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NLP Fast Phobia Cure

By on Aug 9, 2021 in Blog |

NLP Fast Phobia Cure This article describes the basic NLP Fast Phobia cure pattern in NLP that was originally created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. It is mentioned in its original form in the book Frog to Princes, originally published in the year 1979. NLP Fast Phobia cure pattern is quick, and can be easily used with clients and tested.  If you are looking for NLP Fast Phobia Cure script then read more about the pattern, and the script. A lot of people can’t even think about hurts, traumas, unpleasant realities, and many such things. The troublesome memory often re-traumatises them, and they cannot think about it without going into negative painful emotional state. It activates all sorts of distressful unpleasant, and negative emotions—especially fears and phobias. Additionally, it robs them of an important resource, that is the skill of thinking comfortably about unpleasant events. Consequently, reality pains them and they repress, suppress, deny, or avoid it. The NLP Phobia cure pattern is truly a transformational and revolutionary discovery in this regard. It changes the Cognitive – Behavioural approach of people, and allows them to examine the situation from a dissociated perspective, without triggering an extreme emotional response. Moreover, the NLP Fast Phobia cure pattern completely changed how a lot of professionals were doing psychotherapy. By using a simple metaphor like watching a movie, the helping professionals could take the emotional charge out of any old memory that would throw their clients into a phobic response state. So, here is an article providing you the details of the NLP Fast Phobia Cure script, and the pattern usage. To learn and practise more of such useful NLP techniques, consider attending an NLP Practitioner Training Program. Overview In the field of NLP, this pattern is also famously known as the V-K (Visual – Kinaesthetic) dissociation pattern. And, in the book User’s Manual of the Brain, Volume II written by Michael Hall and Bob Bodenhamer, this pattern is referred as The Movie Rewind Pattern, and is essentially in most of the good NLP training programs. It is used for all kinds of things like phobias, PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), traumatic memories, strong over-emotional reactions to things, “buttons,” depression, anxiety, etc....

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Facts about Behavioural based coaching

By on Aug 2, 2021 in Blog |

Behavioural based coaching Even though coaching is generic and framework agnostic, what makes a difference for the coach and his/her work is what is their coaching based (which framework, models etc) upon.  Yes, coaching standard, ethics, guidelines, and the fundamentals of coaching will stay the same no matter what tools, techniques, methods, models, and frameworks of coaching a coach is going to use, however, at some level the coaching framework/methodology makes a difference when you want to become a coach with more repertoire to work with your clients.  The distinction that makes a coach work across the spectrum and length and breadth of different client challenges is what does a coach know about human behaviours, cognitive science, neuroscience, coaching using neuroscience and how does change happen, and how to be consistent towards making those changes, and taking regular actions towards them. Hence, behavioural based coaching is getting a lot of attention. While there are many coaching methodologies out there, these are the ones (NLP, Emotional Intelligence, Neuroscience based Coaching / Coaching using Neuroscience) that specifically we are going to talk about, and how they can elevate a coach’s coaching, and beyond working with a client in a capacity of an awakener. In this post we will restrict the discussion to the 3 most powerful behavioural based coaching models, and how knowledge in all three can elevate any coaches’ skills. Relationship between NLP, Emotional Intelligence, and Neuroscience, and the integrated model ~ Behavioural based coaching. While a lot of material is there about What is NLP, What is Emotional Intelligence, and what is the usage of Neuroscience with respect to Coaching. Behavioural based Coaching is getting traction because coaches are looking for models that enable sustainable changes in clients. Behavioural based Coaching Methodology NLP ->  Why NLP as a Coaching framework.  NLP is pretty much the oldest and the most robust self help methodology of change.  It goes back 5 decades, and the most important element of NLP is that is was created using modelling (by taking a results based approach – where what is working was broken down into learnable chunks).  Because of this from last 5 decades NLP has improved further, because many NLP masters and leaders continued to model human...

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Simple tips to develop your Emotional Intelligence

By on Jul 31, 2021 in Blog |

Simple tips to develop your Emotional Intelligence Emotional Intelligence has become a very critical skill for success these days.  Especially if you are working in a large organization, it is imperative that you spend time to develop your Emotional Intelligence skills.  How to improve Emotional Intelligence, how to develop Emotional Intelligence are the buzz questions in the leadership development forums, and leadership development teams/HR teams are looking for strategies to improve Emotional Intelligence for their employees in the organization to improve performance. This post is about simple tips to develop your Emotional Intelligence. Consider this scenario: Your employee is juggling between the office and the new born baby. Instead of giving up, he comes and asks for help. And you, as a boss, instead of yelling you support him in all possible ways. Then there is another scenario: Your friend just got bad news about her sister and has to cancel your long-awaited plan for a trip to Singapore. You understand the situation, and instead of being mad at her, think of some other plan. If you are a 3rd party, these responses may not seem to be a big deal. But they are a part of a very important skill set known as: “emotional intelligence” (EI). You cannot measure these by any random quantitative test, but still, it is crucial to respond to situations, work through challenges and make positive connections with others. In fact, high EQ is also linked to one’s ability to lead a happy and fulfilled life. This quote can well explain its importance: “If you can rightly build your emotional intelligence and holistically develop yourself, people can hurt you, but you won’t be hurt.” ― Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha Components of Emotional Intelligence So, how to develop your emotional intelligence? Before that, lets know about its components that are as follows: The concept of EI has been here for decades, but it was popularized in the modern world by Daniel Goleman. Different EI experts came up with different models for EI, and here are 5 fundamental components that one must be aware of before diving into strategies to improve Emotional Intelligence.  Emotional Intelligence training in India, has gained a lot of momentum in recent time,...

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Neuro-Semantics Matrix Model for coaching

By on Jul 25, 2021 in Blog |

Neuro-Semantics Matrix Model for coaching In this article, you will understand how you can use Neuro-Semantics Matrix Model for coaching. You will learn how to detect a person’s matrix, and how you can change and transform a person’s matrix. This is the second of a two-part series in which you will capture the essence coaching to the Matrix of Frames in depth. So, ensure that you first read about the basics of Neuro-Semantics Matrix Model and what specifically does it mean for Coaches and Meta NLP Practitioners. This is a post for advanced NLP coaches / Neuro-Semantics coaches to deepen their coaching repertoire. Introduction ~ Neuro-Semantics Matrix Model for Coaching The coaching questions in the Neuro-Semantics Matrix model for coaching are written and presented in a way, which may take time and effort to follow, as they are written keeping in mind the skills of a Neuro-Semantics Practitioner / Meta Coach, and also their understanding of the Neuro-Semantics Matrix model.  In the article the coaching questions may appear raw (with technical language), as that is for the Neuro-Semantics Practitioner / Coach to understand the meaning of the question, and in which context, and frame that is being used, and how. Note for coaches: While asking the coaching question to a client, make sure to tone down the NLP and Neuro-Semantics language so that the client can understand in simple language what the question is. Understand the essence of the Neuro-Semantics Matrix Model, and the application of Neuro-Semantics model for coaching, and fine tune the questions in this post during your coaching sessions.   Neuro-Semantics (Meta NLP) is the latest code of NLP.   Importance of The Neuro-Semantics Matrix Model for Coaches The Matrix Model provides a way to profile experiences, model best practices and expertise, and to suggest steps in replicating excellence, refining and reframing meanings, and designing new frames for higher quality of living, loving, and contributing.   Before we dive into the Neuro-Semantics Matrix model for coaching, read the essence of the model, as it is a powerful coaching tool. And its importance as a model of coaching is highlighted below:   The Matrix gives you a simple yet dynamic structure and template which then allows you...

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360-degree impact of NLP on your life

By on Jul 15, 2021 in Blog |

How can NLP change my life The scope of Neuro-Linguistic Programming is not just limited to stress or anxiety. Rather it can affect your entire life in a 360-degree fashion. If you are looking for how can NLP change my life? Find out how. The term NLP or Neuro-Linguistic Programming has gained increased popularity in recent years. This has occurred because the Certified NLP Practitioners have finally started using it in many different fields and contexts. Previously its use was just confined to treating anxiety disorders and phobias. But now, it is being applied to bringing an improvement in professional performance as well as personal happiness. In fact, several research studies have clarified that NLP does have a 360-degree impact on the varied aspects of your life. Want to know how can NLP change my life? Read on to learn more. How can NLP change my life? Improve your relationships Are you feeling negative about your relationship with your partner? Do you often think about what the future holds, and can you make it through? Well, NLP can help you get back on track, and whatever is the outcome, it gives you choices and an ability to feel great about your relations. Want to understand why you and your partner do/want things differently and how can the conflict be resolved? Want to get rid of the negative emotions that may have been built over a period of time? Apply simple yet effective strategies of NLP and run your relations smoothly. Get control of your emotional health Most of the recent studies on NLP suggest its utility as a therapeutic tool to treat symptoms of anxiety and depression. Studies have even shown that individuals who work closely with NLP experts have found a profound improvement in their emotional states.  How can NLP change my life especially emotional life is something that has gained much traction in recent years. It can also help sufferers cope with chronic illnesses or gain control of unhealthy habits (binge eating, smoking or excessive drinking). In fact, one of the popular NLP patterns ‘SWISH pattern’ is an important technique that helps to address unwanted behaviours. It does so by helping the person change the key features...

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How to become a Powerful Speaker

By on Jul 1, 2021 in Blog |

How to become a Powerful Speaker Public speaking is statistically the greatest fear experienced by people, and that is the reason, how to become a Powerful Speaker is the most widely spoken theme in leadership development. NLP offers a simple solution: Exorcise your fears and exercise your power of speech. If you are looking for an answer to how to improve public speaking skills, then continue to read on.  An author prepares for her first book launch. An economics professor walks up to deliver his final lecture. A bureaucrat-turned politician gears up for an all-important election campaign. A promising sales executive stands in front of his CEO to make a presentation… At this very moment, people like you and me are standing in front of an important audience, ready to deliver a performance that might change the course of their lives. They could soar like eagles. Or they could get tongue-tied, shake in their boots and succumb to the butterflies in their stomachs. Public speaking is the Everest of fears. Famous comedian Jerry Seinfeld highlighted this with a famous joke. He pointed out that studies have shown that more people fear public speaking than death. So if you are at a funeral, you would rather be in the casket, stone-cold and dead, than be the person delivering the eulogy! While public speaking is not easy, it can be mastered through simple techniques and the right attitude. The effectiveness of a public speaker is measured by their ability to attract and persuade their audience. How to become a powerful speaker, also depends on various factors – the speaker’s proficiency, preparation, and the poise with which they approach the stage. Some of us manage to create this magical combination. A majority of us, however, will feel vulnerable, fearing ridicule and rejection – a fear that can paralyze and prevent us from presenting our unique voice to the world. But that same vulnerability can become our most effective tool. As well-known researcher Brené Brown says, “Vulnerability is our most accurate measurement of courage.” In other words, we need to ask ourselves if we are ready to be laughed at and still be able to deliver the vital message we wanted to share....

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NLP Matrix Model

By on Jun 29, 2021 in Blog |

NLP Matrix Model NLP Matrix Model is a systemic model in NLP and Neuro-Semantics (NS). In this article, you will also gain an understanding of the Neuro-Semantics Matrix model. You will also get to know what specifically does the NS NLP Matrix Model means for Coaches, NLP Practitioners, and Meta NLP Practitioners.  The Neuro-Semantics Matrix Model is a very useful coaching model, and the introduction to the NS NLP Matrix model is covered as part of the Meta NLP Practitioner program.   This is the first of a two-part series in which you will capture the essence of coaching to the Matrix of Frames in depth. In the next part of this article, you will understand how you can use the Neuro-Semantic Matrix model in coaching. You will learn how to detect a person’s matrix, how you can change and transform a person’s matrix.  NS NLP Matrix Model is the go-to model for a Meta NLP Coach.   The Neuro-Semantic NLP Matrix Model In Neuro-Semantics, the Neuro-Semantics Matrix Model gives an answer to commonly asked questions like how does a person create a matrix of meaning? How does a person’s matrix come into existence? so on and so forth.   What is the human Matrix? The Matrix is your world of frames. It is “the reality” that you live in, and from which you engage the world of people and things. In simple words, your matrix is the World as you know it from the inside. It is the World that you have received as “real.” Metaphorically, the Human Matrix is a prison for your mind. It is a neural interactive simulation that seems to be all around you. Just like a dream world that you live in, it is the world that has been pulled down over your eyes to hide you from the truth. And in NLP terms, it is the inside of the map, not the territory. How does a person’s matrix emerge or come into existence? Your matrix emerges from the ones you inherited and from the ones you invented. Here’s how you inherited your matrix: The Matrix is the world of meanings into which you were born and educated. Each and every person is...

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What is Coaching

By on Jun 2, 2021 in Blog |

What is Coaching With the increasing popularity of coaching, more and more people are jumping on the bandwagon of becoming a coach. However, not many people conceptually understand the true meaning and fundamentals of what is coaching. Therefore, this article is intently written to help you understand the meaning and significance of what is coaching, what is Life Coaching, or any other form of the term  (Executive/Leadership/Organizational Development/Team). Further, to ensure the veracity of this article, the details about the topic are taken from the International Coaching Federation (ICF) definition. ICF is widely regarded as the Gold standard of Coaching.  If you are searching about the profession, then an ICF definition is one that you must consider to understand this fully.   What is coaching? (ICF definition of coaching) The ICF defines coaching as a creative and thought-provoking partnership between a coach and client(s), created with the intent to inspire client(s) to maximize their personal as well as professional potential. Having said that, it is not about giving advice, answers, or recommendations on what the client should do. As per the ICF definition of coaching, it differs significantly from counseling, therapy as well as mentoring. Please read the purpose of coaching to understand how specifically it differs from mentoring, counselling, consultancy, therapy, and training.  The definition is an important part of being a professional in the field.  It has been seen lately that many people are loosely using the terms of other professions, and are creating confusion for someone who wants to learn.  This is a significant challenge that is happening in different countries, and the Social Media and presence of information that at times is half-baked can create a lot of confusion with the definitions, terms, professional usage of what is something, and what it is not.  Hence, standardization of competencies, definition, scope, and other terms of a professional field is very important.  Keeping that in mind, the information below is being presented to ensure that some clarity is being provided.  As a professional, you must ensure that you have understood the definition, the distinctions, and what makes the profession credible.   Salient features of a client-coach relationship Below mentioned are some salient features of a successful client-coach...

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NLP Anchoring

By on May 12, 2021 in Blog |

NLP Anchoring The visual, auditory, and kinesthetic stimuli constantly get associated with various states of mind-emotion-physiology inside people’s neurology. And these stimuli, also known as anchors, create the responses for thinking, emoting, etc. NLP Anchoring technique, thus, is a means of managing neurology. It can occur in any sensory system and also in the language system. In NLP, the NLP anchoring pattern enables people to handle the internal, subjective experiences like their memories, their emotional states, etc. Accordingly, you can anchor resourceful states to fire (start them off) them off and re-experience them when you want. By using just an element of an experience, the anchoring will bring back the full experience as and when you fire the triggering stimulus or anchor.   Scope of NLP anchoring technique Overall, the general purpose of NLP anchoring involves managing an experience so that you can access it at your will. Anchoring as conditioning presents the NLP practitioners and NLP master practitioners with a practical tool for change. Approximately 90% of therapeutic interventions or personal change work done using NLP involve changing the kinesthetic responses that people have to auditory and visual stimuli. And that involves a direct or indirect application of the anchoring process. The pattern of the NLP anchoring technique is used extensively to utilize the best states of a person and help them create a process to deal with the unresourceful states more effectively. When people recognize the neurological mechanism of anchoring, they are empowered to set up useful anchors and change their internal experiences in such a manner that it serves them as an internal resource.   About anchoring An anchor refers to an internal or external representation that triggers another representation. And NLP anchoring technique typically re-induces states without the need to think or re-think things. When you systematically and precisely establish a new anchor, you can elicit desired behavioral responses and states immediately in response to the new stimulus. Anchoring entails the ability to establish a trigger or link to a state, consciously, so that you can replicate the link and call forth the desired state at your will. For example, NLP Practitioners and hypnotherapists often use the word “relax” to anchor in a state of...

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How can we change our beliefs using NLP

By on May 4, 2021 in Blog |

How can we change our beliefs? The human brain has been of immense intrigue to neuroscientists since the beginning of time. Endless research has gone into understanding the unique ways in which it functions and its myriad capabilities. Even today, the study of the human brain is an ever-evolving subject, including how to work with beliefs that hold humans back, and how can we change our beliefs as humans. This post is about NLP belief change process, and how it can be one of the powerful  NLP techinques to learn and master. Even though new information about the human brain comes to light every so often and even though it is a rapidly changing science, one thing that can be established without a shadow of a doubt is that the human mind is limitless in its potential. Every advancement or miracle that we see around us today, is a product of the human brain. The world as we know it today has been conceived in the human mind. There is absolutely no guessing of how much further it can go. The subject has made accelerated advancement in the last decade, wherein scientists have studied the human brain and formulated ways in which people can perform better by tapping into sections of their brain that weren’t previously thought of. Miracles can now be brought about by training the brain to function in the desired manner. People can now bring about a change in their undesirable behaviors and their limiting belief systems by altering the way they think and feel. These fuels an active pursuit of goals, ideal personalities, and powerful beliefs. If you are looking for how can we change our beliefs, then there is good news. No one is born with limiting beliefs. Humans develop them over a period of time by repeating a series of thought and feeling patterns. These thoughts and feelings are based on their perceptions of their surroundings, life experiences, and the meaning that they attribute to them. Therefore, it is only logical to acknowledge that a conscious change in these thoughts, feelings and their repetitions will bring about the desired change in behaviors and habits. The human potential movement originated approximately 70 years back,...

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