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Posts by nlpcoach

Grow model for Coaching

By on May 21, 2020 in Blog |

Grow model for Coaching Coaching is a growing field. More people than ever are sincerely considering hiring a coach or become one because coaching often helps people see the kingdom of greater purpose, happiness, and fulfillment. A lot of coaching takes place using the Grow model for Coaching. If you are intrigued to learn more about the Grow model for Coaching and if you are curious to know how you too could make use of grow model for coaching self and/or others, then read further.   What is the Grow model? The Grow model for Coaching was designed by Sir John Whitmore and explained in depth in the best-selling book ‘Coaching for Performance’, As a process, coaching involves asking open questions because open-ended questions cause people to think for themselves, and thus facilitate building awareness, responsibility, and self-belief. The GROW model aims to provide the sequence for this questioning. Hence sometimes the Grow model for Coaching has also been referred to as the GROW Model of questioning. The sequence of questions suggested by Sir John Whitmore essentially follows four distinct headings – Goals, Reality, Options, Way forward/ Will. Whenever you are tackling any new issue for the first time, it is recommended that you explore all stages around the issue. You start by setting the short term as well as the long term goal. Then run a reality check to assess, explore, and examine the current situation. Think of the available options, alternative courses of action, and implementable strategies. Apropos, identify what has to be done, by when, and by whom. When you are making headway on a task or process that has already been discussed before and the work is underway, you may start and end the questioning with any stage in any sequence. Qualified ICF coaches who have attended ICF approved coach training programs or ICF accredited coach training programs in India often use the GROW model in life coaching, team coaching, performance coaching, organizational coaching, etc   Why is the GROW model so popular? The Grow model for Coaching has become very popular because it’s not a rigid structure. You can easily mix and apply any other coaching tool, any coaching technique, any coaching methodology over...

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Use NLP to improve your coaching skills

By on May 8, 2020 in Blog |

Use NLP to improve your coaching skills If you are a coach who is not integrating NLP in coaching already, then you are missing big time. You must use NLP to improve your coaching skills because NLP is an excellent framework for coaching. NLP as a coaching framework is so effective that it brings about long-lasting changes in the thinking of people quickly. If you have an interest in understanding how you can use NLP to improve your coaching skills further, then reading this article will be useful for you. This article highlights all that you can do as a coach using NLP. A glimpse only at what NLP can help coaches with: NLP is definitely the number one personal development training that every person can benefit from.  If you are looking for how can NLP help at a personal level, then below mentioned are some pointers about what NLP can help coaches with at a personal level.  NLP has often been described as the user manual for the brain. NLP allows you to observe and influence your thoughts to lead useful behaviors for achieving more success and enjoy a happier and more fulfilled life. NLP techniques help you move away from your problem towards the desired outcome in a shorter time frame. When you apply easy to follow NLP techniques, you can control your emotions and manage your states in better ways. NLP training enables you to change undesired habits and behaviors effortlessly. It empowers you to change patterns of self-sabotaging behavior. NLP provides you the action steps for modeling & replicating excellent strategies of already successful people to improve effectiveness in all areas of life.   NLP has helped coaches from all walks of life to facilitate the desired change and results smoothly. Below mentioned are some pointers on what more coaches can do with NLP at a professional level, and why as a coach you must learn NLP, and use NLP to improve your coaching skills: –   NLP framework helps coaches in building up the ability to ask better questions and cut through the deletion, generalization, and distortion of information. NLP gives coaches the ability to formulate more powerful questions so that they uncover the thought processes,...

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Life Coaching in India

By on Apr 27, 2020 in Blog |

What is Life Coaching  Professional coaching services provide numerous benefits to individuals, organisations, and society. More and more people are turning to established coaches to achieve greater sense of fulfillment in personal and professional lives. With the growing popularity of coaching, even more people are aspiring to join ICF approved training in India to opt for Coaching in India as a career option, and showing more interest in What is Life Coaching. A lot of people who have never been coached are also aspiring to become a certified coach these days, and hence Coaching courses in India are in great demand. It is blindingly obvious for them to ask questions like-does coaching work? What does a Life Coach do? Who is the Best Life Coach in India? Which is the best Life Coaching Certification in India? How to become a Life Coach in India? Does coaching actually give better results quickly? Is coaching actually effective? etc Satisfactorily, effective coaching from professionally qualified ICF coach is beyond doubt one of the fastest ways of getting better results. Here’s a supporting article that puts forward the case for coaching, and also answers some of the questions – ‘does coaching work’, ‘Future of Coaching in India’, ‘How to become best Life Coach in India’, ‘What is Life Coaching’, ‘What does a Life Coach do’ etc. What is life coaching? Coaching is a thought-provoking, collaborative, and creative process through which a coach inspires the client to unleash the untapped potential, and achieve desired results.  This is a starting point and an answer to what does a Life Coach do?  What does a Life Coach do? Is there a proof that coaching works?  ICF Research Portal regularly releases ICF’s return-on-investment research results on ICF Global Coaching Client Study. A lot of research has been carried out into the effectiveness of coaching and the benefits it brings. What does a Life Coach do.  Work as a facilitative partner with the clients, who are looking to work on an outcome/goal.  As per the Global Coaching Client Study, most coaching clients noted an improvement in wellbeing, better work-and-life balance, improved relationships, and greater self-confidence The same study found that most organisations reported increased team effectiveness, improved work...

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Organizational Development Coach

By on Apr 19, 2020 in Blog |

Organizational Development Coach People often find it difficult to deal with change, be it an individual level or an Organizational level. External market conditions, technologies, economic and socio-political environments, and situations change continually. Forward looking Organizations therefore often rely on Organizational Development Coach Practitioners (at times also referred as OD consultants, if the nature of work goes outside coaching scope) to transform and bring about a structured change, as well as to adapt well with the ever-changing business environment. Read further if you are someone who is curious to know more about the role of Organizational Development Coach Practitioner, or an OD Consultant in an Organization. Should you be interested in joining an ICF approved Coach Training Program to get certified as an Organizational Development Coach as well as Associate Leadership and Executive Coach, then this post might be of more interest to you. Who specifically is an Organizational Development Coach Practitioner? An Organizational Development Coach Practitioner is someone who challenges the current Organizational practices, facilitates implementing Organizational development interventions, and aids in reducing resistance to enhance the overall Organizational effectiveness. Successful business Organizations often carry out Organizational development interventions to adapt to changing business environments. Most of the times, the Organizational leaders and managers are handed over the ultimate responsibility to carry out planned change process and improve the Organizational effectiveness. Various leaders and managers use coaching framework in their domain of work and work as Organizational Development Coach Practitioner within the organization. The Organizational Development Coaches can be both internal as well as external. They may be representatives from HR department or from other separate departments / groups in an Organization. They may even be brought in from outside to work independently and facilitate change in the Organizational practices by working with the leaders in the Organizations. What is the role of an OD Coach Practitioner? What does an OD Coach Practitioner do? When a business is troubled, usually a dedicated team of Organizational development practitioners and coaches are brought in to research and analyze the corporate environment. Once this team of specialists discovers the trouble plaguing the Organization, it facilitates strategic planning and change process by working with the leaders of the Organization. How do NLP...

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How to select an ICF approved program

By on Mar 29, 2020 in Blog |

How to select an ICF approved program Just as individual coaches are evaluated based on their credentials during corporate assignments, coaching courses that training institutes offer are also evaluated based on their accreditation/approvals. While you can benefit from any coach training program, you benefit the most from attending ICF approved coach training programs, and Meta Coaching approved Coaching Essentials and other courses. And, there are few key elements that you must definitely consider in choosing the most worthwhile ICF approved coach training course. So, we have compiled a list of key elements in this article that will guide you on how to select an ICF approved program that best fits your requirement. This way, if you are someone who is truly committed to building core coaching skills, and you want to learn more about how to select an ICF approved program, this article will be useful for you. The intent of this article is to give you useful tips that you can use to select an ICF approved program that will be right for you. However, before you look for the tips on choosing the most worthwhile ICF program, dive deep into yourself. Assess your readiness and commitment level to attend the ICF approved program, and to become an ICF Certified Coach. The profession of coaching requires a lot of commitment, self-discipline, and integrity. Ensure that you have enough drive to pursue the profession soulfully. Also, make sure that you have the necessary time to successfully complete the program. We recommend that classroom programs are more fruitful than online coach training programs. Therefore, you should also be willing to find just enough time to participate the extensive program completely. It is also advisable that you get a basic understanding of the various niche areas of coaching. To give you a brief, Leadership Coaches usually work with leaders in an organisation, and so do Executive Coaches. They are usually engaged by the organisations. Life Coaches generally work with one to one client on a personal level. Entrepreneur Coaches usually work with Start-ups/Entrepreneurs to help them get better business results. If you have noticed the pattern here, whether a person calls himself an Executive Coach, Business Coach, Life Coach, etc is dependent on...

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