NLP Training and Coaching Organization providing NLP Programs – NLP Bangalore, NLP Delhi, NLP Pune, NLP Kolkata


Transform your life with this 30 day challenge

By on Oct 20, 2015 in Blog |

What’s your biggest dream? You know, the one that makes it all worthwhile; when you can sleep soundly at night knowing you’re making a positive difference in this world…. How close are you to achieving this dream of yours? Are you taking all the necessary steps to make it a reality? Take destiny into your hands now. Yes, it’s true, pursuing a lifetime dream can be daunting. And it’s easy to lose steam after the first rush of adrenaline. Past failures and niggling doubts set in and we lose our nerve to push forward. At times like these, look to your past & current successes. Remember, the best way to achieve your long term goals is to break them down into bite-sized chunks. As you accomplish each mini-goal, you gain more confidence and get that much closer to your lifetime dream.  The 30-Day Challenge (Transform your life with this 30 day challenge) Defy and break through previous conditioning, patterns, limitations & take this 30-Day Challenge! For the next 30 days starting today, pick one desired goal and consistently work towards it. You’ll be amazed at how much you are able to accomplish when you set your mind to it. And at the end of the 30 days, you’ll look back with pride and satisfaction at how you have grown. And then, start your next 30-day cycle. Before you know it, you’re even closer to achieving that BIG dream of yours. Working the 30-Day Challenge Here are 7 simple steps that will guide you on your 30-Day Challenge: 1)      Write Down Your Goal Everything starts with a specific goal in mind. A goal is positive – not “I will not eat junk food”, but “I will eat only healthy food”. Where possible, always use numbers – how many hours will you spend on the activity, how many clients will you acquire, how much money will you earn? Make sure it’s possible in the timeline. If you’re a beginner in yoga class, you may not be able to become a yoga teacher in 30 days. Write this today with the help of this article: NLP Well Defined Outcomes   2)      Believe In It Believing is seeing. What you believe becomes true...

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Growth Hacking for Life Coaches

By on Sep 15, 2015 in Blog |

There is a new buzz word doing the rounds in the Entrepreneur and Startup World – ‘Growth Hacking’. You may be curious to know, ‘What is Growth Hacking?’, ‘How is Growth Hacking relevant to Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) trainers or Life Coaches? or if you are aware about Sales and Marketing Buzz words, then ‘How is Growth Hacking for Life Coaches important?’ Growth hacking has nothing to do with stealing credit card details or important information.  ‘Growth Hacking’ or ‘Marketing Version: Non-traditional’ is a terminology which is used to define innovative non-traditional ways to quickly expand a start-up using non-traditional marketing methodology. As NLP Trainers focus largely on skill development, and not business development, where will Coaching clients come from? This aspect always gets neglected, or is not thought through while deciding to become a Life Coach or NLP Trainer. Sales and Marketing are key for any business. A coach has to think like an Entrepreneur, where it is important to be well versed in marketing concepts – What goes into setting up a business pipeline? How should branding be taken care of? The traditional route largely used by companies for marketing and sales takes time to show results, and is expensive. Start-ups don’t have that kind of luxury, as they are under pressure to grow quickly, as it is all about becoming profitable as fast as possible with less cost. Hence, an NLP Trainer or a Life Coach starting a business has to think like a start-up Entrepreneur. One can either take the traditional method to develop organically, or employ the services of a Growth Hacker to quickly scale up with non-traditional methods. The Growth Hacker consultant will apply a combination of non-traditional Marketing, Sales, Digital Marketing, Branding, etc., as the main agenda, to quickly deliver results. The hard fact is that survival as a Life Coach depends on acquiring new skills, hence a Life Coach or Trainer can also spend time educating himself/herself about Growth Hacking, Social Media marketing, and Sales. An alternate approach is a dual approach, where the Coach takes up the responsibility to do part of the work and employs a Growth Hacker to take up responsibility of another aspect.  This enables the Coach...

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What do NLP trainers do?

By on Sep 6, 2015 in Blog |

What do NLP trainers do? If you are reading this post, you probably would have searched online using the keyword, ‘What do NLP trainers do after attending NLP training’. It is imperative that a person searching for NLP Programs first decides what the ‘outcome’ is that they would like to achieve, by attending an NLP program.  Whether the outcome from the program is NLP Practitioner, NLP Master Practitioner,  NLP Trainer program, or blended NLP programs, where along with classic NLP, coaching elements are also covered.   What do NLP trainers do:  Train  Coach  Create content  Create digital products What do NLP trainers do, well they also facilitate NLP-based application sessions.  Some pursue NLP as a hobby, and continue to do their full-time job in a different domain, and just use NLP for their self-development.  As an NLP Trainer, you must educate your clients/trainees about what they would like to experience.  If a person is looking to do an NLP Program for Personal Development (Staying Calm during stressful situations, Enhancing Interpersonal Communication – Business and as well as Personal, Getting into good states, Removing Phobias, Achieving Business and Personal Goals etc.), then a program which is focused on Self-development is the right program for them. If a person is looking for a Program that is Coach Focused (Person is looking to become a Life Coach, CEO Coach, Leadership Coach, Wellness Coach, Career Coach, Organizational Development Coach, Happiness Coach, Business Coach etc.), then it is important to attend a program which focuses on application (concepts and application) of NLP for Life Coaching, Executive Coaching etc. If you yourself are looking for an NLP training organization, then read further.  Having set the outcome clearly for programs, then look for Training Organizations that provide training specifically for that. Check the Trainer’s credentials, Trainer Testimonials, Coaching Credentials, Coaching effectiveness, post-training support, mentoring options that are being provided, etc. Some say that, “the Corporate background of a Trainer or Coach matters,” which is true to a certain extent, not necessarily from the Training or Coaching effectiveness of the Trainer, but more in terms of relating the NLP learning to a Corporate environment, and customizing the learning further for the participants based on the Trainer’s corporate experience,...

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Want to be successful with the law of attraction

By on Sep 2, 2015 in Blog |

We’ve been exposed over the years to several gurus who swear by the Law of Attraction in making their dreams into reality. But what is it really and how does it work? Why does it work extremely well for some people and not at all for others? Here’s the scoop on what the Law of Attraction and how to make it work for you, your coaching client, your team members, your partner and your friends. Hidden in its depths is one crucial secret that sets apart the success stories from the failures – can you figure out what that is? Spot the clues and find the treasure! Magic Trinity of Law of Attraction  Simply put, the Law of Attraction has two elements, viz., Beliefs and Expectations. Addressing these components will work like a magnet, attracting to you the very things you desire. Beliefs are deep-seated ideas that you hold to be true. They are not facts in and of themselves, but your confidence in them makes them powerful stakeholders in your life. Limiting beliefs are whatever you say to yourself that you think is keeping you from achieving what you want. Empowering beliefs are whatever you say to yourself that makes it all feel worthwhile. Expectations are a combination of your emotional state and the outcome. If Beliefs are like your engine, your emotional state is the fuel, and the outcome is whatever you are focused on – whether it’s reaching the destination, arriving at your next pit-stop in time, or looking for pot-holes on the road. Emotional/Mental State determines not only the amount of fuel you are pouring into your tank, but also the quality of the fuel. Non-Resourceful States are emotions that keep you from taking constructive action. Resourceful States are emotions that act as a springboard to take action. The Outcome is the answer to “what is your focus?” Undesired outcomes emphasize a focus on what you don’t want to happen, on the things that can go wrong. Desired outcomes are what pull you forward to take action. In order to make the most of your desired outcomes, your goal or outcome should be well-defined (See how to do that here). What happens when these three...

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Do I Want To Be A Professional Executive Coach?

By on Jul 17, 2015 in Blog |

In my NLP Practitioner and Executive Coaching courses, I’m often asked about the benefits of becoming an Executive Coach. “What benefit would a person receive from executive coaching?” “Do I want to be a professional Executive Coach?” “Why would an executive want to be coached if s/he has reached a senior position in the firm?” “How to start an Executive Coaching Business?” “How to build an Executive Coaching Practice?“.  I always refer such questions, and mainly for this one, “Do I want to be a professional Executive Coach?” to two highly successful managers whose lives were transformed through Executive Coaching. Manager – 1 (Sally) Sally (name changed) is Senior Vice President of Sales at a mid-sized IT hardware firm. She first told me of her experience with Executive Coaching more than a year ago. The company she is working at has been growing steadily year on year, and has seen a surge in revenue and volume in the last four quarters. With this tremendous growth and an excellent forecast for the next five years, the Board of Directors decide to promote someone from within the company to the newly created position of ‘Associate Vice President – Sales’. Manager – 2 (Dave) Dave (also name changed), currently Head of Sales – South is chosen as the best candidate for the new position. Sally still remembers fondly how proud she was of Dave the day she handed the promotion papers to Dave. As AVP, “he will be in charge of overseeing the performance of all the Heads of Sales across regions”, that is what the letter mentioned. Dave is elated on receiving this promotion and starts work immediately, calling regular meetings with all the sales Heads. Soon, however, he observes that his new team members (Sales Heads) are not listening to him. Dave is scared that in his new position he has created only more chaos. He talks to Sally about his concerns: “Despite my best efforts, I don’t seem to gain their respect. They constantly bicker with each other and undermine any decisions that I take.” Recognizing that Dave needs a partner who will help develop his potential, Sally speaks with HR and helps identify an Executive Coach for Dave....

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How to be an effective Coach

By on Jul 13, 2015 in Blog |

Once upon a time there was a young boy, whose grandfather was famous in their village, and was recognized as one of the wisest people around. As a result of his reputation, people from all over the village and in fact from other villages too, came and met him to seek answers about their problems. The boy’s grandfather had a unique style of dealing with people. He would take these people to a nearby Art gallery, where various paintings were on display. Nobody knew who the artist of these paintings was. Every week on Sunday morning, one new Painting would appear in the garden, and the care taker of the gallery would take this painting and display it inside the gallery. The boy’s grandfather would show multiple paintings to the people who had approached him, and ask them, “What is clear to you now?”.  Surprisingly, all these people would come up with amazing answers as a solution to their problems, and the look on their face would show how great they were feeling after that. The boy would watch this daily, and would be perplexed by this phenomenon, however, he could not muster the courage to ask his grandfather how what he was doing was possible. Time flew by and the young boy completed school, then went on to university and graduated in Computer Science. Post this the now young man, sought work at a Company as a Consultant.  In this organization this young man was recognized as a very smart person, who would be innovative and had great rapport building skills, and would get along very well with the people in the organization and also with his clients. Years passed by and this young man went on to become the Manager in this organization, handling a large number of projects with a lot of employees working under him. These employees would come and discuss their personal, as well as business problems with this man, as he was very approachable. One day this man was having a conversation with his HR director about a new recruitment drive that was about to start, and on how to manage employee issues. The HR Director told him, “I recall what my mentor...

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