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NLP Collapsing Anchors technique

By on Mar 11, 2021 in Blog |

NLP Collapsing Anchors technique Overview Although anchoring resourceful states plays an important role in helping people handle their emotions, states, and experiences, oftentimes, it is not enough to navigate through complex, painful states.  In such cases, the NLP pattern of the NLP collapsing anchors technique is used to interrupt people in negative or unresourceful states and bring them out into more resourceful states. The pattern of the NLP collapsing anchors technique then enables people to change a response that does not work very well. Scope – the NLP collapsing anchors technique The negative states predominate whenever people experience lots of pain. To address that negative emotional state or situation, and to heal the person, you can use the NLP pattern of collapsing anchors. The NLP pattern of collapsing anchors is thus used extensively in those interventions that aim at managing the state of consciousness and getting rid of unhelpful memories. When people have two states conflicting and sabotaging each other or, if they have an unresourceful state (an old anchored experience) that interferes with life, and they can now let that response collapse into a more resourceful state, the NLP Practitioners and Master Practitioners can help them with this pattern. Characteristics The operating principle behind collapsing anchors pattern is that, when a person experiences two radically different states at the same time, the states tend to interfere or interrupt each other. When the neurology is forced to deal with the messages and experiences of the two states simultaneously, the two states and anchors collapse resulting in one response. For example, you cannot think and feel calm and tense simultaneously. Or cannot think-and-feel joyful and afraid at the same time. If you try to do so, both the contradictory states will interfere or interrupt each other. Even if you force your neurology to keep both the contradictory states, the states will collapse into one response. Thus, when you fire the different anchors of different states simultaneously, it will result in tearing up or dispersing the neurological energies of the states. In simple words, the anchors and states will merge or collapse, and a greater concept will emerge. Sometimes this results in confusion, disorientation, interruption, and even some slight amnesia. In...

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How much does ICF approved certification cost?

By on Feb 28, 2021 in Blog |

How much does ICF approved certification cost? Various coaching training institutes offer a variety of ICF-approved coach programs in India.  If selecting the program is based on the thought of how much does ICF certification costs then it is important to understand what is the basis for the ICF certification cost.  Confusingly, these coaching courses significantly differ in terms of course duration, framework, approach, methodology, credentialing level, etc. All this often makes it difficult for individuals to make the right choice of quality and affordable training programs. Therefore, this article on ICF approved Coach certification in India has been written to orient people and clear some common assumptions about ICF approved training in India, and also provide an information about How much does ICF approved certification cost?  The intent of this post is for the reader who is searching for How much does it cost to get ICF certified to understand why they must enroll in one of the ICF-approved Coaching certifications in India, especially if you believe that your true calling is professional coaching, and you want to ensure that ICF approved Coach program is the way forward for you. How much does it cost to get ICF certified? If you are looking for ICF ACC or ICF PCC level programs, depending on that the answer to How much does it cost to get ICF certified will differ.  For a quick answer to How much does ICF certification cost?  Average low:  Indian Rs 1,00,000 to Average High 1,50,000 (ICF ACC level programs) Average Low: Indian Rs 2,00,000 to Average High 3,00,000 (ICF PCC level programs) For this, the article is structured into two parts. The first part will give you highlights on why you should attend the ICF approved coach certification in India if you are serious about working with people to help them achieve their dreams, and help them transform. The second part of this article will emphasize the significance of ICF approval and ICF approved training in India program structure.  Also, read about why you should become an ICF certified coach. We want you to be thoughtful and careful in selecting a worthwhile coaching program. So, after you finish reading this article, please get in touch...

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What is the purpose of NLP patterns?

By on Jan 26, 2021 in Blog |

What is the purpose of NLP patterns?  What is the purpose of NLP patterns ~ The purpose of NLP is to move people from their present state to a more desired state. Skilled NLP Practitioners have a lot of tools, NLP techniques, and resources in their bag that help people from time to time in accomplishing their desired results easily and quickly. However, many people struggle to understand what are NLP techniques. So, in this article the idea is to offer you an understanding of the NLP techniques, what they are, and how they contribute to your overall success. The purpose of this article is to apprise you of how NLP opens ways for you to overcome limitations and achieve better results by using the NLP techniques. We will be talking about some of the useful NLP techniques that you can learn as a Coach if you are into coaching or personal change work. Here’s what you will find in this article: What is NLP Techniques What is the purpose of NLP patterns Importance of NLP Techniques Most popular NLP Techniques Best advice to practice NLP Techniques What is the purpose of NLP patterns NLP techniques are a product of the modeling process in Neuro-Linguistic Programming. They are the factors and reasons behind making NLP the most popular and successful behavioral change framework. The methodology of NLP has left behind the trail of NLP techniques that bring about change and transformation quickly. Listed below are a few important points about the NLP techniques: – First of all, the NLP techniques are not just quick fixes. What is the purpose of NLP patterns, they are the means of uncovering untapped resources within people and facilitating lasting.   A lot of people still believe that change has to be a long, hard, and painful process. Therefore, they discredit NLP at a lot of levels. But the truth is that behavioral changes can be as quick as any magical move. NLP has facilitated long-lasting, and quick behavioral changes in a lot of people. And it has been possible because NLP assumes that – ‘people are not broken, so they do not need to be fixed. And that, they have all the resources needed...

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Why you should become an ICF certified coach

By on Dec 27, 2020 in Uncategorized |

Why you should become an ICF certified coach Coaching is a unique and distinct profession. Expert coaches help people to solve problems and reach goals quickly. They stay with their clients to work through inevitable changes and maintain a healthy balance between personal and professional life. Responsible coaches always strive to be ethical and consistent in delivering excellence for the trust their clients bestow on them. Sadly, the market is full of self-proclaimed expert coaches who neither have sufficient coaching experience, nor relevant knowledge. Therefore, more and more authentic coaches are applying for ICF credentials to distinguish themselves from the crowd. This article focuses on why you should become an ICF certified coach from above-mentioned perspectives. Please note: the intent of this article is to guide your understanding of what sets ICF certified coaches apart from other coaches. The focus of this article is restricted to just the reasons to become an ICF certified coach. In actuality, there are several factors that you must definitely consider before choosing a coach certification program. If you are someone who is contemplating becoming a certified coach, this article will drive you towards ICF credentials by listing several reasons why you should become an ICF certified coach. You can either choose to become an ICF credentialed coach or join an ICF approved program without opting for ICF credentials. In both cases, the integrated NLP Practitioner and Coach Training Program at NLP Coaching Academy will help you meet your desired outcomes. The program provides you to choose from different combo options – combo-I (NLP Practitioner certificate combo), combo-II (NLP Practitioner + ICF approved coach certificate option), and combo-III (ICF ACSTH hours with 10 hours mentoring towards ICF ACC level professional coach). Instructor-led Live ICF Certification program Our online ICF Coach Certification program is an Instructor-Led live program with evening flexible sessions, book reading assignments, peer coaching sessions, mentoring forum, Whatsapp discussions, and live mentoring sessions.   Why you should become ICF certified coach Listed below are several reasons why you should become an ICF certified coach. ICF Credentials display your commitment and dedication to the coaching When you complete your ICF certification, you show the potential clients your commitment to the coaching ethos, and International...

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How to develop leadership skills

By on Nov 18, 2020 in Blog |

There was no dearth of applications when one of the senior Vice President (for organizational development) at one of the leading banks began looking for Executive Coaches to coach some of the senior leaders in the organization, with a mission to find solution to the answer, ‘How to develop leadership skills of current leaders and future leaders?’. Undoubtedly, executive coaching is on the rise because of the positive outcome that companies have noticed. However, most of the Certified Executive Coaching programs have divergent views and many of the coaches have their own unique approach towards coaching, and coaching methodology, and also not a clear direction about how coaching will fit into the broad spectrum of ‘How to develop leadership skills’. While a lot of coaching programs are successful, and are able to bring in participants for the programs through word-of-mouth marketing, great testimonials, social media marketing campaigns, and international accreditation/approvals, some of them may not be worth the time and investment, because the programs are not focusing on the application of Coaching in real situations: Personal and Professional Coaching (Life Coaching, Executive Coaching, Leadership development Coaching, Career Coaching, Sports Coaching etc). The quality of coaching usually depends on the abilities of the coach and their approach to executive coaching, using well proven Coaching methodologies. The corporate world was primarily oblivious of executive coaching and its effects until the 1980s. Since then, executive coaching and executive coaches began to rise and now the growing popularity of executive coaching is a response to one of the most compelling needs (How to develop leadership skills of current leaders and future leaders?) of companies. There are lot of reasons why executive coaching for leadership development is on the rise. Let us look at the ways in which executive coaching helps leaders and organizations achieve their goals, and how to develop leadership skills and future leaders. There are different ways in which executive coaching is approached by the coaches, but all of them generally ensure engagement of the people in a collaborative way. This helps the leaders (executive coaching clients) make the most of their abilities and helps in developing their abilities in a better way making them more efficient, and perform better. By...

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NLP Meta Programs

By on Nov 15, 2020 in Blog |

NLP Meta Programs People tend to operate differently in different contexts. Moreover, they change with the passage of time. They evolve and learn new and different ways of being. They operate in far too complex ways to be understood. However, NLP Meta Programs allow you to recognize the rules that direct people’s way of thinking. If you are someone who is interested in learning NLP Meta-Programs to gain an understanding of how people actually think, feel, act, perceive, process information, etc then read further. You will gain greater access to the kind of thinking that creates people’s reality. You will develop a high-level understanding of why do people operate differently, and how to deal with people in better ways, and have much more impactful communication. What are NLP Meta Programs? NLP Meta Programs are the perceptual filters and mental processes.  People distort, delete, and generalize information, based on these perceptual filters. They determine the attitude or orientation that people take on in various contexts and situations.  Meta programs get created by using a specific way to think and feel, and then they become our normal way, or a conditioned way to filter information.  Similarly, different ways of thinking/feeling become a Meta Program a perceptual filter. Example: If a person is thinking about every situation as what is the big picture/a big take away, or summary then over a period of time, the person uses this way (Meta Program) to sort things in every aspect, the Meta Program is called (Big Chunk or Global).  The person operating as Big Chunk or Global does not need too much information, a bigger picture works fine for them. So, if you know someone who does not like details, now you know why. Similarly, some people like procedures (Meta program) in how they do things, and then some prefer to operate from choice (Meta program).  Some people like to talk about things in the past (Meta program), some in the future (Meta program), and some in present (Meta program).  Some people like to match (Meta program) people in terms of what is being discussed, they operate from seeking similarities, and then some people like to mismatch (Meta program), they operate from dissimilarities. Based on...

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Best Resources to learn NLP

By on Oct 3, 2020 in Blog |

Best Resources to learn NLP This article highlights the best resources to learn NLP for expanding your NLP knowledge and developing your NLP skills. The internet offers a wealth of information on NLP and continues to play a crucial role in the spread of NLP knowledge worldwide. If you would like to expand your knowledge of NLP the best way is to attend a classic NLP Practitioner program either a classroom-based or instructor-led online ICF Certification program (NLP-based coach program) – or you have the option of visiting several websites to develop and upgrade your NLP skills, books, videos, and blogs. So, highlighted here are the best resources to learn NLP to achieve better results in personal as well as professional life. All the best resources featured in this article offer valuable and helpful information. Additionally, they provide links to many more real-world resources for learning NLP. NLP University The NLP University is a training organization that provides summer residential NLP training camps at the place where NLP originated, which is the University of California in Santa Cruz, and has the best resources to learn NLP. The NLP University Website, that is is a ‘must-visit site’ for all NLP enthusiasts. It demonstrates the generosity of spirit and strong desire of NLP co-developers to share NLP knowledge with everyone in the world. On this website, you can find the Encyclopedia of Systemic NLP and NLP New Coding, written by Judith DeLozier and Robert Dilts. They are the co-developers of NLP. This NLP Encyclopedia is one of the best resources to learn NLP as it is the most comprehensive reference work on NLP. It is over 1500 pages, and is probably the most comprehensive resources available. You can scroll through the index and learn NLP fundamentals online, free of charge. You can find out more information about any particular NLP tool or technique, and aspects of its history. Thus, without spending even a penny you can also get a deeper understanding of some of the incredible NLP concepts. Furthermore, you can view up to 25 pages of the encyclopedia on this website every day. Association for Neuro-Linguistic Programming The UK-based Association for Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or ANLP UK is a not-for-profit...

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What is your benchmark for success?

By on Sep 26, 2020 in Blog |

What is your benchmark for success?  Are you looking to create an organization that Bill Gates or Steve Jobs created, but in 6 months? Are you looking to establish yourself as a coach and have paid clients (Investing Top $$$ with you as a coach) in a few months? Or are you looking to become a coach like Marshall Goldsmith, in 6 months?  What is your benchmark for success? Whether you are looking to start a business, or you want to learn a competency and master it ~ what is an appropriate time frame? This is a question that some of you might be facing in your day-to-day life these days. What is your reality about the benchmark for success? You may be someone who has already completed a Coach program, attended the best NLP training in India/Asia, or on the way to becoming a credentialed coach (ICF approved program). This is the bare minimum to get started. The real work, and the difference that makes the difference, is not only about attending the programs but is a sum total of other elements which are a part of who you are and your environmental factors.  The starting point about being a successful coach is when you are aware about, ‘What is your benchmark for success?’ Having said that, there are factors contributing to both, setting up a business and getting better at becoming a good coach. Becoming aware of these factors will help you reflect on what is important to you at the moment, and how critical it is for you to pursue what you want to or are currently.   – Is setting up a business going to be your source of income? – How much stamina do you have to face difficulties and rejection and criticism (at times), or handle feeling low and desperate at times? – How much time have you planned for this on a daily basis, whether your business is full time or part-time? – Perhaps you are setting up your business to serve, and not to make money? – Or are you trying to set up something as a secondary source of income? – Are you learning to become more knowledgeable, or are you...

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What is Emotional Intelligence Coaching?

By on Sep 12, 2020 in Blog |

What is Emotional Intelligence Coaching? Aditya is an engineer, who graduated from an elite institution in 2012. His mannerism speaks a lot about his upbringing. His politeness, humility, and compassion keeps him totally class-apart. As days are passing by, he is getting popular (within his team) as a leader at his workplace. Even management has begun to notice him for the kind of behaviors (exception client handling, team management, his emotional self management – demonstrating EI Coaching) he exhibits – in the last six months he has not shown a single sign of stress or irritation while performing even the most critical task despite being a fresher.  Enter, January 2020 he stands with 8 years of experience in engineering function across different sectors, and has been a receipient of an award ‘Young achievers ’30 Under 30′ for the year 2019.  At his desk is a book titled, What is Emotional Intelligence Coaching? And there is a flyer on his vision board, how to become an Emotional Intelligence Coach in India with a handwritten text on that from him, ‘This changed my life’…… Interestingly, in these years he was practicing Emotional Intelligence for Self-Coaching, and had started a parallel journey of being an Emotional Intelligence (EI) coach right at the beginning of his professional career. Today, January 15, 2020, he is being invited as a guest speaker to address a gathering of aspirational coaches/young leaders/team managers on the importance of Emotional Intelligence at the workplace. Following are few excerpts from his speech which will answer questions as: What is Emotional Intelligence Coaching? What is the way to take up the path of Emotional intelligence Coaching? Which is the best institute in India to take this up? What is the actual path to be covered to be an EI coach? Which is the certifying body? What is Emotional Intelligence Coaching? Emotional Intelligence Coaching is set up around emotions – a unique framework of coaching that helps one to understand oneself through self-talk initiated and steered by the coach around one’s emotions in the moment which can be around any stimulus, and regulate oneself by understanding and accepting his emotions. And the momentum actually begins here when one starts to see the world clearly as...

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How is NLP used in Business

By on Aug 24, 2020 in Blog |

How is NLP used in business World over, a lot of people have benefited immensely on the personal front, using the incredible techniques of NLP. But there are times when people doubt that how is NLP used in business? The fact that NLP is born out of studying the excellence of people who were leaders in the different fields of psychotherapy has caused a lot of people to assume that NLP is only therapeutic in nature. The reality, however, is that over the last 40+ years, NLP flag bearers like Richard Bandler, John Grinder, Judith De Lozier, Leslie Cameron, Robert Dilts, David Gordon, Stephen Gilligan, etc have developed and contributed many models to NLP, that can be used in a range of business situations. The new NLP discoveries, models, and ways of thinking have continually culminated in the benefits of using NLP in business, voluntary service, coaching, counseling, education, parenting, health, personal development, sport, etc. So, if you would like to know more about how is NLP used in business, then read this article thoroughly. In this article, you will learn how is NLP used in business. You will get to know about the value of NLP in business by exploring why a lot of business people now widely use NLP. The following mentioned points describe how can NLP training help in business. Further, they highlight the key benefits of incorporating NLP tools and techniques in your business life: NLP helps you in improving business results and achieving remarkable success As noted above, the NLP models apply equally well to achieving great results across businesses. If you want to maximize business performance, NLP offers you many NLP tools that can serve your business objectives well. Here’s how- The NLP methodology enables you to model the best practices of successful businesses. Modeling is the essence of NLP. Understanding how you or someone else intuitively does something exceptionally well is a valuable skill in business. You can model exceptional businessmen to determine precisely what they do that gets great results. You can then transfer this model to different areas of your business. The in-depth understanding of NLP findings empower you to effect change efficiently. If one constant exists in business, it...

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