to-one coaching is more like sharpening your coaching saw. Each client is unique and provides a different learning experience for the coach as well. Third, make sure that the program is based on a Behavior-based framework.  Well, honestly there are many coaching models, and NLP-based, Meta NLP one is the most impactful as it provides a person with skills with respect to the application of Behavior Change tools/frameworks. No other coaching model comes close to NLP when it comes to Coaching tools and frameworks. What is the procedure to become...

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Law of Attraction Training in Bangalore

By on Sep 22, 2018 in Blog |

Law of Attraction training in Bangalore Well, everybody under the sun is talking about the Law of Attraction.  What really is the Law of Attraction and does it really work? Well, there are many many versions of this so-called Law of Attraction.  Some are digestible for a sane common person to believe (eg. You think about something on a daily basis, act on set actions, and you can make it happen) and some are as ridiculous as: Sign a cheque for future with Amount X and you will make amount X happen during that time frame.  If that was the case, everybody in the world would be applying Law of Attraction to write a million-dollar cheque for themselves for the very next day, buy a million-dollar lotto ticket for the next day and become a millionaire in one day. In this article, we are not going to talk about all the ridiculous theories that exist and which one to believe in or not, because we will have to write a book about the dumb versions of the theory which have evolved over the years. So what is the Law of Attraction, and whether it works? This question has perplexed many, and this question is the very reason many people have been happily duped by so-called Law of Attraction Gurus in some form or the other to buy some bogus Law of Attraction training online or even a Law of Attraction training programs (classroom-based) to that extent. Law of Attraction training concept is attractive because it provides a lazy alternate for a person to believe that success is easy to get.  Some of the concepts like ->send energy into the universe and receive bountiful money etc all sound good to hear and easily implementable because it does not require much work.  Reality is, it does not work that way.  Even the top Coaches in the world (Names not mentioned here) have ridiculed the Law of Attraction which has been promoted by very famous authors in some strange ways. For the sake of the blog, we will not hit somebody hard, and mention their name.  Let it remain a ‘Secret’. Modern day law of attraction has to be called as ‘Updated...

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NLP Training program considerations in Pune

By on Aug 30, 2018 in Blog |

NLP training program in Pune If you are looking for NLP training program in Pune, you may notice that there are many NLP trainers in Pune who offer a two-day diploma in NLP or a Foundation program in NLP, so that you can check it out and know what it is all about. You need NLP Practitioner Training Program to make a decent basic entry into the NLP World. The variations, like one day or two days which have come up, will continue to come up, but they serve more as a preparatory course or a marketing strategy to pull people towards the actual NLP Practitioner training program. You need more than two days to understand the content and practical applications of NLP. So even if you are exploring what NLP is all about it is a better idea to attend an NLP Practitioner program directly, because half day, one day, or two days won’t be even NLP. They will be a marketing version, which means there will be activities (some not even NLP) which are catered towards making participants more curious about an extended course. Many NLP Trainers in Pune (some project to be NLP Master Trainers & NLP Trainers on their site, beware of them, that itself is another topic) offer NLP Practitioner program, but the quality of the program depends on the factors listed below: • The trainer who is conducting the training program • Who has trained the trainer who is conducting the NLP Practitioner Program • Whether the program is theoretical or experiential • The trainers’ practical experience with NLP • The way they use NLP and the areas they have developed using NLP It is important to find out what the program is all about if you want the best out of an NLP program. Does the program cover: using NLP in improving communication, how to manage mental and emotional state, how it can be applied and used successfully in different situations, how to apply NLP for Self Coaching and coaching others, and how it can be used in personal and business areas with multiple explanations of NLP topics based on activity, reflections, and discussions. You also need to find out if the...

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How can I grow my business

By on Aug 14, 2018 in Blog |

Looking for an answer to how can I grow my business? There are many ways to grow your business but we will not be discussing here how it can be done.  We will be looking at ways where a person can rely on their own strengths to grow their business without depending on external input. Most of the time a business person will be alone and during that time they have to rely on their own strengths, positive thoughts, and mental state to be able to function in a way so that they can make business decisions quickly, stay calm while doing tasks related to business, generate ideas to expand their business, and most importantly enjoy the journey of being an entrepreneur or a business person.  The answer to how can i grow my business is something that bugs an entrepreneur often. The Art of Self-Coaching is a very powerful way to get a breakthrough especially if a person is experiencing a negative block with respect to a particular scenario.  Powerful questions can provide a breakthrough in your business, and you might be surprised to know that most of the top business coaches in India or globally rely on their self coaching skills along with getting coached from other coaches when it comes to expanding their own businesses. Self-Coaching needs a different skill set, and it starts from answering some powerful questions. If you know your situation, the kind of question that you can ask yourself will be very relevant and can help to save a lot of time.  Keep your power questions ready, and create them when you are in a state of calmness, so that you can create some best self-coaching power questions for yourself. We will explore some of the powerful questions later in this post that you can ask yourself if you are thinking on:  how to increase sales  how can i grow my business  brand positioning  how to find ways to do Agile Marketing or Neuro Marketing  ways to connect more with potential clients and improve sales  feeling stuck and cannot think clearly where to focus when it comes  to your  business  not being sure what is the first step among many steps that...

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NLP Training FAQs – Read this first

By on Jun 2, 2018 in Blog |

NLP Training FAQs These NLP Training FAQs are based on the questions that people generally ask us, and these are important from the perspective of somebody who is looking to attend an NLP Training program.  NLP Training FAQs are an important element from a participant perspective, as it provides them an idea about what is going to happen in a course, provide information about the trainer, and also the structure of the certification.  How is NLP Coaching Academy different than others? We don’t compare ourselves to others.  We focus on what we do, we can tell what we have been doing, and what makes us unique. We are accredited by American Board of NLP (ABNLP), and our NLP Trainer Vikram Dhar is Certified by ABNLP, is an ICF Mentor Coach, Licensed Behaviour Trainer, Licensed Neuro-Semantics Trainer, and an ICAgile Authorized Trainer to facilitate Agile Certified Coach training (the only trainer in the world to have this qualification combination). He is certified by Richard Bandler, John Grinder, and has trained extensively in classic code and New Code NLP, NeuroScience, and NeuroSemantics. He has been trained and has attended mentoring sessions with John Grinder, Frank Pucelik, Robert Dilts, Ian McDermott, Michael Hall, Michael Beale, Shelle Rose, some of the big names (Co-founders and Co-developers, and Tier 1 NLP Trainers and Coaches) in NLP. Our trainings are also approved by International Coach Federation (ICF, USA) for ACSTH hours, which allow a participant to become an ICF ACC Coach. This probably is the only program in the world which offers this combination of NLP & NeuroScience in course curriculum along with a path towards ICF certification. Our Master Practitioner level course is a modular based course which allows a participant to learn Team and Group Coaching, Accelerated Learning, New Code NLP (John Grinder’s approach), Coaching using Neuro Science, and the latest developments in Neuro Science, which are changing the NLP world drastically by bringing in elements of science and research into NLP. We have a large NLP Trainer and Coaches network spanning across many countries: USA, Canada, UK, Dubai, Australia, Kuwait, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Australia and various cities in India. We allow best post program support by having all participants in a closed...

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