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Which NLP program to attend in India

By on Sep 20, 2019 in Blog |

Which NLP program to attend in India As a newcomer to the world of NLP, your first challenge will be to face a barrage of technical questions attached to NLP training programs. Which NLP program to attend in India? Which one should you join? What do the terms Classic NLP, Pure NLP, Authentic NLP, Better Code NLP, NeuroSemantics, Meta NLP, and latest developments of NLP mean? What is NeuroSemantics? Who does NeuroSemantics training in India? And will the program qualitatively differ based on these terms? How will the program coverage, content, experience of the trainer differ based on these terms? Well, it’s time for a quick history lesson, before we move into the noteworthy points with respect to which NLP program to attend in India. NLP was created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in the mid-70s. But one could also see the beginning of NLP as the culmination of work that was happening in the area of Human Potential Movement since the 1940s. NLP quickly became popular because it was results-based and not the typical cause-based approach to situations. People preferred solutions to causes and therefore, NLP gained momentum in the late 70s. By the early 80s, the first set of co-founders and co-developers had parted ways and created sects in NLP. In the process of creating distinct identities, many top NLP trainers of that era created half-baked theories out of the original classic code. For instance, John Grinder created the New Code, as a better alternative to classic code, but he was lambasted by other co-developers for many parts of New Code which they considered lame. For the next decade or so, nothing noteworthy emerged in NLP barring a couple of good ideas like Timeline. People continued to use bits and pieces of classic NLP, mixing and matching classic ideas with other methodologies. In the mid-90s, Michael Hall infused freshness into NLP with the introduction of Meta NLP (NeuroSemantics). Hall is one of the original pioneers of NLP. He had worked tirelessly in the shadows of other NLP co-founders and co-developers. Even as bad PR bogged down NLP in the 80s and late 90s, Hall was silently contributing to NLP. To the insiders, he was already a...

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Why are Life Coaches necessary?

By on Sep 3, 2019 in Blog |

Why are life coaches necessary? Are you someone who has heard about life coaches but doesn’t know what coaches really do? Are you curious to know why are life coaches necessary and how is life coaching useful? Would you like to know how you could benefit from the services of professional life coaches? Here’s an article to answer all these questions – The International Coach Federation (ICF) has defined coaching as a creative and thought-provoking process where a coach partners with clients to inspire them to maximize their personal as well as professional potential. Coaches who demonstrate commitment to highest ethical and professional standards are recognised by globally renowned accreditation bodies like International Coach Federation (ICF) and International Association of Professional Coaches, Counselors, and Therapists (IAPCCT). The self care, mental well-being, self help industry operates with different tags that people use to brand themselves and label the work they do. Some people operate as Life Coaches, Executive Coaches, Business Coaches, Peak Performance Coaches, Wellness Coaches, Happiness Coaches, Success Coaches, Transformation Coaches, etc. Even though Psychologists are there, counselors and therapists are there, Life Coaches are also thriving. Why? May be because Life Coaching uses a mellowed down approach. Unlike other intellectual disciplines, coaching is not burdened with complex jargon and complicated theories. Whether the tag is of ‘transformation coach’ or ‘wellness coach’ or something else it really does not matter. What matters is whether as a Coach you have been able to make a difference to your client. Life coaches conduct sessions with clients through personal meetings, telephone as well as via online platforms. The collaboration between a client and a coach is a creative endeavour where the coach seeks to identify and clarify the agenda the client has in mind. The coach uses his/her expertise to help the client ensure that the agenda is well-rounded, beneficial, and in alignment with client’s values. The coach operates as a change agent staying close to the client’s outcome, and ensures that each question- whether verbal or non verbal encourages client’s self-discovery and growth, and assists the client in achieving the desired outcome. Using specific competencies such as empathy and active listening, the coach creates a safe space for the client to...

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Mistakes life Coaches make while starting a coaching practice

By on Aug 12, 2019 in Blog |

Mistakes Life Coaches make while starting a Coaching practice When novice coaches start their private practice, they tend to make some errors. If you are just getting started as a Coach, you might be curious to know about the mistakes Life Coaches make while starting a Coaching practice. Some of them are mentioned below: 1. Denying the need to do free discovery sessions – For commencing a coaching practice, the most effective approach is, to begin with offering free trial coaching lessons to the maximum possible number of individuals. Numerous life coaches offer free sample lessons for publicity and increasing conversions even though they are making more than $100,000 a year. A free discovery session usually lasts for 20 to 45 minutes and is a rare chance for potential customers to get to know your style and dedication to work. The smart decision would be to offer only one free session to an individual. Providing a complimentary session for individuals at the beginning of your practice has many advantages. For example, being able to acquire a real-life experience in coaching individuals, becoming familiar with being a coach and sending the message that you’re are out there and doing this. A few of your free trial customers might eventually end up becoming loyal customers and may, therefore, recommend you to their friends and relatives. You should know that there are several coaches who don’t even have to offer free trial sessions when they begin their practice. These individuals are usually the ones who have already worked as a handsomely paid advisor or a consultant of a particular field and are therefore bound to have a large network of people who are inclined to give a lot of money to be able to get their services. That is why it is important to offer something that will attract customers if you are a person without many connections. The sole purpose of this is to join the race and to not get yourself thrown out of the competition. 2. Focusing on your website and brand, giving it excessive time – Most of the newbie coaches spend much of their time on advertising and do not spend time with the potential and existing customers. Spending time with the customers is a major step in setting up your image at the beginning of practice. The free trial session helps you to become familiar with how to interact with the...

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Entrepreneurs at Work

By on Aug 4, 2019 in Blog |

Entrepreneurs at Work The 21st century has been all about entrepreneurs at work, globalization, modernization, and technologization, all collectively shifting the paradigm of business to one that was never known previously. Technology is one of the critical drivers of Business Success, and if someone is looking for Business Mastery, then technology mastery is a critical component for those looking to get better as entrepreneurs.  Entrepreneurs at work and the ongoing Business Mastery movement has people looking at financial wisdom as an ongoing process rather than a successful or failed model in totality. Global markets have expanded into unimaginable business horizons and business moguls need to stay constantly updated. In a world of global businesses, we need to keep striving to learn, improve and sensitize ourselves to the diversity. If you are an entrepreneur, then this effort is no more a luxury but more of a requirement to keep your business going and this requires your employees to be equally sensitive and informed, while also reiterating their value and contribution to keep them motivated and giving their efforts a purpose! Similar to business operations and logistics, leadership too has revolutionized into a more collaborative endeavor. Present-day leadership is less about autocracy and more about identifying potential and growing a co-created workspace, nurtured by coaching, vision and life skills.  That enables entrepreneurs to thrive and one can see entrepreneurs at work. Businesses are popping up every second, multiple as we speak, so what is the secret to a successful business model, or business mastery? The business plan is crucial of course, but the success rate is heavily dependent on entrepreneurship skills, which itself has many facets. Those that add value to a venture whilst valuing the workers that have contributed to it, those that teach their subordinates whilst being open to learning a variety of lessons and most of all, those that are equally open to giving and receiving feedback, are successful entrepreneurs! Value as an entrepreneur work You too can gauge your value as an entrepreneur and your entrepreneurial spirit with the below questionnaire, if you are an entrepreneur at work: Are you truly passionate about something and believe in it with your heart and soul? Does this passion outwardly...

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ICF Coaching Certification

By on Jul 18, 2019 in Blog |

ICF Coaching Certification ~ The path to Coaching Glory When freshly-certified coaches who have completed an approved ICF Coaching Certification program, enter the marketplace and attempt to establish themselves, they often feel powerless and disillusioned. But there are steps one can take to make this difficult journey easier. If you have just completed an ICF approved program proclaiming your ability to coach others, you deserve to feel proud. But along with pride, you might be feeling a cocktail of negative emotions: Fear: “What if I never get enough clients?” Anxiety: “What if I am not good enough to coach others?” Nervousness: “Will I have the presence of mind to know what to ask or say next during a session? What if I make the client feel worse about themselves?” Confusion: Should I call myself a Leadership Coach, Executive Coach, Life Coach or Peak Performance Coach? Which type of coach has the most market demand? What type of coach am I most suited to be? More confusion: “I don’t fully understand the difference between Coach, Mentor, Counsellor, Therapist or Facilitator. What am I really? How do I clear this difference for myself and the client? Jealousy + Anxiety: “Others seem to know their message and their brand. Their social media campaigns are spot on. I don’t even know where to start. How can I aspire to succeed? Such questions reflect not just your frame of mind, but also the quality of training you received from the coaching academy. A good program would have covered these practical aspects of becoming a coach. A mediocre one would let you grapple with such challenges on your own. Now that you are at this juncture, after completion of ICF Coaching Certification, here’s what you should know: Know your authentic USPs Many people put the cart before the horse – they pretend to be what they think the market wants. This creates a diluted and inauthentic brand which will sound hollow to your potential clients. Your authentic USPs must be derived from your strengths, your unique set of experiences and your very own style of communication, after your ICF Coaching program. Our genes have already made each one of us unique. And our life experiences...

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NLP Training program in Mumbai

By on Jul 1, 2019 in Blog |

Our fast-paced, stress-filled lives don’t allow us the time or space to see where we are standing today or where we should be heading tomorrow. In the city that infamously never sleeps, how can Mumbaikars find a way to re-center and navigate their way back to their desired destinations? NLP training program in Mumbai offers a solution, much like the timely shower that helps Mumbaikars beat the heat. If you are looking for best NLP training in Mumbai or exploring the benefits of attending an NLP program in Mumbai, then read further, and you may want to explore this powerful technology of change. Decoding NLP NLP was created by Richard Bandler & John Grinder in California, the United States in the 1970s. Many other co-developers were part of the team when this technology of change was being created.  The first thing we need to learn about NLP is the expansion of the acronym: N stands for Neurology – the science of the brain, the organ that an individual uses to think, process and store information collated from their surroundings L stands for Linguistic – which refers to how we use our linguistic abilities to communicate or influence using verbal or non-verbal communication. P for Programming – which refers to the behavioral patterns learned through subjective experiences; these experiences “program” the mind; in other words, they make the individual interpret the world and this interpretation control their actions, behavior, and choices Bandler and Grinder started with a simple question: could the above three elements be combined to help the individual achieve goals and transform lives? The answer, according to their research, was a resounding YES! That’s why NLP has become one of the most successful ideas used to address human behavior.  It is gaining popularity in big cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, and other smaller cities as well.  NLP courses in Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Kolkata, and Chennai are gaining more popularity not only because of the stress levels in these cities, but also because of the corporate opportunities which are available in these cities, and people are looking for NLP training in India to boost their corporate career as well. Making NLP work for you Has this ever happened to...

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