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Benefits of Meta NLP Training

By on Mar 19, 2020 in Blog |

Benefits of Meta NLP Training Meta NLP (Neuro-Semantics) is increasingly gaining popularity as more people are reaping additional benefits of Meta NLP Training. The purpose of this post is to talk about how Meta NLP (created by Michael Hall) is different from Classic NLP, and how Meta NLP is the ‘Latest Code of NLP’, and the future of NLP. If you do not know about the benefits of Meta NLP Training already, or if you want to know more about it, read further- What is Meta NLP? Meta NLP (Neuro-Semantics) is the model of human functioning that describes how people operate and experience their lives.  It builds on the extension and simply the latest code of NLP, not just because it just arrived, but because it has been constantly improved since the inception when it was first coined.  Meta NLP builds on traditional classic NLP, and has propagated and proliferated at a great rate. It was co-founded by Dr. Michael Hall with Dr. Bob Bodenhamer in 1996 as a field which focuses on helping people unleash their hidden potential and highest performance. How is Meta NLP different from NLP? In essence, Meta NLP is not different from NLP, because Meta NLP has expanded the classic NLP to soaring heights. So, it retains the essence of classic NLP, and expanded NLP and took it to greater heights as Meta NLP encapsulated NLP and benefits of NLP, and provides a direction to NLP Practitioners as to how NLP can be leveraged for self (Heart of Meta NLP), and how NLP extended into Meta NLP can be used for applications of current era. The benefits of Meta NLP training is in the application of content and contextualize it. The term ‘meta’ refers to one thing ‘above’ ‘beyond’ or ‘at a higher level’ to the other thing. Likewise, Meta NLP involves the process of mentally stepping back and rising up from immediate experience to notice what you are thinking and feeling, and how you can give much more useful and helpful meaning to the event or experience, and gain much better control over your thoughts and emotions. Meta NLP explores the concepts of self-acceptance, self-appreciation and self-esteem in wide depths. Where NLP highlighted...

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How is NLP useful

By on Mar 10, 2020 in Blog |

How is NLP useful? Often when people think of taking an NLP training to become an NLP Practitioner or using the services of an NLP Practitioner, they have questions like – Is Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) training helpful? How is NLP useful? Does it work? Or it is a scam? Are NLP courses worth it? Is NLP effective?  Is NLP the Technology of Success? Can NLP really help? etc  Curious to know How is NLP useful, and why is NLP interesting read further. The purpose of this post is to educate people about NLP, how is NLP useful, types of NLP courses in India, what is the future of NLP in India, and globally. Recently there has been a significant increase in the number of NLP training courses showing up in the market. A lot of NLP training courses claim to be able to turn participants into effective NLP practitioners in three to four days. As a result of this kind of over promising, and under-delivering, people have become suspicious of the validity of NLP.  Yes, there are some people who go for these shortcut courses, as they don’t value, quality, skill, and are just interested in a piece of paper (NLP Certificate). Naturally, the question arises about many elements of authenticity of NLP, NLP trainers in India, who is the best NLP trainer in India, and how to find them etc. If you too are interested in knowing more about how is NLP useful, just read on. This article highlights the scope and usefulness of NLP in life, business, career, as well as relationships. What is the purpose of NLP? The purpose of NLP is to help people transform their lives and achieve excellence in every area of their life. How is NLP useful?  NLP is useful in understanding and applying the powerful thinking strategies that create success. The impactful tools and techniques of NLP have helped people program their sub-conscious mind for greater success in future. How is NLP useful? How can NLP help you?  The NLP Practitioner training often helps people to: Communicate effectively with a wide variety of people  NLP training programs have helped people in becoming a master of communication. NLP allows you to become...

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NLP course in India

By on Feb 28, 2020 in Blog |

NLP Course in India If you are looking for NLP course in India, read the post to get you an idea about what it is, and some other nuances of NLP and NLP course. What is NLP? NLP is a model for succeeding in whatever you do. It is the study about the art of running your own brain and managing your states. NLP training is the first step you take in exploring how you create your versions of reality. What is Meta NLP? Meta NLP is the latest and most popular code of NLP. It is an exploration that thoroughly informs you about how to understand people, how to influence them, and how to create prospering relationships with them. As such, Meta-NLP principles accelerate your NLP learning and enable you to see the whole picture of NLP and recognise the mechanisms that make it work. Thus, the best way to learn NLP is to attend an integrated NLP and Meta NLP training program offered by the best NLP Trainer in India.  Also read Neuro-Semantics Practitioner in India. What are the various options for NLP course in India? Though credibility is a question, internet is full of blogs articles, videos, podcasts and books on NLP as well as applications of NLP. A lot of NLP enthusiasts have created self paced learning products to share their NLP knowledge with the world. It is better to use these content as additional NLP resources post your NLP Practitioners training NLP is experiential in nature. Until you experience it on yourself first, it won’t make much sense. Watching cookery shows or reading recipe books will not give you taste of a dish. Similarly, watching online tutorials and reading books will not give you the real experience of NLP. To experience NLP, attend a live instructor-led training program, either in classroom or online. This is the only, and the best way to learn NLP. What is the best way to attend an NLP course in India? The most efficient way to learn NLP and Meta NLP is to join an experiential course with a qualified trainer in a classroom setting or in person. Personalized online NLP trainings usually cost more than the classroom trainings....

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Life Coach Certification Program in Bangalore

By on Feb 20, 2020 in Blog |

Life Coach Certification Program in Bangalore Life coaching has become an exciting and ever-growing career field that welcomes people from all backgrounds and experiences. Because of this, many individuals have started calling themselves as life coaches without any professional coach training background and experience. If you are someone who is curious to understand how to establish as a successful life coach, join a life coach certification program in Bangalore or in any other major metro. Read further to know the reasons, and how to evaluate a program to attend for Life Coach Certification. This article is focused on the significance of joining life coach certification programs. Why should you enroll in life coach training programs? Who should join life coach certification programs? Things to consider while joining Life Coach Certification programs in Bangalore? Largely, life coaching is a self-regulated industry. You can be a life coach without any certification. There are no set regulatory standards required to become a life coach. Many individuals are working in the capacity of a life coach without any professional certification. With no training whatsoever, many individuals decide to consider themselves as a life coach and they start taking clients. To differentiate yourself from such life coaches, you must join life coach training programs. Moreover, the clients need assurance before allowing you in, in their journey of life. Hence, there is a surge in Life Coach Certification Program in Bangalore, and in other metros in India. The trend around this is almost similar in other parts of the world, so rest assured this industry is going to further in years to come, so spend sometime to understand what it is, how it works, how to establish yourself as a Life Coach, and more importantly how to associate with right people to grow in this growing niche. If you are serious about taking coaching as a professional career option, enroll in an ICF-accredited coach training program. ICF ACC credentials denote that you are a professional coach having relevant training and minimum 100 hours of coaching experience. Especially in today’s competitive world, personal brand separates a person from the rest when there is so much abundance of information, and that includes Life Coaches as well.  With...

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What courses to do after NLP Practitioner program

By on Feb 16, 2020 in Blog |

What courses to do after NLP Practitioner program A lot of people participate in NLP Practitioner Program to make a career out of NLP.  They keep eyes and ears open for what courses to do after NLP Practitioner program. When people experience benefits of NLP, it is natural for them to look for options of continuing their NLP exploration. No wonder, more and more people are joining the bandwagon of NLP. Read on if you are looking for few useful pointers on how to build a career out of NLP in India. You will also find here information on what courses to do after NLP Practitioner program. How to make a better career out of NLP in India? Usually, NLP enthusiasts attend NLP Practitioner, NLP Master Practitioner, and then NLP Trainers training to advance their career in NLP. This is the traditional route you are required to take in order to make a career in NLP. However, if you want to have a better career in NLP, whether in India or outside of India, then you need to prepare well to outshine the competition. Mere searching for information on what courses to do after NLP Practitioner program will not suffice. Be willing to compete with those who are already established and have already built a good reputation in the market. Roll up your sleeves to put in extra hard work, earn relevant credentials, and develop the required market know how. Don’t be discouraged by the journey uphill because the view from the mountain top is astonishingly amazing. Look for that dependable wooden stick of strategy that you can use to hold your ground. Keep distance from unethical practices and maintain standards. Always carry the blanket of long-term perspective about what you want to accomplish using NLP. Wrap around yourself this blanket of your mission and vision when the going gets tough. Learn, learn, learn, and learn even more. Moreover, work with a mentor or look for a coach to stay strong and enjoy more during the journey. If you are looking for who are Top NLP trainers in India , then read this post, as well. What other training will be useful and beneficial after NLP Practitioner program? What...

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ICF programs in Bangalore

By on Feb 13, 2020 in Blog |

ICF programs in Bangalore When it comes to certified ICF programs in Bangalore (hoping that is what you are looking for), there are only a couple of options available – ICF ACC and ICF PCC. However, there lies a silver lining in the mentioned sentence. The above-stated programs are your only options if you require a certificate credential from ICF. On the other hand, if you just need a validation of the fact that you did attend a course approved by ICF, then the scenario changes completely. Instead of opting for the entire process, a course approved by ICF would suffice. Along it being comparatively simpler, the price of the program goes down by half at the very least and gives you the luxury of observing the program, environment in the centers, beneficial especially if somebody wishes to become a coach as a side-project initially and perhaps shift to it as a primary occupation in the future. This particular post aims to break down the multitude of reasons for considering a specific course while going through multiple Certified ICF programs in Bangalore and attempts to give you a comprehensive understanding of the same. What is the value an ICF Certification? While the ICF ACC or ICF PCC does possess a value in the basic filtering initiated by the HR team or by the Leadership Development team on the question about whom to be picked as a coach for a group or perhaps when speaking about an individual who requires coaching, the hiring factor does not solely rest on the same. A significant contribution might be held by factors such as reputation and market image, experience (even industry experience), education (background and work), references and achievements, etc, of a Coach. When speaking of the final picture, all these put together determines if a person gets a job or not. Is it possible to starting coaching without an ICF ACC? As many coaches today would testify, trying yourself in the field first and then obtaining an ICF ACC or even the ICF PCC could be the way to go about it as an ICF ACC or ICF PCC is NOT mandatory for coaching. When and How do I get ICF certified?...

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Certified NLP Practitioner Course India

By on Feb 4, 2020 in Blog |

Certified NLP Practitioner Course India Some of the common questions aspiring NLP Practitioners ask before signing up for a Certified NLP Practitioner Course India: What can I do with NLP training? What to do after Certified NLP Practitioner Course India? Which other part time or side business alternatives can I explore after the NLP Practitioner program in India training program? How valuable is the NLP Practitioner certificate?” etc Should you have some similar questions on your mind, please read further to identify a way forward. What career choices you have after your Certified NLP Practitioner Course India? NLP gives you an understanding of how your thinking directs your behaviour to give you the desired results. It is a framework that helps you achieve desired results consistently, irrespective of the goal you set for yourself. The horizon of what you can accomplish with NLP is thus very vast. NLP finds immense application in business, relationships, learning, self-development, as well as therapy. NLP works with and for a lot of vocations. Below mentioned are some of the job options that are open for NLP Practitioners world wide- Coach / Counselor / Therapist Most of the NLP Practitioners seek to become a coach. At the same time, most of the coaches, counsellors, and therapists seek to pursue NLP training. This is specifically because the impactful framework of NLP effortlessly complements the coaching process, counseling, and therapy. You could be an aspiring or experienced business coach, Celebrity life coach, organisational development coach, transformational coach, or a wellness coach. NLP Practitioner training will definitely be another feather in your hat, considering Celebrity Life Coaching, Business Coaching, and Corporate Coaching is in great demand.  Read more how to puruse a Life Coach Certification in India. If you aspire to find your way in the field of counseling and therapy while combining your education background, skill sets, experience and expertise, the NLP Master Practitioner certification will enhance your acceptability in the eyes of potential clients after completing Certified NLP Practitioner Course India. Expert Consultant / Mentor / Advisor / Mediator NLP Practitioners who have truly mastered the NLP techniques often have expertise and competencies that others do not necessarily have. And this positions them as expert...

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Mindfulness Summit India

By on Feb 4, 2020 in Blog |

Mindfulness Summit India or Mindfulness Course in India The quality of leading is most often regulated by the quality of thinking. Many successful leaders cultivate mindfulness to be reflectively aware of what and how they are thinking. They use the principles of mindfulness to be present in the here and now. And as a result, they move towards becoming better leaders who can overcome challenges and achieve desired results effortlessly. This is the very reason Mindfulness Summit India happens every now and then, and the demand for Mindfulness courses in India is also on the rise. In this article, you will get to identify how you can use NLP for cultivating mindfulness in leadership. Therefore, if you are someone who is searching for ways to leverage NLP for Mindful Leadership, read further. What is Mindful Leadership? Mindful leadership is a leadership practice aimed at leveraging mindfulness for attaining excellence in leadership. It involves awareness of self, awareness of others, awareness of quality of one’s efforts, as well as awareness of time. When leaders em-body leadership presence by cultivating focus, clarity, compassion, and creativity, they characterize mindful leadership. What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness is the ability to recognise and be aware of your thoughts and surroundings, stay focused, and move past distractions as they arise. It is important to note that mindfulness is NOT the suspension of thoughts. Instead, mindfulness is the suspension of judgment. It represents awareness of what is taking place “in the moment,” with self as well as others. Mindfulness Summit India The summit about mindfulness provides an insight about Mindfulness, latest trends, case studies, but it is more like a trailer, as it comprises of mini informative sessions. If you are someone who is looking beyond Mindfulness Summit India and are looking to learn in depth tools, and techniques, concepts, and the framework, then you must consider attending a full course to understand Mindfulness, and practical applications in personal and professional life. What are the benefits of Mindful Leadership in organizations? Ambitious professionals and goal-oriented companies actively invest and participate in mindful leadership training programs at workplace. Mindful leadership helps individuals as well as organizations grow beyond their potential. When leaders attend mindfulness training programs, they strengthen resilience,...

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How to reprogram your subconscious mind

By on Jan 14, 2020 in Blog |

How to reprogram your subconscious mind For a very long time, experts were exploring the intricate workings of subconscious mind to find out how can someone easily reprogram the subconscious mind to get the desired results. It is an incredibly fascinating and interesting experience when you learn how to reprogram your subconscious mind to use its amazing powers of healing and inspiring amidst challenging situations. When you truly believe that your subconscious mind is indeed powerful, when you learn how to reprogram your subconscious mind, and when you take the correct action steps, much more happiness will enter your life to help you follow your boldest dreams in life. So, this article has been written intently for you if you want to know more about the extraordinary power your subconscious mind has, and find how useful and beneficial the NLP training can prove to be in learning how to reprogram your subconscious mind using NLP for redesigning, and getting the better life you want.   What is Subconscious mind? Consciousness, unconsciousness and subconsciousness are the various facets of mind. It is advisable to not be caught by these terms literally because the term ’conscious’ is referred for what all you are actually aware of at a moment in time and the term ‘unconscious’ is referred for everything else that is out of your awareness. The subconscious mind is the facet of unconscious consciousness. It is important to note that the conscious mind and the subconscious mind are not two different minds as such. They are simply different types of activity inside the brain carried out either at the conscious or rational level, and the subconscious or irrational level.   What can Subconscious mind do?  The subconscious mind controls all the vital processes and functions of your body. It  is involved in day-to-day functioning like regulating the heartbeat, controlling the blood circulation, regulating digestion, etc. Not just this, the subconscious mind is also the album of your memories. It has a record of all your experiences since childhood and therefore it is often said that your subconscious knows the answer to all your life problems. It also knows what you truly want to achieve, what you really want to have...

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Salary of a Life Coach in India

By on Jan 6, 2020 in Blog |

Salary of a Life Coach in India This article has been written specifically for the aspiring life coaches who are curious to find out about Life Coach Certification in India, salary of a Life Coach in India, average income of a Life Coach in India, and answer to the question- “how to become a life coach in India?” Additionally, this article will benefit those experienced and successful coaches who are hungry for more success and who are interested in identifying the action steps required to further scale up their existing life coaching practice . What is Life Coaching? In layman terms, coaching is a conversation. However, it is not casual chit chat you often have with your friends and acquaintances. In reality, life coaching is a thought-provoking conversation that involves absolute commitment, hard work and partnership of both the client as well as the coach. The coach thinks and listens a lot to intuitively ask insightful questions whereas the client does a lot of thinking work to find answer to them and bring coaching to a successful mutually agreed closure. As a process, life coaching is designed to assist people identify their own resources and find their own solutions to jump hurdles and overcome limitations. Hence, this is the very reason Life Coach Certification in India is becoming very popular. What is the salary of a Life Coach in India ~ answered in a separate section. Who is a successful Life Coach in India? A successful life coach is someone who is able to help people maximise their full potential and reach their desired results quickly. Most of the successful life coaches are often professionally trained as well as skilled at building ethical and good quality relationship with each and every client. They maintain confidentiality, they do not teach or preach the clients at all, and they almost always encourage the clients to take ownership and accountability of their actions and develop useful habits. If you want to become a successful ICF coach, you must develop ICF core coaching competencies and coaching skills to the point that you can easily run a successful life coaching business. Salary of a Life Coach in India Unfortunately Life Coaching is a salaried...

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