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NLP Anchoring

By on May 12, 2021 in Blog |

NLP Anchoring The visual, auditory, and kinesthetic stimuli constantly get associated with various states of mind-emotion-physiology inside people’s neurology. And these stimuli, also known as anchors, create the responses for thinking, emoting, etc. NLP Anchoring technique, thus, is a means of managing neurology. It can occur in any sensory system and also in the language system. In NLP, the NLP anchoring pattern enables people to handle the internal, subjective experiences like their memories, their emotional states, etc. Accordingly, you can anchor resourceful states to fire (start them off) them off and re-experience them when you want. By using just an element of an experience, the anchoring will bring back the full experience as and when you fire the triggering stimulus or anchor.   Scope of NLP anchoring technique Overall, the general purpose of NLP anchoring involves managing an experience so that you can access it at your will. Anchoring as conditioning presents the NLP practitioners and NLP master practitioners with a practical tool for change. Approximately 90% of therapeutic interventions or personal change work done using NLP involve changing the kinesthetic responses that people have to auditory and visual stimuli. And that involves a direct or indirect application of the anchoring process. The pattern of the NLP anchoring technique is used extensively to utilize the best states of a person and help them create a process to deal with the unresourceful states more effectively. When people recognize the neurological mechanism of anchoring, they are empowered to set up useful anchors and change their internal experiences in such a manner that it serves them as an internal resource.   About anchoring An anchor refers to an internal or external representation that triggers another representation. And NLP anchoring technique typically re-induces states without the need to think or re-think things. When you systematically and precisely establish a new anchor, you can elicit desired behavioral responses and states immediately in response to the new stimulus. Anchoring entails the ability to establish a trigger or link to a state, consciously, so that you can replicate the link and call forth the desired state at your will. For example, NLP Practitioners and hypnotherapists often use the word “relax” to anchor in a state of...

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How can we change our beliefs using NLP

By on May 4, 2021 in Blog |

How can we change our beliefs? The human brain has been of immense intrigue to neuroscientists since the beginning of time. Endless research has gone into understanding the unique ways in which it functions and its myriad capabilities. Even today, the study of the human brain is an ever-evolving subject, including how to work with beliefs that hold humans back, and how can we change our beliefs as humans. This post is about NLP belief change process, and how it can be one of the powerful  NLP techinques to learn and master. Even though new information about the human brain comes to light every so often and even though it is a rapidly changing science, one thing that can be established without a shadow of a doubt is that the human mind is limitless in its potential. Every advancement or miracle that we see around us today, is a product of the human brain. The world as we know it today has been conceived in the human mind. There is absolutely no guessing of how much further it can go. The subject has made accelerated advancement in the last decade, wherein scientists have studied the human brain and formulated ways in which people can perform better by tapping into sections of their brain that weren’t previously thought of. Miracles can now be brought about by training the brain to function in the desired manner. People can now bring about a change in their undesirable behaviors and their limiting belief systems by altering the way they think and feel. These fuels an active pursuit of goals, ideal personalities, and powerful beliefs. If you are looking for how can we change our beliefs, then there is good news. No one is born with limiting beliefs. Humans develop them over a period of time by repeating a series of thought and feeling patterns. These thoughts and feelings are based on their perceptions of their surroundings, life experiences, and the meaning that they attribute to them. Therefore, it is only logical to acknowledge that a conscious change in these thoughts, feelings and their repetitions will bring about the desired change in behaviors and habits. The human potential movement originated approximately 70 years back,...

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NLP Collapsing Anchors technique

By on Mar 11, 2021 in Blog |

NLP Collapsing Anchors technique Overview Although anchoring resourceful states plays an important role in helping people handle their emotions, states, and experiences, oftentimes, it is not enough to navigate through complex, painful states.  In such cases, the NLP pattern of the NLP collapsing anchors technique is used to interrupt people in negative or unresourceful states and bring them out into more resourceful states. The pattern of the NLP collapsing anchors technique then enables people to change a response that does not work very well. Scope – the NLP collapsing anchors technique The negative states predominate whenever people experience lots of pain. To address that negative emotional state or situation, and to heal the person, you can use the NLP pattern of collapsing anchors. The NLP pattern of collapsing anchors is thus used extensively in those interventions that aim at managing the state of consciousness and getting rid of unhelpful memories. When people have two states conflicting and sabotaging each other or, if they have an unresourceful state (an old anchored experience) that interferes with life, and they can now let that response collapse into a more resourceful state, the NLP Practitioners and Master Practitioners can help them with this pattern. Characteristics The operating principle behind collapsing anchors pattern is that, when a person experiences two radically different states at the same time, the states tend to interfere or interrupt each other. When the neurology is forced to deal with the messages and experiences of the two states simultaneously, the two states and anchors collapse resulting in one response. For example, you cannot think and feel calm and tense simultaneously. Or cannot think-and-feel joyful and afraid at the same time. If you try to do so, both the contradictory states will interfere or interrupt each other. Even if you force your neurology to keep both the contradictory states, the states will collapse into one response. Thus, when you fire the different anchors of different states simultaneously, it will result in tearing up or dispersing the neurological energies of the states. In simple words, the anchors and states will merge or collapse, and a greater concept will emerge. Sometimes this results in confusion, disorientation, interruption, and even some slight amnesia. In...

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How much does ICF approved certification cost?

By on Feb 28, 2021 in Blog |

How much does ICF approved certification cost? Various coaching training institutes offer a variety of ICF-approved coach programs in India.  If selecting the program is based on the thought of how much does ICF certification costs then it is important to understand what is the basis for the ICF certification cost.  Confusingly, these coaching courses significantly differ in terms of course duration, framework, approach, methodology, credentialing level, etc. All this often makes it difficult for individuals to make the right choice of quality and affordable training programs. Therefore, this article on ICF approved Coach certification in India has been written to orient people and clear some common assumptions about ICF approved training in India, and also provide an information about How much does ICF approved certification cost?  The intent of this post is for the reader who is searching for How much does it cost to get ICF certified to understand why they must enroll in one of the ICF-approved Coaching certifications in India, especially if you believe that your true calling is professional coaching, and you want to ensure that ICF approved Coach program is the way forward for you. How much does it cost to get ICF certified? If you are looking for ICF ACC or ICF PCC level programs, depending on that the answer to How much does it cost to get ICF certified will differ.  For a quick answer to How much does ICF certification cost?  Average low:  Indian Rs 1,00,000 to Average High 1,50,000 (ICF ACC level programs) Average Low: Indian Rs 2,00,000 to Average High 3,00,000 (ICF PCC level programs) For this, the article is structured into two parts. The first part will give you highlights on why you should attend the ICF approved coach certification in India if you are serious about working with people to help them achieve their dreams, and help them transform. The second part of this article will emphasize the significance of ICF approval and ICF approved training in India program structure.  Also, read about why you should become an ICF certified coach. We want you to be thoughtful and careful in selecting a worthwhile coaching program. So, after you finish reading this article, please get in touch...

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What is the purpose of NLP patterns?

By on Jan 26, 2021 in Blog |

What is the purpose of NLP patterns?  What is the purpose of NLP patterns ~ The purpose of NLP is to move people from their present state to a more desired state. Skilled NLP Practitioners have a lot of tools, NLP techniques, and resources in their bag that help people from time to time in accomplishing their desired results easily and quickly. However, many people struggle to understand what are NLP techniques. So, in this article the idea is to offer you an understanding of the NLP techniques, what they are, and how they contribute to your overall success. The purpose of this article is to apprise you of how NLP opens ways for you to overcome limitations and achieve better results by using the NLP techniques. We will be talking about some of the useful NLP techniques that you can learn as a Coach if you are into coaching or personal change work. Here’s what you will find in this article: What is NLP Techniques What is the purpose of NLP patterns Importance of NLP Techniques Most popular NLP Techniques Best advice to practice NLP Techniques What is the purpose of NLP patterns NLP techniques are a product of the modeling process in Neuro-Linguistic Programming. They are the factors and reasons behind making NLP the most popular and successful behavioral change framework. The methodology of NLP has left behind the trail of NLP techniques that bring about change and transformation quickly. Listed below are a few important points about the NLP techniques: – First of all, the NLP techniques are not just quick fixes. What is the purpose of NLP patterns, they are the means of uncovering untapped resources within people and facilitating lasting.   A lot of people still believe that change has to be a long, hard, and painful process. Therefore, they discredit NLP at a lot of levels. But the truth is that behavioral changes can be as quick as any magical move. NLP has facilitated long-lasting, and quick behavioral changes in a lot of people. And it has been possible because NLP assumes that – ‘people are not broken, so they do not need to be fixed. And that, they have all the resources needed...

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How to develop leadership skills

By on Nov 18, 2020 in Blog |

There was no dearth of applications when one of the senior Vice President (for organizational development) at one of the leading banks began looking for Executive Coaches to coach some of the senior leaders in the organization, with a mission to find solution to the answer, ‘How to develop leadership skills of current leaders and future leaders?’. Undoubtedly, executive coaching is on the rise because of the positive outcome that companies have noticed. However, most of the Certified Executive Coaching programs have divergent views and many of the coaches have their own unique approach towards coaching, and coaching methodology, and also not a clear direction about how coaching will fit into the broad spectrum of ‘How to develop leadership skills’. While a lot of coaching programs are successful, and are able to bring in participants for the programs through word-of-mouth marketing, great testimonials, social media marketing campaigns, and international accreditation/approvals, some of them may not be worth the time and investment, because the programs are not focusing on the application of Coaching in real situations: Personal and Professional Coaching (Life Coaching, Executive Coaching, Leadership development Coaching, Career Coaching, Sports Coaching etc). The quality of coaching usually depends on the abilities of the coach and their approach to executive coaching, using well proven Coaching methodologies. The corporate world was primarily oblivious of executive coaching and its effects until the 1980s. Since then, executive coaching and executive coaches began to rise and now the growing popularity of executive coaching is a response to one of the most compelling needs (How to develop leadership skills of current leaders and future leaders?) of companies. There are lot of reasons why executive coaching for leadership development is on the rise. Let us look at the ways in which executive coaching helps leaders and organizations achieve their goals, and how to develop leadership skills and future leaders. There are different ways in which executive coaching is approached by the coaches, but all of them generally ensure engagement of the people in a collaborative way. This helps the leaders (executive coaching clients) make the most of their abilities and helps in developing their abilities in a better way making them more efficient, and perform better. By...

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