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How can NLP training help in business

By on Jul 16, 2020 in Blog |

How can NLP training help in business

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is used in business extensively to create and maintain successful business relationships, improve business performance and accelerate growth. When you attend an NLP Practitioner training in India, you will find it helpful to get a few pointers to make your business journey easier, and avoid some of the pitfalls that might be ahead in your business journey. Often people wonder about the benefits of using NLP in business, and ask exactly how can NLP training help in business. So, this article will brief you on how can NLP training help in business, and how you can go about incorporating NLP knowledge in business.

How can NLP training help in Business

Business skill development

NLP training helps in business skills development.

Business skill development is a massive arena. A lot of people are searching for success and contentment in the unpredictable business world. When you attend an NLP Practitioner training program, you learn, grow, and develop yourself. And you learn to recognize and choose whether the ideas fulfil your business requirements or not.

The NLP toolkit offers a collection of models and exercises, as well as encouraging an inquisitive mindset, which allows you to do business successfully.

Managing relationships

NLP Practitioner Training helps in managing personal and professional relationships.

Having bad relationships at personal or professional fronts can be a horrible thing. It’s a stuck experience, as if the door is closed in your face.

Fortunately, NLP offers many ways for you to get unstuck and open the door to more possibilities, and engage, build and maintain incredible business relationships.


Negotiating a Win-Win Solution

NLP Practitioner Training helps in negotiating a Win-Win Solution. It can help you accomplish your aim by providing you proven principles and strategies that you can use to your advantage.

Suppose that you’re going to enter into an important negotiation or business deal, NLP can help you to get the best deal when you’re confronted by the opposite party.

If you are wondering how can NLP training help in Business, here’s how-

  • NLP enables you to create a compelling outcome. It gives you the steps to engage your senses and make your outcome more specific by noticing what it looks like, sounds like, and feels like when you achieve a successful negotiation.
  • NLP principles assists you in imagining what being in the shoes of the other person be like, so that you can remind yourself of what they want every time you have contact with the other person. They allow you to get clarity on what other people want, understand their values and criteria, and be flexible along the way until you close a deal or decide to walk away because you know the fit isn’t right.
  • NLP knowledge enables you to listen not only to the words being spoken, but also pay attention to the physiology of your potential clients/business collaborators. For example, notice where do their eyes move, or how does the colour of their skin change according to their feelings (NLP calibration technique). Using NLP, you can recognize whether someone has a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic preference, and then use language to match that person’s preference.
  • NLP communication awareness helps you to speak in specific terms that are easy to agree with. Things progress more smoothly when everybody listens, and understands what is being said. This improves business communication skills.
  • NLP knowledge helps you to use positive language and manage your state of mind during negotiations. Staying calm and relaxed when the negotiation gets to you helps you to make the best next move. When you are disagreeing on details, you can quickly disassociate, chunk up (zoom out to see a bigger picture) from the specifics of your contract to gain common agreement on key points. Then chunk downwards (zoom in to get into details) to smaller issues when the common ground is achieved.
  • NLP gives you the ability to be able to shift other person’s view to the big picture and focus down to specifics confidently. When you take different perceptual positions to explore challenging situations and take different viewpoints (of different stakeholders involved in a conversation) into account, you can easily come up with fresh ideas to move the negotiation process forward or say a polite goodbye.
  • NLP can help you to communicate more precisely, and get to the heart of what you and other people really mean to say. You can delve below the surface of vague language and gather specific information or challenge assumptions.
  • NLP helps you in creating and maintaining rapport. With rapport, you can increase the chances of the other person hearing your message loud and clear even when you disagree with the content of what they’re saying. All you need to do is match and mirror their body language and tone of voice.
  • NLP helps you in identifying your hot buttons, that is your preferred criteria, and focus on the key elements that are supremely important to you in making the move. When you know your bottom line, you can then walk away with no deal instead of getting carried away in the moment just to complete a deal that may be disappointing for you.

Managing time and precious resources

NLP training helps in managing time and precious resources.

Your time is precious, and when you have spent it, there is no way you can reclaim it.

Everybody has the same amount of time in a specific week. Still some businesspeople spend their lives racing against the clock while other businessmen gently amble along, and are successful. The difference lies in how different business people use that time.

Understanding how is NLP used in business with respect to managing time will make a big difference to your business results. NLP distinguishes between people who operate using different reality of time.

People who operate using in-time (NLP concept about representing time) usually live in and for the moment, whereas the people who operate through-time (another NLP concept about representing time) can step back to view their past, present, and future as an onlooker. Being in the moment is easier when you are in time, and planning time is much easier when you are through time.

Irrespective of the fact whether you are an in-time person or through-time person, when you attend an NLP workshop, you can understand how you relate to time, work with your timelines, change, adapt, and then use your time wisely. You can notice the impact of spending time on what you do not want to be doing, and then you can free up your energy for what really motivates you.

Also, some people try to say yes to too many things. Taking on too much to please others has the opposite effect when you let them down.

NLP training can help you by showing you how can say a ‘no’ and still maintain the rapport with your friends and relationships.

Connecting to your customers

How can NLP training in business – This one is very important. NLP helps you to understand and connect to your customers.

Businessmen who practice NLP skills are able to take their customer’s perspective and match the benefit of the product to the customer’s needs.

NLP deals with influence and how people make decisions. It shows you how to discover people’s preferences for taking in information, and so as a business person, you recognize that some people respond to pictures, some to words, and others to feel. Accordingly, you can use highly general language to connect with the different segments of customers.

People usually buy on emotion and justify with fact. So, whether you are selling a product or an idea, you can use NLP to connect with your customers primarily on an emotional level, find out their buying their strategy, and utilize that to make a sale.

Handling competition

NLP helps you to get an edge over your competition. Taking the NLP approach generally leads to a highly considerate and respectful winning situation.

Usually, huge competition exists in challenging economic times. This means that approaching your customers strategically is more important than ever.

Attending an NLP program or working with an NLP-trained coach can guide you towards obtaining the competitive advantage that takes your business in the best direction. You can be creative about making yourself stand out from the competition.

How can NLP training help in business with respect to handling competition and have an edge? NLP can broaden your horizon in the following ways:-

  • Different NLP patterns can help you in making informed decisions, based on your values and your desired future. You will not end up somewhere where you are very unhappy, unsettled, and still searching for the greener grass.
  • Make your business goals using NLP well-formed outcomes. You can plan your business moves proactively to not too bothered about where to go or what to do. Do your homework well. Decide who to influence and how to implement the strategy.
  • Use NLP to gain perspectives. Shift into second and third positions (NLP concepts about understanding different perspectives), and think of the features and benefits of the product. It thus helps you in making better decisions apropos taking a holistic view and considering all aspects of a business.

Building self-confidence

Here is the much talked about benefit of How can NLP training help in Business? NLP empowers you to feel self-confident, so that you can go out and stand up for what you and your business believes in. It gives you the ability to communicate well and present well, both of which are fundamental to your business success.

When you can present well you have the leading edge in so many aspects of business, irrespective of the industry you are in. You won’t be sitting through the business lunches and meetings scared because you know how to get ahead. You will simply relax and have a good time.

Sadly, so many people are not confident in different business scenarios. NLP can make a difference in the following ways in their lives:

  • NLP anchors (NLP technique to create a resourceful state of mind) can help people feel confident about standing up in front of any group. They stop you from dithering along the way or dissipating energy on all the things that you don’t want.
  • NLP gives them the tools to prepare mentally for any interaction. They are clear about how they want to appear – laughing and jovial, full of deep and meaningful gravitas, or perhaps somewhere in between. Thus, using NLP communication strategies, they can move everyone in the event through their choice of language.
  • NLP fundamentals can help them in explaining their purpose crystal clear. They can begin to build the content of their talk using VAK – visual, auditory, and kinesthetic modalities. As they develop their script, they are prepared to connect with people who like pictures, those who prefer to hear things out, and those who just go with their gut feelings. Also, they know when they should give headlines, and when they should give the nitty-gritty details. They are prepared and confident about all the scenarios. They ensure that their words, gestures, and tone of voice present a consistent view.
  • Using NLP, they can engage their brain to decide on the outcome of the networking. They can identify what result or action they would want to happen, and why people should become so interested in doing business with them. Once they have mapped out the desired outcome clearly, they can bear it in mind, and confidently do what they would like to do.
  • When you work with NLP principles, skills, and presuppositions (guiding principles of NLP), you learn to believe in your unlimited potential. You learn the proven ways of jumping over or removing the barriers that stop you. You can close that gap between your present state and your desired state, and take yourself from where you are now to where you want to get onto in life.

Handling stress

People who aim to succeed at the extreme heights in business can often damage their health along the way. Too much focus on establishing a business empire may result in an unbalanced and potentially unhealthy existence.

NLP has much to offer you if you want to stay healthy and stress-free. It recognizes the inextricable connection between mind and body, and helps people to stay balanced in order to be healthy – physically as well as emotionally.

Attending NLP trainings can help you restore balance and harmony to your life.

Chronic fatigue, tension headaches, neck and back pains, as well as outbursts of anger and anxiety, can all be warning flags from your body that you need to stop your life from spiraling out of control.

In any business, peaks and troughs are normal. The danger zone hits when you are not self-aware. So, use NLP to remain in tune with your health, and reduce your fears, stress, and illness.

Exploring beliefs

NLP training enables you to explore your beliefs and change the unhelpful beliefs so that you get aligned at all levels of your personality for achieving business success.

Your beliefs can prevent you from achieving what you want and living a totally fulfilling life. But there’s a whole feast of ideas and tools in NLP for you to eliminate the beliefs that are obstructing your success in doing business. Consequently, you get an open mind and you stop making limiting judgments and negative self-talk.

Making it good

A key pillar of business success is knowing what you want. You must think about a business outcome that you desire rather than a problem you want to get away from. And this is where NLP helps the most.

If you think about the possibilities of something going wrong, then guess what, it most likely will. That’s the power of imagination!

NLP helps you to imagine what’s going to happen to your business later today, tomorrow, or in ten years’ time, and help you create a compelling future to be able to move towards all that you want. It enables you to notice what effect your way of thinking is having on your business, so that you can question the different words and phrases you use to forget your self-talk and pay attention to your successes, big as well as small.

And thus, NLP allows you to consider what you want, make up that future in your mind, and be sure to make it good. It keeps you in charge of your life to meet your dreams and aspirations, and ensures that your expectations don’t weigh you down.

Getting some wins, and fast

NLP empowers you to become really good at doing business, and it builds your flexibility as you do it. Here’s how-

  • NLP helps you to discover new ways of thinking, and open up possibilities. It helps you to stay curious about what you can accomplish and how you can run your own unconscious mind, and widen your choices and opportunities.
  • One of the NLP principles states that there is no failure, only feedback. Whatever you do, you are not failing. You are just getting more information about what isn’t working. So, you can experiment and try new things. If what you’re doing isn’t working, do something else until you reach your outcome.
  • NLP keeps you encouraged to go on to achieve more and more. Business scenario is unpredictable. Especially during pandemic time when COVID 19 has hit many businesses. A successful business person is one who gets straight back up and tries again even after staggering a few steps and falling over. When you integrate NLP into your working life and get all its benefits, then you do not lose the drive to keep on practicing. You are prepared to fall over occasionally and then just pick yourself up, practice all over again, and achieve success!
  • NLP helps you to make a commitment to action. One key reason why NLP gets you results is that it helps you to take action that turns the dream into reality. It enables you to break down your goals into bite-sized, realistic chunks and check-in at regular intervals to make sure that you’re on track.

Wrap up – How can NLP training help in Business

How you benefit from NLP and how can NLP training help in business for you is a very personal thing. But NLP training will help you to integrate NLP into your business and life to overcome issues and get the desired results.

If you want to do something in particular that you have thought about for a long time but have not started yet, then attending an NLP training program can help you make that leap from the idea.

NLP can help you leverage your initial desire of making a change to make things happen. It will help you to keep your desired result in mind so that you focus only on what you want rather than what you don’t want.

NLP supports you in achieving goals that seem impossible, by getting you clear on your values and beliefs and changing the interference that gets in your way. And that can be seriously liberating and fun.

NLP does enable people to create their own future and be outstanding in business. By examining the whole picture of their lives as well as their work patterns, these people unleash their own energy and direction to get what they want.

So, whenever you get a chance to attend a classroom training in NLP, do not fail to do so.  Considering we are in a digital era, and technology has considerably improved, so a Virtual NLP programs (online NLP Training program) are as effective as classroom-based, and pandemic like situation has forced technology partners to work with training providers to come up with innovative ways to improve the program delivery experience. Plus, an experienced top NLP Trainer of India / Asia / World will be an expert in designing the experience, and for him/her it is going to be a cakewalk to adapt, stay agile, and stick to the core of the NLP training.  That NLP training is all about the participant experience!

Benefits of attending NLP Practitioner Training

There are several benefits of attending NLP Practitioner training in India.

Firstly, the NLP concepts taught in NLP programs enable people to achieve their business goals much more easily. The powerful and effective techniques of managing mind and emotions have helped several business people in achieving success, fame, good health, happiness, and fulfillment.

Second, the insightful NLP techniques allow people to change their mindset, build a useful belief system, and experience the magic of positive, outcome-focused thinking in achieving remarkable business results. The robust framework of NLP supports them impressively in overcoming fears and anxieties, getting rid of undesired behaviours, adopting useful habits, and applying useful business strategies.

Lastly, the NLP fundamentals help people in improving their lives and expanding their business quickly. The NLP training will give you the right tools for reading non-verbal communication, developing strong business relationships, envisioning and creating success, and achieving desired results. And you can become an excellent communicator, and an influential leader.

Now that you have your answer to the question-how can NLP training help in business? Consider attending a training program in NLP.

About the integrated NLP Practitioner and Coach Course from NLP Coaching Academy 

If your appetite for NLP has been whetted and you’d like to attend an NLP training, join the NLP Practitioner Program at NLP Coaching Academy.

This course is Asia’s only Integrated NLP Practitioner and Coach Training Program recognized by the International Coach Federation (ICF), International Society of Neuro-Semantics (ISNS), American Board of NLP (ABNLP), and International Association of Professional Coaches, Counselors, and Therapists (IAPCCT).

Furthermore, the NLP training program is facilitated by Vikram Dhar the best NLP trainer in India

Vikram Dhar is an acclaimed NLP Trainer, Licensed NLP Coach, ICF Mentor Coach, a certified Meta NLP Trainer, and the Best Celebrity Life Coach in India.

He has attended sessions with Michael Hall (the Founder of Neuro-Semantics, and Meta Coaching), John Grinder (Co-founder of NLP), Frank Pucelik (Co-founder of NLP), Ian McDermott (a Tier 1 NLP Trainer from the UK), Michael Beale (a Richard Bandler certified trainer and coach trainer), Robert Dilts (the Co-developer of NLP), Stephen Gilligan (King of Ericksonian Hypnosis & Co-founder of Generative Change) and Shelle Rose (a Leading coach from Canada, for Language Work)

Vikram has attended a session with Marshall Goldsmith – the World’s top Leadership and Executive Coach. He is an expert Leadership Development and Sales Coach and works with various senior executives and sales teams across the globe. And he is personally trained, certified, and mentored by John Mattone as Intelligent Leadership Executive Coach, and Leadership assessor using the Leadership Inventory assessment tool. John Mattone was the Former coach of late Steve Jobs.

He has trained several participants from 45+ countries: Greece, Germany, Romania, Lebanon, Myanmar, India, UAE, Kuwait, USA, Canada, Sri Lanka, Guatemala, Thailand, Sweden, Italy, UK, Australia, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Malaysia, Israel, Slovakia, just to name a few.

He was awarded the rising talent award by The World Coaching body in 2017 and was among the top 101 global coaches in 2020.

Should you or someone you know be interested in joining the NLP program, please feel free to drop an email on or calls us (+91-9841619669), Whatsapp (7506070907) for more details.

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