NLP Training and Coaching Organization providing NLP Programs – NLP Bangalore, NLP Delhi, NLP Pune, NLP Kolkata

What type of coaching is most in demand?

By on Dec 31, 2021 in Blog |

What type of coaching is most in demand? The first step in building a successful coaching business is finding your specialty as a coach, especially if you are looking for an answer for what type of coaching is most in demand. So, the purpose of this article is to help you identify the coaching specialty that will be a perfect fit for you. You will get more clarity about your expertise, skills, methods, tools, information, and the way you will present yourself as a coach.  Consequently, building a thriving coaching business will not be a challenge for you.   The coaching specialty you choose is a part business decision and part a decision of the heart. Of course, it’s a contemplative process, and definitely not an easy one. So, you must take time and be thoughtful as you go about finding your coaching specialty.   As a responsible coach training organization, the NLP Coaching Academy provides hand-holding support to the aspired and experienced coaches so they can establish their distinct coaching services, and define their uniqueness as a coach. A lot of content is shared around how to set up a coaching business, and how to find clients, by our founder Vikram Dhar, who is one of the top coaches in the world and Global Guru (Top 30 in NLP category ~ best NLP trainer in India).  Participants get to hear directly from him, and his experience of working with top leaders, and celebrity clients across the globe.  The reflections will also help you get an answer for what type of coaching is most in demand.   If you are an aspiring coach who wants to improve your coaching skills and get the best strategies and approaches for marketing your coaching business, consider joining our flagship NLP Practitioner Training and Coaching Bootcamp. This is Asia’s only program in the country that offers you bundled certificates from the most recognized and trusted professional accreditation bodies like the American Board of NLP (ABNLP), the International Society of Neuro-Semantics (ISNS), and the International Coach Federation (ICF).   What type of coaching is most in demand? There are different coaching specialties and understanding what type of coaching is most in demand depends on...

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How to manage stress with mindfulness

By on Nov 4, 2021 in Blog |

How to manage stress with mindfulness You might agree that every one of us gets angry sometimes or the other, and most of the time the culprit is the stressful environment and situations that a person has to cope with on a daily basis. There might be several other reasons for getting angry as well. Anger is a sudden natural response to situations that we label with our assumptions around a situation. It is a natural emotion and part of the human experience.  A lot of people are looking for how to manage stress with mindfulness, and that can reduce anger as well. Some of us can control the anger, and some not. Anger is harmful to mental and physical health if it leads to outbursts, aggression, or physical arguments. Uncontrollable anger can harm you and those around you. Stress build-up is a major cause that leads to quick anger. Mindfulness does not suggest suppressing, avoiding, or denying anger. Instead, it tells you to connect with your direct experience with anger and then decide an action over it. It suggests better ways to manage anger. So, dive into the article to learn practical mindfulness ways to control stress and anger. What is Mindfulness?   Mindfulness is the awareness of thoughts, surrounding environment, actions, and sensations. It is an ancient form of meditation that is practiced as a way to reduce stress and anxiety. It helps to gain insight and awareness through observing the mind. Mindfulness unleashes your mind’s natural curiosity. On practicing mindfulness, your thoughts tune into what you are sensing in the present rather than remembering the past or thinking of the future. Mindfulness is a quality that each one of us possesses. You only have to learn how to access it. Mindfulness is more than practicing. It includes awareness in everything you do and cuts down the stress. Hence, how to manage stress with mindfulness is gaining popularity, and is the buzzword across the globe. Mindfulness does not demand to avoid your feelings. You do not have to resist an emotion forcefully. There are times when you have to accept unpleasant emotions as in the moment. Try to take sadness, happiness, disappointment, anger, and jealousy. Being mindful is...

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Tried and Tested Neuroscience Tricks for how to manage stress

By on Oct 16, 2021 in Blog |

How to manage stress Stress! Looking at social media, and news around the world, it seems that most of us are facing some sort of stress nowadays. Don’t you think we take too much stress out of almost everything? Be it a deadline, family issues, taxes, or even a lousy driver found randomly on the road. And do you think it is unavoidable? The search engines are getting more search queries related to stress management ~ How to manage stress? How to handle stress in life? How to handle stressful situations? There are some of the many answers that people are looking for worldwide based on the Google data available around stress, mental wellbeing, emotions, etc. During stress, your brain and body go into flight or fight mode, depending on the intensity of stress, and few other factors. You breathe rapidly, your heart beats faster, and your muscles become tense. Your stress response is rapid, so you need quick stress-relief strategies. Stress triggers multiple health problems in our bodies. So, where does this stress lives? Your brain. Yes! Pressure begins in the brain initially once you are stressed out. Hence, it would help if you addressed the brain to manage stress. Neuroscientists have introduced multiple hacks or shortcuts to reduce stress quickly. And they work! The only requirement is a little practice to make them useful. Here are neuroscience hacks to relieve stress fast, if you are looking for how to manage stress.  For more, you can also explore stress management techniques during Coaching using Neuroscience. Here are few neuroscience-based tips about how to manage stress, or how to handle stressful situations. How to manage stress ~ Neuroscience based tips Relax facial muscles One of the ways in which your body responds to anxiety or stress is with muscle tension. Progressive muscle relaxation is a way to relieve stress. Mind and body are part of the same system, whatever happens in the brain are being shown in the body in some form or the other.  If you are aware of your body and pay attention to that then it can be easy for you if you are looking for how to manage stress. You need to tense a group...

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How to start a Profitable Life Coaching Business

By on Sep 28, 2021 in Blog |

How to start a Profitable Life Coaching Business Do you have the passion to be the best Life coach? Do you think you can work with people to work to their highest potential and live extraordinary lives? The life coaching business is a rewarding career for anyone like you who enjoys working with people. While people are exploring how to become a Life Coach, they are also curious about how to start a profitable Life Coaching Business. Let’s get to the fact that the entry cost is far lower than other businesses which have thus increased the level of competition in the market. And yes! The coaching business will never let you stop learning, growing, and leveling up your coaching skills. However, there are many aspects that should be taken into account before starting a life coaching business. Read the blog below to get answers to the common question (of how to start a profitable Life Coaching Business) that is sure to arise if you are planning to start your life coaching business. How to start a profitable Life Coaching Business  Find a client niche for your life coaching business  The term niche can be defined as a specialized section of a population that would benefit the most from your offerings. And as a Life coach, you have a lot of niches to target. It can be in the area of sales, parenting, business, finances, relationships, health, performance, etc. It can also be a slightly bigger niche such as the corporates who want to impart NLP training to the employees or have a coach come in and facilitate group or team coaching sessions. Or can help the employees overcome their fears, enhance their public speaking, leadership, and other skills, if the coach has behavioral change knowledge like NLP, Emotional Intelligence, and Neuroscience.  As a Life Coach a person can also diversify services other than coaching; target students as clients who want to learn Emotional Intelligence, NLP, learn public speaking skills. The need here is to start with a small but viable market and stick to that category of clients. And while doing so, you must be aware of the niche’s age, profession, lifestyle, and common problems in life to...

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Why should you have an NLP coach in your life?

By on Sep 18, 2021 in Blog |

Why should you have an NLP coach in your life? Why should you have an NLP coach in your life, and benefit from NLP Coaching? We live in times where everything we want to do, learn, or even change is available in a click. Do you need books to gain knowledge on a particular subject? Click on amazon.  Need to learn a new language? Click on any courses provided by any language expert. Wish to quit smoking? Just read the tips provided by NHS or contact a counselor.  But is all this easy as it sounds? The reality is… Most books are never read, most courses are never completed, and most advice is never applied. The reason for not being able to do so is not the lack of resources but the lack of desire as well as the presence of doubts, fear, and distractions.   Why should you have an NLP coach in your life? People don’t need more courses, quick tips, or a guide. Rather they need support, accountability, and encouragement!  This is where a thinking partner will be helpful ~ an NLP coach can provide that. He/She can help you design and execute a vision in life. He/She will support you to see things with an open mind. He/She will identify your blind spots, encourage discovery and support you to act in the right direction. By engaging with an NLP Coach (who has deep knowledge of NLP techniques) you will indeed transform your life. But, for now, let’s discuss the 8 specific ways to how an NLP coach can enrich your life, and why should you have an NLP coach in your life?   1. Create empowering beliefs Are the decisions you want to take in life get affected by past experiences? Do you feel something is restricting you back to achieve your dreams? This something can be a self-limiting belief. It limits you to think beyond and restricts you in life. The presence of a coach who is trained in NLP will help you understand what those beliefs are. He/She will work with you to change the narratives and help create powerful beliefs. You will have someone to talk to without the fear of getting...

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How to decide which NLP Program to attend

By on Sep 9, 2021 in Blog |

How to decide which NLP Program to attend The winning NLP program for you at times can be a tricky choice with the plethora of NLP trainers portraying to be the best NLP trainer in India, the choices are many, and the criteria to figure out who is authentic and who is a fake trainer can be mind-boggling if you are figuring out how to decide which NLP program to attend.  If you are reading this blog, you have made up your mind to undertake NLP training, or are searching how to select the right NLP training provider. And the very first step for the same is choosing the right NLP trainer, who provides the best NLP training in India / Asia (considering now businesses operate globally). To understand how to select the right NLP training provider under that each NLP trainer is different. Some may help you deal with resourcefulness or an unhealthy habit, focus on a goal, while others may give you an insight into the various top NLP techniques, and how they have to be used for self and with others as an NLP Coach. They even differ in the manner of teaching, experience levels and backgrounds. Hence it is essential to make sure that you make the correct choice. If you are not sure how to choose the right one, you have landed on the correct page. Here is a quick and easy peasy guide to getting you started with how to select the right NLP training provider. Factors ~ How to decide which NLP program to attend? Content versus cost. Insights versus data. Credibility versus popularity. Time versus value. Too many parameters make the choice of the right NLP training program confusing. Here’s how you can pick out the winner from a crowd. NLP training leading to NLP Practitioner certification can be the giant leap that your career sorely needs. Before you leap, take a careful look around.  A new training institution is coming up every other month, proclaiming to be the best in the business, and this has been the state of NLP training in India from last 7-8 years. There was a time in India when NLP trainers were not available to...

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What are Neurons

By on Sep 8, 2021 in Blog |

What are Neurons If you aim to expand your understanding of how you are wired to be who you presently are, you must first understand nerve cells, how they function and connect to each other. If you are searching for What are neurons, and want to understand more, then read further. This article, therefore, highlights important things you should know about neurons and their functioning. The pointers highlighted in this article will subsequently enable you to expand your understanding of how you can change your mind.  If you are a coach who is looking to develop Coaching using Neuroscience knowledge to work with your clients, you will deepen your knowledge about Neurons.  Coaching using Neuroscience is part of our highly recommended Emotional Intelligence Training.   What are Neurons The brain primarily consists of nerve cells that are called neurons. Neurons are brain cells. They are the most specialized cells and the most sensitive type of tissue of all biological systems. Factually, neurons are the only cells in the body that communicate directly with one another. They process information and send messages back and forth to other neurons in the form of electrochemical signals or impulses. Thus, neurons also initiate specific actions in other parts of the brain and the body.   Types of Neurons There are different types of specialized neurons. Different neurons receive different kinds of stimuli. And they conduct electrochemical signals to neighboring neurons in specific directions.   Neurons can be classified based on various factors like their shape, size, location, the direction in which they conduct impulses, and the number of extensions they have. They can also be classified based on the number, length, and mode of branching of their neurites, or cellular branches. Following are some of the popularly known neutron types: Sensory N: These neurons receive information from both outside and inside the body via senses. And they send the information they receive to the brain or the spinal Motor N: These neurons convey signals from the brain or spinal cord to the And they cause the occurrence of a movement or a specific function in a tissue or an organ. Unipolar N: These neurons have only a single neurite. This neurite divides from...

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Importance of mindfulness in a coach’s life and how to practice it

By on Aug 16, 2021 in Blog |

Mindfulness for coaches When it comes to coaching at the masterful level, then the coaching presence is what powers the coaches to be masterful. And that is what they continually strive to master. But doing so is not that simple to do regularly, and most coaches would admit that staying present is a challenge. This is owing to many distractions that coaches have to deal with in their own personal life. This makes them less engaged with the client at times, and the end result is less effective coaching. This post is about mindfulness for coaches, and how coaches can practice mindfulness. Thankfully, practicing mindfulness can help coaches come to each session with fresh eyes and more calmness. But what exactly is it? And how can a coach inculcate in his or her busy schedule? Let’s find out the answer to these questions. What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness traces to a word in Sati that has its roots in the Indian Buddhist tradition dating back to 2500 years. But its introduction into the western world was done by Jon Kabat-Zinn in the late 1970s. As per him, mindfulness is the awareness that happens when one purposely pays attention to the present moment non-judgmentally. In fact, its two central components are awareness and acceptance. While awareness is noticing your feelings, thoughts, and body sensations, acceptance is acknowledging those thoughts without labeling them as good or bad.   Mindfulness for Coaches And when it comes to coaching, coaches need to use the above two components (awareness and acceptance) to become deeply attuned to themselves and the clients. Then only a transformational experience can be created. Hence, mindfulness for coaches has gained a lot of traction in recent times.   Why mindfulness is essential for coaches It is well known that the best NLP trainers and the best celebrity life coaches have a quiet mind and the ability to create open, reflective, and explorative conversations with the client. Creating a quiet mind is not an easy task as too much clutter is present all around us. This can only be attained by practicing mindfulness by coaches, which makes coaches more masterful, by improving different areas of their coaching. If you are a coach,...

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Top 10 nlp techniques

By on Aug 11, 2021 in Blog |

NLP techniques In our last blog post (Do I Want To Be A Professional Executive Coach?), we met two Executive Coaches who worked wonders with their clients, transforming their lives exponentially.  I know what you’re thinking: “How did they do that?!” Like any great magician, the key is using simple tools that produce extraordinary results in business and life.  Best NLP Techniques or simple tools are an absolute must for someone who is looking to know how to become a successful Life Coach/Executive Coach/Leadership Coach/Business Coach/Entrepreneur Coach ~ They need to be in your drive (in your mind or in your notes).  If you are searching for top NLP techniques, here are the top 10 NLP techniques (Generally must be taught in all NLP Practitioner programs) that will propel you from being a Good coach to becoming a Great coach, and are vital for an NLP Practitioner. If you are a Life coach and want to get an overview of which NLP tehniques are useful for coaching, and are looking for NLP techniques for coaches, then read further. Stick around to the end regarding Best NLP techniques –  You will get to know about a secret (no peeking)! Top 10 NLP Techniques  1.       Meta Model Questioning Coaching is about powerful communication.  The best communication (ergo, the best coaching) is all in the questions.  Ask the right questions and the other person (your client, your partner, even yourself) is immediately propelled to look at their map of the world with new eyes. The NLP Meta Model is a set of language patterns that pays emphasis on the deletions, distortions, and generalizations that occur in everyday language use.  We cause many of our problems with our unconscious use of language, especially when talking to ourselves. Asking ‘magic questions’ helps pinpoint what problems there are and to immediately look for their solutions.  When it comes to NLP techniques, this is on top of the list of top 10 NLP techniques, as this enables a coach to develop powerful questioning skills.  Meta Model is more than an NLP technique, as this is an NLP linguistic model for asking clean questions, and breaking clients deletions, distortions, and generalizations of thinking, and enabling them to experience a...

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Why Emotional Intelligence is More Important in Covid Era

By on Aug 11, 2021 in Blog |

Why Emotional Intelligence is More Important in Covid Era   The purpose of the post is about Why Emotional Intelligence is More Important in Covid Era, and what are factors influencing the need for Emotional Intelligence (EI).   Do you know someone great at math? Exceptional at statistical problem-solving? Known as a genius by their friends?   Well, good for them.   But is this kind of intelligence enough for people to succeed?   The short answer is: NO! Success doesn’t just come to the geniuses of the world. It requires much more than just IQ.   And what is that “much more”? It’s EQ.   Yes, emotional intelligence is just as important to professional and personal growth as IQ. But why exactly? What special thing does high emotional intelligence bring to the table? And does it even matter while we are struggling with a pandemic? Let’s find Why Emotional Intelligence is More Important in Covid Era and more out!   What is EI In simple terms, Emotional Intelligence can be regarded as the capacity to be aware of one’s own emotional state and to be able to understand and manage it effectively. It is also an ability to engage with others empathetically while appreciating their emotional states.     Reasons Why Emotional Intelligence is More Important in Covid Era Well, the current covid era is all about anxiety, stress, uncertainty, and mental breakdowns. Hence utilizing the concept of emotional intelligence may lead to positive outcomes in all aspects of life such as workplace, family, social relations, education, and even coaching. Let us find out Why Emotional Intelligence is More Important in Covid Era:   1. It Helps You Become Self-Aware   One of the most important components of emotional intelligence is self-awareness.   Knowing your strengths and weaknesses, how they shape your personality, and how they affect those around you is crucial for success – both personally and professionally.   But alas, a vast majority of people don’t even know whether or not they are self-aware. And you too might be one of them. If that’s the case, you’re missing out on success big time!   Imagine you were the marketing head or HR in a startup. You...

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