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How to become a successful Life Coach

By on Apr 13, 2019 in Blog |

How to become a successful Life Coach  Want to be a successful Coach? Let me rephrase that. Do you want to be a coach in demand, and learn how to become a successful Life Coach? Or if you are intrigued by some of the below questions: How to develop a marketing strategy as a coach? How to find more coaching clients? How to do branding as a coach? How to become a successful coach? How to become a personal development coach, and be in demand? How to grow as a Life Coach? If your answer to any of the above questions is a resounding YES – congratulations my friend. You are halfway there because you have the vision to power you and this article will give you practical know-how’s that you can implement. Let’s kick start without any further ado. How to become a successful Life Coach – Find Coaching clients who are already successful! ~ Read how to find more Life Coaching clients  Every successful company has 3 elements that they excel at: A viable product/service, a successful Sales & Marketing strategy A failproof plan for Operations The rest of the article will take about the basic steps (How to become a successful Life Coach) you may implement to cover the points given above. 1.      Choose your message – You as a Product Know your stuff Are you a certified coach? Have you learned models that you apply or can apply in your sessions? If not, please consider certification in any of the coaching frameworks. For example, NLP is a great coaching framework – intuitive, practical and you can be certified relatively quickly. The NLP way of coaching is designed in such a manner that a person practicing NLP experiences change as a person first, and can extend the benefits to others, as an NLP Coach.  Stick to one Coaching framework, and take time to Master it. Being a jack of all coaching frameworks, and master of none, won’t help in the long run.  Stick to one, and become an expert in that one.  NLP is followed by many successful coaches, in some form or the other.  Tony Robbins uses NLP framework in his coaching, and in the...

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How NLP helps (Coaches) in enhancing listening skills

By on Mar 15, 2019 in Blog |

How NLP helps in enhancing listening skills This is the age of pocket computers and smartphones. You rarely have the luxury of time. You try to get maximum work done with and through people, and manage relationships within a small span of time on hand. And listening skills definitely have a gigantic role to play, isn’t it? Not sure? Consider this- What allows you to get a grip on the meaning behind people’s words and body language? What allows you to make sense of and understand what people are saying? What allows you to pop the relevant questions? What allows you to voice the right thing at the right time? What allows you to keep the conversation rolling, without beating around the bush? Bang on, the listening skills! Listening skills are the stone pillars which people seldom leverage because these skills come bundled with the weight of patience, focus, and concentration. However, when positioned correctly, these same stone pillars of listening skills pave pathway of strong relationships, better understandings, error-free tasks, improved results, and success. Imagine a world where people understand exactly what is expected of them; a world of less mistakes, less follow-ups, less problems, less stress, and more productive hours! Though it may feel smooth, it’s not as easy as a five-finger exercise. When practiced properly, it’s not an impossible task either. For years, the guidebook of NLP has been offering awareness on internal workings of the human brain and associated possible lapses to help people become better in different life skills, including enhancing listening skills. You might be wondering how NLP helps in enhancing listening skills? So, here are some of the practical tips for your ready reference to develop and improve the much-required listening skills- To start with, don’t just maintain eye contact, rather keep eyes wide open. Detect traces of emotions like enthusiasm, boredom, irritation etc in facial expressions and body gestures of people, and sense the overall state of their being and doing. Speed up or slow down your mental pace to catch hold of their train of thoughts. Match your physiology, expressions, and gestures with those of theirs. Board onto their train of thoughts to understand what makes them tick. Experience how...

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ICF accredited Executive coaching programs

By on Feb 26, 2019 in Blog |

ICF accredited Executive Coaching programs What ICF-approved vendors won’t tell you about ICF Accredited Executive Coaching programs. When it comes to being a provider for ICF accredited coach training in India, there are many vendors who will focus on what they provide, which is understandable. They will also keep the program prices high, which is evident because ICF has become the defacto credibility provider when it comes to being the provider of Corporate Coach training, or training to become a Leadership Coach, Life Coach, or Executive Coach certification in India. ICF approved coaching courses play a vital part in improving the credibility of Coach training available, as ICF ensures that the standard of coach training is up to some standard. Hence, the best Executive Coaching certification programs are ICF accredited.  ICF accredited Executive coaching programs  Here are some of the things that some of the ICF approved vendors won’t tell you: 1) The truth and guidance about the courses which are available, and which course will suit you as a candidate, as there are entry-level courses, and intermediate level courses as well. You can attend an ICF approved coaching course and start with the ICF ACC level. ICF ACC level is sufficient for you to receive ICF credibility, however, many ICF approved vendors will force you to attend ACTP directly because they want to make sure that you pay extra for a higher level course, and ensure that they make 2-3 times more money to get you certified.  Considering ACTP takes a longer time to complete, and has many requirements – a person attending ACTP can feel stuck with the ICF approved vendor for a long time. You require a minimum of 125 student contact hours, mentor coaching followed by a performance evaluation process to get the ACTP approval. ACTP programs are also expected to provide 10 hours of mentor coaching.  If you are determined to work towards ICF PCC directly, then you can join directly for the ICF accredited executive coaching certification program, and work towards becoming an ICF Certified Executive Coach.  If you are looking for an Executive Coaching career then only register for Executive Coaching Certification in India, as ICF accredited Executive Coaching programs are valid...

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Are you letting your dream drive you?

By on Feb 10, 2019 in Blog |

Certified ICF Coach Program in Bangalore Have you been wanting to do something different ~ like becoming a Singer, Movie Star, Life Coach, Leadership Coach, or Wellness Coach, and don’t know where to start?  If you really want to do something different like to become a professional traveler, a singer, or to become a professional coach (Certified ICF Coach) ~ then read further? Is there anyone who does not want to succeed? As a child there must have been something that you loved doing; you would have dreamt of doing this differently, something which you felt would give you recognition in society and bring you happiness, something that would bring satisfaction to you etc. You might have been clear on ‘what’ that was, or you might not have had a clear picture ~ but that child was never worried. That child never worried about ‘how’ big his/her dream was or how possible the dream was. The child just dreamed ~ of vacations, of playing with friends, becoming a Life Coach, growing up to be an astronaut… At what point did these dreams become adulterated with the reality of adulthood? Pause, and notice how you are feeling now with respect to some of those dreams? Reflect, when you gave up on them? Did you ever want to start working towards them? What is your dream now? What is it that you want? How big is your dream? Is your dream giving you sleepless nights? Do you even have a dream? At this point, your internal dialogue might tell you – “I have many commitments. I cannot waste time in wishful thinking. Of course, I can’t become an astronaut now (or a doctor or an entrepreneur or a singer!) I have responsibilities!” The question here is – did you ever try?  If the desire would have been so strong you would have been on a path to self-discovery and self-fulfillment. Nobody was born to spend their entire life in a cabin; sitting and typing on laptops, preparing presentations, and wondering when a good vacation would come by. While some are waiting for vacations… some create vacations, and for some – their life itself is a vacation. Which one are you at...

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Managing Bosses The NLP Way

By on Jan 21, 2019 in Uncategorized |

Managing bosses the NLP way If life were a movie, chances are that around one-fourth of the entire movie would involve office scenes in the case of a working professional. The quality of life in those scenes would largely depend upon the discretion of the director, the boss. Remarkably, the art of boss management is indispensable, and if you are looking for an answer How to manage your boss read further To your aid, internet is full of articles categorising bosses on the basis of work style and culture they weave around themselves. These articles seem to be the magic wand, almost ready to spread the pixie dust, hanging mid air, uncertain where to focus! Unless you figure out the blind spots, even pixie dust is useless. Unless you make an effort to know what you don’t know, you will never know what you don’t know and then you will not be able to work the situation out because you just don’t know what you don’t know. Sounds easy? May be not! Assuming you have a troubled relationship with your boss, you could think that your boss is a bad mix who does not appreciate or recognise you. Instead of validating this to be true, ask yourself in all honesty- Has there ever been a time when your boss heard you, trusted you, supported you, depended on you? What specifically makes you think that something is amiss? What will set things right? • Is there anyone who does not find your boss that difficult to deal with? You can model their strategy to manage the boss, and they can be of great help in getting some answers going for – How to manage your boss • What could you possibly change in yourself to help the relationship? • What is the first step? Be realistic with yourself. In case you conclude to work on your relationship further, replay the office scenes in slow motion inside your head and go over them like a curious child trying to make sense without judgments. Explore what is important to these characters, and how and why do they care deeply for something. Pay attention to what is being said, and how much of...

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Choose your words carefully

By on Dec 28, 2018 in Blog |

Choose your words carefully How self-awareness with respect to your choice of words can create a shift in your Mental State Words have power, and how you speak makes a difference, so choose your words carefully. It makes a difference in your mental state, your attitude towards living life, and how you experience things on a daily basis. As a die-hard fan of NLP, and Linguistics is the core of NLP and of a true NLP Practitioner. I have been making progress with my coaching clients, in my training, how I speak with myself and others, by applying the Linguistics patterns, and understanding of these patterns on a regular basis.  The real test is when you have to apply it to yourself when you are not aware. At times when you are not aware you might fail to apply it to yourself. A few years back, I was talking to a friend and was talking about my schedule, which generally was very busy.  I was stressed out with too many back-to-back training and coaching assignments.  I told my friend that I have to go to Dubai next week, and then I have to go to Malaysia next month.   I also have to meet my prospective clients in New Delhi, this week. My friend looked at me with sympathy.  At that point, I got distracted by the sound of an ambulance siren, and when I looked back at my friend, he said, ‘Damn this noise,  it is so irritating, takes away my mental peace’. Suddenly, I became aware of my mental peace, and my choice of words.  I did not have to go to Dubai, nobody was forcing me to go.   I became aware of the pressure  I was putting on myself while speaking that way.   I became aware of how fortunate I was that I could go to Dubai, and if I was more aware of my choice of words (more so when I am stressed), it would make a huge difference. These are NLP Meta Model patterns (Model Operators): I have to go to the training I have to meet my prospective clients I should be studying I ought to go to the music class daily I need...

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Another Certified NLP Practitioner in India

By on Dec 9, 2018 in Blog |

Another Certified NLP Practitioner in India You might be contemplating attending a Certified NLP practitioner course in India, and you might have a reason to do it.   If you don’t have a reason and are just exploring it because it is the latest buzzword in the market, then that is not the right way to start on a certified NLP practitioner course in India, because you might just become another certified NLP practitioner in India. Becoming yet another certified NLP Practitioner in India is not a bad thing, as you will have a certification (depends where you are getting it from, some are offering it for Rs 800/- as well – video-based course), and if that is the only motto you have got, then it is perfectly all right. Having said that, attending a good certified NLP practitioner course in India, for the sake of having a certificate with no benefits or intention behind to learn NLP is like having a Ferrari car sitting in a garage with no key to driving it, and no intention of driving it. If you intend to learn NLP from a perspective of doing something with it, starting from self where you want to learn it as a Self-development course to get better at what you are currently doing, with different aspects in your life, and to take it to the next level, then learning NLP can be a life-changing experience. If your NLP trainer is spoon-feeding you NLP, in the form of NLP techniques/patterns then stay away from those NLP courses, as they are meant to create NLP Techniques Practitioners, not NLP Practitioners. NLP Trainer uses NLP to train, they create an environment of learning using humor, making it adaptive (application-based), rather than theory-based.  NLP is a highly experiential program where everything you need to know about NLP or becoming a Certified NLP Practitioner happens during the program itself. Some questions to help you get clarity : So what’s your intention of becoming a certified NLP Practitioner in India? Have you done your research in terms of what you want to achieve out of an NLP Practitioner course? What is the intention behind the intention of becoming a certified NLP Practitioner? Are...

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NLP Considerations and misconceptions

By on Dec 2, 2018 in Blog |

Things to be aware when selecting NLP training in Goa or in general NLP training in Goa has thrived not because of the demand in the local Goa market, but because of the fact that many participants from other parts of India or outside of India want to attend this program in a serene place like Goa. If you think about NLP training in Goa it brings up images like Blue Ocean, cool breeze, great food, great music, and balmy weather. If you are a newbie at NLP, make sure that this is not the only criteria for you to consider while attending an NLP training in Goa, or for attending an NLP program in general.  Best NLP programs focus on the needs of the participants, rather than trick participants in attending them. You are bound to make mistakes because of the nature of the manipulative NLP marketplace, and promoting NLP training in Goa by untrained Trainers seems to be the new entrant in the market, as this helps in some way to hide the other details with respect to their fraudulent credentials.  There are people ready to sell you anything and everything in the name of NLP:  NLP & Yoga, NLP and Psychotherapy, NLP and Psychology, NLP and Positive Psychology, NLP loaded with X, and NLP loaded with Y – Classic NLP and Pure form of NLP has nothing to do with Psychology, Psychotherapy, or Yoga or any other field. NLP was a revolutionary development in Personal Change area, which started 45 years back, and it is not Psychology.  Most of the beginners contemplating to do an NLP program do not understand the difference clearly and can fall prey to NLP Trainers who get marketing consultants to put up a rosy picture around the subject, and around them on their websites, or in advertisements.  NLP is not meant to solve all your life problems or make them disappear.  A person has to work towards them, and only if a person is willing to change, and make an effort to change then only it can happen.  Here are some top mistakes that participants generally make while selecting an NLP program, or things a person needs to be aware of...

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Business Coach Programs in India

By on Nov 21, 2018 in Uncategorized |

Business Coach programs in India Here are some answers to FAQs around Business Coach programs in India, based on what prospective participants have been asking, when they are exploring for Business Coach certification in India: How to decide which program to attend when a person is searching for Business Coach programs in India? Any coaching program which is classroom-based or an online course.  Classroom-based courses allow you to spend more time with Mentor Coaches and directly learn from their experience.  You can ask questions, and get personalized attention with respect to your queries during the course. The learning goes beyond coaching skills, once you build rapport with the Mentor Coach, you can ask other questions also: How to build a Business Coaching Brand? How to get coaching clients? How to build a coaching business from the ground up?  Online programs are useful if there is a constraint in terms of travel, location, distance, timings of attendance, and request for extra time post the program as well.  So if your considerations are to ensure that you want flexibility for attending Business Coach certification in India, then go for online programs.  Considering everybody is attending programs online, so you can go for Business Coach programs in India if you are looking for one. If you are searching for Business Coach programs in India, then, go with a coach who has been doing both: coaching + delivering training programs.  Both require different skills. Someone who has been delivering training programs and is not coaching, won’t have the same amount of grip on the subject as the one who is doing both.  So make sure that your coach trainer is also a coach. One-to-one coaching is more like sharpening your coaching saw. Each client is unique and provides a different learning experience for the coach as well. Third, make sure that the program is based on a Behavior-based framework.  Well, honestly there are many coaching models, and NLP-based, Meta NLP one is the most impactful as it provides a person with skills with respect to the application of Behavior Change tools/frameworks. No other coaching model comes close to NLP when it comes to Coaching tools and frameworks. What is the procedure to become...

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Law of Attraction Training in Bangalore

By on Sep 22, 2018 in Blog |

Law of Attraction training in Bangalore Well, everybody under the sun is talking about the Law of Attraction.  What really is the Law of Attraction and does it really work? Well, there are many many versions of this so-called Law of Attraction.  Some are digestible for a sane common person to believe (eg. You think about something on a daily basis, act on set actions, and you can make it happen) and some are as ridiculous as: Sign a cheque for future with Amount X and you will make amount X happen during that time frame.  If that was the case, everybody in the world would be applying Law of Attraction to write a million-dollar cheque for themselves for the very next day, buy a million-dollar lotto ticket for the next day and become a millionaire in one day. In this article, we are not going to talk about all the ridiculous theories that exist and which one to believe in or not, because we will have to write a book about the dumb versions of the theory which have evolved over the years. So what is the Law of Attraction, and whether it works? This question has perplexed many, and this question is the very reason many people have been happily duped by so-called Law of Attraction Gurus in some form or the other to buy some bogus Law of Attraction training online or even a Law of Attraction training programs (classroom-based) to that extent. Law of Attraction training concept is attractive because it provides a lazy alternate for a person to believe that success is easy to get.  Some of the concepts like ->send energy into the universe and receive bountiful money etc all sound good to hear and easily implementable because it does not require much work.  Reality is, it does not work that way.  Even the top Coaches in the world (Names not mentioned here) have ridiculed the Law of Attraction which has been promoted by very famous authors in some strange ways. For the sake of the blog, we will not hit somebody hard, and mention their name.  Let it remain a ‘Secret’. Modern day law of attraction has to be called as ‘Updated...

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