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How is NLP used in Business

By on Aug 24, 2020 in Blog |

How is NLP used in business

World over, a lot of people have benefited immensely on the personal front, using the incredible techniques of NLP. But there are times when people doubt that how is NLP used in business?

The fact that NLP is born out of studying the excellence of people who were leaders in the different fields of psychotherapy has caused a lot of people to assume that NLP is only therapeutic in nature. The reality, however, is that over the last 40+ years, NLP flag bearers like Richard Bandler, John Grinder, Judith De Lozier, Leslie Cameron, Robert Dilts, David Gordon, Stephen Gilligan, etc have developed and contributed many models to NLP, that can be used in a range of business situations.

The new NLP discoveries, models, and ways of thinking have continually culminated in the benefits of using NLP in business, voluntary service, coaching, counseling, education, parenting, health, personal development, sport, etc. So, if you would like to know more about how is NLP used in business, then read this article thoroughly.

In this article, you will learn how is NLP used in business. You will get to know about the value of NLP in business by exploring why a lot of business people now widely use NLP.

The following mentioned points describe how can NLP training help in business. Further, they highlight the key benefits of incorporating NLP tools and techniques in your business life:

NLP helps you in improving business results and achieving remarkable success

As noted above, the NLP models apply equally well to achieving great results across businesses. If you want to maximize business performance, NLP offers you many NLP tools that can serve your business objectives well. Here’s how-

  • The NLP methodology enables you to model the best practices of successful businesses.

Modeling is the essence of NLP. Understanding how you or someone else intuitively does something exceptionally well is a valuable skill in business.

You can model exceptional businessmen to determine precisely what they do that gets great results. You can then transfer this model to different areas of your business.

  • The in-depth understanding of NLP findings empower you to effect change efficiently.

If one constant exists in business, it is the need to make changes, small or large, in order to be competitive, generate the desired results, and adapt to the rapidly changing environment in which the business operates. You often encounter situations where your business needs to adjust and adapt to the changes happening in the external business environment. This mandates that as a business leader, you must have the ability to flex and change continually.

Most of the business leaders frequently find it difficult to cope with major change. Changes to structure, processes, and systems are often complex and slow, and therefore many business people find it difficult to achieve the hoped-for outcome.

In such scenarios, understanding the NLP principles, tools, and techniques gives you the ability to adapt and change to achieve your professional aspirations conveniently. It allows you to make changes at the right level of thinking so you can adjust to change. Also, you can develop a team of more flexible individuals in your company by sharing NLP insights with everyone.

Your journey through NLP is a voyage of discovery. When you use NLP, you can easily drive change at various levels in your business without any shadow of doubt.

NLP enables you to communicate effectively and achieve business success

The need for communication pervades all business activities. As you communicate more effectively with others, you can influence and lead others. The following pointers feature the communication-based benefits of NLP-

NLP makes it possible for you to target your language in a better way.

These days, if you want to get on at work, you need excellent communication skills, and exceptional powers to influence and persuade your stakeholders. NLP helps you in becoming more flexible in how you communicate.

NLP tells you how to use words and phrases so that even someone whose communication style is dissimilar to yours can easily understand you and respond accordingly. If required, you can target your words to them effortlessly, as if you’re speaking their language rather than your own.

A lot of business people get amazed by what they can achieve with some subtle shifts in their language.  NLP Meta Programs is a concept in NLP which helps people understand other people, and why different people behave differently. 

NLP gives you efficient ways to inspire and motivate your employees efficiently.

Getting people to listen to you, agree with you, and be inspired by you affects your professional success. You need to persuade, motivate, and enthuse your people to back new ideas so they put their best into their work.

NLP models and approaches are particularly useful if you want to call others to action, and persuade them to join you in your opinions or judgments. You can encourage and motivate others to gain agreement, approval, or consensus with them. By choosing your words to engage others’ emotions positively and passing on information that you believe is important, you can generate passion or excitement.

NLP models help you to give and receive feedback efficiently

Giving and receiving quality feedback is most essential where performance improvement is important.

In many companies, feedback is still sparse and too infrequent. Feedback is all too often used only when bad news needs to be delivered, while praise and encouragement for a job well done are often overlooked. Not many business people know the art of giving feedback.

The various NLP models outline how you can use NLP thinking to direct meaningful and actionable feedback, so that others truly understand what they’re doing well, where they need to improve, and what those improvements may look and sound like in order to increase their effectiveness.

NLP techniques give you the key to develop exceptional interpersonal skills

In any business, you need to work together, negotiate, influence, inspire, and motivate others to get the work done.

NLP gives you a wide variety of valuable tools, techniques, and models to enhance interpersonal effectiveness. When you learn NLP, you can go on building your interpersonal skills and add more NLP gems to your tool kit.

NLP helps you to understand differences between you and others

Everybody is different. Not everybody is like you. While some people may resemble you, others won’t resemble you in any way at all.

NLP gives you the basic understanding of the reasons why even when two people share an experience, they notice different things, have different responses, and store different memories. It adopts the principle that all people have different maps of the world. This consequently helps in understanding other people in a better way.

Thus, NLP gives you the required high sensitivity towards other people.

NLP enables you to handle and maintain difficult business relationships effortlessly

Making a successful business and achieving all the professional goals and dreams thus depends on more than your experience, expertise, and job-related skills. To get the best business performance, you need to be able to work well with your people, and overcome difficulties and differences together.

Most people find certain situations or individuals at work challenging to handle.

This spot is seriously detrimental to the business progress.

Getting past the problems caused by relationships that just don’t seem to work or situations that seem complex and stuck becomes easier with NLP. When you learn NLP, you gain new insights into difficult relationships and build your flexibility to get the results you want in business.

NLP helps you to establish rapport quickly

Rapport is a natural connection between people. It makes all conversations seem to be effortless.

Discussions flow easily and everyone has a sense of respect and underlying trust when rapport is established.

In any company, there are some people with whom you get along well. Business conversations are just plain easy with such people, probably because they match you in terms of the patterns. With some others at work, this kind of rapport is much harder to find.

When rapport happens naturally, persuading people and getting them on your side is much easier.

Thanks to the modeling work of NLP pioneers, you can create good rapport in situations where natural rapport building previously seemed difficult.

NLP empowers you to lead yourself better for more success

Creating the business results you desire, including the kind of business goals you want to achieve, starts with self-leadership. Leading yourself is about taking charge of your working life to get where you want to go.

NLP helps you to lead yourself in the following ways-

NLP makes you more self-aware of your own unconscious patterns

Whatever you have had experienced in your life, and the way your brain has filtered that information in the past for you determines what you think, believe, value, and feel. And your patterns of thinking drive the way you feel, act, and react. If you want to become an exceptional communicator, you must discover and understand these patterns in yourself. The reason being, your unconscious patterns steer how you behave with others. Frankly, a lot of people are not aware of many of their habitual patterns of thinking, evaluating, and decision making.  How can NLP help is a widely researched topic these days, especially from a business perspective?

NLP offers various ways of identifying your patterns, starting from the language you use to the things you do so that you can create the desired results. It allows you to notice and understand how you habitually think and behave.

NLP supports you in managing your emotions and state of mind

Humans are highly emotional beings. Controlling emotions and managing or suppressing a strong feeling is often a battle for a lot of business people.

Powerful feelings are wonderful when they work for you. In business, emotional states like excitement, interest, curiosity, calmness, confidence, etc can be useful.

In contrast, strong negative feelings don’t often work to your best advantage in business. Anger, anxiety, frustration, demotivation, and stress are some of such states which do not support best performance in business.

So, you need to have the capacity to choose how you feel, rather than have your feelings control your reactions and behavior. Managing your state of mind is essential for success in leading, influencing, negotiating, etc.

When you make a firm decision to change the way you respond emotionally to a difficult situation, that is, when you change how you act and react, you get a far more positive outcome. NLP helps you in doing just that.

NLP holds an array of approaches that can help you to change your emotional responses to get the results you want. NLP tools and techniques help you find ways to choose your feelings.

NLP gives you the tools and methodology to lead business performance

If you want to achieve business excellence, you need to get yourself and others working most effectively. You are constantly required to be guiding, managing, controlling, and influencing your people for achieving more success.

When good performance comes from you and your employees, you achieve remarkable results. Here’s how-

NLP techniques help you in aligning your employees with the vision, values, and objectives you have set for your business

All businesses have goals. Some have a vision as well as values. But one of the most common patterns across organizations of different sizes is that the employees seldom bang up to date with the company’s mission, vision, and values.

For a lot of company workers, the vision is so often just a bunch of words that aren’t easy to remember. Much the same can be said for the values. Moreover, the goals are a bunch of numbers that do not really bring about much change in the way anyone does his or her work at office. Consequently, the desired business objectives are often not met effectively and consistently.

Successful companies, therefore, invest a lot of time and energy in aligning their workforce with the company’s mission and vision. They use NLP tools techniques and methods in the process of crafting vision, values, and goals. Additionally, they focus on giving a sensory description of the vision, values, and goals in order to develop a compelling vision, meaningful values, and inspiring goals for the team.

Thus, the NLP concepts and fundamentals support the businesses in bringing a whole new perspective in place. When companies operate using NLP principles and guidelines, their people understand the company’s purpose clearly, and they become aligned with the company’s view quickly.

NLP gives you the framework to coach your employees and improve business results

The days of managers telling staff what to do are long gone. Coaching others to improve performance is considered increasingly important in business these days.  Life Coaching programs in India and other countries are on the rise.

A lot of business leaders believe that NLP provides the most powerful coaching tool kit that is available today.

NLP helps you to establish better business goals or outcomes

Business people now widely use NLP. A lot of forward-thinking organizations embrace NLP. That’s because they benefit immensely from the positive effects NLP has on individuals, teams, and overall business performance.

The NLP model for goal setting is known as a well-formed outcome. It helps you to set crisp and clear outcomes and meaningful action plans that people buy into.

When you and your workforce have a future outcome focussed mind, together you all make the desired changes readily, and achieve all that you desire.


This article highlights how can NLP help in business success. You can achieve business excellence with NLP, undoubtedly.

As noted above, NLP gives you in-depth insights and techniques for improved communication, as well as tools for personal change. You can become an excellent influencer, as well as acquire the required self-awareness.

Furthermore, the various aspects of NLP thinking and approaches can be employed easily and successfully in any business.

If you want to raise standards and do even more things well, learn NLP.

NLP training will give you the keys to unlock your own potential, remove previous limitations, and reprogram your mind for success.

Join the integrated NLP Practitioner Trainer program at NLP Coaching Academy to discover all the wonderful ways in which you can achieve more success in business by using NLP principles and fundamentals. It is Asia’s only training program that is recognized by reputed associations like International Coach Federation (ICF), International Society of Neuro-Semantics (ISNS), American Board of NLP (ABNLP), International Association of Professional Coaches, Counselors, and Therapists (IAPCCT).

Furthermore, the NLP training is facilitated by Vikram Dhar who is an ICF mentor coach, and the best NLP trainer in India. He conducts training frequently in all major Indian cities like Bangalore, Mumbai, and Delhi, and internationally in Dubai & Jordan.

Click on the link to read about the NLP Practitioner program in India or write to us on to request the program brochure.  For more resources on NLP, plesae read about the best resources to learn NLP.  To check the scheduled program dates, click on the link

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