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Emotional Intelligence at Work

By on Jun 24, 2019 in Blog |

Emotional Intelligence at Work

While we humans are in pursuit of some goals or the others, the harsh reality is that our small everyday tasks are actually much harder to achieve as compared to our bigger long-term goals.  We get distracted by anything and everything.  We live in a world where more and more distractions are getting added to our daily routines, and Emotional Intelligence at Work is not visible. Slowly and steadily we don’t realize they become part of our lives, and then we can’t live without them.  We give excuses like that we have become tech savvy to spend hours on the Internet or on Social Media sites.  We don’t have time to interact with other human beings, like a human being by having a face to face dialogue.  Only a handful of people are able to stick to a routine and follow through their daily tasks consistently week after week.  Over a period of time as a human race we have achieved many things, we have become intelligent, but are we really demonstrating Emotional Intelligence?  Emotional Intelligence is the need of the hour, and as a result, we may have come across many organizations looking for Emotional Intelligence Workplace training programs.

Our failed attempts year on year with new year resolutions can be traced back to a few elements of change.  One, that we aimed higher than our current reality and other we did not even set the priorities right.  We get distracted by the latest fad and want something that we really at a deeper level really don’t want.  We set emotional goals by copying others, and then when we set actions to follow through, we really don’t have the desire nor the determination to go after them.  Also, there is a chance that the mind is overwhelmed by the sheer amount of change that is being desired in one go, and instead of going for the goal, the goal looks and feels like an overwhelming task, and a Brain freeze happens, and nothing gets achieved. Emotions play a significant part in managing our state of mind, and Emotional Intelligence at work is a skill which employers are also looking at while hiring new talent.

Emotional Intelligence Training Need

The reason for this article is to make sure that you understand the drivers behind any change, the emotional connection, the cognitive connection, and the effort and commitment quotient to enable the change, the reason why Emotional Intelligence training program is the need of the hour for many, and what are some of the things which contribute towards to demonstrate Emotional Intelligence at Work. Emotional Intelligence is the latest buzz in the self-help world, corporate leadership development discussions, board room level discussion point to ensure personal and professional growth for leaders at work.

Emotions are the primary base of all human behavior, both implicit and explicit. Our every motivation is driven by some emotion or the other. Once individuals are able to understand the role our emotions play, we will be able to shape and sharpen our emotional intelligence in a way that we can modify and correct our behavior to be more productive. Emotional intelligence is such a powerful tool, which once mastered, can turn us into a better version of ourselves in every aspect. A lot of organizations are encouraging their employees to attend Certified Emotional Intelligence Coach training program.

Many skills can contribute towards emotional intelligence, let’s look at some of them which can help us build and demonstrate Emotional Intelligence at work to improve the quality of our life:

1. Decision Making: Be Rational, not rash

It is not rocket science to know that every one of our decisions is fueled by our emotions. Emotions have time and again, been proven as one of our sole motivators to take decisions and actions. Neuroscience highlights the importance of trusting our emotions whilst taking decisions, as long as we make sure our emotions are rational and unbiased. Emotional intelligence has an important hand in keeping our decisions in check because it regulates our emotions by taking into consideration our thoughts, the situation itself, the impediments and the repercussions of the action and decision we are about to make. It is also important to acknowledge the mere fact that you have emotions and the reasons you feel about the given situation the way you do.

2. Tolerance: Grow with the world

The world has gone through umteen revolutionizing changes and we are currently at the peak of changing times. With the worldly trends growing and changing, we are expected to do the same at a surreal pace. Saying that one will face no discomfort or struggle during the transition is a flat out lie and that is when emotional intelligence plays a critical role. High emotional intelligence helps you become more self-aware and helps you understand other perspectives whilst keeping your own in check. We have to adapt and grow every single day to live in harmony and make the world a better place to live in for everyone else. Self-management keeps your emotions in check and allows you to think rationally. To ensure that you are managing your emotional intelligence, you should try listing down the changes you have implemented over the course of 10 days, regardless of the magnitude of the behavior. This small activity pushes you to implement and embrace change, slowly but surely!

3. Time management: Every second counts

A whopping 100+ million searches occur on Google in a single month, on a simple job of managing time! Just about everyone wants to unlock the achievement of constructing and sticking to schedules but less than a handful are actually successful in this endeavor. One might ask what emotional intelligence has to do with time management but what people do not factor into this is the role our emotions play in monitoring ourselves and our relationships. We do not fail at creating a schedule presumably suitable for us, only our mood and emotions determine how well we are equipped to deal with our day and actually follow through our task lists. Sometimes, situations like a distressed call or an intense message at the beginning of the day can throw us off our wagon and however hard we try, it becomes almost impossible to focus through our schedule. Emotional intelligence keeps us in check when our own personal decisions are distracting us, further on the same helps with relationship management and balancing our priorities when the distractions are due to others.

4. Assertiveness: Exude confidence

Emotional intelligence is essential to mainly maintain harmony and empathizing with others around you, but there is no final goal is you are not self-assured. It is important to keep an open mind to the opinions and perspectives of others, all while making sure your morals and perspectives are given its due respect. Keeping your emotional intelligence in check will help you building that self-confidence that reassures your thoughts and helps you put them out in the open for everyone to know. Self-confidence and self-assurance as tough as it is is a long term solution for asserting ourselves to be our best versions whilst being authentic to our true selves.

5. Presentation: A Demeanour of positivity

Do you know what works best for public speakers and motivators, that keeps their audience engaged like none other? It is their self positivity that they bring out during the stage time where they allow their listeners to step into their world and experience their stories, letting you witness their achievements and how they have gotten there. That slight reminder of their achievements give these speakers the boost of confidence they need to be able to speak in front of a room of people and actually making sense. Your emotional intelligence plays a critical role in making sure you are able to word your presentation in a well-articulated manner, weakening the anxiety you might have when trying to communicate with others. Emotional intelligence is not only important to keep you in check and limits, but also to give you the boost to be unabashedly you and speak your mind without apprehension!

Emotional Intelligence training programs are amongst the top 10 training programs that are sought after so that people can leverage this to be more productive at the workplace where stress levels are at an all-time high, and being able to demonstrate emotional intelligence is a critical skill to go up the corporate ladder.  If you are looking for Emotional Intelligence training in India go through our course calendar, and you can consider to join us to become more Emotionally resilient and be able to demonstrate more Emotional Intelligence.

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