NLP Training and Coaching Organization providing NLP Programs – NLP Bangalore, NLP Delhi, NLP Pune, NLP Kolkata

Affordable NLP Training in Bangalore

By on Oct 26, 2016 in Blog |

Affordable NLP Training in Bangalore Bangalore is a city that is full of vibrancy and activity at almost any time of the day.  With the Information Technology boom, Bangalore has become one of the largest cities in India, which has people from different parts of the globe.  It reflects the fast-paced lives led by the people here and the need for high standards of personal and professional conduct. All of this puts lot of pressure on fresh graduates, and people who migrate from different parts of the country and come to Bangalore for better opportunities.  Many people feel like they are only living half the life that they actually should because of their inability to cope with situations effectively. Everything from work, relationships and lifestyle requires a certain perspective to it. For an average person caught between work and personal life, things may not always seem simple. This is why Bangalore has a number of NLP training organizations that help people cope with life situations more effectively.  NLP Training in Bangalore is in great demand, and even more is affordable NLP Training in Bangalore. NLP is great for people from almost all walks of life. Whether you are a manager handling a large team, a business owner with diverse set of clients, a mother trying to establish effective communication with your children, a teacher hoping to communicate effectively with kids and parents, or a nine-fiver trying to handle a relationship at work and at home; no matter which part of life you are trying to deal with, NLP can help you handle life situations in a more effective way, hence the demand for affordable NLP Training in Bangalore. Reasonably priced affordable NLP training in Bangalore is a luxury these days, considering myriads of organizations are offering NLP programs at exorbitant prices, because of the demand.    When you go looking for an affordable NLP training in Bangalore, here are a few things that can help you decide easily about the program that will be suitable for you. 1.      Type of program Not every NLP training program is the same. While some help you to handle life situations more effectively, others are focused on work and yet others are concentrated on...

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Time Management Toolkit

By on Oct 23, 2016 in Blog |

Time Management Toolkit – A Blueprint for Managing Time Better Improving Time management does not happen overnight, more so, if people have never paid attention to what works for them. It needs a lot of getting used to, once people start and fine tune, to see what works for them.  People need to change their habits, get used to scheduling and train their brain to follow the methods of time management, so that they can manage time successfully, and are able to manage things on a regular basis that they have planned for themselves. Most of the times, people begin to follow something with great ardor but somewhere down the line, before they begin to reap the benefits, they give up. The reason most people give up is because they did not plan it right and did not understand the obstacles that they may come across. The process of disciplining yourself to manage time successfully can be very tedious and it can make you uncomfortable too. While we are not talking about standing on the head to make time stop, for some people, something as simple as sticking to a schedule for a day can be difficult. To manage time better you must diligently follow your schedule and patiently continue to follow it till you start seeing the benefits of developing this habit.  Well, somebody said, ‘Good things take time’.  Invest time in getting better at Time Management, by utilizing this Time Management Toolkit, A Blueprint for Managing Time Better. What is Your Routine? To begin with, check the manner in which you spend time every day.  As a starting point of Time Management Toolkit, track your time for an entire week and write down what you do every 15-20 minutes. Check the time you spend sleeping, time that you spend procrastinating, time you spend on your mobile, laptops, any other gadgets.  A week later you will know exactly how much time you spend doing nothing, how much time you spend on things that matter, and how much time you spend on things which don’t matter in the long run. Remember that everyone needs to enjoy and spend good time either playing, watching TV, listening music or doing anything...

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Best NLP Training in Mumbai

By on Oct 15, 2016 in Blog |

Best NLP Training in Mumbai Mumbai is known as the city of dreams. For many people, this is where dreams come true but others have to struggle to turn their dreams turn into reality. It isn’t always easy to lead a life in the city without being caught in the oddities of life in this metro-city. Booking link for the NLP Training in Mumbai is at the bottom of the page.  Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), NLP training in Mumbai is gaining a lot of popularity. Every now and then I hear people enrolling themselves for an NLP training program.  Buzz word these days in the corporate sector in Mumbai is ‘Which is the best NLP training in Mumbai?’ ‘What are the criteria of the best NLP course in Mumbai?’ ‘How to find the best NLP training in Mumbai?’ etc.  I think it is a good thing that people in Mumbai are becoming more aware of their needs, their goals, their aspirations, and their shortcomings which they want to change.  There was a time when NLP training may have been considered a waste of time, but now more than ever, people generally across the globe have realized that we may not be able to do our best if we did not understand how to focus our energy in the right way, and NLP is the best training for self-development, to understand what it takes to be the best in every situation, what it takes to move forward in life, and what it takes to be a better person, and handle situations in life effortlessly. NLP programs help us know ourselves better and enhance our abilities when it comes to handling tough situations in life.  NLP programs are very powerful, for self and business transformation, and has many benefits (Read more about Benefits of NLP).  NLP programs: Helps people make decisions with better precision Gives them a chance to reflect on their lives so that they can think clearly regarding their life and career Helps in enhancing their personal relationships and gaining more from life. But many people who went through NLP training in Mumbai came back to tell me that the program did not quite meet their expectations. Most of...

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NLP The new Leadership development tool

By on Oct 15, 2016 in Blog |

  “Become Leaders of People and not Managers of tasks” There was a time when the term “Manager” was easily separable from that of a “Leader”. His or her primary responsibilities involved: following top management orders, organizing and delegating the tasks to subordinates, coordinating with team members & analysing the team results, finally ensure that the tasks get done, and meet the expectation of the Management. The core of any supervising role is that of successful accomplishment of any given task – Efficiency being the key factor and focus. With the changing concept of Management and Leadership, take a step forward and experience the magic of what is called Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), ‘ NLP The new Leadership development tool ’. With the growth and change in the organization styles, value is now associated to the knowledge in people. Thus, the terms Management and Leadership are inked together. They are words which are rather symbiotic and complement each other, than, just functioning in their respective domains. Interestingly, most or rather all organizations in the present day expect their managers to manage people in such a manner that they not only accomplish the given task but also exhibit management and leadership qualities. With the rise of knowledge, ‘one does not manage people’ but ‘lead people’. Having said so, we expect the leadership group to give up on their rigid methodologies, one amongst those being the age old practice of grading mechanism. Currently, following the trend “The Manager”, is equipped with various tools and techniques which he/she uses to judge the effectiveness of his/her employees; Performance Evaluation or Appraisal being one of them. As a part of this age old traditional ritual, generally manager’s approach has been to provide ‘feedback’ to employees, where the employees are hardly able to distinguish between the provided ‘Feedback’ with that of criticism. Most interestingly, the compensation that we further offer an employee on an annual basis is an outcome of the given ‘Feedback’. The thought is primarily based on rating and grading each person, in alignment with the past actions of an employee, for that particular year, which were a result of specific situations. Most managers blindly follow this practice, and forget that every action...

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How to become a Life Coach in Bangalore

By on Oct 6, 2016 in Blog |

How to Become a Life Coach in Bangalore? The word “life-changing” does not hold the same meaning or context for everyone. While life-changing is good for a few people, there are those who find it difficult to cope with changes in their lives. People who are unable to change end up stagnating in life and are unable to grow or prosper. Many of these people find themselves in an unwanted situation of change and need someone (Life Coach) who can help them accept these changes.  Now a question that can come to your mind might be, ‘What is Life Coaching?’, ‘What does a Life Coach do?’, and ‘How to become a Life Coach in Bangalore, if you are looking for a Life Coach training in Bangalore.  Life Coach certification in Bangalore is of interest to many as Bangalore is a big city, and people sometimes prefer to get a hands on experience in a classroom format, along with online coach program as well.  Hence, many people opt for Certified Life Coach program in Bangalore. Life coaches help people from all walks of life by coaching them so that they can accept transitions and strike a balance between work and life.  ‘People have all the resources to solve their problems’ – A Life Coach is a person who believes in this, and will tap into the resources of his/her clients, and help them to move forward in life.  They try to help people reach harmony with their body and soul so that it is easier for the person to lead a fulfilling life. Even though you can become one? or Do you feel like that this is your calling?  If you are looking for Certified Life Coach program in Bangalore, then you can read further. Life coaching has been prevalent for over half a century now and its importance has grown exponentially in the last few years. Life coaches need to have some inherent qualities which make them a good coach. While life-coaching does not require a license, there are a number of life coaching certification courses which can certify you making it legitimate for you to practice life-coaching or establish credibility with your clients. Some of the qualities that...

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How to create 14 hours in a week for personal growth

By on Sep 19, 2016 in Blog |

If you are on the path to success, then you already may be aware that it is based on the gravels of personal growth.  Remove the gravels and you are looking at a difficult road that may be difficult to walk on. It may make your travel longer and it will tire you more. ‘ How to create 14 hours in a week for personal growth ’ provides a view into important things that can increase the momentum towards Personal and Business Transformation. This is why personal growth is important for anyone who is aiming at success.  Hence, to create time, and devout time for it is equally important.  Now the question is ‘How could you aim for personal growth when you are trying hard to achieve your goals and you do not have any time for personal growth?’ The answer is simple, you have to make time for it, so that you can succeed. Give yourself 14-15 hours every week for personal growth and you will be a changed person living a life that is more fulfilling.  The points mentioned are indicative and a good start to, ‘ How to create 14 hours in a week for personal growth ’ and can be expanded to include many others as well.  Actions towards personal growth are amazing as taking actions towards Personal Growth improves your performance and that itself creates more time, which can be invested back for Personal Growth. 1. Physical Exercise Give yourself the chance to work out. Physical exercise is helpful in keeping the body active and helping the flow of blood to all parts of the body so that you feel fresh and rejuvenated. Choose an activity that you will enjoy. If you already have a hobby that involves physical activity then pursue it on a regular basis to keep yourself more active and increase your attention span for other activities. Physical activities like aerobics, swimming, walking cycling or jogging are good for the health and they give you the chance to achieve more when it comes to the work you do. It is an important step towards self-development and personal growth.  Allocate 30 minutes of the day, early morning being the best time, towards...

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best NLP training in India

By on Sep 7, 2016 in Blog |

Best NLP Training in India NLP, short for Neuro Linguistic Programming is becoming one of the most sought after training programs in India. People from all walks of life have begun realizing the importance of an NLP training (Personal and Business) and how effective it can be when applied to their lives as a Personal Transformation methodology, for Leadership development in Business, Sales Mastery, Coaching, Therapy etc. People from different walks of life are looking for Best NLP Training in India. With great popularity of the program, there is a rise in training institutions and trainers, offering NLP programs. While this is good news, it also makes it difficult for a person looking forward to attend an NLP Program to make the right choice given the number of people willing to certify you, and offer NLP Programs. Let us find out the ways in which you can identify the best NLP training in India. Here are some questions that can get you started in this space of how to identify Best NLP training in India? What is your goal? What do you want to improve? Do I want to be certified or just want to attend the program? What results are you looking forward by attending an NLP Program?  What area(s) of your life you want to improve? Ask yourself the reason why you would like to do an NLP program. This is the best way to begin with your search for the best NLP training in India.  When your goals are clear, you can then begin targeting the training organizations which excel in that niche. There are NLP programs that help you in personal development and then there are those that help you achieve business goals. You will also find NLP programs that are coach (self-coaching and becoming a coach) focused. Depending on the kind of program that you want to do, you can search an organization that has proven its mettle when it comes to that particular program. NLP programs can help in Personal Transformation, in getting better at Sales, Leadership Development, becoming an NLP Coach, learn behaviour Change techniques, getting better as a Behaviour Change Trainer etc.  So make sure that you are aware what you...

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12 Secrets Successful People Follow For Time Management

By on Sep 1, 2016 in Blog |

The essence of time is the most important factor in the making of a successful person. Since we are yet to invent the elusive time machine, managing time effectively is the only option we have to ensure success until we find a way of travelling back and forth in time. For now, time cannot be negotiated, it cannot be replaced and most important of all, once it is gone, it cannot come back. So living here and now, is important for anyone to be successful. The pricelessness of time makes it one of your most prized possessions every moment you live. Let us take a peek into the way (12 Secrets Successful People Follow For Time Management) in which successful people manage time. 1.       Value Time When Chares Darwin said, “A man who dares waste one hour of his time has not discovered the value of life”, he was emphasizing on the importance of time and how it can make a huge difference in your life. When you begin to value every hour, every minute of your life, you learn to take control of your life and ensure that time does not beat you when it comes to being successful. 2.       They Look For People Who Are Passionate About Work Successful people have passionate people working under them. Their success relies on people who value time as well. Not only do they practice time management themselves, they ensure that their employees understand the importance of time and manage it effectively too. 3.       Maintain discipline “You may delay, but time will not”. Benjamin Franklin was quite right about the fact that no matter how much we try to delay things, time won’t be waiting by our side to wait for us to act. Every minute, every second we delay, we lose out the chance for being productive. Procrastination is one of the most common things that the average person experiences in his day to day life. We allow time to casually slip by, as we continuously delay our pending work till it is too late. If we complete our work in a timely manner, we will be more productive and more successful. 4.       Trashing The To-Do List To-do lists are...

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70 Exercises to improve mental fitness

By on Aug 17, 2016 in Blog |

70 Exercises to improve mental fitness Practice free writing with your non dominant hand. Create a drawing with your non dominant, and dominant hand simultaneously. Eat with your non dominant hand, whenever possible. While practicing speed reading, flip the pages using your non dominant hand. Pull or push doors with your non dominant hand. Apply soap on your body using your non dominant hand. Brush your teeth with your non dominant hand. Apply body spray with your non dominant hand. Drink tea with your non dominant hand. Use TV remote with non-dominant hand. Bowl using your non dominant hand. Go for a walk and take different route whenever possible. If you watch some TV channels.  Watch a different one on a weekly basis: National geographic or discovery channel. Break routine activities and do different set of activities. Eat something different like fruits/salads to break routine food habits. Change the brand of your pen/pencil with which you write. Change the brand of your notebook, so that you get used to another style. Read variety of books. Change your sports habits, experiment with different sport for a day or so, and do that weekly. Instead of reading a book, try a computer, and vice versa if you are reading on computer or tab. Try yoga or stretching exercises, if you are not, or something different. If you read comics/magazines, read a history book or a book about motivation. Change your desk location at home, change your chair, clean your cabinet, and arrange them differently. Dress differently, than what you are doing regularly. Talk to different people, about different subjects, whatever they like to, and listen more. Add 5 minutes of breathing techniques to your routine. Do it in the morning, afternoon, and in the evening. Drink warm water, if you drink cold water or room temperate water if you drink hot/warm water. Close your eyes, and dream about how next day is going to shape up. Practice doing this daily, for the next day. Count from 100 to 0, skipping 3 numbers at a time.  Example: 100, 96, 92, ….. Cover your eyes and listen to inspirational music for few minutes. Draw a picture with your eyes closed. Keep ten objects...

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NLP and Future of NLP and NLP techniques

By on Jul 18, 2016 in Blog |

These days many people are curious about Neuro Linguistic Programming-NLP and Future of NLP and NLP techniques.  NLP, Conversational Hypnotherapy, application of NLP in Sales and Marketing reached a new high in the 1990s, and 2000 when the two ‘NLP and Conversational Hypnosis’ blended more fluidly into each other, along with its applications in Sales and Marketing to create one of the most scientifically discredited theories of ‘hypnosis for marketing influence’ and yet a technique which is highly acknowledged by marketing analysts, sales professionals and entrepreneurial community, as the best application of NLP techniques. NLP is the brainchild of Richard Bandler and John Grinder in California. The NLP approach is meant to address a link between neurological responses, language and behavioural patterns which are acquired by the brain as a result of our experiences.  NLP is the study of subjective experience, and is also defined as ‘NLP is about modelling excellence’. Today, the most prevalent form of application of NLP is ‘Internet marketing’, where a form of hypnotic writing (using NLP Milton Model language patterns) is noticed in the many get-rich schemes and adverts, certain scams, and even used by some big brands to advertise their products and services. NLP is a technique, a methodology, a framework which empowers people in the exploration of the manner in which a human mind works. It is the ‘difference’ that makes the ‘difference.’ The ways in which we think and develop our desires and goals. It utilizes the language of the mind to help in achieving desired outcomes. NLP is used by people to develop confidence in themselves, to manage their personal and professional relationships effectively (most of the time), to negotiate a situation where they can always be in a win-win situation.  It is also helpful in meeting sales targets where sales professional use NLP to persuade buyers. It also helps leaders persuade the audience regarding their viewpoint and influence them sway on their side by making the audience feel that his/her viewpoint is right. It also helps in establishing a deeper connection with the audience. From lawyers and negotiators to therapists and life coaches, business leaders, motivational speakers, sales professionals everyone finds NLP to be useful when they try to...

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