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Posts by nlpcoach

Demystifying Hypnosis and Applications of Hypnosis in Coaching and Counseling

By on Feb 27, 2015 in Blog |

The word ‘Hypnosis’ will raise few eye brows, when talked about generally with people.  It has been depicted in TV shows, movies or in stage acts, as something where people lose control and are under the influence of the Hypnotist. This creates a perception about Hypnosis, that it is either evil or has to be used when a person is in Depression. “Do you think about – Pendulums, people sleeping on the floor, losing Control – when you hear or read about Hypnosis? Well, you may be surprised that Hypnosis has a lot of benefits, and you will be surprised to know that it is widely used in Leadership Development Programs and for Peak Performance Coaching, Sports Psychology, Business Coaching, Life Coaching, etc. Now you may be wondering what are the applications of Hypnosis in Coaching and Counseling. Hypnosis has been widely accepted as part of Therapy, however, it is not commonly promoted as a powerful tool for Executive Coaching, Life Coaching or Business Coaching. Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness during which a person is relaxed, and open to suggestions.  The person experiences peace of mind, deep relaxation, and in the process is highly receptive to positive suggestions and creates a state during which it is possible to access areas of the mind to create impact that a person is looking for, change that they are looking for, results that they are looking for.  Remember hypnosis is a state of being in an altered state of heightened awareness, it is not sleep, or unconsciousness, but a state where the conscious mind is more focused, receptive to suggestions to change any belief, behavior or negative patterns. Hypnosis is not therapeutic in itself, it just creates a state in which a person (Coach, Counselor, Therapist) can deliver meaningful suggestions to the client so that they can get into good states, and are able to do effective Visualization, and reach faster towards their goals or get out of negative emotional states. It is during this state that a Coach can help client to help improve performance, self-confidence, remove negative feelings, self-doubts, and reduce stress and other hindrances to achieve goals or outcomes. Many people wonder whether everybody can be hypnotized....

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NLP Well Defined Outcomes

By on Jan 2, 2015 in Blog |

NLP Well Defined Outcomes There is no set time to begin and set an outcome, however, there might be few who would be setting some goals/outcomes as part of their New Year resolution, some probably halfway through the year.  As the first half of the year 2021 has ended, and as we move into the second half, take a moment to take stock of things in your life. NLP well defined outcomes are going to come in handy in this. Answer the following questions: Where are you now? and where do you want to be? What drives you? What is your dream day, week, month, year, life? Outcomes/Goals play an important role in who you are going to be in the near future. If you create your Outcomes/Goals based on the well-formed outcome (Also known as Neuro Linguistic Programming, NLP well defined outcomes) criteria, there is more probability for you to achieve them.  This NLP well defined outcomes are what makes an online NLP Coach certification program, as this is the starting point of getting started.  The NLP well defined outcomes criteria is as follows:  1) State the goal in positive. Describe your Outcome in Positive. It has to be towards what you want rather than what you don’t want. Example. I want to lose 30 kgs in a year. This is an outcome which is ‘Away from’ or stated in negative. The same outcome can be stated as, ‘I want to get fit in a year’s time, where I see myself as size X, able to run 5 kms under 30 minutes’ As a coach always make sure that you are aware that the goal is stated in positive.  Questions to ask your client during a coaching conversation. a)      What do you want? b)      What would you rather have? (If the person has stated the outcome in negative term) Note:  The outcome needs to be crystal clear.  ‘I want to get fit’ is a vague outcome, even though stated in positive.  I want to see myself between weight X, and Y in next six months is specific and stated in positive. .    2) Specify the goal in a way that you find compelling. Is the goal compelling? Does...

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Finished with NLP Practitioner and Coaching workshop. What next? How to apply NLP learning to coach?

By on Dec 12, 2014 in Blog |

How to apply NLP learning to Coach? Finished with NLP Practitioner and Coaching workshop. What next? How to apply NLP learning to Coach? Ok, you have attended an NLP and Coaching Workshop, which is the starting point, and the easy part of getting into NLP and Coaching Business. What next? Do you have nagging questions, and you are looking for answers? How to find Coaching clients? How to Start a Life Coaching Business or How to start an Executive Coaching Business? How to introduce NLP and Coaching benefits to clients? How to apply NLP learning to Coach? How to introduce yourself as a Coach: Life Coach, or as Executive Coach, or a Results Coach, or as Peak Performance Coach? If you have found a potential client, then what do you do in a Coaching Session? These are normal questions, and every NLP Trainer and Coach would have gone through this period when Sales/Marketing/Planning takes over after ‘NLP and Coaching capability building’. How to get more Life Coaching Clients and How to get started as a Life Coach? Please read the article already published, which will help address that question. Provide background ~ How to apply NLP learning to Coach? How to introduce NLP and Coaching benefits to clients? You have to listen and pay attention to what the person (potential client) is talking about during the conversation. Ask an easy question, “Currently, what are the projects that you are working on? What excites you?” Strike a conversation and during the conversation ask, “What is the biggest challenge that is currently stopping you from moving forward in life personally and professionally.”  This is not the only way to start, the idea is to start and help the other person to start talking about themselves and for you to listen more. The person will tell you what are the key areas in their life that require attention, and these are the Coaching benefits for your clients. There is no set benefit, you have to work with the real goal and the real problem that your potential client is dealing with in his/her life. Also, the ‘Wheel of Life’ tool will come in handy to do a quick assessment of your potential...

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How to improve Public Speaking Skills using NLP Techniques

By on Dec 8, 2014 in Blog |

How to improve Public Speaking Skills using NLP Techniques As you may know, the number one fear reported by people during public surveys conducted across the globe is the fear of public speaking. People will go to any extent to avoid speaking in Public. Also known as ‘Glossophobia’ or ‘speech anxiety’, the Fear of Public Speaking can ruin professional careers of many talented individuals. The good news is you can be a How to become a good Public Speaker by using NLP principles. You must probably be wondering – What Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) has to do with Public Speaking? People across the globe are attending NLP trainings to get rid of their Fear of Public Speaking. There are various NLP Techniques and methodologies that come handy to be an effective Speaker. Dr Richard Bandler’s ‘Fast Phobic Cure’, is a very powerful NLP Technique which allows an individual to dissociate from and learn from the traumatic experience of Public Speaking at a neurological level. *Anchoring, is a very powerful NLP Technique, which can be used by a person to get into a Powerful State of Excellence. Here a person has access to states to deliver a speech effectively, for e.g. being in a confident state, calm state etc. *New Behavior generator, is another powerful way to improve Public Speaking skills, where a quick application of NLP Modelling is applied to learn from a person who is already good in Public Speaking and generating that Behavior for self. *Being in Outcome Frame. This is a conscious effort made to aid in delivering effective Public Speeches. This requires programming your mind to think in positives rather than negatives. ‘Don’t think about a Yellow Elephant’, and you are thinking about a Yellow Elephant.  Your mind does not work in negatives.  Your mind has to first think about it and then cancel the image. If this is your thought – I don’t want to present badly – Your mind is going to create images about presenting badly, and invariably the sub-conscious mind is going to make that happen. So, if you start thinking in positives, e.g. I would like to present gracefully, or I want to present powerfully – the images that you...

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Why Tony Robbins won’t get ICF accreditation?

By on Nov 16, 2014 in Uncategorized |

Why Tony Robbins won’t get ICF accreditation? Recently there was a post on the internet, ‘Why Tony Robbins won’t get ICF accreditation?’ Not sure what the intention of the writer was? To demean Tony Robbins or to say that accreditations bodies are good?  The writer got a lot of flak from Tony Robbins followers for dragging his name into coaching accreditation discussions. The larger point is does someone like Tony Robbins even care whether he will get accreditation or not? He is the most influential personality when it comes to Self Help, Business Coaching, and Peak Performance Coaching. He has been able to make drastic changes by Coaching and Training people through his Coaching and Seminars. He had a clear focus in terms of what he wanted to achieve, what difference he wanted to make, and worked towards that with utmost focus, determination, and managed to achieve what he has. But for someone who is thinking to become a coach, accreditation is an important question, as a new coach is not ‘Tony Robbins’, so they will have to think about accreditation, coaching methodology, and they are all valid thoughts and questions. Why Tony Robbins won’t get ICF accreditation? should not be your concern, because you must focus on better questions for yourself – How is ICF important, what ICF branding can get you, which is a good ICF Coach Program, how is ICF the gold standard of coaching, etc.  People who generally are looking for coach certification programs have some of the following questions in their mind: 1)      Which Coaching course to attend? 2)      What is the difference between NLP Coach and other types of coaching courses? 3)      Why is the cost of some of the Coaching courses so high? 4)      Which Coaching course is better? Below mentioned are few tips in terms of the answers to the above-mentioned questions.  Several Coaching methodologies are out there, you have to take a call based on what you want to get out of a particular coaching course: whether you want knowledge, whether you want a certificate, or whether you want accreditation, a particular kind of branding, and how much you are willing to spend in learning various coaching methodologies, getting certificates,...

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