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How to create 14 hours in a week for personal growth

By on Sep 19, 2016 in Blog |

If you are on the path to success, then you already may be aware that it is based on the gravels of personal growth.  Remove the gravels and you are looking at a difficult road that may be difficult to walk on. It may make your travel longer and it will tire you more. ‘ How to create 14 hours in a week for personal growth ’ provides a view into important things that can increase the momentum towards Personal and Business Transformation. This is why personal growth is important for anyone who is aiming at success.  Hence, to create time, and devout time for it is equally important.  Now the question is ‘How could you aim for personal growth when you are trying hard to achieve your goals and you do not have any time for personal growth?’ The answer is simple, you have to make time for it, so that you can succeed.

Give yourself 14-15 hours every week for personal growth and you will be a changed person living a life that is more fulfilling.  The points mentioned are indicative and a good start to, ‘ How to create 14 hours in a week for personal growth ’ and can be expanded to include many others as well.  Actions towards personal growth are amazing as taking actions towards Personal Growth improves your performance and that itself creates more time, which can be invested back for Personal Growth.

1. Physical Exercise

Give yourself the chance to work out. Physical exercise is helpful in keeping the body active and helping the flow of blood to all parts of the body so that you feel fresh and rejuvenated. Choose an activity that you will enjoy. If you already have a hobby that involves physical activity then pursue it on a regular basis to keep yourself more active and increase your attention span for other activities.

Physical activities like aerobics, swimming, walking cycling or jogging are good for the health and they give you the chance to achieve more when it comes to the work you do. It is an important step towards self-development and personal growth.  Allocate 30 minutes of the day, early morning being the best time, towards this physical activity that you choose. It is the best start for the day.  Hire a personal coach if required to keep you on track, and hire a Life Coach to keep you motivated towards this behavior change.

2. Learning

We learn a lot when we work every day but when we talk about personal growth, we are talking about time that is dedicated specifically to learning. This is the part of your time when you must spend learning something that will help you achieve your goal. Allow yourself time to learn something every day. It can be in the form of a behavior that you are trying to adapt, a new language that can help you converse better with your clients in different parts of the world or simply understanding the work or business you are doing more deeply, or mastering your art on which your business depends.  Spend 45 minutes to 60 minutes each day towards learning.  Find the time (early morning or evenings) when you are more alert, and rested, and can spend time to Master your craft.  Once, you have identified that, make sure that you stick to the plan, and do it religiously every single day at the same time.

With the knowledge you get through these learnings every day, you will be able to resonate a confidence in your personality which will help you succeed easily, and will improve you in many ways and improve your overall performance in various areas of your life, both personal and professional.  This results in overall efficiency and creation of more time.

3. Nutrition

Your nutrition is important too. Very often we tend to forget it when we end up working too hard towards achieving our goals. However, if you want our energy levels to stay up, it is necessary for you to eat in a timely manner.  When we do not eat properly, we will lack in energy and we may feel sluggish. The right meals and the right amount of food can give us the energy we need to be efficient throughout the day.

Good nutrition is important for personal growth. Proper nutrition helps you to feel fresh, work smartly, stay efficient during the day, and hence improves overall performance.  Every morning, make sure you spend 30 minutes to plan your meals, and anticipate when you will be able to spend time to eat.  Eating is not a chore, it is what provides your body the necessary fuel to stay energetic, and considering ‘Mind and Body are part of the same system’, you have to ensure that you are energetic so that your mind is alert and at peak performance throughout the day.

4. Things That You Love doing

Enjoy your life or else success may not taste as good. You must be able to take time for yourself and your loved ones so that you can grow successfully. Your personal growth is shaped by the people you love. While you must be able to give them time every day. Make sure that you take special time out for the people you love on the days of the week when you are off. You can do this by taking them out to a place they like or spending time with them together at the house.

When we do the things we love or when we are with the people we love, we are able to refresh ourselves and we are able to give better reason to our success. Our loved ones are one of the reason why we strive to achieve success so when you spend time with them it helps you grow emotionally so that you can make stronger decisions.  Each week, allocate 3-4 hours for things that you love doing and with your family members.  Plan this at the start of the week, so that this time is locked in your schedule, and you adjust other things around it.

5. Concentration

You must be able to concentrate on the things that you do so that you can perform better. If you are an athlete who has been working too hard but unable to perform like you expected then the thing that may be missing might be concentration. When you plan to grow and succeed you must be able to concentrate on your goals and the ambitions that you have. If you happen to fall slack and lose concentration on your goals then you may fall behind and your goals will get further away from you.

Increase your concentration and if you happen to feel that you are unable to do it properly, then take time out every morning to include concentration exercises along with the physical activity that you perform. The concentration exercise can be simple brain training, yoga and guided meditation. Make sure that you train your brain to be in a resourceful state of concentration when required.  Spend 30-40 minutes each day on this critical aspect of your well-being.  Depending on the level of concentration you are aiming at and where you stand at this time, you can choose any of them to help you increase your concentration on the things you do so that you can be more productive.  Work with a Behavior coach to sort this aspect out.


You will be able to manage this aspect of ‘ How to create 14 hours in a week for personal growth ’ only if you diligently practice staying on schedule to focus on things which play a big role in Personal Growth and well-being.  Planning is an important part, and effectively planning at the beginning of the week helps to schedule personal growth items well in advance and helps in personal and business transformation.  Work with your Life Coach to work on Behaviors that support your growth, how to get into resourceful states, creation of compelling goals in different areas of personal growth.

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