NLP Training and Coaching Organization providing NLP Programs – NLP Bangalore, NLP Delhi, NLP Pune, NLP Kolkata

Do you see a reflection

By on Jun 12, 2015 in Blog |

Do you see a Reflection. One of our Coaches attended a Coaching seminar and was fascinated by the facilitators witty behavior, great command over language to induce changes in the participants at a conscious and un-conscious level, charisma to leave everybody mesmerized, and a great flow to the seminar using experiential style.  One of the activities that the facilitator took the participants through was very powerful and thought provoking. Here is how the session started: “Good morning everybody! Let’s start with a quick 3 step exercise to make the session more interesting.  All you need is a paper and pen, and do it real quick so that there’s no time for your conscious mind to reason or think.  I hope you are ready. Let’s go! Step 1: Think about a person you like. List down 5 qualities you like about him/her on the left side of the paper. Step 2: Think about a person you dislike. List down 5 qualities you dislike about him/her on the right side of the paper Step 3: On both sides circle 3 most liked and disliked qualities by you and keep that aside. When I did this exercise during my NLP Coaching program, the 6 qualities circled were – ‘selfish, fake, gossip monger’ – which I disliked, and ‘humble, caring, genuine’ – which I liked. It was amazing what I found out at the end of the exercise. I was very happy with the friend circle I had, and I was really not keen to make more friends. On one hand I felt I didn’t need any, on the other hand I didn’t know what kind of people were out there. My friends were the ones I forged a bond with during school and college. I felt safe with them and content. One day during training, we were asked to do the above exercise and what opened up was a new revelation. To share a fact – whenever I met new people, I always found something that I didn’t like in them; some were too absorbed with themselves, some wanted all the attention, some were busy gossiping about others. There were very few people I could really connect with, and honestly, I always...

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What Makes NLP a Unique and Powerful Course?

By on Jun 9, 2015 in Blog |

What Makes NLP a Unique and Powerful Course? Recently, Executive Coaching has seen a surge in popularity, as individuals and companies alike recognize the benefits of individual growth and development from a psychological point of view for business results. Executive coaching generally begins a process of self-discovery, where individuals learn more about the way in which they think in order to get a better understanding of the way their mind works, and the best ways for them to make decisions and develop strategies to find their own solutions. The purpose of this post is to share what makes NLP a unique and Powerful course. There are a huge variety of coaching programmes and Certified Executive Coaches out there, which may leave you wondering which Coaching programmes really work, and which ones are simply a waste of time. By undertaking a Coaching program which uses NLP as the framework to Coach, you can be confident and assured that you have selected one of the most powerful methodologies for Executive Coaching. Once a person is done with the Coach Program, it is up to that person to keep the momentum going and get better at Coaching. The only way to get better at Coaching is by Coaching. Since the 1970s, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) has been the world’s premier form of Behavior Training, and over a period of time it has been used in Business as well: Powerful Framework for Executive coaching, Sales trainings, Leadership development, Sports Psychology etc., and that is the main reason why NLP   It is being used by countless people worldwide as a means of learning how a person’s mind will work in order to both influence others and make changes within oneself to achieve any particular goals they might have. It is an extremely powerful framework which has been used for decades by Business Executives, Leaders, Sports Personnel to name a few, and as such it is something which stands head and shoulders above other methodologies/framework related to Behavioral change. What makes NLP a unique and Powerful course is that NLP utilizes powerful language patterns, which works both at the conscious and un-conscious levels to bring about a positive change. Being highly trained in the ways...

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Why leadership development programs fail

By on Jun 6, 2015 in Blog |

Why leadership development programs fail Organizations spend a prince’s ransom every year in developing leaders in their rank and file. Their future depends on giving maximum leverage to their top people. And on spotting and nurturing the next generation of business champions… today. To create leaders, organizations will try any new method and spend any amount of money. Some leadership development programs are known to cost as much as $100,000. And yet, the effectiveness of such programs is not guaranteed. That is the reason there is a high focus on why leadership development programs fail? A recent article posted on the McKinsey website revealed four reasons why leadership development programs fail: Context was overlooked The learning was not embedded in real organization work Mindsets of participants were underestimated There was a failure in measuring results Let’s take a deeper look at what is happening in those leadership development programs that fall flat. Why Leadership development programs fail – Reasons for failure Any such program will fail due to one or more of the following reasons: Generalizing leadership traits Even top universities and colleges will focus on “must have” leadership traits which are derived from various leadership surveys. This approach belittles the truth that leadership comes in various shapes and sizes. By making leadership an inflexible monolith, these programs might end up teaching the participants they are innately inadequate to become a great leader and also force them to fit into the mould. As a result, one might not find the diversity of thought and personalities that are required at the top of an organization to combat any and every challenge that comes their way. Using wrong tools In a desire to avail the latest and greatest tools, organizations might seek guidance from top universities and colleges. These institutions would promote assessment and training tools developed by certain organizations – organizations that offer them grants and funding. Instead of offering tools that are best suited for the participants, the university/college ends up offering tools that are best for their funding needs. In my own experience, a senior leader I met was assessed using one such “leading” personality assessment tool during a leadership development program.  The assessment generated a 20-page detailed...

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Misconceptions about NLP

By on Jun 4, 2015 in Blog |

Misconceptions about NLP Take an idea, any idea. Now using this idea, you can divide the world into those who believe in it and those who dismiss it. Religion, evolution, the string theory, genomics… the list of ideas that are debated endlessly is, well, endless, including misconceptions about NLP. If you consider NLP as an idea whose time has come, you can divide the world into practitioners of NLP – who have personally witnessed great positive changes in their lives due to NLP – and outsider-skeptics – who dismiss it using rudimentary theories.  Those who are exploring online NLP training in India, and to attend an NLP Practitioner program need to understand this.   There are proven strategies to debunk an idea – even the best of ideas. The debunker uses one or more of the following strategies: Accuse the science – label the idea unscientific Accuse the creators and practitioners of the idea as greedy, unscientific etc Accuse the followers of the idea – label them gullible Refute the benefits of the idea Refute the longevity of the benefits – in the case the above fails Those who attack NLP use every single strategy mentioned above. Here are the most popular myths about NLP. Misconceptions about NLP Demystified Only demotivated people need NLP This is like saying only blind people need eyes. Motivation is undoubtedly the fuel that takes us towards our goals and we cannot have enough of it. Just because NLP offers effective techniques to become and stay motivated doesn’t mean it does just that. NLP is also great in helping the newly motivated person to pursue meaningful goals. Because, once you put fuel in the tank, you must have someplace to go. NLP is a superficial framework This criticism is sponsored by those who label NLP a pseudoscience practiced by a cult. Not surprisingly, only casual researchers have this view. Anybody who has studied NLP and seen it in action will never express such a view. Perhaps this viewpoint comes from witnessing incredibly quick results to long-lasting problems. For instance, an expert NLP practitioner can help a person fearing snakes get rid of this fear in minutes. Minutes, not days. To the outsider, this might seem...

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NLP Lie Detection

By on May 27, 2015 in Blog |

Many articles have been written about this topic, ‘The NLP Lie Detection Technique’, and many a times it has been explained in various NLP Blogs and Forums, that Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is more than techniques (which can fix issues instantly). It is an attitude and a framework for excellence – to excel in life, to make changes in one’s life, and in the life of others around people. There are many myths about NLP, that it can be used as a Lie Detection test (NLP Lie Detection Technique), or it can be used to seduce women, etc. This is primarily the reason that some people have a tendency to look at NLP as some mysterious set of techniques that can be used to manipulate people. In fact, the programs are marketed as ‘Learn how to manipulate people using NLP’ or ‘NLP Sales – Learn NLP Selling skills to manipulate people’ or ‘Get Winning Edge – How to manipulate people and succeed’. Disgusting! NLP Eye Accessing cues or NLP Eye Movement Patterns is being introduced in many NLP Workshops as an ‘Instant NLP Lie Detection’ technique. NLP Eye Movement has its applications in the identification of the Representational System of a person, which can be useful in calibration, Rapport Building, and understanding the experience of a person using the Modalities. But, to categorize this as an ‘NLP Lie Detection Technique’ is sad and is a big Myth, which is not an NLP Belief to have. The myth is based on the belief that, if you ask someone to think about something that they have to remember visually, they should: Look up to their left, as if they are remembering the event And if they look up to their right, then they are making up an image, and are lying This sounds interesting and works in some cases, but in certain cases depending on what the circumstances are a person will not demonstrate this pattern consistently, even though at some point the same person would have demonstrated it as per the classic nomenclature of ‘NLP Eye Accessing cues’, and the Eye Movements, based on questions related to Visual Remember, Visual Created, Auditory Remembered, Auditory Created, etc. This is also in...

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How to Solve Life Problems with NLP

By on May 3, 2015 in Blog |

How to Solve Life Problems with NLP – Neuro Linguistic Programming Neuro linguistic programming or NLP is a framework that makes use of language and communication structures to influence the human brain, and enables people to make better choices, to succeed in life, to get better results faster. In the 1970s, Richard Bandler and John Grinder developed it. The purpose of NLP is to modify your neurological processes, language, and behavioral patterns. These changes enable a person to attain certain specific goals in life. NLP includes a set of techniques, which are so powerful that they modify your performance rapidly, repeatedly, and effectively. Moreover, an operational philosophy is also integrated for guiding the participant. Aim in life is of utmost importance In life, it is vital to have definite outcomes.  Generally, most people do not have proper outcomes in life, and they wander arbitrarily all through their lives. NLP accentuates the significance of living with determined aim, and a framework for how to solve life problems with NLP. To attain specific results, it is essential to work and converse in certain ways. The program includes an array of behavioral and linguistic patterns that have proved to be extremely effective. People are able to make changes in their confidence and performance by using simple NLP techniques. When you use any of these models, NLP emphasizes the importance of nonstop calibration with people you interact. It helps to assess, if the pattern you are using is working for you or not. If the pattern does not work, then you will need to vary your behavior till the desired outcomes are achieved. This difference in behavior is not arbitrary. It comprises of a systematic application of NLP  patterns. Another most important thing to remember here is to take a committed initiative, without which nothing will ever happen. In brief, NLP is about observing, thinking and taking action to attain your set goals in life. Development of NLP NLP study was conducted first at University of California. The main purpose of this program was to learn the various methods that psychotherapists use in achieving positive results. In the end, this study developed and changed into a complete framework, on its own. Significance of...

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The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for NLP

By on Apr 18, 2015 in Uncategorized |

The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for NLP Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP is a psychological approach that is aimed at improving interpersonal and communication skills in individuals. The program emphasizes the link between the language used and how the mind works, and how this link will affect the behavior of a person and body. NLP can also be termed as a science of success, a study of achievement, or in short NLP is about modeling excellence.  The purpose of this post is to provide the ultimate cheat sheet for NLP, which will be about different aspects of NLP training, and also about various Researchers in the past have modeled the thinking styles and behavior of successful people in the fields of sports, therapy, sales, personal development, business, and education. Neuro-Linguistic Programming was first introduced in the ’70s. The main aim of NLP was to create a model in terms of how excellence can be replicated easily. ‘Neuro’ means the way the body and mind interact. Linguistics (words spoken and non-verbal) gives insight into the thinking of a person. The signals can be read by watching the use of verbal communication very closely, and other non-verbal patterns which are unique to an individual. Programming is the study of behavioral and thinking patterns or mind programs, which can be used by people to bring desired changes in their life. The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for NLP provides a wide range of information: How to select an NLP Practitioner Program, benefits of NLP program, history of NLP, applications of NLP. Behavioral modification programming is used in various medical and therapeutic programs: Medical Physicians Psychiatrists Hypnotherapists General counselors NLP provides you an innovative way to understand others and yourself in any context. This helps a person in both, personal and professional aspects of life. Almost all organizations face the challenge of having both, mediocre employees and high achievers. NLP helps these high achievers to create a ‘model’ based on their habits, behaviors, and their thought processes, which brings them success. This process is known as modelling, which can be replicated and can easily be learnt by somebody else to achieve the same desired results. The language patterns of NLP are used in this situation to further...

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Persuasive language using NLP

By on Mar 30, 2015 in Blog |

Persuasive language using NLP Persuasion is the subtle art of helping people make choices that are good for them and good for you. NLP is the most suitable tool for this endeavour, and if you want to get better at Persuasive language using NLP, then read further. Victor Lustig, one of the greatest conmen of modern times, sold the Eiffel Tower. Twice! India’s “Natwarlal” similarly sold the Taj Mahal thrice, the Red Fort twice and even managed to sell the Rashtrapathi Bhavan and the Indian Parliament. History is replete with stories of such smooth conmen who could sell ice to an Eskimo. Many modern day gurus and so-called trainers continue this grand tradition of selling inauthentic services and products. But these people aren’t great persuaders. They are great manipulators. They exhibit the willingness to gain at the expense of others. Persuaders, on the other hand, are always looking for a WIN-WIN scenario. They, too, are trying to make a sale and they too are trying to influence the mind of the receiver, but for a mutually beneficial outcome. Now let’s look at those who pulled off the greatest acts of persuasion in the history of humankind. With the Germans within sniffing distance of Great Britain, Winston Churchill (an otherwise unpleasant person) persuaded his countrymen that they had more than a fighting chance against the technologically superior armed forces of Germany. More recently, an African-American gentleman in his early forties convinced US citizens to elect him the 44th President. Barack Obama’s message of hope and his dignified 8 years in the White House show us what persuasion can achieve. Both Obama and the nation benefited from his stance. Persuasive language using NLP is used many times, it is just that at times people are not aware that it is called NLP.   Who amongst us wouldn’t want to have such incredible power at our fingertips? Wouldn’t we like to get people to see  the merit of our ideas and become a part of our bandwagon? As it turns out, persuasion is not rocket science. It is about understanding the human psyche, tapping into the language of our brain and transforming this language to alter our behaviour. Neuro Linguistic Programming or...

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Demystifying Hypnosis and Applications of Hypnosis in Coaching and Counseling

By on Feb 27, 2015 in Blog |

The word ‘Hypnosis’ will raise few eye brows, when talked about generally with people.  It has been depicted in TV shows, movies or in stage acts, as something where people lose control and are under the influence of the Hypnotist. This creates a perception about Hypnosis, that it is either evil or has to be used when a person is in Depression. “Do you think about – Pendulums, people sleeping on the floor, losing Control – when you hear or read about Hypnosis? Well, you may be surprised that Hypnosis has a lot of benefits, and you will be surprised to know that it is widely used in Leadership Development Programs and for Peak Performance Coaching, Sports Psychology, Business Coaching, Life Coaching, etc. Now you may be wondering what are the applications of Hypnosis in Coaching and Counseling. Hypnosis has been widely accepted as part of Therapy, however, it is not commonly promoted as a powerful tool for Executive Coaching, Life Coaching or Business Coaching. Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness during which a person is relaxed, and open to suggestions.  The person experiences peace of mind, deep relaxation, and in the process is highly receptive to positive suggestions and creates a state during which it is possible to access areas of the mind to create impact that a person is looking for, change that they are looking for, results that they are looking for.  Remember hypnosis is a state of being in an altered state of heightened awareness, it is not sleep, or unconsciousness, but a state where the conscious mind is more focused, receptive to suggestions to change any belief, behavior or negative patterns. Hypnosis is not therapeutic in itself, it just creates a state in which a person (Coach, Counselor, Therapist) can deliver meaningful suggestions to the client so that they can get into good states, and are able to do effective Visualization, and reach faster towards their goals or get out of negative emotional states. It is during this state that a Coach can help client to help improve performance, self-confidence, remove negative feelings, self-doubts, and reduce stress and other hindrances to achieve goals or outcomes. Many people wonder whether everybody can be hypnotized....

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NLP Well Defined Outcomes

By on Jan 2, 2015 in Blog |

NLP Well Defined Outcomes There is no set time to begin and set an outcome, however, there might be few who would be setting some goals/outcomes as part of their New Year resolution, some probably halfway through the year.  As the first half of the year 2021 has ended, and as we move into the second half, take a moment to take stock of things in your life. NLP well defined outcomes are going to come in handy in this. Answer the following questions: Where are you now? and where do you want to be? What drives you? What is your dream day, week, month, year, life? Outcomes/Goals play an important role in who you are going to be in the near future. If you create your Outcomes/Goals based on the well-formed outcome (Also known as Neuro Linguistic Programming, NLP well defined outcomes) criteria, there is more probability for you to achieve them.  This NLP well defined outcomes are what makes an online NLP Coach certification program, as this is the starting point of getting started.  The NLP well defined outcomes criteria is as follows:  1) State the goal in positive. Describe your Outcome in Positive. It has to be towards what you want rather than what you don’t want. Example. I want to lose 30 kgs in a year. This is an outcome which is ‘Away from’ or stated in negative. The same outcome can be stated as, ‘I want to get fit in a year’s time, where I see myself as size X, able to run 5 kms under 30 minutes’ As a coach always make sure that you are aware that the goal is stated in positive.  Questions to ask your client during a coaching conversation. a)      What do you want? b)      What would you rather have? (If the person has stated the outcome in negative term) Note:  The outcome needs to be crystal clear.  ‘I want to get fit’ is a vague outcome, even though stated in positive.  I want to see myself between weight X, and Y in next six months is specific and stated in positive. .    2) Specify the goal in a way that you find compelling. Is the goal compelling? Does...

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