NLP Training and Coaching Organization providing NLP Programs – NLP Bangalore, NLP Delhi, NLP Pune, NLP Kolkata


NLP Certification Program in Bangalore

By on Jun 16, 2017 in Blog |

Register For NLP Certification Program in Bangalore to move towards Better Future Prospects If you are in two minds whether to do an NLP Certification Program or not, then just stop thinking and ‘Just do it’; and you will make one of the most satisfying decisions in your life. Understanding the power of your unconscious mind, focus, attention, getting into resourceful states, and the art of tapping into your resources at will, without consciously being aware, yields you super results. NLP enables you to integrate all these in your life seamlessly, all you have to do is believe in yourself, take actions towards your goals, and allow yourself a chance to be successful. NLP Certification Program in Bangalore brings you just all this in the most Integrated style where classic NLP (Created by Richard Bandler & John Grinder), and New Code NLP (Created by John Grinder) is weaved together with the applications of NLP in Coaching, Sales, Personal Growth, Leadership, and Business Mastery, leading to certification in NLP and Coaching together. This is one program that will be the turning point in your life to achieve goals that you have set for yourself, or if you haven’t yet, then it will propel you to set them, and move towards them in a much faster manner.  If you are connected with your purpose, then you are able to stay motivated during the journey which you will embark based on the path chosen by you, and an NLP Program is the best way to do that, and help you design it for yourself in your own unique way.  Allowing you to be at your best all times, and leveraging the Peak Performance States for yourself at will, and excelling in whatever you are doing. People who have attended an NLP Certification program in Bangalore with us have taken this step towards Personal and Business Mastery. You get to experience the NLP in its purest form, facilitated by Internationally Trained Trainers and Coaches, with International accreditation, enabling you to get the firsthand experience of NLP and Coaching. Your first NLP experience will determine what you are going to do with this amazing technology, as putting the right foot forward (which is to...

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Top NLP Trainers in India

By on Jun 6, 2017 in Blog |

Top NLP Trainers in India NLP is the best course people walk along to experience further improvements in personal areas of confidence, relationships, sales, negotiation, influence, persuasion, public speaking, health, wealth, sports, etc. To gain the most authentic experience, participants prefer joining the best NLP course from the Best NLP Academy and work directly with the top NLP Trainers in India. So, here’s an article for you to know more on how to identify the Best NLP Trainer of India, so that you are able to find answer to the question- “Who is Best NLP Trainer in India?”  There are many reasons to know who actually are top NLP Trainers in India, or who are just posing using Social Media branding / images etc. to portray a picture which might not be true.  The purpose of this article is bring out the fact why it is important to learn NLP from the Best NLP Trainer in India, and what are the ways to identify who are the top NLP Trainers in India.   Based on the outcome people are seeking, NLP courses may range from 2 days Diploma in NLP to 7/8 days NLP Practitioner certification to 16/20 days complete end-to-end NLP Trainer’s Training program.  There are other variations as well, which are application based programs: NLP for Sales, NLP for Leadership Development, Hypnosis, etc.  Know your criteria – Best NLP Trainer in India The phrase ‘Best NLP Trainer in India’ may mean different things to different people. Therefore, before you set about looking for the top NLP Trainers in India, answer the following questions first- What do you intend to do with your NLP training? What specific outcomes are you seeking from the NLP program?  What criteria will inform you that you have achieved the outcomes you were seeking? How does someone qualify to be known as the top/best NLP Trainer according to you? In what way? What does he/she do? What specific expectations do you have from the NLP trainer you would like to get trained from?  In what way is the Trainer’s approach to NLP inspiring you to learn from him/her? How do you figure out that the NLP Trainer has been congruent?   If you are looking for top NLP...

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Example of NLP Coaching Session

By on May 8, 2017 in Blog |

Example of NLP Coaching session demonstrating how to elicit present state and desired state NLP Process for change was developed keeping in mind, that if the outcome / goal that a person wants to work towards is developed in such a manner, where the person is in total congruence with the outcome, then the chances of achieving that goal / outcome is more. During the start of an NLP Coaching session as an NLP Coach you can elicit the desired state (where the person wants to reach) and the present state (where the person is currently).  NLP was created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in 1970s, and NLP due to its powerful language patterns and interrupts found its way into Leadership Development, NLP Coaching, Life Coaching, Sports Peak Performance Coaching etc. Questions to Elicit Desired States: 1.Stated in Positive (Linguistically language towards the Outcome): –  What do you want, specifically? –  When, where, with whom do you want the outcome? 2. Initiated and maintained by the Person who desires the goal (Actions are in control of the doer): –  What are the steps that are in your control that you can take towards this goal? –  What resources do you have to accomplish this, and are they within your control? 3. Sensory based evidence (Evidence frame) – Evidence referenced in Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic language: –  How will you know when you will have (the outcome / goal) it? –  What will you see, hear, and feel when you will get it? 4. Ecology check (Impact of the outcome / process of working towards it, on person’s environment) –  How will this affect your life? Family? Business? Job? Anything else? –  What will be different as a result of having this? – Are you willing to pay the price – effort that is required to achieve the goal? 5. Cartesian questions (Optional questions – Bringing clarity with respect to the outcome) –   What will happen if you get it? –    What will happen if you won’t get it? –     What won’t happen if you get it? –    What won’t happen if you won’t get it? 6. Fit together –   Is the outcome / goal in sync with who...

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Law of Attraction the NLP way

By on May 5, 2017 in Blog |

Law of Attraction the NLP way Successful men and women have a common trait, ‘Clarity’. They have absolute clarity about what they want, why they want that, and how they want to go about it. They are clear about their own Success Mastery using  power of clarity, and they seem to have mastered the Law of Attraction the NLP way.  They are 200% sure about what they want and they will find ways to move towards that destiny. This focused approach towards any goal leads to reduction in attainment of any goal. People create goals towards what they want.  The challenge most people face is that they have some idea about what they want and they take some actions towards it, but without utmost focus.  They move towards what they want, but since they are not 100% sure about what they want, and whether they will be able to get it, which results in results which are not as per their expectation.  Having this element of doubt about goals is like having a virus in a computer, it slows the progress down, and results take more time than expected; in turn makes people frustrated, disinterested towards their goals, and eventually people may give up on their goals, which can be the worst case scenario. Success Mastery by power of clarity is very powerful. If a person is sure what they want, by when they want, in what form they want, why they want, the chances are that they will have a very strong plan towards achieving that goal.  The person will be totally motivated to achieve it, and that will show in the progress towards the results that they will produce day after day. If you wish to buy a Luxury car (Audi), some of the questions that can move you towards your dream car / dream goal are: When do you want to buy the car? Why do you want to buy the car? What will happen if you buy the car? What is the color of the car? If you have the car, what will that get you? How will you feel when you own the car? What will you see, hear and feel when you will...

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How can I control mood swings

By on Apr 28, 2017 in Blog |

How can I control mood swings If you are searching for a simple solution with respect to mood swings, and end up asking this question, “How can I control mood swings” with experts online or with happiness coaches or friends those who can control mood swings in a better manner. Here are few ways you can consider to control mood swings or have a better control over mood swings: 1. Body: “Mind and body are part of the same system”.  Having said that, what it means is that if there is a shift in one, mind (thoughts) or the body (posture), the other experiences a shift.  Most of the time mood swings occur due to the underlying though patterns that a person is running in his / her mind, which will lead to a sensation of being in an un-resourceful state (if negative thought pattern is being run), also known as mood in general English language.  Depending on how often the person runs these patterns (negative thoughts and positive thoughts) the state will shift from being good to bad and vice-versa, leading to something called mood swings – where a person experience sometimes good moods and bad moods. Once you feel you are in a bad mood or are experiencing shift in your mood, then change your body posture. It can be as simple as: Taking a deep breath, simply get up and walk around without thinking much, smile more, laugh out loud, or rotating your shoulders and neck.  By making a simple shift in your body posture you are sending a signal to your brain to change something. Changing the body posture goes a long way in changing your state and if one is experiencing un-resourceful state, then a person can easily change it into a neutral state by changing the body posture. A confident, positive body posture sends a signal to the brain that a person is in great mood, and that gets reflected in the though process, and in overall state the person will experience.  If you want a quick fix for your question of, How can I control mood swings, then being consciously aware of your body will go a long way for you to...

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NLP Certification Programs in India

By on Apr 26, 2017 in Blog |

If you have reached here, you are probably searching for NLP Certification programs in India. Is NLP Certification really necessary after attending an NLP program? Well, the simple answer is ‘No’.  You may be curious to know why the answer is ‘No’. There are many NLP Academies in India or outside India who claim to provide the Best NLP Certification programs in India or outside India.  They may back it up with many reasons, which nobody understands! However they are packaged so well that the reader will be lured to attend the NLP Program, in spite of not getting the real answer they are looking for. First things first.  If you are looking forward to attend an NLP Certification program, you need to have a valid reason for the certificate.  If you  want to attend the program just to experience NLP and get a breakthrough in your personal or professional life, or with an outcome to get better in some area of your life, then NLP Certification is probably not what you need. You may need it for other professional reasons;   – as proof that you  have attended an NLP Certificate course, to submit  it during job interviews or to put  it on your resume, your LinkedIn profile or elsewhere .   And if you are looking forward to becoming  a practising coach then probably it will come in handy to have that piece of paper called the ‘Certificate’. Also, if you simply want to  get a certificate due to the above mentioned reasons without actually putting in any effort to really earn it, then you may probably be self-sabotaging your NLP learning, more so if you select an NLP program based on where you can get certificates easily.  They may be providing you certificates easily due to business reasons, but any good NLP Academy will not issue a certificate easily, they will ensure that the participant puts in the required effort to really earn it. If you are enthusiastic about NLP and are looking forward to learning NLP and it applications: Leadership Development, Sales Mastery, Entrepreneur Mastery, Coaching etc, then you need to be  excited about the fact that you are going to get value by experiencing NLP,...

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