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Are you letting your dream drive you?

By on Feb 10, 2019 in Blog |

Certified ICF Coach Program in Bangalore

Have you been wanting to do something different ~ like becoming a Singer, Movie Star, Life Coach, Leadership Coach, or Wellness Coach, and don’t know where to start?  If you really want to do something different like to become a professional traveler, a singer, or to become a professional coach (Certified ICF Coach) ~ then read further?

Is there anyone who does not want to succeed? As a child there must have been something that you loved doing; you would have dreamt of doing this differently, something which you felt would give you recognition in society and bring you happiness, something that would bring satisfaction to you etc. You might have been clear on ‘what’ that was, or you might not have had a clear picture ~ but that child was never worried. That child never worried about ‘how’ big his/her dream was or how possible the dream was. The child just dreamed ~ of vacations, of playing with friends, becoming a Life Coach, growing up to be an astronaut… At what point did these dreams become adulterated with the reality of adulthood?

Pause, and notice how you are feeling now with respect to some of those dreams?

Reflect, when you gave up on them?

Did you ever want to start working towards them?

What is your dream now? What is it that you want? How big is your dream? Is your dream giving you sleepless nights? Do you even have a dream?

At this point, your internal dialogue might tell you – “I have many commitments. I cannot waste time in wishful thinking. Of course, I can’t become an astronaut now (or a doctor or an entrepreneur or a singer!) I have responsibilities!” The question here is – did you ever try?  If the desire would have been so strong you would have been on a path to self-discovery and self-fulfillment. Nobody was born to spend their entire life in a cabin; sitting and typing on laptops, preparing presentations, and wondering when a good vacation would come by. While some are waiting for vacations… some create vacations, and for some – their life itself is a vacation. Which one are you at the moment?

You might not become a world-famous singer, but you can become the Rockstar of your apartment complex, city, state or country. You might not become an astronaut, but you might run camps for children that teach them the mysteries an astronaut tries to unveil. You might even earn some money doing this, and enjoy the process of doing it!

But the effect this will have on your life is much beyond money or satisfaction ~ you will find yourself smiling more, enjoying your life more and being more at peace with yourself.

No-one succeeded only by dreaming – but anyone who succeeded had a dream. Just hold that thought and let it sink into you. Anyone who succeeded had a dream. Without a dream, you cannot go forward – for what will motivate you?!

Motivation is of 2 types – some people are motivated by a future prospect and others are motivated by the thought of escaping the unpleasant situation they are in. Neither is good or bad – both are just mental patterns that your brain has adopted. You can teach yourself different patters any day you want – NLP techniques can help you with this.

If you are unhappy with the life you are currently living, use that unhappiness to find a way out! If you are driven by the goals, you want to achieve – figure out what is stopping you.

Success is hard work BECAUSE to be successful you need a mindset that is willing to change – make any change in yourself that will make you successful. You are currently like a plane gliding on the runway but not taking off. Taking off will require you to leave the security of the ground below your feet – the runway in this case. Let go of the limiting thoughts that you were made in a certain way and you must be a certain way! If you had a dream, that means you were meant to fly – you just need to build or find the right airplane. NLP can help you reframe your mindset and get you plane off the runway.

There are many people who enjoy the process (informally) of Coaching others and have a desire to become a Professional Coach (Certified ICF Coach), but don’t know how to do it. Well, if someone puts their heart and soul into what they want, they will find ways to make it happen. If you are looking forward to becoming a Professional Coach, consider becoming a Certified ICF Coach, and give yourself a chance to do this in this lifetime… next one, who knows.

We at NLP Coaching Academy promise to be by you on your journey – will you be there for yourself? If you think you want to give another chance to your dream, do join us for an exhilarating journey at one of our Integrated Certified NLP Practitioner and Certified ICF Coach program in Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai, Dubai, where we will take you through different mindset changes that will help you, and simple exercises that will help you create the mindset you want!

Check the Upcoming program schedule about the Certified ICF Coach program in Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai, and Dubai.


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