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NLP 4 Point Success Formula

By on Apr 15, 2016 in Blog |

NLP 4 POINT SUCCESS FORMULA 1.  Know your outcome Clarity is very essential before stepping into action. Be very clear about where you are heading and why you are heading that way. Be precise. Once you have identified where you are heading you can all out to make it happen. Setting up outcome sometimes takes time, ensure that you spend enough time to set an outcome that you are truly passionate about, something that drives you, something that you believe in, something that is in sync with your values that you hold, something that makes you feel who you really are, something that ensures that it blends with who you as a person interacts with the others in the environment.  Ensure that you are clear about your outcome, and then leave no stone unturned to get them.  This aspect of NLP 4 point success formula is the one that really sets it up. 2. Take action You need to take actions.. Massive actions.. Unless you DO, Nothing’s going to help you move towards your goals, No matter how clearly you know them.  Setting your outcomes is the first step, and taking actions towards them it going to ensure that you are going to get them.  Design your actions in such a manner that you are going to live once, and go all out towards your goal / outcomes.  Success is easy to get provided you are clear what you want, and how you are moving forward towards it.  Taking actions is the key to get what you want.  Massive action is a concept defined by all legendary self-help guru’s who stress a lot on taking actions.  Action takers are those who have the will power, passion to make goals happen no matter what is the situation. They are clear about their goals / outcomes, and they will ensure that they get them. 3. Develop sensory awareness Develop a sense of awareness to see, feel and hear when you achieve the goal or outcome. This tricks your subconscious that you have already reached the goal or outcome.  Sensory awareness is also important to ensure that you are aware of the opportunities that exist. Once you have set a goal /...

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How to be a really bold public speaker

By on Apr 1, 2016 in Blog |

Stand up in front of the audience now and speak for 5 minutes. Did you just take in a sharp breath or did you smile at the opportunity? Was your reaction fear or excitement? If you are thinking about, ‘How to be a really bold public speaker?’, keep reading further. Now think of the thing that you consider yourself to be really good at and imagine I throw you a difficult challenge in that work. Are you bouncing up and down, raring to go? Are you already thinking of the various ideas you would implement? It has always amazed me how the same person can react differently to uncertain situations. Given a choice, the majority of us would rather take on the challenge than get up in front of an audience. Have you stopped to consider why that really is? If you’re saying to yourself, “Remember what happened in the past? When I stood in front of people, it didn’t go well,” the same is also true of the work you now excel in. There were times in your work when you made mistakes, when things went wrong, when people didn’t give you the support you needed. But, you persisted, learned from the situations life threw at you, and Effective public speaking skills. If you’re imagining what could possibly happen when you stand in front of an audience – they don’t react favourably or say or do things that you don’t like; you’ve faced similar situations on the road to excellence. When you were challenged at your work, instead of focusing on the things that could go wrong, you focused on what you could do. When you recall your journey of growth and apply its lessons to your public speaking, you relax into the situation. The best way to be more confident is to be more competent, and competence is built by practice and a willingness to try new things. When you try new things, you do new things.  Here are some of the tips/answers to the question, ‘How to be a really bold public speaker?’ Tackling the Fear Fear is the No. 1 reason we don’t do the things we know will ultimately bring us true happiness. Fear...

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By on Mar 3, 2016 in Blog |

India is ranked 3rd globally in the number of startups set up and is projected to hit 11,500 startups by 2020. However, more than 90% of startups established fail to do well in the market. With cutthroat competition and consistent disruption of the marketplace, it is more imperative than ever before that startups bring to bear every skill in their arsenal to take the industry by storm and sustain their growth. Applying the right tools and techniques of NLP help gain that extra edge in the market to successfully out-pace your competitors, rapidly increase revenue streams and build a solid customer base. So, in a world filled in information overload, how can a startup market itself successfully and sign on the right customers with ease and speed? Here are the 9 powerful ways to quickly boost startup marketing using nlp framework and techniques:- Identify a niche market: Don’t seek to be everything to everyone. Startup marketing begins with the more niche the problem you solve, the easier it is to reach out to ideal leads and convert them to customers. Use meta model questioning to drill-down to the specifics of your target market. For example, if your product is a payroll management system, ask penetrating what, how, who, where and when questions to arrive at the characteristics of your ideal customers. In this case, it could be payroll management for (who) SMBs (where) in the city (what) who are unable to afford current market offerings (when) and are growing their employee base by 50%. Articulate a clear, specific value proposition: Your value proposition should be clear to your potential customers within 5 seconds of interacting with you, irrespective of the medium. Talk benefits, not features. Get in touch with potential customers and use clean language questions to pin-point their beliefs and attitudes to their current service and their vision for their business/life — “Is there anything else about…? What else would you like to have happen? Whereabouts is…? What kind of…is that?” Ensure product-market fit: The key to startup marketing is to map your product design, features and real-time benefits to a crucial problem in the market. The parts integration approach helps effect this connect between your customer and...

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ICF Coaches

By on Jan 19, 2016 in Blog |

How much do ICF Coaches get paid? There are many courses that are currently available in the Indian market with respect to Executive Coaching, Life Coaching, Business Coaching India, and Entrepreneur Coaching.  Different schools and academies conducting these courses, have tie ups with various local and international accreditation bodies, depending on the course content and approval from the accreditation bodies. ICF Coaches are in demand, hence ICF is a gold standard for coaching when it comes to becoming a Coach.  You might be curious to know How much do ICF coaches get paid in a year? Do ICF Coaches get paid well? How much money do life coaches make a year? ‘How do you decide which Executive Coaching Certification is better than the other?’ A few more questions may arise when a person is looking for ICF approved executive coaching certification (International Coach Federation ICF Coaches) in India: How much do ICF coaches get paid in a year?  Is there an ICF-approved executive coaching certification (International Coach Federation, ICF Coaches) in India? How much money do life coaches make a year? How is an Executive Coaching Career different than a Life Coaching Career? Is there an ICF-approved executive coaching certification in India, which uses NLP as a Coaching methodology, and what are the benefits of NLP-based Coaching over other methodologies? What is the difference between NLP Coach and Executive Coaching/Life Coach/Business Coach? 1. How much do ICF Coaches get paid? ICF Certified Life coaches/Executive Coaches/Leadership Coaches charge from USD 50 to USD XXXX per session. The four-digit is generally an exception, and only well-established celebrity coaches top leadership coaches demand that amount, and they get it as well. Well, many factors also play a role in the fee, and that is the experience of the coach, niche of the coach, branding of the coach, testimonials, how influential the coach is based on their social platforms, etc. How much money do life coaches make a year? ~ the same is true for that as well. 1.1 Do ICF Coaches get paid well?  The answer is ‘Yes’, compared to other coaches, who are not accredited. 2. Is there an ICF-approved executive coaching certification in India? Yes, there are many ICF approved executive...

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accelerated learning techniques

By on Jan 2, 2016 in Blog |

I successfully completed a 30-Day Challenge! 30 days, 5 articles, 2 very specific metrics to measure success. Is there anything that compares with the satisfaction and pride of achieving one’s treasured goal, improving one’s competency and leaping to the next level of performance? Accelerated learning coaches utilizing   accelerated learning techniques to raise the learning speed of children/adults to a different level are in great demand these days, why? Read below. The Dream I read a thought-provoking article recently that challenged me to define what I really wanted my dream life to be, and then to immediately start taking steps to make it a reality now. I immediately took out a sheet of paper and drew and wrote all the wonderful things I want for my life. Out of the amazing dreams I have for my relationships, profession, and personal growth, I decided to focus on one skill that I wanted to develop in the short-term. Developing my writing skills almost popped out of the page. A Quick, Easy and Fun Journey But, the enthusiasm and excitement I felt at the time of drawing my visions for my life, turned a little into fear. I had made resolutions like this before, but I always got lazy. Just the thought of how much effort I assumed it would take made me tired. I needed a smarter way of achieving my goal. Just the other day I read an article wherein a woman trained for a 26.2 mile-long marathon using the power of mysteries. A confirmed bookworm, she would listen to audiobooks of spicy whodunits when running. Every time she couldn’t stand not knowing what happened next in the story, she would put on her sneakers and chase the story across the streets. She had so much fun training for the marathon, she actually crushed her expected time by half an hour, racing to glory and victory. I knew there has to be a better, faster, easier (and more fun) way of reaching my goal. That’s when I turned to Accelerated Learning techniques using NLP.  Accelerated Learning techniques are firmly rooted in the concepts of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. After all, NLP is defined as the ‘study of excellence’. Start with the End Start...

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How to learn a new skill quickly

By on Nov 12, 2015 in Blog |

According to a study, popularized by Malcolm Gladwell in his internationally acclaimed bestseller ‘Outliers: The Story of Success’, it takes roughly 10,000 hours of dedicated practice for a person to attain mastery in any skill. That means if you were to spend 8 hours a day, 5 days a week consistently practicing one skill, you could potentially become the best at it in a span of 5 years. The question really is, “ What do I want to achieve?” We all have a list of skills that we wish to have – speaking French, writing articles, giving a presentation effortlessly… . Do we really want to be ‘experts’ in them? Are you thinking, ‘How to learn a new skill quickly?’  In my case, I just want to be able to deliver an effective talk, motivating the audience to take massive positive action in their lives. It’s not like I want to compete in an International Best Speakers’ Symposium.’ John Kauffman, in his book ‘The First 20 Hours’ (also a #1 bestseller), states that a person needs only 20 hours of dedicated practice to reach a comfortable level of competence. So if I focused on how best to speak about achieving personal development with NLP for just 1 hour a day, 5 days a week, I could walk in after just 4 weeks and have transformational impact. And I can make this even easier for I have another trick up my sleeve: Accelerated Learning strategies using NLP. In this first post about Accelerated Learning, I’m going to focus on what is popularly known as ‘Photo Reading’, first explored by Paul Scheele. Imagine you have to give an important speech or presentation, and you have in front of you 3 books on the subject and you haven’t even cracked open their spines. How would you like it if you could flip through the books in just a matter of hours, and by the end absorb the content whole? So much so, that as you step up and deliver your talk, you are able to easily and efficiently remember and convey the true crux of the subject. Did You Know? The average reader can read around 200 words per minute (wpm) with...

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