NLP Training and Coaching Organization providing NLP Programs – NLP Bangalore, NLP Delhi, NLP Pune, NLP Kolkata

NLP Training in India

By on Dec 26, 2017 in Blog |

Fraudulent NLP Training in India and other practices There are many incompetent NLP Trainers in India. Trainers who may have received their NLP Trainer certificate via an incompetent NLP certification body, or “trainers” who may even have never attended an NLP Trainers training! These “trainers” can be referred as fraudulent NLP Trainers in India. Whatever the might case be, both are dangerous, especially if you are considering attending an NLP training in India. From a buyer’s perspective, those who are looking forward to an NLP program, either want to experience personal transformation, as they may be undergoing personal issues in their life; or they may be looking to attend an NLP course to learn NLP from a professional career advancement perspective in order to leverage NLP skills to either increase their marketability for a new job or learn new skills to add to their portfolio of services that they offer. These NLP skills could include: Executive Coaching, Leadership Development Coaching, Life Coaching, Business Coaching, Wellness Coaching etc. When said buyer finds different flavours of NLP available in the market, and depending on the mode of research based on digital (website) or social media platforms (facebook, google pages, Instagram etc.), it is very easy to get influenced by what is projected online. You might think that the structure of those who are authentic can be easily figured out – well in most cases ‘No’, as it would be camouflaged in such a manner, and presented in such a manner that the reader will not have no reason to doubt. An example: Indian Board of NLP (If that is how anybody sounds like) or International Board of Indian NLP Trainers Associations – which focuses on one person – is clearly a give-away that the association is a mom & pop business enterprise. The owner may not have even attended an NLP program! Then there are those projecting 15-20+ years of experience, who look like 30 years olds – again a clear give away; and then there are many more. Any Indian trainer (there are very few exceptions) who claims to have 15-20 years of NLP experience is a clear indication of some form of deceit. They may be trainers and would...

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How to Improve Sales Using NLP

By on Dec 12, 2017 in Blog |

How to Improve Sales Using NLP? Use of specific NLP language patterns has been used by many who have been looking for an answer to the question, how to improve sales using NLP.  It is widely used in sales and marketing to influence people by using Persuasive language.  Needless to say, it may sound manipulative to a number of people, but this is where NLP may have been misunderstood. Many sales agencies and marketers, swear by NLP techniques, which they learn during an Certified NLP Practitioner Program. This is because sales can have a substantial impact with the use of the right techniques and strategies. Not only does NLP help you understand such techniques, it also gives you the chance to figure how to improve your communication skills to market or sell a product.  Here are some ways to improve Sales, if you want to know how to improve sales using NLP:   Creating Value Through Scarcity The reason why we love diamonds is because they are scarce and it is difficult to procure them. That and the fact that they are beautiful and flashy, makes diamonds one of the most valuable things on Earth. When people sense scarcity, the chances of buying that product increases than when it is available in abundance.   This is an easy way of influencing customers to buying a product. The urgency created in their mind because of the fact that a product or service is limited, can coerce them into making the purchase.  Nobody wants to be left out or miss on a great deal or a price.   I have just three of these left today, and you may not get it at the same price tomorrow. Imagine how you may feel about buying it at a higher price another day?   By telling the customer what they may be missing out on, you are making them lean towards making that purchase now instead of waiting for later. This creates value for the product and increase the chances of the customer purchasing the product.  The language will be crafted in such a manner to elicit a response so that the customer will make the purchase.     Talk About The Value...

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NLP Training in Chennai

By on Oct 26, 2017 in Blog |

NLP Training in Chennai If you are looking for an NLP training in Chennai, you will find few decent options, and to extend your options, you can consider joining for an NLP training program in Bangalore, which is close to Chennai, but better in quality.  Since you will be investing a substantial amount of time and money in the program, it is natural for you to find out whether the program is worthy of the investment or not.  You may or may not be aware that most of the options for NLP training in Chennai are not of great standard.  Some of the programs are run by trainers who are not even properly qualified.  It is imperative that you identify a good program that meets your needs, and is run by a Master NLP Trainer and Coach with valid credentials, knowledge, and experience. You must also pay attention to the training organization and find out more about their recommendations, testimonials etc.  SO with the obvious out of the way, let us find out the things which you should not base your course on. Dates of the course If you went through a number of training programs online and then simply chose the one that matched your schedule, then there is a chance that the program may not fit your requirements perfectly. Basing any course solely on the dates of the course can be a mistake. You must find out more about the program and the reputation of the organization before choosing a program.  Keep your dates flexible, so that you can attend the right course. Cost of the course Sometimes, you may find attractively low prices to be a great reason for choosing a particular course over the other. But remember that sometimes, you may just get what you paid for. New organizations or those organizations that do not have a good footfall may choose to reduce the cost of the program to increase the number of enrolments. You may happen to come across a good trainer who delivers a great session even when the course fee is low, but basing the choice of the program only on the cost of the course can be a mistake that you...

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NLP Practitioner Training Online

By on Oct 10, 2017 in Blog |

NLP Practitioner Training Online Digitization never had a smooth entry into the world. There was a time when people found it difficult to rely on an online store to send clothes of the right measurement. Even difficult was the fact that payments had to be made online and if the product didn’t come as expected then the whole process of returns was another hassle. Eventually, things smoothed out and now businesses are thriving online. For many who think that this is as good as digitization gets, more so if you are considering to do an NLP Practitioner Training Online, it is time for you to know that this is just the beginning of an easier and smoother way of conducting many businesses online. This has been the case in Neuro Linguistic Programming, NLP Training Programs as well.  There are many NLP organizations which are offering Certified NLP Practitioner Training Online, along with other variations of NLP programs (Certified NLP Master Practitioner and Certified NLP Trainer – though we have reservations about the concept of higher level programs being delivered online and more so if in an off-line format) as well. There are many benefits of an online NLP practitioner training program which makes it more preferable than the traditional classroom trainings in some cases.  There are always Pros and Cons, and we will discuss those as well, while you may be considering to do an online NLP Program. Advantages of NLP Practitioner Training Online: Traveling Constraint: When you are trained online, you have the comfort of being at your home or office and completing the training instead of having to travel to a training class.  If you want to do a specific course, and the in class program option does not work for you due to location constraints, then online NLP Training program option is an easier option to get started in NLP and Coaching.  Though it may be slightly expensive if it a Trainer lead one to one course.  Off line courses are way cheaper, but then the quality, depth of the program, program being non interactive makes a program questionable.   Personal Attention: Having a one to one conversation with the trainer makes a big difference when...

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Benefits of becoming an NLP Trainer

By on Sep 25, 2017 in Blog |

Benefits of Becoming an NLP Trainer What is Neuro Linguistic Programming or NLP as most of us know it, is a powerful technology which is in growth phase now. In its history spanning four + decades, it has already proved to be a cutting edge technology that can help a person succeed in work and personal life. NLP has many techniques that can help in improving the quality of conversations that a person can have with others and the lifestyle they can lead by improving and getting better to handle different situations in various areas of life. It works as a framework which enables a person to tap into their own resources and get control over difficult situations that a person might be facing.  NLP can be used by people to give up bad habits, do well as a leader, become a better partner, or come out of an un-resourceful state (low point in life) and get into a resourceful state by considering a new perspective which helps them do better at work and home. All of this proves that there are many benefits of becoming an NLP Trainer Certification in India, if you have been considering to become one. It Is An Extremely Gratifying Profession There is nothing that can be more fulfilling than a profession where you have the knowledge to help people transform their lives for good. As a trainer you may end up training corporate leaders, employees, business owners, students and homemakers. All of them will have their own reasons and requirements from the training and every one will be looking forward to make a change in their lives through the NLP training.  Knowing this profession brings a lot of satisfaction, many soft skills trainers, process trainers, and various others trainers are upgrading their skills to become an NLP Trainer and work with people as Change agents of behavior change or as trainers training people on NLP, and more the people are becoming aware of the benefits of becoming an NLP Trainer, the more the pull towards becoming one.  And as we all know, a gratifying profession is something that enables a person to operate at their best, have passion doing it, have amazing motivation...

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NLP Session in India

By on Sep 14, 2017 in Blog |

NLP session in India What are some of the aspects that one must consider while selecting a Certified NLP Practitioner Program in India? While there are many considerations, here are some of the most important factors that one must consider, when they have to finalize, which NLP session to attend in India: 1. First and foremost accreditation of the training organizations and the team of trainers and coaches facilitating the program.  Do check the quality of NLP accreditation approvals (ABNLP, ANLP, UK, Richard Bandler NLP, John Grinder, etc.) the training company has.  The word quality is important here, as there are many NLP accreditation bodies in India and outside India as well, which are churning out sub-standard Practitioners.  An accreditation body started by sub-standard trainers in Europe or Asia or any other part of the world does not automatically become good.  Generally, there is a myth in India, anything foreign is good.  The oldest accreditation bodies in the world are Richard Bandler NLP, John Grinder’s body, American Board of NLP, ANLP, UK.  Among others, there are few good ones, but make sure you check all the other considerations listed below. 2. Check whether the program is an application based program, where the focus is on NLP framework and how it is used for Self Coaching, application in Life Coaching, Executive Coaching, and Sports Mind Peak Performance Coaching, how to improve counseling skills, Sales Coaching etc. Most of the NLP training programs are run as pure NLP (classic NLP) programs – there is nothing wrong in those programs, but those programs won’t focus much on the applications, and does not allow participants to practice applications of NLP framework during the program itself, hence limiting the usage and application of learning. 3. Check the content that the organization is sharing on its blog to: educate future participants, provide honest answers to the questions that participants ask (The answer which you are reading is because of the questions that we generally receive, and it helps to create an FAQ and share with others looking forward to doing an NLP session in India).  If somebody is doing a benchmark of NLP session in India, then good content on the site will help participants to...

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Online NLP Training

By on Aug 23, 2017 in Blog |

Online NLP Training The purpose of this post is to provide a brief about Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), the advances it has made in the last few decades, and the application of NLP in Coaching, Sales, Leadership Development, and the need to get some portion of the NLP programs covered online, and the need for online NLP Training program.  What are the criteria to select an online NLP training program, and what are the considerations to select a good online NLP program?  NLP the cutting-edge technology (also referred to as key to open the full potential of the Human Brain) was created by Richard Bandler, Frank Pucelik, and John Grinder, along with other co-developers of NLP (Robert Dilts, Steve Gilligan, Judith Delozier, David Gordon, Steve Andreas etc.) in the 1970s in California.  The classic definition of NLP is that ‘NLP is about modelling excellence’.  It’s the study of exemplary human behavior and breaking that down into learnable patterns that anybody can learn. Example. A person who is good at public speaking is good because of some excellent patterns which are unique to that person.  Using NLP this behavior can be broken into sizable chunks which can be used to create a model to make effective public speaking easy for those who want to learn this behavior.  Being the premier behavior-based change methodology NLP programs were conducted in a classroom-based style, experiential in nature.  There was no online NLP training back then, as there was no technology that could be leveraged during those times.    It is a study of people’s minds, feeling, language, and behavior to understand how they do certain things in life and help them manifest new and better behavioral patterns to achieve greater good in life. This approach allows any person to model the skills of geniuses and manifest them in their lives, by modelling excellence. NLP aims at improving the relationship between ones’ conscious and subconscious mind by improving the communication between the two. It helps the subconscious mind to understand what the conscious mind wants and helps in achieving that. It can be referred to as a life-changing philosophy that helps to achieve our goals in both personal and professional spheres of life. How were...

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NLP Coach Program in Bangalore

By on Aug 16, 2017 in Blog |

Understanding NLP – NLP Coach Program in Bangalore   Human experiences are a result of the way we think, the way we communicate (both verbal and non-verbal) and the corresponding behavior patterns and emotions felt. Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is based on the tenet that that all human behavior and emotions felt in various situations are a result of various learned patterns acquired over a period of time, which this can be changed by reprogramming or changing the neurological wiring of human brain, by providing new choices, and practicing them consciously so that they become part of muscle memory.  Hence, becoming a new way of operating in old scenarios, in a much resourceful way.   Richard Bandler and John Grinder together developed this technology by combining the study of neurological configurations (understanding the behavior of the brain), linguistic structures (language that the brain understands), and how people learn (programming part).  This lead to an exploration which became one of the most important discovery of tapping into human potential.   Standard NLP learning has been applied to coach people, and NLP based coaching has been used widely as a coaching methodology across different areas (Life Coaching, Executive Coaching, Leadership Coaching, Peak Performance Coaching,  Business Coaching,  Team Coaching,  Transformation Coaching, Sports Mental Coaching) for the past three decades for purposes of personal and business transformation.   All human behavior and actions are a result of underlying filters, beliefs and value systems being the prominent ones which are the driving force behind any behavior that a person exhibits.  In simple words, beliefs and values, result in certain thought patterns, which in turn defines the behavior/ action.  Standard NLP techniques are part of NLP based course curriculum where a person learns how to break un-resourceful beliefs (which hampers persons growth), and to create empowering beliefs.  NLP also helps in Value Realignment which is a very powerful behavior change techniques, which allows person control over a situation where they want to have more choices, and get better results.   Attending an NLP coach program in Bangalore will help you get clarity in your life.  It helps you to understand your purpose, and get deeply connected with it, so that it is easy to set...

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NLP Modelling Example-I

By on Jun 29, 2017 in Blog |

Introduction: NLP Modelling Example-I At work few months back, I attended a Toast Master meeting, in which select individuals delivered a speech before an assembled audience. As is always the case, some speakers were very good, some were average, and some were trembling like a leaf. For person who suffers from low confidence during public speaking, the general advice is that if they want to improve public speaking skills they should practice repeatedly in front of a mirror in order to feel confident. This advice however would be incomplete if the person is not told ‘How’ to feel confident, and ‘What’ needs to be done in order to feel confident. As a diehard fan of NLP, I immediately felt that ‘If one person can be a spontaneous powerful speaker, so can others’.  At that point, I decided that my NLP modelling project will be, ‘How to become a powerful speaker’. The choice of this NLP modelling topic was also in sync with the ‘Outcome’ I hold for myself, which is to become a great NLP Trainer.  An important trait of any trainer is to be a powerful speaker, and I am very sure that this modelling project is going to create an everlasting learning for me, and also for the reader who is going to benefit from this project.   David Gordon and Graham Dawes say that: Modelling is a doorway into the vast storehouse of human experience and abilities, providing access to anyone willing to turn the key. For the individual who pursues modeling, this means: Access to an ever-widening range of new experiences and abilities. An increasing ability to bring those same experiences and abilities to others. A finer understanding of the structure underlying unwanted experiences and behaviors so that you know precisely what to change in those experiences and behaviors. Ever-increasing flexibility in your experience and responses. A growing appreciation of the beauty to be found in the patterns of human experience. Overall Outcome The overall outcome of this modelling project was to have a model in place for me and the readers to be able to get into a state to speak powerfully in front of a target audience. Scope The scope of this project...

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NLP Certification Program in Bangalore

By on Jun 16, 2017 in Blog |

Register For NLP Certification Program in Bangalore to move towards Better Future Prospects If you are in two minds whether to do an NLP Certification Program or not, then just stop thinking and ‘Just do it’; and you will make one of the most satisfying decisions in your life. Understanding the power of your unconscious mind, focus, attention, getting into resourceful states, and the art of tapping into your resources at will, without consciously being aware, yields you super results. NLP enables you to integrate all these in your life seamlessly, all you have to do is believe in yourself, take actions towards your goals, and allow yourself a chance to be successful. NLP Certification Program in Bangalore brings you just all this in the most Integrated style where classic NLP (Created by Richard Bandler & John Grinder), and New Code NLP (Created by John Grinder) is weaved together with the applications of NLP in Coaching, Sales, Personal Growth, Leadership, and Business Mastery, leading to certification in NLP and Coaching together. This is one program that will be the turning point in your life to achieve goals that you have set for yourself, or if you haven’t yet, then it will propel you to set them, and move towards them in a much faster manner.  If you are connected with your purpose, then you are able to stay motivated during the journey which you will embark based on the path chosen by you, and an NLP Program is the best way to do that, and help you design it for yourself in your own unique way.  Allowing you to be at your best all times, and leveraging the Peak Performance States for yourself at will, and excelling in whatever you are doing. People who have attended an NLP Certification program in Bangalore with us have taken this step towards Personal and Business Mastery. You get to experience the NLP in its purest form, facilitated by Internationally Trained Trainers and Coaches, with International accreditation, enabling you to get the firsthand experience of NLP and Coaching. Your first NLP experience will determine what you are going to do with this amazing technology, as putting the right foot forward (which is to...

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