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How to Become Empowerment Coach

By on Oct 21, 2019 in Blog |

How to become Empowerment Coach in India

Coaching is a proven way of empowering people in workplace as well as in personal life. It allows you to clear out the obstructive emotional baggage and make way to a fulfilling future where you are able to achieve more and become better version of self.  You might be curious to know about Coaching, and how to become empowerment coach in India?

What exactly is empowerment?

Empowerment is most commonly described as the process of gaining power, right, authority, or freedom to do what you want to do or to control what’s happening to you.

In Corporates, empowerment represents the management practice of disseminating information to line managers and enabling them to take self-driven initiatives and action steps to overcome challenges and improve performance.

HR Managers and leaders in organizations often empower their teams through delegation, training, constructive feedbacks, as well as coaching.

How is coaching empowering?

Coaching empowers people to create a life that focuses on what they want.

Coaching is like a magic wand which when waived in a swirl has the power of clearing the black clouds of confusion, disappointment, and limitations.

People hire empowerment coaches all across the globe to get unstuck and give breathing space to their ideas.

Who are empowerment coaches?

Typically, empowerment coaches help people in nurturing self confidence and smelling the roses of positive thoughts. They support people in identifying ways of liking self, believing in self, and creating and enjoying a fulfilling life of their dreams.

It does not matter whether they wear the clothes of a Life Coach, Corporate Coach, Wellness Coach, Leadership Coach, Happiness Coach, NLP Coach, Transformation Coach, Emotional Intelligence Coach, ICF Coach, Executive Coach, Organizational Development Coach, Positive Psychology Coach, Law of Attraction Coach, etc. As long as they help people access their inner power to transform lives, there are Empowerment Coach as well.

What is Empowerment Coaching Process?

ICF accredited coach programs train coaches well to believe that people have the mental capability to find all answers by themselves. They do not need to be told answers. All they require is to be lead in the right direction that helps them uncover their heart’s desires. And this is exactly what professionally trained coaches do. Through deep diving coaching questions, they help people to discover their talents, special gifts, and greatness within.

A lot of Empowerment Coaches use the frameworks of Emotional Intelligence (EQ), NLP, Neuro Science, etc in coaching at workplace as well as elsewhere.

Just like every other form of coaching using emotions, empowerment coaching begins with gauging and understanding the emotional state of clients. When the professionally certified coach has helped the client identify what emotions they are resonating, they coach the client to leave the seat of current unresourceful state, look around to see what they are not noticing, and then start the journey from where they are to where they want to be emotionally.

Empowerment Coaches create a safe environment as well as prepare people to go on a self exploration journey fearlessly, in all honesty.

Their empowering questions make people look deeper than they ever have before to realize the strength they already have to achieve their massive goals.

What are empowering questions?

Questions are powerful coaching tools because they are almost impossible to ignore. Your mind tries to come up with an answer every time it is asked a question. The right questions have the horsepower to take mind in the direction of possibilities, thrust open the doorway of new opportunities, and transform your state almost instantly by shifting your focus away from limitations towards the path to empowerment.

However, not every question is empowering enough. If you want to find solution to any issue, problem or challenge you are facing in life, it is important that you ask the right question- an empowering question.

Questions that can be answered only with simply “Yes” or “No” are known as closed questions. They limit movement and exploration in the space of possibilities.

When people repeatedly ask themselves questions like “Why did it happen to me?”or “Why am I so unlucky?” or “Why didn’t I know any better?” etc. they throw themselves into unresourceful states. Answer to such questions are naturally self-defeating and disempowering.

Empowering questions often begin with “What” or “How”. They are simple and open-ended questions. They invite people to awaken and think in new directions, notice new things, consider other alternatives, burry the expectations, and find answers. They create insightful “ah-ha” moments.

Questions starting with “When” are seldom considered empowering. It is believed that they satisfy to coach’s desire for extra loads of information that may not be required and may divert people away from their agenda.

Even “Why” questions are avoided in coaching because they have a tendency of dropping people in the darkness of blame frames and defensiveness

Before we delve into How to become empowerment coach, here are some examples of empowering questions

Probing questions for moving people towards outcome:

  • What do you want?
  • If you get that, then what do you want?
  • What are you excited about?
  • What action would really excite you?
  • If you had a magic wand in your hand, what would you like do?
  • What impact would you like to have?
  • What will your success look like?

Action questions for helping people find action steps

  • How can you make this happen?
  • How do you plan to achieve that?
  • What are you overlooking?
  • What is the first simplest step?
  • What are you going to do? By when?
  • What can you start doing more of to improve further?

Probing questions to clarify values

  • What values are at stake for you?
  • What do you care about in this situation?
  • How does this plan honor your values?
  • What are you committed to?

Questions for expanding options

  • What else is possible?
  • What are your choices?
  • What do you need help with?
  • Who can you ask for help?
  • Who can help you with that?
  • How will you use time to your advantage?
  • What is the deepest or wildest possibility?

Questions to breaking through barriers

  • How are you stopping yourself?
  • What would motivate you to take action?
  • If things continue to remain how they are now, what would it cost you?

Questions to reducing sense of overwhelm

  • What can you say “no” to?
  • What can you stop doing so that you can make room for what’s important?
  • What are you doing now that’s working?
  • If you have to focus on only one thing, what would it be?

Questions to discover Purpose in life

  • Where are you most alive?
  • With what are you most aligned in your life?
  • Where does your passion live?
  • What do you trust with every cell in your body?
  • What gets you truly excited about life?
  • What is your purpose in life?
  • What skills do you have?
  • What are you committed to in life?


Questions to connect with Emotions


  • What is it to be with yourself?
  • What brings out a smile in you?
  • What do you feel in your heart regarding this?
  • Where do your worries disappear?
  • When have you found yourself uplifted?
  • How can you embrace your emotions?
  • What are you celebrating?
  • What is your fear signaling you to do?
  • What is sweet about sadness?
  • What about is the positive intention of your anger?
  • What are you grateful for?

Questions to encourage self love

  • What do you love most about yourself?
  • What’s the best part about your personality?
  • What do you do really, really well?
  • Who makes you feel good?
  • What is amazing about your life?

Questions to elicit wisdom

  • What do you believe about this?
  • What if you could enjoy this?
  • How can you take positive out of this situation?
  • What might you do differently next time?
  • What could you appreciate about this?
  • What is your intention?
  • What is you expectation about this?
  • If there is a rule, what is the rule that’s governing your thoughts?
  • What is important to you about this?
  • What would that give you that you don’t have now?
  • How can you maintain a positive attitude?
  • What can you learn from this experience?
  • What can you do differently to come up with a better outcome?
  • What really matters most to you at this moment?

How to become Empowerment Coach in India

Empowerment takes place at higher levels of thinking. It involves taking consciousness to a new level where new emotions can be accessed. What it means is that empowerment takes place at higher meta-state levels.

Successful empowerment coaches understand how beliefs, values, emotions, thoughts, etc control meanings people make from situations and events.

If you are interested in becoming a certified ICF coach, click on the link to enroll in our Meta NLP Practitioner and ICF Coach program in India where you will learn various impactful techniques to make meaningful contribution in the world.

If you are an organization seeking a leadership training program in India for corporate training of Managers and HR professionals in core coaching competencies and leadership skills, then write to us on requesting details of our customized leadership training workshops.

We also offer an online coaching programs and 1-on-1 empowerment coaching.

In our certificate programs we provide insightful tools, techniques, exercises and concepts that empower people to be more, do more, have more and give more!

By training yourself in asking the right empowering questions, you will be able to direct your mind to avoid distractions and leverage opportunities.

So connect with us soon to take better control of your mind and learn how to effectively coach self as well as others.

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