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How can we change our beliefs using NLP

By on May 4, 2021 in Blog |

How can we change our beliefs?

The human brain has been of immense intrigue to neuroscientists since the beginning of time. Endless research has gone into understanding the unique ways in which it functions and its myriad capabilities. Even today, the study of the human brain is an ever-evolving subject, including how to work with beliefs that hold humans back, and how can we change our beliefs as humans. This post is about NLP belief change process, and how it can be one of the powerful  NLP techinques to learn and master.

Even though new information about the human brain comes to light every so often and even though it is a rapidly changing science, one thing that can be established without a shadow of a doubt is that the human mind is limitless in its potential. Every advancement or miracle that we see around us today, is a product of the human brain. The world as we know it today has been conceived in the human mind. There is absolutely no guessing of how much further it can go.

The subject has made accelerated advancement in the last decade, wherein scientists have studied the human brain and formulated ways in which people can perform better by tapping into sections of their brain that weren’t previously thought of. Miracles can now be brought about by training the brain to function in the desired manner.

People can now bring about a change in their undesirable behaviors and their limiting belief systems by altering the way they think and feel. These fuels an active pursuit of goals, ideal personalities, and powerful beliefs.

If you are looking for how can we change our beliefs, then there is good news. No one is born with limiting beliefs. Humans develop them over a period of time by repeating a series of thought and feeling patterns. These thoughts and feelings are based on their perceptions of their surroundings, life experiences, and the meaning that they attribute to them. Therefore, it is only logical to acknowledge that a conscious change in these thoughts, feelings and their repetitions will bring about the desired change in behaviors and habits.

The human potential movement originated approximately 70 years back, when a lot of visionaries of the era – psychologists, therapists, behavioral experts, became interested to know what enables some people to be successful in pursuing their goals and why some people fail to do so. Through intensive research and study, these people were able to decode what makes these people extraordinarily efficient and purposeful. They studied the behavioral patterns of these geniuses and formulated a series of frameworks and models, known today as Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).

NLP fundamentally provides us with a user manual for the brain – how we can navigate our thoughts and feelings efficiently, how we can generate improved behaviors and powerful beliefs, etc. The top/ best NLP Trainer of India/Asia / globally will be an expert in the change process and will be able to help a person with their limiting beliefs and unresourceful thought patterns.

Answering powerful and meaningful questions is essential for the growth of a person. NLP provides for such questions which help the user get in touch with their reality, manage their state of mind, and analyze what it is that they actually desire.

A dependable path to success involves studying what drives achievers and what unique strategies of excellence they employ. Once these are understood, they can be replicated and repeated to get better and consistent results. NLP is resourceful in this aspect as it provides tools, methods, patterns, models, etc which enable people to get rid of unresourceful and limiting beliefs and behaviors and generate new and improved ones in order to design their lives in the way that they want. Accurate and consistent use of NLP is bound to propel one forward towards their goals and aspirations.

For those looking for how can we change our beliefs, here is a simple Belief Change process using NLP which enables a person to gain control over a situation where a person is unable to move forward due to negative beliefs.  As a coach who is looking to learn transformational coaching, learning NLP belief change technique can be very useful.  Changing limiting beliefs of a client can lead to a breakthrough for the client, and creates sustanable action for the clients towards their outcomes/goals.  Beliefs can be rooted based on thought process, some incident from the past, etc., and during our day we go through the day in automatic mode, and these limiting beliefs can be hampering our actions, motivation towards our goals/outcomes, and we may not become aware of them until someone points them from outside, challenge our beliefs, thinking processes, patterns, and that someone can be a coach, who as a thinking partner can do that.  Hence, for a coach knowledge of NLP belief change pattern can be a very useful technique to learn, and can be used as part of coaching work with clients to make their coaching transformational.

NLP Belief Change Technique

If your belief (Belief X) about something is very strong, and it is hindering your advancement in some way, then check what you believe (Belief Y) about Belief X (the one that is holding you back).

Question the Belief Y about the Belief X.

Negate the Belief Y strongly by saying “NO” to it. Say out loud that you refuse to believe in Belief X (the one you want to let go of).


The situation about belief change:

Belief X- It is difficult to change behavior.

Belief Y- Belief X is very true.

Hence the stuck state.

NLP Approach:

Belief X- It is difficult to change behavior.

Belief Y (Introducing new statements) – Belief X is rubbish and is hampering my life. Belief X is pathetic. Belief X is definitely not true.

The more vehemently the previous Belief Y is challenged, the more effectively Belief X will start losing value and ultimately collapse. Constant and consistent reinforcements of the new Belief Y will eventually bring about a significant shift in thinking and liberation from the limiting Belief X which then becomes easy to let go of.

It is time for you to ponder over what’s holding you back and how you can change your beliefs about those limiting beliefs. Hint, hint: NLP is the answer! 😉

If you are looking to attend an online NLP training program then a person can learn different NLP techniques including NLP belief change.

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