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Posts by nlpcoach

How to select the best ICF Coach certification program

By on May 10, 2018 in Blog |

How to select the best ICF coach certification program If you are someone who is searching for coach certification programs, you would have probably had your head spinning from the range of available choices. You may also be curious to know about how to select the best ICF coach certification program. Therefore, this article has been written to guide your understanding of how to select the best ICF coach certification program. It does not matter whether you want to become a Life Coach, Business Coach, Sales Coach, or Leadership Coach. This article will help you identify your preferences and expectations from the coach training programs. That’s because the focus of this article is to take you one step closer to finding your answer to the question ‘how to select the best ICF coach certification program’. How to select the best ICF coach certification program Once you are clear about your preferences and expectations, you can easily identify which coaching training program stands out for you. After all, the best coach certification program has to be the one that meets your needs and preferences absolutely. So, don’t waste any time and get started! Ascertain your preferences- Answering the following questions to identify your preferences What specifically do you want from the ICF coach certification program? Identify the outcome you are seeking from the training program. When you know your desired outcomes specifically, it often becomes easy to identify how to select the best ICF coach certification program that will fit your needs and aspirations. Each person’s reason and agenda for attending a coach training program is different. Become clear about your reasons for attending the program. Some people attend the program to learn how to coach themselves better. Some managers attend the coach training program to hone their leadership skills and people management skills. A lot of individuals attend coaching programs to learn life coaching skills. Aspiring and experienced coaches attend the coach training program to enhance their coaching skills and network with others-So on and so forth. Whatever is your reason, be crystal clear about it because it is an important decisive criteria while selecting a program. According to trends, individuals who want to establish themselves as professional coaches...

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Top NLP Training in India

By on Apr 25, 2018 in Blog |

Top NLP training in India Some of the so-called top NLP training in India (as claimed by some Indian trainers) are run by fraudulent trainers, who basically have not even completed NLP Master Practitioner and NLP Trainer level.  They shamelessly claim to be NLP Master Trainers.  The fraud does not end there, now these so-called NLP Master Trainers are creating further NLP Master Trainers as well, and calling it a value-add.  Shameful!  This post is not to ‘name them to shame them’, but this is a content post for awareness.  Some of these frauds will lure you in and then try to sell some great promise,  which is the latest fraud that is prevalent in the market. It is easy to fall for them as they sound very easy way out.   An NLP Master Trainer tag does not come because of a training program.  It is a commitment that an NLP Trainer demonstrates, and some of the top NLP bodies like the Society of NLP (SNLP), International Society of NeuroSemantics (ISNS), American Board of NLP (ABNLP), and NLP University have basic criteria around that.  For example, to facilitate 6+ NLP Practitioner level programs and co-facilitation requirement in 2+ NLP Master Practitioner level programs, number of years as NLP Trainer, validation by Master Trainers.  This is an example of how an NLP Trainer can move into a designation of an NLP Master Trainer by a decent accreditation body, and that does not seem to be the norm these days, especially in India, where anybody and everybody claims to be a Best NLP Trainer in India, and Master Trainer in India.  Indians generally are not gullible, it is vice versa, some Indians are expert crooks who want to cheat people by portraying something which is different from reality and they shamelessly do it.  Well, it is not only Indians, but we also have many foreign trainers coming to India, portraying as brand ambassadors of International NLP associations, and they have created a business of cheating Indians based on how the information is being shown.  As usual, most Indians don’t pay attention and have a habit to fall for these things, including the skin color of the trainer.   The surge in NLP...

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Put the missing pieces together through NLP Training

By on Apr 8, 2018 in Blog |

“You only get one chance in life, so do your best to make it count, in whatever way that is meaningful to you” There is not a single person in this world, who has not encountered challenging situations in life. Our lives can be aptly compared to a jigsaw puzzle. We keep putting the pieces together, manage to complete a puzzle only to encounter another and the process goes on and on. In this chaos, we strive to find some meaning in this madness, which many times lead us to disappointment and despair. Our lives are ruled by reactions, some pleasant, some unpleasant.  A pleasant reaction gives us joy whereas unpleasant reactions can leave many of us feeling stressed, angry or sad.  We have to deal with ourselves and other human beings, each day. Sparks are bound to fly. Negative feelings are bound to happen. What it would take, to deal with such situations would be, a strong sense of awareness and control of one’s mind and actions. Gaining this power and strength would allow us to lead fulfilling lives and be in control of the – who, what, when, why and how’s – in our lives. We could also call them question marks or limiting patterns. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques (NLP training in action) show the way to create something meaningful out of these limiting patterns.  NLP techniques during an NLP training are designed to support important and subtle skills which include dissociation, rapport building, content re-framing, modelling, anchoring, and belief change. These techniques which a participant can learn in an NLP Practitioner program in India are based on the concept that we already possess the abilities and capabilities needed to bring about the change in our lives and the lives of people we interact with.   What it takes is understand the ‘how’. Zeroing in on a specific area of our life that we want to improve, by detecting our current thought patterns, to uncover self-limiting beliefs and working on those areas to achieve positive results is what NLP training in action will helps us uncover through various techniques, mainly: Dissociation This NLP technique helps to diffuse or overcome negative feelings which might have aroused due to some...

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How to be an effective Public Speaker

By on Apr 3, 2018 in Blog |

How to improve speaking skills  If you are a leader, a manager or even someone who occasionally speaks to a gathering, I am sure you must have googled the tips for how to improve speaking skills. You may also have spent considerable time on gathering information from various sources on how to be an effective public speaker. Let me start with the bad news first. There’s a term we often use in psychology, its called expert’s guilt. The term means that when you speak to an expert, they will often talk to you at a level where they “expect” you to know the basics. A simple example can be that of a computer engineer trying to explain to you how to use a computer. If you tell them that you don’t know what a VGA cable is or where the power button is located on the keyboard, they will be quite astonished. Because for them, this little piece of information is quite basic. For a computer engineer, “everyone” knows what a power button is, I mean who doesn’t? Now that’s the problem which most of us face as well as commit in our daily lives. What we often ignore are the basic behaviors that catalyze the reactions in our actions. Anyway! To cut to the chase, my point is that if you want to be effective at any skill you want to explore, start at the very basic level of “how” something works, as against “what” works, more so when it comes to how to improve speaking skills.  Many people are fearful about public speaking, and this is the reason many people opt to attend an NLP Practitioner Certification Training in India or in other parts of the world as well. Coming back to public speaking, whenever you observe an effective public speaker and want to seek guidance, your questions to both yourself as well as to them if you do get a chance to seek guidance, should be “how did they do it?” rather than just “what did they do”. The mistake with most of the content that I’ve seen on the internet as well as some effective public speaking experts is either the expert’s guilt, or just...

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Marketing for NLP Coaches

By on Mar 3, 2018 in Blog |

Marketing for NLP Coaches Marketing forms the heart of any business, as it is through effective marketing that a service or product is positioned in the market, and in the mind of its consumer. A well-formulated marketing plan enables effective and efficient utilization of time and resources in any business.  If you are an NLP Coach and wondering about marketing for NLP coaches, then you must read this thoroughly.  Even though we are focusing on Marketing for NLP Coaches, but these marketing trends are applicable to all businesses. The fabric of a well-woven marketing plan comprises of in-depth marketing research, Market segmentation, positioning strategies, competitive analysis, budgeting and metrics that help in cost minimization and increasing the profit margins. Hence marketing strategies are crucial in determining the success of a product or service. If we talk about today’s need of the hour, we are now into a digital era with technology being ubiquitous; hence marketing blueprint needs to be in sync with technology and trends for profit maximization and gaining a competitive edge. Let’s have a look at what will be the marketing trends in 2019 for any business. Virtual World and Implications With the revolution in internet reachability to a common man, the virtual world has become one of the most effective platforms for marketing & branding and at the same time it is emerging tremendously with new technology making place every day – may it be e-commerce business, social networking sites, emails or other.  You are just a touch away on that tiny screen from your customer, but the point is the message about the product or service must be clear and convincing to the customer and it must be showcased on the right virtual platform. Given below are some of the examples that are working wonderfully in the digital landscape and will be the most favorite in the marketing fraternity.  Some of the trends in marketing for NLP Coaches: Chatbots: Also known as talk bot, interactive agent or chatterbox, they are the new buzz word in the marketing world. They are software programmes that provide textual or auditory conversational assistance to customers and resembles as if you are talking to an individual. This is a personalized...

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