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Finished with NLP Practitioner and Coaching workshop. What next? How to apply NLP learning to coach?

By on Dec 12, 2014 in Blog |

How to apply NLP learning to Coach? Finished with NLP Practitioner and Coaching workshop. What next? How to apply NLP learning to Coach? Ok, you have attended an NLP and Coaching Workshop, which is the starting point, and the easy part of getting into NLP and Coaching Business. What next? Do you have nagging questions, and you are looking for answers? How to find Coaching clients? How to Start a Life Coaching Business or How to start an Executive Coaching Business? How to introduce NLP and Coaching benefits to clients? How to apply NLP learning to Coach? How to introduce yourself as a Coach: Life Coach, or as Executive Coach, or a Results Coach, or as Peak Performance Coach? If you have found a potential client, then what do you do in a Coaching Session? These are normal questions, and every NLP Trainer and Coach would have gone through this period when Sales/Marketing/Planning takes over after ‘NLP and Coaching capability building’. How to get more Life Coaching Clients and How to get started as a Life Coach? Please read the article already published, which will help address that question. Provide background ~ How to apply NLP learning to Coach? How to introduce NLP and Coaching benefits to clients? You have to listen and pay attention to what the person (potential client) is talking about during the conversation. Ask an easy question, “Currently, what are the projects that you are working on? What excites you?” Strike a conversation and during the conversation ask, “What is the biggest challenge that is currently stopping you from moving forward in life personally and professionally.”  This is not the only way to start, the idea is to start and help the other person to start talking about themselves and for you to listen more. The person will tell you what are the key areas in their life that require attention, and these are the Coaching benefits for your clients. There is no set benefit, you have to work with the real goal and the real problem that your potential client is dealing with in his/her life. Also, the ‘Wheel of Life’ tool will come in handy to do a quick assessment of your potential...

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How to improve Public Speaking Skills using NLP Techniques

By on Dec 8, 2014 in Blog |

How to improve Public Speaking Skills using NLP Techniques As you may know, the number one fear reported by people during public surveys conducted across the globe is the fear of public speaking. People will go to any extent to avoid speaking in Public. Also known as ‘Glossophobia’ or ‘speech anxiety’, the Fear of Public Speaking can ruin professional careers of many talented individuals. The good news is you can be a How to become a good Public Speaker by using NLP principles. You must probably be wondering – What Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) has to do with Public Speaking? People across the globe are attending NLP trainings to get rid of their Fear of Public Speaking. There are various NLP Techniques and methodologies that come handy to be an effective Speaker. Dr Richard Bandler’s ‘Fast Phobic Cure’, is a very powerful NLP Technique which allows an individual to dissociate from and learn from the traumatic experience of Public Speaking at a neurological level. *Anchoring, is a very powerful NLP Technique, which can be used by a person to get into a Powerful State of Excellence. Here a person has access to states to deliver a speech effectively, for e.g. being in a confident state, calm state etc. *New Behavior generator, is another powerful way to improve Public Speaking skills, where a quick application of NLP Modelling is applied to learn from a person who is already good in Public Speaking and generating that Behavior for self. *Being in Outcome Frame. This is a conscious effort made to aid in delivering effective Public Speeches. This requires programming your mind to think in positives rather than negatives. ‘Don’t think about a Yellow Elephant’, and you are thinking about a Yellow Elephant.  Your mind does not work in negatives.  Your mind has to first think about it and then cancel the image. If this is your thought – I don’t want to present badly – Your mind is going to create images about presenting badly, and invariably the sub-conscious mind is going to make that happen. So, if you start thinking in positives, e.g. I would like to present gracefully, or I want to present powerfully – the images that you...

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Why Tony Robbins won’t get ICF accreditation?

By on Nov 16, 2014 in Uncategorized |

Why Tony Robbins won’t get ICF accreditation? Recently there was a post on the internet, ‘Why Tony Robbins won’t get ICF accreditation?’ Not sure what the intention of the writer was? To demean Tony Robbins or to say that accreditations bodies are good?  The writer got a lot of flak from Tony Robbins followers for dragging his name into coaching accreditation discussions. The larger point is does someone like Tony Robbins even care whether he will get accreditation or not? He is the most influential personality when it comes to Self Help, Business Coaching, and Peak Performance Coaching. He has been able to make drastic changes by Coaching and Training people through his Coaching and Seminars. He had a clear focus in terms of what he wanted to achieve, what difference he wanted to make, and worked towards that with utmost focus, determination, and managed to achieve what he has. But for someone who is thinking to become a coach, accreditation is an important question, as a new coach is not ‘Tony Robbins’, so they will have to think about accreditation, coaching methodology, and they are all valid thoughts and questions. Why Tony Robbins won’t get ICF accreditation? should not be your concern, because you must focus on better questions for yourself – How is ICF important, what ICF branding can get you, which is a good ICF Coach Program, how is ICF the gold standard of coaching, etc.  People who generally are looking for coach certification programs have some of the following questions in their mind: 1)      Which Coaching course to attend? 2)      What is the difference between NLP Coach and other types of coaching courses? 3)      Why is the cost of some of the Coaching courses so high? 4)      Which Coaching course is better? Below mentioned are few tips in terms of the answers to the above-mentioned questions.  Several Coaching methodologies are out there, you have to take a call based on what you want to get out of a particular coaching course: whether you want knowledge, whether you want a certificate, or whether you want accreditation, a particular kind of branding, and how much you are willing to spend in learning various coaching methodologies, getting certificates,...

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Executive Coaching as an alternate career for Senior Executives

By on Nov 16, 2014 in Uncategorized |

Executive Coaching as an alternate career for Senior Executives There comes a point in every professional’s life when they feel that they are tired of the daily rut at work. It has been seen that there is a tendency among successful Executives to move towards Executive Coaching, Peak Performance Coaching, and Business Coaching as an alternate career track. Here one can leverage Business experience, Networking skills, as well as Sales and Marketing knowledge gained through corporate experience. Senior Executives have an added advantage – their natural tendency to get into good Rapport with their Coaching clients, as they would relate to the Life experiences of these high profile Coaches, who once were Senior Executives. This feeling of being an Entrepreneur, being in control of things, is what provides Satisfaction to such Senior Executives. Senior Executives have lot of things going in their favor when they take the first step towards becoming a Coach. Senior Executives are financially stable, and will have a financial cushion to sustain while they are establishing their brand in the market.  Generally speaking, Senior Executives have a very good educational background, and that would provide a good starting point to create an impression with potential clients. They have very good interpersonal skills, considering they are successful in their corporate careers. They would have attended many networking events, and hence can easily leverage their existing network to set up a Coaching Brand. Senior Executives as a Coach would get buy in from Corporates to coach their Managers, Senior Manager, and Executives. Becoming a Coach is a very good option for Senior Executives to explore one’s entrepreneurial journey while still being employed full time in an organization, as one can avoid financial pressure that usually happens with start-ups with limited cash flow. A person can easily start as a part time Coach, and can utilize Personal Time after work and during weekends to get his/her feet wet and establish oneself as a Coach. This way a person gets enough experience before they take a call to quit their full time job, and become a full time Coach. It usually takes 3-4 years to establish oneself as a coach and gain recognition in the market.  Also, this is...

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Shape your Future with Timeline Healing

By on Jul 22, 2014 in Uncategorized |

  “You are a lover of your own experience … not of me … You turn to me to feel your own emotion” — Rumi NLP is widely regarded as a powerful approach to personal development, promoting positive growth and reducing negative emotions. A number of different healing therapies have been developed, all variants of NLP, many of which have proven effectiveness. The concept of a Timeline invariably comes up in most of these therapies. It emphasizes learning from our past events and the associated emotions in order to not only overcome them, but to use our new found knowledge and insight in the future to deal with similar negative emotions. Its popularity is increasing in the field of psychology because of its effectiveness, brevity, and permanency in positive behavior change. Timeline is being used in Business Coaching, Executive Coaching, Life Coaching, and Peak Performance Coaching etc. What is a Timeline? Our “Time Line” is our unconscious memory storage mechanism, which not only stores events, but also emotions linked to the events, causing us to later project assimilated emotions to similar negative events such as the first. You can refer to these memories and behavioral patterns as schemas, mental maps, or Gestalts which are continuously formed throughout our lives. It helps you master your negative emotions by releasing them and allowing you to replace them with positive emotions. This is done by focusing on eradicating the negative emotion from the root instead of just focusing on the event. This results in you being able move toward building a more positive mindset and ultimately a better life.  Trained NLP Practitioners use Timeline often during Coaching or Therapy sessions. Negative Emotions Harvesting negative emotions can lead to detrimental health problems, both medical and psychological. Our perception and response to stress is ultimately influenced by our past unresolved emotional baggage, which can distort our ability to reason and logic, and cause us to react counter productively. The therapy is most effective with problems related to anxiety and depression, including fear and anger, which are linked to poor quality of life, disturbed relationships, lack of ambition, and even failure. Limiting Decisions When you embark on a new venture, do you ever find yourself...

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How to get more Life Coaching clients

By on Jul 3, 2014 in Uncategorized | 1 comment

How to get more Life Coaching clients If you are reading this article, then congratulations. You went through the rigor of getting trained and are now a certified coach. The easy part is over. Whether you got trained with an ICF/IAC accredited training provider or a general NLP coaching program, you are now a coach.  Now you might be perplexed and thinking about how to get more Life Coaching clients, or coaching clients in general.  Even if you are among the select few who completed a niche certificate program like Licensed NLP Coach (which is under the aegis of Society of NLP, wherein participants get a certificate personally signed by Richard Bandler himself), you are still a novice coach whose journey has only just begun. You should have begun thinking of your brand as soon as you enrolled in your Life Coach certification program in India. At a high level, you can go vertical and super specialize. Or you could go horizontal and be a generalist. Here are some vertical options available to you, before you delve into how to find more Life Coaching clients: Corporate coaching Working with corporate employees, you could become an Executive Coach, Performance Coach, Transformation Coach or Leadership Coach. Sports coaching Here, you will be a Sports Performance Coach or Sports Psychologist, working with athletes. It helps if you have first hand understanding of this field. Entrepreneur coaching As the name suggests, you will be working with mostly start-up leaders on the cusp of greatness. Your label in this case could be Success Coach, Sales Coach, Business Coach or, quite simply, Entrepreneur Coach. Alternatively, you could be a generalist and give yourself the simple label of Life Coach.  Also, read marketing for NLP coaches to get marketing savvy.   How to get more Life Coaching Clients – Where to begin? Now that you have determined your brand position, it’s time to seek clients, and do a deep dive into How to get more Life Coaching clients. Look around. No, you won’t find clients by looking around, but you are bound to come across an endless array of books, articles and workshops devoted to the subject. A cursory glance at them will tell you that you...

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Demystifying the myths related to Life Coaching

By on Jun 19, 2014 in Blog |

Myths related to Life Coaching Many myths cloud the realities of life coaching as a profession. Get your facts straight before you enter this competitive and alluring arena.  Demystifying the myths related to Life Coaching is an attempt to bring a spotlight on some of those myths, especially if you are looking for How to become a Life Coach  The gladiators of ancient Rome hardly ever knew who their next opponent would be. Would it be a mighty, nameless Moor or a ferocious, untamed beast of the jungle? They only found out in the arena. In a sense, they went in blindly. And tragically, their ignorance led to the downfall of many a celebrated hero. Life coaching is like gladiator sport. You enter the arena with some expertise, some skills, some awareness, and great expectations. But do you know enough to survive and achieve extraordinary success? Unlike those fallen gladiators, you have no excuse to enter the area blind. Unlike then, you live in a privileged world with easy access to information and technology. This means you can be armed and ready. You can ascertain the true nature of the beast before you fight it.  Demystifying the myths related to Life Coaching is the need of the hour, as more and more coaches are joining the bandwagon of Life Coaching, and hence myths around Life Coaching and Life Coaches is an urgent topic to address. The essentials ~ Demystifying the myths related to Life Coaching If you’re serious about establishing yourself as a coach, the first thing you must do is to separate fact from fiction, and read demystifying the myths related to Life Coaching, and be clear with them. Fiction#1: A degree/diploma/certification is all it takes to make you a coach Fact: A degree/diploma/certification qualifies you to start coaching. But you’re still a long way from becoming a coach. You need to first start with believing in your skills and abilities. You need to make a small beginning. And to keep learning. Because a little knowledge can be dangerous. But continuous learning as you go along, can make you wiser and more grounded in your knowledge. At the same time, you don’t need years and years of preparation to...

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Neuro Linguistic Programming for Kids

By on Jun 15, 2014 in Blog |

Neuro Linguistic Programming for Kids India is a land of believers. A great number of Indians make their lives using the strength of their beliefs or break their lives due to flawed beliefs. Some beliefs are more harmful than others. Like, for instance, illogical beliefs that are used to determine the future of our children. Their futures are not ours to play with, and we have the immense responsibility to use logic and rigor while helping them decide their vocation of choice. Neuro Linguistic Programming for kids is one such program where they get to experience powerful beliefs for themselves and learn and design strategies and set goals for the future. Even today, many of us in India feel compelled to consult our astrologer, pundit or some other revered guru figure before making crucial life decisions. These people tell us whom we should get married to and what profession we must undertake. Who knows how many Virat Kohlis never got to pursue their dream careers because of an illogical approach to career planning? In the modern age, the problem is compounded by the emergence of concepts that sound scientific but are new forms of superstitions. One system claims to divine the most suitable careers for a child by studying his or her fingerprints. The process uses computer algorithms and sophisticated-looking reports, but the result is no more accurate than palmistry. It just costs more. A lot more. Even many “assessment” reports that claim to determine the child’s IQ, EQ, strengths, and weaknesses, etc may not be scientific. Only a few players in the market devise accurate assessment tests. Fewer still know how to scientifically interpret the results of these tests. With so much confusion in the air, it is no surprise that established NLP Coaches get dozens of calls from super-anxious parents of adolescent children. They usually want somebody to wave a magic wand and reveal to them what their children are best suited to do. We coaches have to be patient while answering these calls. We try and educate them about NLP and Peak Performance Coaching. For us, this call is an opportunity to help them make better choices on behalf of their children, instead of dooming them...

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Connecting the dots ….

By on Jun 9, 2014 in Blog |

Connecting the dots ‘Connecting the dots success formula’ is a story about a young student who wanted to become successful.  The story is as follows: Once upon a time long long ago there was a young student who wanted to become successful. The student sought the help of a wise saint in this regard. This student saw the wise man, and told him,”Oh great wise person help me connect the dots, and become successful”. The saint told the student, “Let me tell you a story about somebody who connected the dots, and what they were able to achieve by doing so. As you are listening to me with curiosity, you will realize that connecting dots, and becoming successful in life is a very easy process. All you have to do is to follow the success ritual, and everything else will fall in place.” As I mentioned earlier, the story is about a person who wanted to become successful. This person went to a local supermarket and was browsing the book section, where he picked up a book by the name ‘Connecting the dots‘. The preface of the book started like this; ‘I know that you have all the wisdom and resources to figure out what it takes to connect the dots, I am just going to facilitate that process for you in this book. It is really fantastic when a person is able to align things in life, and take control of various areas. The more you think about connecting them, the more ideas you will get in terms of how to connect the dots and take control of different areas in your life. Reading this book will help you realize that you have all the resources within yourself to shape your own destiny.” “In nutshell write down your outcomes (refer to NLP well defined outcomes for the outcome setting process), write down the associated action items for different outcomes, and measure your progress to check how you are moving towards your outcomes. Be flexible in your approach, and tweak your approach, if required, to achieve your outcomes faster.” At times in life, we feel totally helpless in terms of what we want to achieve, and most importantly how...

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How to use NLP Clean Questioning for modeling

By on Feb 4, 2014 in Blog |

How to use NLP Clean Questioning NLP’s Clean Language technique of questioning offers a great way to model the excellence exhibited by speakers worthy of emulation and to learn the art of how to become a Public Speaker. Many people have found that a search how to use NLP clean questioning led to many discovering while modeling excellence.  In the article How to become an eagle on the podium, we have already acknowledged that public speaking is Everest amongst human fears – it is more widespread than even the fear of death. The article then went on to elaborate on the high-level measures an individual can take in order to overcome this fear. In this article, we will take a deeper dive and look at how we can use NLP’s Clean Questioning approach to “model” the excellence exhibited by powerful speakers. Application ~ How to use NLP Clean Questioning Understanding modelling First, let’s understand how we use the word modelling in the world of NLP. According to famed NLP researchers David Gordon and Graham Dawes, who have spent decades studying this topic, “Modelling is a doorway into the vast storehouse of human experience and abilities, providing access to anyone willing to turn the key.” This is such an evocative definition in itself. Now, if we take it one step forward and specifically talk about modelling excellence, then we are saying that anybody exhibiting excellence can be observed, interrogated for inputs and mimicked by others seeking to create the same results. The person exhibiting excellence is called the exemplar and the person studying and modelling the exemplar is called the modeller. It is the modeller’s responsibility to: Seek and identify worthy exemplars De-construct or reverse engineer the mindset of the exemplar – by creating a step-by-step process followed consciously and subconsciously by the latter Make the model relevant and accessible to others – so that the exemplar’s experiences gain a wide relevance The process of modelling While no model can encompass all of reality, a good model will create a reasonable facsimile of reality. In order to do so, a modeller must, during the process of questioning the exemplar, do the following: Listen carefully Shun judgment of what is being...

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