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Emotional Intelligence at Work

By on Jun 24, 2019 in Blog |

Emotional Intelligence at Work While we humans are in pursuit of some goals or the others, the harsh reality is that our small everyday tasks are actually much harder to achieve as compared to our bigger long-term goals.  We get distracted by anything and everything.  We live in a world where more and more distractions are getting added to our daily routines, and Emotional Intelligence at Work is not visible. Slowly and steadily we don’t realize they become part of our lives, and then we can’t live without them.  We give excuses like that we have become tech savvy to spend hours on the Internet or on Social Media sites.  We don’t have time to interact with other human beings, like a human being by having a face to face dialogue.  Only a handful of people are able to stick to a routine and follow through their daily tasks consistently week after week.  Over a period of time as a human race we have achieved many things, we have become intelligent, but are we really demonstrating Emotional Intelligence?  Emotional Intelligence is the need of the hour, and as a result, we may have come across many organizations looking for Emotional Intelligence Workplace training programs. Our failed attempts year on year with new year resolutions can be traced back to a few elements of change.  One, that we aimed higher than our current reality and other we did not even set the priorities right.  We get distracted by the latest fad and want something that we really at a deeper level really don’t want.  We set emotional goals by copying others, and then when we set actions to follow through, we really don’t have the desire nor the determination to go after them.  Also, there is a chance that the mind is overwhelmed by the sheer amount of change that is being desired in one go, and instead of going for the goal, the goal looks and feels like an overwhelming task, and a Brain freeze happens, and nothing gets achieved. Emotions play a significant part in managing our state of mind, and Emotional Intelligence at work is a skill which employers are also looking at while hiring new talent....

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How to become more emotionally intelligent?

By on Jun 5, 2019 in Blog |

How to become more emotionally intelligent We have all come across different buzz words with respect to Emotions.  ‘Emotionally Intelligent person’, ‘Emotional Quotient (EQ)’, ‘Emotional Intelligence (EI)’ etc. in our day-to-day life. Phrases like“X is emotionally very stable and strong” and “Y’s emotional quotient and Emotional Intelligence helps him to function better at work.” are common in today’s world. There is a lot of debate in leadership space about the contribution of Emotional Quotient and Intelligence quotient in one’s success, hence Emotional Intelligence training in India demand is also on the rise, outside India in Western countries it has been quite popular for a long time. A lot of studies and self-development experts have suggested that EQ contribution to one’s success is highly underestimated.  How to become more emotionally intelligent is the buzz word in the corporates and people are willing to increase their Emotional Intelligence. Have you ever wondered what the word means in reality? It’s certainly not a new concept and has been subtly lying in the background playing its role for ages.  The Emotional Intelligence Coach Practitioner programs are in great demand, considering EI plays a vital part in corporate success.  In this post we will explore, What is Emotional Intelligence, and How to become more emotionally intelligent? Emotional Intelligence is the capability of humans to understand their own emotions and those of others, differentiate between different feelings, and label them accordingly. It also means using emotional information strategically and guiding their behaviors in a certain appropriate way to ensure self-management and self-control in difficult situations. What is Emotional Intelligence? To break it down in extremely simpler terms, Emotional Intelligence is: To recognize and understand our very emotions. Be it sadness, happiness, jealousy or scared. This means to be extremely self-aware. To be able to manage, control, and change our emotions, actions, moods, and responses. This is known as the act of self-management. To be able to use our emotions to motivate ourselves, to commit to doing a certain thing and to follow through the process. This is to be determined to work towards a goal. To be able to look at the feelings of others around us, understanding their emotions and utilizing that knowledge to...

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How to build rapport with clients

By on Apr 20, 2019 in Blog |

How to build rapport with clients The digital wave has taken the world by storm. Our days start with technology, run with it, and essentially end with it too. Thanks to it, newer innovations come up in the market each day enabling the daily consumer, and hence the need to focus more on how to build rapport with clients. It’s a never-ending recursive loop to be true. There’s a new demand that comes with the shift in market conditions and environment, and newer products and businesses are created to cater to the evolving needs of consumers. All in all, it’s a good functional world we are mutual partners of, isn’t it? This post will talk about How to build rapport using NLP, and enhance your rapport-building skills. Ever wondered how did businesses come into being in the first place, and how did they learn how to build rapport with clients? What stepping stones did your hairy forefathers laid down hundreds of decades ago to build foundations of the business world? How did the marketplace evolve? The answer is- through barter systems- the basis of which was the exchange of goods and the starting point was inter-personal rapports.  A lot of people are searching How to build rapport using NLP, as NLP is a result-based approach, and NLP provides a structured approach to go about rapport building, and that starts with becoming aware of your self-awareness, improving your listening skills, improving your communication skills, and being authentic while having a conversation. Typically the nature of business has not changed much over the years. Businesses still strive to provide for their customer’s needs and demands. However, what has changed in essence over all these years is the fact that businesses now constantly make efforts to increase their consumers, and be better than the competitors. A vast number of businesses are now catering to the same customer group, forging a breeding ground for ever-increasing competition. How to build rapport with clients ~ Core questions What do you think makes one business better than the others? What will give your business an edge to stand out in the crowd of competitors offering equally good innovative products, and satisfactory customer service? What helps you...

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How to become a successful Life Coach

By on Apr 13, 2019 in Blog |

How to become a successful Life Coach  Want to be a successful Coach? Let me rephrase that. Do you want to be a coach in demand, and learn how to become a successful Life Coach? Or if you are intrigued by some of the below questions: How to develop a marketing strategy as a coach? How to find more coaching clients? How to do branding as a coach? How to become a successful coach? How to become a personal development coach, and be in demand? How to grow as a Life Coach? If your answer to any of the above questions is a resounding YES – congratulations my friend. You are halfway there because you have the vision to power you and this article will give you practical know-how’s that you can implement. Let’s kick start without any further ado. How to become a successful Life Coach – Find Coaching clients who are already successful! ~ Read how to find more Life Coaching clients  Every successful company has 3 elements that they excel at: A viable product/service, a successful Sales & Marketing strategy A failproof plan for Operations The rest of the article will take about the basic steps (How to become a successful Life Coach) you may implement to cover the points given above. 1.      Choose your message – You as a Product Know your stuff Are you a certified coach? Have you learned models that you apply or can apply in your sessions? If not, please consider certification in any of the coaching frameworks. For example, NLP is a great coaching framework – intuitive, practical and you can be certified relatively quickly. The NLP way of coaching is designed in such a manner that a person practicing NLP experiences change as a person first, and can extend the benefits to others, as an NLP Coach.  Stick to one Coaching framework, and take time to Master it. Being a jack of all coaching frameworks, and master of none, won’t help in the long run.  Stick to one, and become an expert in that one.  NLP is followed by many successful coaches, in some form or the other.  Tony Robbins uses NLP framework in his coaching, and in the...

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How NLP helps (Coaches) in enhancing listening skills

By on Mar 15, 2019 in Blog |

How NLP helps in enhancing listening skills This is the age of pocket computers and smartphones. You rarely have the luxury of time. You try to get maximum work done with and through people, and manage relationships within a small span of time on hand. And listening skills definitely have a gigantic role to play, isn’t it? Not sure? Consider this- What allows you to get a grip on the meaning behind people’s words and body language? What allows you to make sense of and understand what people are saying? What allows you to pop the relevant questions? What allows you to voice the right thing at the right time? What allows you to keep the conversation rolling, without beating around the bush? Bang on, the listening skills! Listening skills are the stone pillars which people seldom leverage because these skills come bundled with the weight of patience, focus, and concentration. However, when positioned correctly, these same stone pillars of listening skills pave pathway of strong relationships, better understandings, error-free tasks, improved results, and success. Imagine a world where people understand exactly what is expected of them; a world of less mistakes, less follow-ups, less problems, less stress, and more productive hours! Though it may feel smooth, it’s not as easy as a five-finger exercise. When practiced properly, it’s not an impossible task either. For years, the guidebook of NLP has been offering awareness on internal workings of the human brain and associated possible lapses to help people become better in different life skills, including enhancing listening skills. You might be wondering how NLP helps in enhancing listening skills? So, here are some of the practical tips for your ready reference to develop and improve the much-required listening skills- To start with, don’t just maintain eye contact, rather keep eyes wide open. Detect traces of emotions like enthusiasm, boredom, irritation etc in facial expressions and body gestures of people, and sense the overall state of their being and doing. Speed up or slow down your mental pace to catch hold of their train of thoughts. Match your physiology, expressions, and gestures with those of theirs. Board onto their train of thoughts to understand what makes them tick. Experience how...

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ICF accredited Executive coaching programs

By on Feb 26, 2019 in Blog |

ICF accredited Executive Coaching programs What ICF-approved vendors won’t tell you about ICF Accredited Executive Coaching programs. When it comes to being a provider for ICF accredited coach training in India, there are many vendors who will focus on what they provide, which is understandable. They will also keep the program prices high, which is evident because ICF has become the defacto credibility provider when it comes to being the provider of Corporate Coach training, or training to become a Leadership Coach, Life Coach, or Executive Coach certification in India. ICF approved coaching courses play a vital part in improving the credibility of Coach training available, as ICF ensures that the standard of coach training is up to some standard. Hence, the best Executive Coaching certification programs are ICF accredited.  ICF accredited Executive coaching programs  Here are some of the things that some of the ICF approved vendors won’t tell you: 1) The truth and guidance about the courses which are available, and which course will suit you as a candidate, as there are entry-level courses, and intermediate level courses as well. You can attend an ICF approved coaching course and start with the ICF ACC level. ICF ACC level is sufficient for you to receive ICF credibility, however, many ICF approved vendors will force you to attend ACTP directly because they want to make sure that you pay extra for a higher level course, and ensure that they make 2-3 times more money to get you certified.  Considering ACTP takes a longer time to complete, and has many requirements – a person attending ACTP can feel stuck with the ICF approved vendor for a long time. You require a minimum of 125 student contact hours, mentor coaching followed by a performance evaluation process to get the ACTP approval. ACTP programs are also expected to provide 10 hours of mentor coaching.  If you are determined to work towards ICF PCC directly, then you can join directly for the ICF accredited executive coaching certification program, and work towards becoming an ICF Certified Executive Coach.  If you are looking for an Executive Coaching career then only register for Executive Coaching Certification in India, as ICF accredited Executive Coaching programs are valid...

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