NLP Training and Coaching Organization providing NLP Programs – NLP Bangalore, NLP Delhi, NLP Pune, NLP Kolkata


Self Confidence is the key to success

By on Jul 13, 2015 in Blog |

Self-Confidence is good, as it powers a person to reach greater heights, and to do things that they otherwise would not have been able to do effectively or had not considered doing at all.  Self Confidence is the key to success, as it creates a sense of feeling that they can make better choices and take better decisions, which otherwise they would not have taken due to the fear of failure. Self-Confidence makes people realize that by even attempting, they are moving closer towards their goals/outcomes. People generally have very high levels of Self-Confidence in some areas, and in some they may not have as intense Self-Confidence. Low Self-Confidence in doing a particular activity can be caused by some Programming (created by self-thoughts or conditioned by other people) or a Belief that gets imprinted during childhood or as a result of some incident which would have happened at some point in a person’s life. This gets fixed either automatically by being part of a group (Like a sports club or professional club) or by taking a particular job where this gets sorted on its own, as doing things and getting results creates a sense of achievement, which creates positive beliefs, and small achievements over a period of time lead to Powerful Beliefs.  Over a period of time this situation changes, and a person becomes more and more confident. Self-Confidence is the ability of a person to do things effortlessly, meaning that a person is confident about their ability to do whatever they want to do or handle situations that they are faced with. This does not mean that a person has to do everything. A person may have challenges in tasks where a specific level of competence is required, and this may require somebody else handling that, while they can learn and possibly do it better later when they would have learnt that skill.  Self Confidence is the key to success that a person can learn anytime, as people have all the resources to be confident in any situation. Over a period of time each person undergoes different experiences, and these experiences of handling creates Self-Confidence, and this Self-Confidence of handling situations in one area can be replicated in...

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qualities of a good leader

By on Jul 10, 2015 in Blog |

Qualities of a good leader A vital aspect of leadership is the ability of a leader to make sure that they lead well. As a True great leader, who exhibits leadership qualities (qualities of a good leader), it is essential that the Leader demonstrates key leadership skills and one of them is that he or she must be able to lead people well, and ‘walk the talk’, and manage one’s own state as a leader.  Generally, people do not like to follow set rules and orders, and an important distinction which separates true leaders from others is to understand True Leadership required for the environment, and provide that flexibility to the people involved in the environment, to help them thrive and chalk a unique path for themselves. A leader who walks the talk is not just simply managing the crowd to achieve an outcome/goal, but a true leader will demonstrate better leadership qualities and most importantly will act on the aspects which are being shared with others. There are various leadership qualities that a leader demonstrates in different environments; however, a key factor that is unique and separates a True Leader from the others is – the one who demonstrates taking actions rather than just talking or being there without taking actions, and creating a change.  The below mentioned qualities of a good leader are indicative, as a starting point in terms of a person being aware of some of the essential leadership qualities that can be demonstrated. First, and foremost ‘Be present’.  From a Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Leadership perspective in NLP terms that will be Sensory Acuity.  A leader must be fully present at all times, even though it seems that nobody is around, and observing.  Even though there might be situations when a leader wants to behave in ways which are not appropriate as per the normal norms, in which a Leader is supposed to behave in a situation; a single incident can be harmful for the reputation, and hence makes it very important for a leader to be aware and ‘Be present’ all the time.  Remember all great leaders, they were great, because they demonstrated behavior which others did not demonstrate all the time. There...

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10 amazing facts about sports peak performance coaching

By on Jun 25, 2015 in Blog |

 10 amazing facts about sports peak performance coaching It is always the good coaches, who are instrumental in developing successful champion teams or top athletes. Specialized peak performance coaching helps in building the necessary mind skills that are needed for crossing the final hurdles, like hitting the winning runs or goals. Psychological insights allow the teams to perform to their maximum potentials. Understanding the importance of sports psychology: If you follow any sports like football, cricket, baseball, volleyball, tennis, swimming, or even the indoor sports, then you might have seen some instances, where even the great players struggle to perform in big games. In this world of high competitiveness in the field of sports, mind games also play a big role in intimidating the opposition. You might have also seen examples, where teams fail to win the championships, in spite of having great individual players. You might have also seen the intimidating tactics by the players to mess up the focus of opposition player in the game. While some players react to such sledging tactics and make mistakes, great players simply ignore such gestures, and never let their focus get deterred. This is exactly the reason why sports psychology training will have to be integrated along with physical training. Sports psychologists have their own sets of styles and mythologies to handle and manage sports people. They work actively with them even if they are not facing any issues as such. They try to identify the psychological mindsets that are preventing their client from crossing the final hurdle, and claiming the championship. According to the roles, scope of work, and relationship with athletes, the psychologists have various different designations like-   Mental Trainer Mind Coach Mental Game Expert Performance Enhancement Specialist Peak Performance Coach Mental Game Coach The role of Peak Performance Coach does not include – Management of suicidal tendencies Diagnosis and cure of eating disorders Dealing with substance abuse 10 amazing facts about sports peak performance coaching Nowadays, it is quite common to use mental skills coaching and psychological sports analysis in most of the sports. Generally, whoever wins the mental battle, also wins the game. This is because, the application of our mind is more important, if...

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Do you see a reflection

By on Jun 12, 2015 in Blog |

Do you see a Reflection. One of our Coaches attended a Coaching seminar and was fascinated by the facilitators witty behavior, great command over language to induce changes in the participants at a conscious and un-conscious level, charisma to leave everybody mesmerized, and a great flow to the seminar using experiential style.  One of the activities that the facilitator took the participants through was very powerful and thought provoking. Here is how the session started: “Good morning everybody! Let’s start with a quick 3 step exercise to make the session more interesting.  All you need is a paper and pen, and do it real quick so that there’s no time for your conscious mind to reason or think.  I hope you are ready. Let’s go! Step 1: Think about a person you like. List down 5 qualities you like about him/her on the left side of the paper. Step 2: Think about a person you dislike. List down 5 qualities you dislike about him/her on the right side of the paper Step 3: On both sides circle 3 most liked and disliked qualities by you and keep that aside. When I did this exercise during my NLP Coaching program, the 6 qualities circled were – ‘selfish, fake, gossip monger’ – which I disliked, and ‘humble, caring, genuine’ – which I liked. It was amazing what I found out at the end of the exercise. I was very happy with the friend circle I had, and I was really not keen to make more friends. On one hand I felt I didn’t need any, on the other hand I didn’t know what kind of people were out there. My friends were the ones I forged a bond with during school and college. I felt safe with them and content. One day during training, we were asked to do the above exercise and what opened up was a new revelation. To share a fact – whenever I met new people, I always found something that I didn’t like in them; some were too absorbed with themselves, some wanted all the attention, some were busy gossiping about others. There were very few people I could really connect with, and honestly, I always...

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What Makes NLP a Unique and Powerful Course?

By on Jun 9, 2015 in Blog |

What Makes NLP a Unique and Powerful Course? Recently, Executive Coaching has seen a surge in popularity, as individuals and companies alike recognize the benefits of individual growth and development from a psychological point of view for business results. Executive coaching generally begins a process of self-discovery, where individuals learn more about the way in which they think in order to get a better understanding of the way their mind works, and the best ways for them to make decisions and develop strategies to find their own solutions. The purpose of this post is to share what makes NLP a unique and Powerful course. There are a huge variety of coaching programmes and Certified Executive Coaches out there, which may leave you wondering which Coaching programmes really work, and which ones are simply a waste of time. By undertaking a Coaching program which uses NLP as the framework to Coach, you can be confident and assured that you have selected one of the most powerful methodologies for Executive Coaching. Once a person is done with the Coach Program, it is up to that person to keep the momentum going and get better at Coaching. The only way to get better at Coaching is by Coaching. Since the 1970s, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) has been the world’s premier form of Behavior Training, and over a period of time it has been used in Business as well: Powerful Framework for Executive coaching, Sales trainings, Leadership development, Sports Psychology etc., and that is the main reason why NLP   It is being used by countless people worldwide as a means of learning how a person’s mind will work in order to both influence others and make changes within oneself to achieve any particular goals they might have. It is an extremely powerful framework which has been used for decades by Business Executives, Leaders, Sports Personnel to name a few, and as such it is something which stands head and shoulders above other methodologies/framework related to Behavioral change. What makes NLP a unique and Powerful course is that NLP utilizes powerful language patterns, which works both at the conscious and un-conscious levels to bring about a positive change. Being highly trained in the ways...

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Why leadership development programs fail

By on Jun 6, 2015 in Blog |

Why leadership development programs fail Organizations spend a prince’s ransom every year in developing leaders in their rank and file. Their future depends on giving maximum leverage to their top people. And on spotting and nurturing the next generation of business champions… today. To create leaders, organizations will try any new method and spend any amount of money. Some leadership development programs are known to cost as much as $100,000. And yet, the effectiveness of such programs is not guaranteed. That is the reason there is a high focus on why leadership development programs fail? A recent article posted on the McKinsey website revealed four reasons why leadership development programs fail: Context was overlooked The learning was not embedded in real organization work Mindsets of participants were underestimated There was a failure in measuring results Let’s take a deeper look at what is happening in those leadership development programs that fall flat. Why Leadership development programs fail – Reasons for failure Any such program will fail due to one or more of the following reasons: Generalizing leadership traits Even top universities and colleges will focus on “must have” leadership traits which are derived from various leadership surveys. This approach belittles the truth that leadership comes in various shapes and sizes. By making leadership an inflexible monolith, these programs might end up teaching the participants they are innately inadequate to become a great leader and also force them to fit into the mould. As a result, one might not find the diversity of thought and personalities that are required at the top of an organization to combat any and every challenge that comes their way. Using wrong tools In a desire to avail the latest and greatest tools, organizations might seek guidance from top universities and colleges. These institutions would promote assessment and training tools developed by certain organizations – organizations that offer them grants and funding. Instead of offering tools that are best suited for the participants, the university/college ends up offering tools that are best for their funding needs. In my own experience, a senior leader I met was assessed using one such “leading” personality assessment tool during a leadership development program.  The assessment generated a 20-page detailed...

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