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Salary of a Life Coach in India

By on Jan 6, 2020 in Blog |

Salary of a Life Coach in India This article has been written specifically for the aspiring life coaches who are curious to find out about Life Coach Certification in India, salary of a Life Coach in India, average income of a Life Coach in India, and answer to the question- “how to become a life coach in India?” Additionally, this article will benefit those experienced and successful coaches who are hungry for more success and who are interested in identifying the action steps required to further scale up their existing life coaching practice . What is Life Coaching? In layman terms, coaching is a conversation. However, it is not casual chit chat you often have with your friends and acquaintances. In reality, life coaching is a thought-provoking conversation that involves absolute commitment, hard work and partnership of both the client as well as the coach. The coach thinks and listens a lot to intuitively ask insightful questions whereas the client does a lot of thinking work to find answer to them and bring coaching to a successful mutually agreed closure. As a process, life coaching is designed to assist people identify their own resources and find their own solutions to jump hurdles and overcome limitations. Hence, this is the very reason Life Coach Certification in India is becoming very popular. What is the salary of a Life Coach in India ~ answered in a separate section. Who is a successful Life Coach in India? A successful life coach is someone who is able to help people maximise their full potential and reach their desired results quickly. Most of the successful life coaches are often professionally trained as well as skilled at building ethical and good quality relationship with each and every client. They maintain confidentiality, they do not teach or preach the clients at all, and they almost always encourage the clients to take ownership and accountability of their actions and develop useful habits. If you want to become a successful ICF coach, you must develop ICF core coaching competencies and coaching skills to the point that you can easily run a successful life coaching business. Salary of a Life Coach in India Unfortunately Life Coaching is a salaried...

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How to become a Life Coach in India

By on Dec 20, 2019 in Blog |

How to become a Life Coach in India Life Coaching is a wildly misunderstood subject. Many confuse it with counseling. Many with consulting. The truth couldn’t be further away.  One of the most common questions asked on the social media channel of NLP Coaching Academy is, “Which Online Life Coach Certification program in India to attend?” “How to become a Life Coach in India?” The easy answer, “Attend an accredited Life Coach program,” is insufficient because within this question lies hidden a series of unasked questions, which many people who are seeking answer to Life Coach training in India must consider.    Life Coaching has grown to be a successful form of talking personal change work. A life coach is not supposed to give you hacks to suddenly transform your life. A life coach is required to provide you with a safe environment where you can talk without the fear of judgment and work out things for yourself. A life coach is supposed to be a sounding board for you – someone who can help you broaden your views and shift your perspective to better serve you. If you are looking for how to become a Certified Life Coach in India, then you must understand the nuances of the industry before you dive in.  It is important to distinguish motivational speakers from life coaches. A lot of celebrity coaches parading around as life coaches and preying on the gullible masses by leveraging PR and Marketing may not even be coaches in the true sense of the word.  Surprised?  Read on! There are coaches available dime a dozen on social media who claim to be “The Best Life Coach” or “The Best Business Coach” and can be seen “coaching” an audience of over a thousand people from the stage. In reality, these people are promoting their speaking gigs, consultancy services, training programs, online webinars, etc, as coaching. Let’s get real- do you really think a Rs.99 webinar or a Rs.999 workshop can bring about the “Life Transformation” that it promises? Come on! Coaching, in the true sense of the term, cannot happen from the stage. Most of these people get away with these antics because of strong advertising and PR...

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Why is NLP Interesting

By on Dec 14, 2019 in Blog |

Why is NLP Interesting? Why is NLP interesting? Well, it just is. And when it is boring, you will know that you have enrolled in the wrong program. Lives change for the better in NLP classrooms. Of course, NLP is interesting, provided the program is facilitated by a seasoned NLP trainer. But even something as interesting as NLP can be delivered in such an ineffective manner that it becomes boring. Like a bad singer can ruin even a Grammy-winning song, a bad NLP trainer can put a classroom filled with eager participants to sleep. Why is NLP interesting – Interview extract with Vikram Dhar  Here is an interview extract with Vikram Dhar the best NLP trainer in India, which was captured during the conversation around Why is NLP interesting. “In my formative years of learning NLP, I was fortunate enough to learn this wonderful science from stalwarts of NLP – those who had co-founded and co-developed the field. Being so close to the fountainhead of learning, I gratefully imbibed the concepts and was able to tap into their full potential. I still ensure that I take time out from my busy schedule to attend couple of programs in a year from the co-developers of NLP, and NeuroSemantics. It was only later that I came to hear about across inept, fake and fraudulent trainers in India who did not even a rudimentary understanding of NLP concepts. They were therefore unable to leverage these concepts in their own lives. As a result, participants who attended programs delivered by these trainers became convinced that NLP was a sham science. That’s a loss not just to the participants but also to the whole of humankind. Had these participants attended an authentic program, they would have gained much, achieved their true potential and made the world a better place. If an NLP trainer does not have adequate grounding of the NLP concepts and have not understood the concept of ‘apply to self’ then they are not Real NLP trainers, and their programs will not that punch as their own incongruence will get exposed.” Being a practical science, authentic NLP programs are designed to be experiential. Which means that the experience of learning NLP in...

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How can NLP help

By on Dec 10, 2019 in Blog |

How can NLP help If you are looking for a reliable answer to the questions like – ‘How can NLP help me in my career?’ ‘How can NLP help in business?’ ’How can NLP Training help my team?’ ‘How can NLP workshops help managers and leaders?’ etc. then you are at the right place. This article will help you understand what exactly is NLP good for, how can NLP programs help you personally as well as professionally, and how you can get the most value from NLP.   What does NLP stand for, and how can NLP help? NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. It is an extremely powerful technique that has brought profound improvements to both professional and personal lives of people because it briefly describes the dynamics between your mind (Neuro) and your language (Linguistic) and how their interactions affect your body as well as your behaviour (Programming). NLP is a strong framework that enables and empowers you to significantly help yourself as well as other people because it provides you ample tools, techniques and strategies that anybody can use to facilitate meaningful, remarkable, and long lasting personal change.  More details further in the section below. Does NLP really work? NLP training claims to prepare you mentally and practically, for success in different walks of life. It is said that when you run a successful strategy you can bring successful results in life. So accordingly, yes NLP really works! The various NLP models give you in-depth understanding of the way your mind works, so you can use this enhanced understanding to run the correct thinking strategy and get the wonderful results that you want. Since NLP gifts you the ability to understand complex situations and be effective in them, NLP self-management techniques are vital for reaching new levels of personal excellence. NLP training is found to be extremely helpful in changing the way you experience the world. Because thoughts and feelings have the power to shape your reality, NLP techniques can really work wonders if you want to transform your life and relationships. No wonder, internet is full of genuine testimonials, personal transformation stories, and blogs on how can NLP help and in fact how NLP has been...

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Emotionally Intelligent Leader

By on Dec 3, 2019 in Blog |

EMOTIONALLY INTELLIGENT LEADER Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a key constituent to a leader’s productivity and satisfaction at workplace. Visionary organisations expect their leaders to understand and respect the feelings of all team members. Leading organisations often arrange bespoke leadership development training programs and workshops that very well prepares their skilled leaders to practice Emotionally Intelligent Leadership, and also helps them in carefully dealing with emotionally charged situations, so that they become emotionally intelligent leaders. If you are someone who is interested in reading more about the role of Emotional Intelligence in leadership, and if you want to know what exactly is Emotionally Intelligent Leadership, then read further. Should you be interested in knowing how to become emotionally intelligent leaders, so that you can strengthen your Emotional Intelligence skills and leadership skills by joining any of our classroom and/or online training programs, write to us on to request details.   What is Emotional Intelligence? Emotional Intelligence is defined as a person’s ability to understand and manage the emotions of self, as well as recognise and influence the emotions of others. The term ‘Emotional Intelligence’ was first coined by John Mayer and Peter Salovey, in 1990, and was later popularised by Daniel Goleman.   What is Leadership? Leadership in an organisation is the process of contributing towards the success of organisational goals by influencing people and the organisational culture to implement mutually agreed strategies and objectives, and channelising teams’ effort.   What is Emotionally Intelligent Leadership? Emotionally Intelligent Leadership is the intelligent use of emotions in becoming more effective transformational leaders. It is based on the blending of two critical constructs, namely Emotional Intelligence and Leadership. This blend of Emotional Intelligence and Leadership enables a person to explore this and put them into the Leadership quadrant of Emotionally Intelligent Leaders. At its core, the Emotionally Intelligent Leadership theory claims that leadership is an intertwined relationship between the leader, the team (followers), and the situations (context). Emotionally Intelligent Leadership is thus a combination of various cognitive processes,  competencies, personality traits, and behaviours that interact together to help leaders in diagnosing issues, identifying appropriate action steps, and intervening as necessary to facilitate desired results in different situations. Below mentioned are the competencies...

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What is the purpose of Coaching

By on Dec 2, 2019 in Blog |

What is the purpose of Coaching Coaching is gaining momentum at an increasing pace. If you are someone who is planning to undergo coach training to become a successful ICF coach, and planning to attend ICF approved program in India, then read further to know more about what is coaching, what is the purpose of coaching, and how it is different from mentoring, counselling, consulting, and training. What is Coaching? According to International Coach Federation (ICF), coaching is the process of creative and thought-provoking partnership between client(s) and a coach to help the client(s) gain clarity and maximise their potential. Coaching is entirely a client driven process. It is very different from mentoring, counselling, consultancy, and training. Here’s how- Coaching Vs Mentoring One of the key differences between coaching and mentoring is that mentors bring and pass on to the client their expertise, knowledge and experience of how to get the work done, what it’s like to do the task, etc whereas coaching provides client an opportunity to think things out loud, and identify the way forward as appropriate, without any advise, suggestion, or input from external sources. Coaching Vs Counselling Counselling usually supports people in overcoming the emotional distresses that prevent them from functioning the way they would like to. Usually, counselling conversations involve spending a lot of time looking at the past to figure out how has the client got to where he or she is. In contrast, coaching is outcome driven in nature. It is about facilitating change by focussing on how to get from where you are at present to where you want to be in the future. Coaching vs Consulting Consultants work with people and organisations in a number of ways. Usually they identify and outline problem areas and inefficiencies for the clients, and then they give advice, develop solutions and strategies. They bring their knowledge and expertise in their domain of work and pass recommendations on to the clients. Coaching helps clients really access their own expertise without giving any added suggestions. Coaching vs Training Training is all about providing new skills and knowledge to people to help them at personal as well as professional fronts. Skilled trainers provide relevant and new information...

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