NLP Training and Coaching Organization providing NLP Programs – NLP Bangalore, NLP Delhi, NLP Pune, NLP Kolkata


NLP Training in Bangalore

By on Jan 2, 2017 in Blog |

NLP Training in Bangalore If you keenly notice, successful entrepreneurs, super models, top corporate honchos, celebrities, super stars, politicians and many other leaders will have something in common. It will be the unanimous excellent qualities & traits, attitude to excel, constant and never ending learning behaviors, their ability to connect with people, their persuasive language patterns, their amazing rapport building skills, their ability to hold on to resourceful states in all situations, their ability to be calm and poised in difficult situations, and their ability to leading from the front, whenever situation demands. The common thread across all these successful people will be mentors who will constantly guide them, and success coaches who coach them on various areas of their life. If you are looking forward to make significant changes in one or many areas of your life, you must consider to attend one of our NLP training programs in Bangalore.  Why NLP training in Bangalore?:  Bangalore is the hub of entrepreneurship, area of business growth, corporate expansion for many companies, in short a good place to be in when things are moving in right direction for large corporate, entrepreneurs, and other businesses, which in turn creates opportunities for growth for people in the city, and for those who are migration and making Bangalore their home.  If you are looking for NLP Certification program in Bangalore, then you must consider doing online NLP training. Many people in Bangalore are leveraging NLP Training programs in Bangalore to improve their leadership skills, selling skills (Sales Mastery), Persuasive Skills (Effective presentation and public speaking skills), Self-Coaching skills, Enhancing Communication, and also to improve coaching skills or to become a Life Coach, Executive Coach or a Business Coach. NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) training program, is a powerful program, where you explore the connection between your five senses (Neuro), language (Linguistics), and how to leverage that further (Programming) to get better. You may be curious to know how to get the best out of an NLP training in Bangalore?  First, you must set a deadline to identify a program, and attend it, so that you have created space in your life to attend a NLP training in Bangalore, if you are in Bangalore or...

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NLP Books

By on Dec 30, 2016 in Blog |

The best way to learn NLP is by attending a class room based NLP Program.  The second best is to do online with a Coach / Trainer.  The third best option is to do it off line (reading, videos, mp3) with email based support for queries.  Fourth best is to watch NLP Videos or recording of a live program, and last best option is to read NLP books. Note: If you have not attended an NLP Program and are attempting to understand NLP by surfing the internet for NLP resources and by NLP books, then you may not get the essence of NLP and how it works.  Even though you may get an idea about what it is by reading NLP books, but the best way to learn is by attending a program. Post the program the best way to continue to learn is by watching NLP videos and by reading NLP books, depending upon the outcome that a person has. E.g If you are looking forward to improve your coaching skills using NLP, then books which are focused more on coaching will be beneficial.  If you are looking forward to improve your Selling skills using NLP, then an NLP book focused on Sales will be more relevant. We have listed as many NLP books as we could in an attempt to provide coverage for people looking for different outcomes: Classic NLP Books Get the Life you Want by Richard Bandler Richard Bandler’s Guide to Trance-formation: Make Your Life Great by Richard Bandler and Paul McKenna NLP Workbook: A Practical Guide to Achieving the Results You Want by Joseph O’Connor How to Take Charge of Your Life: The User’s Guide to NLP by Richard Bandler and Owen Fitzpatrick NLP: The New Technology of Achievement by NLP Comprehensive (Edited by Steve Andreas and Charles Faulkner) Richard Bandler’s Guide to TRANCE-formation NLP at Work by Sue Knight The Secrets of Being Happy, The Technology of Hope, Health and Harmony by Dr. Richard Bandler, Garner Thomson Using your Brain for a Change by Richard Bandler and Connirae Andreas Reframing: Richard Bandler and John Grinder Sleight of Mouth: Robert Dilts Frogs into Princes: Richard Bandler and John Grinder Magic in Practice (Second Edition):...

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NLP and Leadership

By on Dec 25, 2016 in Blog |

NLP and Leadership When the Indian Emperor Ashoka rose to glory, his leadership skills were the primary reason why he was chosen over the others to succeed his father. His father, Bindusara, had wanted his son Susima to succeed him, but after Bindusara’s death, the ministers felt that Ashoka was a better leader and helped him rise to the throne. Ashoka is known to be a born leader. He had qualities which helped him in different situations where he was able to demonstrate his leadership skill, and in time become popular and more successful than his brothers. These leadership qualities also made him one of the most admired rulers. While Ashoka had an innate ability to lead, most people, like his brothers, are not born leaders. But that does not mean that most people do not stand the chance of leading effectively. With the help of NLP (NLP and Leadership development program) a person can become consciously aware of their leadership skills, and do equally well. In fact, many of us have the qualities of the leader lying dormant in ourselves, waiting for a spark to kindle the fire. So how can NLP help to ignite that fire, and awaken the leader within? Understanding NLP – What is NLP? The answer lies in understanding what NLP is. Neuro Linguistic Programming was coined by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in 1970’s and it focuses on how we can explore the unconscious levels of our mind to develop qualities that can help us communicate more effectively with others and with self for success on a business and personal level. This is why it is helpful for leaders, because not only does it help leaders in making the right business decisions, it also helps in improving personal relationships. A true leader, according to NLP ideologies is one that work with people from different cultures, with diverse perspectives and ensure higher productivity and efficiency of the team by leading from the front. So what’s in it for Leaders? Why is NLP and Leadership the buzz word these days? Leaders today are required to motivate people to do their job with passion by being in sync with the organization mission and vision, rather than...

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Upcoming NLP Training in Delhi

By on Dec 8, 2016 in Blog |

Upcoming NLP Training in Delhi The city of Delhi is known for its fast-paced life which often makes it difficult for most people to maintain the right balance between work and personal life. Delhi being the hub for people from almost all walks of life, there is a lot of pressure on achieving goals, managing relationships and handling competition. Many of us may get bogged down because of our inability to meet the high expectations people have from us. This is the time when you need to think of a way in which you can enhance your skills and outshine the rest, and here is when NLP training in Delhi can come into the picture. NLP programs help you achieve your work and life goals more effectively and this may be one of the reason why it is garnering so much of attention.  If you are looking for an upcoming NLP training in Delhi, then do visit the NLP Training in Delhi program page.  A few more benefits of choosing an NLP program are: Getting an edge when it comes to business and competition Acquiring the ability to make informed decisions Overcoming the roadblocks that may be preventing your business or career to get better results Delhi has a number of NLP training organizations that you may come across if you did a quick Google search for an upcoming NLP training in Delhi. But the effectiveness of any program offered by the organizations can hardly be measured through the website alone, if everything is not being explained properly on the website.  There are so many things that are important: like the depth of the program, the team of trainers and coaches, case studies, testimonials, the training background of the trainers and coaches, the reputation of the organization, etc. There is a certain amount of extra work required where you have to find out these things yourself by checking reviews online and finding out how many people are happy (case studies, testimonials, transformation stories etc.) with the quality of the program and the amount of money paid for the program. These things will be available on independent social media platforms (Google+ page of the company) in the form of reviews...

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NLP and Entrepreneurship

By on Dec 4, 2016 in Blog |

NLP and Entrepreneurship “You shouldn’t focus on why you can’t do something. Which is what most people do. You should focus on why perhaps you can, and be one of the exceptions.” This is what Steve Case, co-founder of AOL emphasis when talking about doing business, succeeding in life, setting goals and achieving goals. To think of it, these words have some real insight for an entrepreneur, more so when the buzz word in business world is NLP and Entrepreneurship. After all, so often business owners end up focusing so much on the things that they cannot achieve or what they cannot do that they fail to look beyond the ‘cannots’ into what they can really do. NLP has usually been associated with personal and business mastery, leadership development, improving sales, and peak performance for athletes, since it helps people to tap in their own resources, so that a person can excel personally and professionally. It helps in boosting your confidence, enhancing your prowess and giving you the ability to achieve your goals. NLP provides lot of tools which entrepreneurs can tap into to help them lead a more fulfilling life, and excel in their business, hence NLP and entrepreneurship has gained lot of traction in recent past, and people especially are willing to explore this aspect for personal and business mastery. Let us look at the different ways in which NLP can be used by entrepreneurs to increase their efficiency, improve the profitability of the business and enable them to lead a better personal life. NLP and entrepreneurship is a growing area, and let’s explore why it is that way: 1.      Improve Self Esteem Entrepreneurs become successful when they are confident about themselves. The higher their self-esteem, the easier it is for them to explore new strategies for their business. Their confidence also reflects in the persona of the business. Since most of the employees owe their motivation to their leaders, it is important for entrepreneurs to reflect a personality that will motivate their employees. Many entrepreneurs are bogged down by negative thoughts, bad experiences or unsuccessful attempts at a product or a service. For them to achieve success, it is imperative that they replace the negative thoughts...

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NLP Courses in Mumbai

By on Nov 26, 2016 in Blog |

NLP Courses In Mumbai That Change Life NLP is a powerful concept that helps an individual move towards personal well being, which is the starting point for personal transformation.  Personal well being is so critical these days considering the amount of stress people go through in their daily lives, and Mumbai city is one of the most stressful in the world. Hence, the starting message of this post, NLP courses in Mumbai that change Life has much deeper meaning. Booking link for the NLP Courses in Mumbai is at the bottom of the page.  NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming, and this revolutionary technology was created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in 1970s, and then later on many others (Robert Dilts, Leslie Cameron Bandler, Judith DeLozier, Steve Andreas, Charles Faulkner, David Gordon, and many more) joined Richard Bandler and John Grinder during that time to extend its reach and scope. When we break down the words to understand what they mean we see that NLP stands for three things. ‘N’ stands for ‘Neuro’, which refers to the way how individuals think, process and store information that they gather from the outside world using their senses. ‘L’ stands for ‘Linguistics’ is the study of language that influences people, both verbal and non-verbal (body language). It refers to the meaning a person assigns to the information collected from his surroundings. ‘P’ stands for Programming which refers to the behavior of an individual that is formed as a result of information gathered all through life, and how they create meaning by using various combinations of processing and storing information. In short, NLP refers to how an individual interprets the world and how this affects the way he/she controls daily actions, behavior and choices.   NLP has recently become very popular and has grown rapidly in other areas than therapy and change work, which was the starting point.  Upcoming and growing field like Leadership and Executive Coaching is attracting lot of people, and in that NLP as a base methodology to coach is very attractive, considering its Behavior change roots.  NLP courses in Mumbai has been getting very popular as a personal development system. It helps a person become more efficient and...

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