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Posts by nlpcoach

Connecting the dots ….

By on Jun 9, 2014 in Blog |

Connecting the dots ‘Connecting the dots success formula’ is a story about a young student who wanted to become successful.  The story is as follows: Once upon a time long long ago there was a young student who wanted to become successful. The student sought the help of a wise saint in this regard. This student saw the wise man, and told him,”Oh great wise person help me connect the dots, and become successful”. The saint told the student, “Let me tell you a story about somebody who connected the dots, and what they were able to achieve by doing so. As you are listening to me with curiosity, you will realize that connecting dots, and becoming successful in life is a very easy process. All you have to do is to follow the success ritual, and everything else will fall in place.” As I mentioned earlier, the story is about a person who wanted to become successful. This person went to a local supermarket and was browsing the book section, where he picked up a book by the name ‘Connecting the dots‘. The preface of the book started like this; ‘I know that you have all the wisdom and resources to figure out what it takes to connect the dots, I am just going to facilitate that process for you in this book. It is really fantastic when a person is able to align things in life, and take control of various areas. The more you think about connecting them, the more ideas you will get in terms of how to connect the dots and take control of different areas in your life. Reading this book will help you realize that you have all the resources within yourself to shape your own destiny.” “In nutshell write down your outcomes (refer to NLP well defined outcomes for the outcome setting process), write down the associated action items for different outcomes, and measure your progress to check how you are moving towards your outcomes. Be flexible in your approach, and tweak your approach, if required, to achieve your outcomes faster.” At times in life, we feel totally helpless in terms of what we want to achieve, and most importantly how...

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How to use NLP Clean Questioning for modeling

By on Feb 4, 2014 in Blog |

How to use NLP Clean Questioning NLP’s Clean Language technique of questioning offers a great way to model the excellence exhibited by speakers worthy of emulation and to learn the art of how to become a Public Speaker. Many people have found that a search how to use NLP clean questioning led to many discovering while modeling excellence.  In the article How to become an eagle on the podium, we have already acknowledged that public speaking is Everest amongst human fears – it is more widespread than even the fear of death. The article then went on to elaborate on the high-level measures an individual can take in order to overcome this fear. In this article, we will take a deeper dive and look at how we can use NLP’s Clean Questioning approach to “model” the excellence exhibited by powerful speakers. Application ~ How to use NLP Clean Questioning Understanding modelling First, let’s understand how we use the word modelling in the world of NLP. According to famed NLP researchers David Gordon and Graham Dawes, who have spent decades studying this topic, “Modelling is a doorway into the vast storehouse of human experience and abilities, providing access to anyone willing to turn the key.” This is such an evocative definition in itself. Now, if we take it one step forward and specifically talk about modelling excellence, then we are saying that anybody exhibiting excellence can be observed, interrogated for inputs and mimicked by others seeking to create the same results. The person exhibiting excellence is called the exemplar and the person studying and modelling the exemplar is called the modeller. It is the modeller’s responsibility to: Seek and identify worthy exemplars De-construct or reverse engineer the mindset of the exemplar – by creating a step-by-step process followed consciously and subconsciously by the latter Make the model relevant and accessible to others – so that the exemplar’s experiences gain a wide relevance The process of modelling While no model can encompass all of reality, a good model will create a reasonable facsimile of reality. In order to do so, a modeller must, during the process of questioning the exemplar, do the following: Listen carefully Shun judgment of what is being...

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How to become successful, “Spend time with Eagles”

By on Feb 4, 2014 in Blog | 2 comments

How to become successful  Last Sunday while cleaning my closet, I found a book, ‘Collection of short stories’ revised and edited, collected from anonymous sources, and primarily the theme was about ‘How to become successful spend time with eagles’. My father must have bought this for me when I was a child, and I never got time to read even a single story.  This storybook had a disclaimer on the first page that reads: ‘Read at your own risk, you may change forever. Well, the first story goes like this… Recipe for How to be Successful using NLP Year 2040 – In the backyard of Kentucky Friend Chicken (KFC), Bangalore branch, there was a mango tree. This mango tree had an eagle nest. One day the wind was blowing hard, and an eaglet fell from the nest on to the ground. Luckily the eaglet fell on the dry grass (got away with minor injuries), which was placed by the KFC kitchen staff for the pullets to feed on. The hen saw the injured eaglet, and decided to nurture the eaglet along with the other pullets. After a few weeks the eaglet regained strength, and was able to walk. The favorite time pass of the eaglet and other pullets was to play hide-and-seek, and eat baby corn 3/4 times a day. After a few months the eaglet matured into a full-fledged gorgeous eagle and looked different from others pullets. The pullets were also mature, and could feel that the eagle looked different. Over a period of time the eagle was sick of eating corn, and one day pounced on a rat running in the backyard. The hens started shouting, “Leave the rat alone”, and the eagle had no choice but to let the rat go. The hens scolded the eagle, and told the eagle that hens didn’t eat rats. One day, while playing hide-and-seek the eagle was hiding on the roof, and while coming down managed a decent glide.  The eagle started to show off his gliding skills to the other hens, and eventually the mother got fed up and told him, “Stop doing that, Chickens don’t fly”. The eagle believed this and got on with his daily routine of playing and eating corn. One day a female eagle spotted this gorgeous...

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How to wake up early

By on Feb 4, 2014 in Blog |

How to wake up early Imagine that you are a Native American youth in the year 1208AD. Being the fittest member of your tribe, you have been assigned to cross 4 horizons to fetch a rare herb that could cure an ailing member of the tribe. You will have to leave before sun is up so that you could return safely before sunset. To execute this mission, you will need a failsafe alarm clock, and the question of how to wake up early won’t be a point to bother. What Native Americans – many early civilizations did was to drink lots of water. The earlier you needed to wake up, the more water you drank. And then the onus of waking you up falls, not on your brain, but your bladder. Mission accomplished. Apache warriors used the same technique to launch surprise attacks on the enemy before dawn. Today, we have a lot of sophisticated technology to help us with this concept of how to wake up early. But that isn’t helping, is it? At a very high level, both the body and the mind play a role in determining our willingness to wake up early. How to wake up early, and the benefits of doing that is being made so popular by Robin Sharma, and he is regarding as the Success Coach who made getting up early popular.  Most of the top Leadership Coaches in the world, and top NLP trainers in the world talk a lot about this concept with respect to productivity.  In the end, it is a subjective and personal choice, and for those who are looking to find ways of doing this, here is an NLP technique to get up early morning. Managing the body to get up early morning Let’s quickly tackle the simpler problem of managing the body so that it is primed for the morning. It’s important here to make a distinction between the brain and the mind. The brain is an organ of the body. The mind is that intangible thing which uses the brain. Here are a few simple tips for how to wake up early: Go to bed early. This is the most obvious tip, and the most...

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CANI Lessons from Tony Robbins

By on Feb 4, 2014 in Blog |

CANI Lessons from Tony Robbins If you are looking for constant and never-ending improvement CANI lessons from Tony Robbins, then read further about this concept.  Tony Robbins, one of the greatest examples of a person who utilized the applications of NLP concepts to offer a magnificent approach to grow in life: take one small step at a time.  He popularized CANI – Constant and Never Ending Improvements for Self Mastery.   Few who have sought self-improvement would not have heard of the legend of Tony Robbins and would be interested in the lessons from Tony Robbins. Through his books, CDs, DVDs, seminars, and training programs, he creates a better world each passing day. A peek at the titles of his books tells us a lot about his worldview – titles like Unshakable, Unlimited Power, Unleash the power within, Inner Strength etc. One realizes that there is a man bent upon making his students successful, happy, and fulfilled from the inside. A comparatively lesser-known book of his is titled Giant Steps: Small changes to make a big difference. As the title suggests, the book is about achieving great things by taking incremental steps on a daily basis.  Tony Robbins started his journey as an NLP Practitioner with Richard Bandler, and used to train people on NLP.  If he would have continued his journey as a pure NLP Trainer, he probably would have been the best NLP trainer in the world. Nevertheless, he brings more people into NLP than anybody else does, considering a lot of people who attend his grand seminars get to know about him, and stumble across the acronym NLP in some form or the other, and later on get to attend the magical NLP training program.  There was a time when people used to find NLP programs because the concept of CANI constant and never-ending improvement lessons from self mastery Tony Robbins became so popular – It still is. The concept ~ CANI lessons from Tony Robbins Let’s try and understand one aspect of this concept by taking the case study of Harish. Harish relocated to Mumbai three years ago and joined a glitzy advertising agency as a junior copywriter. Things were going reasonably well. And then, within...

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