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NLP and Future of NLP and NLP techniques

By on Jul 18, 2016 in Blog |

These days many people are curious about Neuro Linguistic Programming-NLP and Future of NLP and NLP techniques.  NLP, Conversational Hypnotherapy, application of NLP in Sales and Marketing reached a new high in the 1990s, and 2000 when the two ‘NLP and Conversational Hypnosis’ blended more fluidly into each other, along with its applications in Sales and Marketing to create one of the most scientifically discredited theories of ‘hypnosis for marketing influence’ and yet a technique which is highly acknowledged by marketing analysts, sales professionals and entrepreneurial community, as the best application of NLP techniques. NLP is the brainchild of Richard Bandler and John Grinder in California. The NLP approach is meant to address a link between neurological responses, language and behavioural patterns which are acquired by the brain as a result of our experiences.  NLP is the study of subjective experience, and is also defined as ‘NLP is about modelling excellence’. Today, the most prevalent form of application of NLP is ‘Internet marketing’, where a form of hypnotic writing (using NLP Milton Model language patterns) is noticed in the many get-rich schemes and adverts, certain scams, and even used by some big brands to advertise their products and services. NLP is a technique, a methodology, a framework which empowers people in the exploration of the manner in which a human mind works. It is the ‘difference’ that makes the ‘difference.’ The ways in which we think and develop our desires and goals. It utilizes the language of the mind to help in achieving desired outcomes. NLP is used by people to develop confidence in themselves, to manage their personal and professional relationships effectively (most of the time), to negotiate a situation where they can always be in a win-win situation.  It is also helpful in meeting sales targets where sales professional use NLP to persuade buyers. It also helps leaders persuade the audience regarding their viewpoint and influence them sway on their side by making the audience feel that his/her viewpoint is right. It also helps in establishing a deeper connection with the audience. From lawyers and negotiators to therapists and life coaches, business leaders, motivational speakers, sales professionals everyone finds NLP to be useful when they try to...

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Future of NLP training in India

By on Jun 27, 2016 in Blog |

Over the last 5-6 years, NLP Training Programs have gained significant popularity in India. Increasing awareness of the benefits received from being trained in NLP has led to a spike in demand for programs and workshops. India is a fast-growing market for NLP workshops and home-grown trainers are riding the wave. This brings up an important point to consider, ‘what is the future of NLP training in India?’ Trainers, who have produced excellent results for themselves and their clients, are now expanding their services. Classic NLP Training Programs such as NLP Diploma, NLP Practitioner, NLP Master Practitioner and NLP Coach are only the basic foundation. The future of NLP training in India lies in its application to various business and personal growth areas including sales, leadership development, change management, stress management, accelerated learning, and coaching, creating a new dimension for future of NLP training in India. The NLP trainers in India are growing exponentially with new trainers getting added to the pool every day, and some being just paper Trainers, who would have received their NLP trainer level certificate without attending a program. With a high influx of new trainers, their focus to a large extent remains on traditional NLP programs. The customers they target have to pay for the trainings out of their own pocket. With this get-rich-quick mentality and high price competition, some of the good trainers of classic NLP programs are finding it difficult to sustain their business, as they have not explored the applications of NLP. For those who are passionate about NLP training, traditional NLP is no longer a sustainable business. Every day, there is a new website and another trainer claiming to be the best. You are required now more than ever to focus on your target customer. It is imperative that the trainer be willing to go the extra mile to create a great learning experience for the participants. To be successful in the marketplace, more than getting certified, you need to use NLP itself. Great trainers with profitable businesses are those who spend time learning, practising, exploring and adapting with NLP. The future of NLP training in India lies not in teaching it, but in producing transformation consistently and rapidly. The...

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What is the best NLP technique

By on Jun 15, 2016 in Blog |

What is the best NLP technique? When I nervously entered my first NLP workshop as a young professional 5 years ago, little did I know that it would be the start of a Powerful Personal and Business Transformation. I was instantly hooked. I was given tools that not only helped manage my state of mind but opened up whole new possibilities in life for me. I probed myself, to find out ‘ What is the best NLP technique or skill ?’ I started to gain incredible confidence as I resolved challenges smoothly and quickly. My dreams and vision for my life suddenly expanded exponentially, and I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I would achieve my highest potential. The single most important NLP skill that has shifted my life into high gear is Deep Listening. At both, a personal and professional level, the art of listening actively has greatly improved and deepened my relationships for greater success.  This is by far the most important skill to have if you were curious to know, ‘ What is the best NLP Technique or skill ?’ Deep Listening is a key skill to be mastered especially for a trainer (an NLP trainer or in other areas of focus) or a Coach (Executive Coach, Behavioural Coach, Life Coach, Business Coach etc.). Someone rightly said to me once: “The world will be a better place if all of us learned how to pay more attention to others, and listen at a deeper level.” So what does ‘deep listening’ mean exactly? Is there any other way to listen than what we’ve been doing so far? When we’re having a conversation with others, our minds tend to drift. We may be thinking of tasks in hand or be preoccupied with the past or future. I remember once nodding very vigorously with another’s conversation, all the while thinking about lunch. Sometimes, we may just not be interested in what the other has to say. But, I’ve come to believe that if I’m choosing to spend time with another person, I should honour and respect both of us by being completely present. You never know when some casual comment could be the exact answer you’ve been...

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Eight Steps to boost your Brain Power

By on Jun 10, 2016 in Blog |

Eight Steps to boost your Brain Power If you think you have less Brain Power, you may be surprised that you are programming yourself to have less Brain Power.  If you want to change this, and think in a better and resourceful ways, you may very well be few steps away.  Eight steps to boost your Brain Power is just a starting point.  If a person decides to tap into their Brain, they can do wonders.  It all starts from a desire to achieve. Following are eight steps to boost your Brain Power: 1. Regular Brain Exercise You may be doing exercise for your body, by indulging in aerobic exercises (walking, jogging etc), and working out in a gym, but that is not enough.  Your Brain needs exercise as well, treat it like a muscle and it will grow. Simple physical exercises release neurochemicals, and these neurochemicals make us feel happy, and allows us to get into a resourceful state easily.  Combine this with simple brain based exercises, and you will see wonders in your mental capability. Try these three simple exercises to exercise your Brain: •    Create a drawing with your non dominant, and dominant hand simultaneously. •    Count from 100 to 0, skipping 3 numbers at a time.  Example: 100, 96, 92, ….. •    Keep ten objects on your table, and with your eyes closed, pick one at a time, and feel the object, and then draw them on your notebook with eyes closed. 2. Supplement your Diet Eat nutritious food like fruits and vegetables.  Some of the foods that are believed to boost brain power are as follows: Blueberries,  Whole grains,  Oil based fish, rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, Tomatoes,  Adequate dosage of Vitamins and Minerals, Pumpkin seeds, Blackcurrant, Broccoli, other leafy green vegetables, asparagus, olives, seeds, nuts, eggs, and brown rice. 3. Play Games Play games which are going to stretch your thinking.  Board games, like Chess, Checkers are going to stimulate your Brain.  Solve puzzles, play games like scrabble, monopoly etc.  There are lot of computer games which are designed these days to boost the brain power. 4. Do something new Every now and then do something different that you are used to. ...

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Leadership styles and leadership qualities development using NLP

By on May 26, 2016 in Blog |

I’m constantly amazed at how quickly people transform from mere managers to confident leaders when given the right tools. I once again witnessed this recently at one of my Leadership styles and leadership qualities development workshops ‘Unlock the Leadership Code Within’.  There is a much hype around development of leadership qualities these days, and there is a buzz around improving Leadership styles and leadership qualities development using NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming).  I managed to attend a similar leadership development program where focus was to improve Leadership styles and leadership qualities development using NLP.  This was primarily attended by Senior Managers, Directors, and CXO level participants, who were being sent by their Managing Director to experience the power of NLP in development of Leadership qualities. By understanding and effectively developing their abilities, they were able to influence, motivate and enable others to contribute to collective success of their respective teams.  Within days of completing the workshop, ‘leaders’ and other team members with these leaders (who attended the program) were co-creating significant value with ease and joy, and providing a very significant taking point among leaders/training community with respect to improving Leadership styles and leadership qualities development using NLP. I know I’m gushing! But, if you have an employer or are one yourself, you know just how challenging it can be to create a culture of motivation and inspiration. Today, leadership effectiveness is a serious problem. Not just in the corporate space, but also in educational institutions, retail trade, hospitals etc. Leadership development programs, which cost organisations millions in expenditure, often lack actual desired behaviour to justify the spending on these programs. Hence, over the period of years and as a result of experimentation there is lot of merit in use of NLP to improve Leadership styles and leadership qualities development using NLP, which has emerged as a very powerful way to developing leadership qualities, because of its lasting nature of enabling leaders to notice their behavior patterns, and changing them by being more aware of their behaviors.   How is an NLP Leadership Development Workshop more effective and different from standard training programs?  How Leadership styles and leadership qualities development using NLP a game changer for the organization? Immediately apply...

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earn money online using nlp

By on Apr 27, 2016 in Blog |

We are part of fast paced Digital world, and things are moving fast these days, and new technologies are being rolled out for different things.  Be it sales, marketing, learning, everything is changing.  You may be curious that uses of NLP is in Digital space now as well.  If you are interested to know about: ‘How to earn money online using nlp‘, ‘work from home‘, ‘How to earn money from home‘,  then ‘how to earn money online using nlp’, is going to provide you some useful tips in terms of how you can get started and can get started on with earn money online. I recently met up with a former participant of my NLP workshops, who is now a widely acclaimed NLP trainer. Within a span of less than a year, she has successfully trained employees in different organizations across the country. Through her fun and deep training sessions, more corporate employees are now equipped with the skills to dramatically increase their confidence, creativity and performance, quickly and easily. As we were talking of one of her recent training sessions at an MNC, I wondered what beginning steps she had taken after completing her NLP certification with NLP Coaching Academy.  “Online, of course. I started giving online trainings, and coaching people.  It takes little to no investment, opens you up to a large audience and if managed right, can be a great source of income.” I marvelled at the confidence of the formerly reticent woman. “I expanded to conduct select trainings in person, but I still have a steady stream of revenue from my online activities. I know several other participants as well who have been successful to earn money online using nlp skills. This piqued my interest and I reached out to others who poured story after story of how they were using the internet to earn money simply putting their NLP skills to use. I have compiled their tips and share with you here 8 remarkably simple yet powerful methods that combine the power of the internet and NLP so you can earn money online using nlp from the comfort of your own home. 1.       Online life coaching and NLP training: For those who wish to be...

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