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ICF programs in Bangalore

By on Feb 13, 2020 in Blog |

ICF programs in Bangalore

When it comes to certified ICF programs in Bangalore (hoping that is what you are looking for), there are only a couple of options available – ICF ACC and ICF PCC.

However, there lies a silver lining in the mentioned sentence. The above-stated programs are your only options if you require a certificate credential from ICF. On the other hand, if you just need a validation of the fact that you did attend a course approved by ICF, then the scenario changes completely. Instead of opting for the entire process, a course approved by ICF would suffice. Along it being comparatively simpler, the price of the program goes down by half at the very least and gives you the luxury of observing the program, environment in the centers, beneficial especially if somebody wishes to become a coach as a side-project initially and perhaps shift to it as a primary occupation in the future.

This particular post aims to break down the multitude of reasons for considering a specific course while going through multiple Certified ICF programs in Bangalore and attempts to give you a comprehensive understanding of the same.

What is the value an ICF Certification?

While the ICF ACC or ICF PCC does possess a value in the basic filtering initiated by the HR team or by the Leadership Development team on the question about whom to be picked as a coach for a group or perhaps when speaking about an individual who requires coaching, the hiring factor does not solely rest on the same. A significant contribution might be held by factors such as reputation and market image, experience (even industry experience), education (background and work), references and achievements, etc, of a Coach. When speaking of the final picture, all these put together determines if a person gets a job or not.

Is it possible to starting coaching without an ICF ACC?

As many coaches today would testify, trying yourself in the field first and then obtaining an ICF ACC or even the ICF PCC could be the way to go about it as an ICF ACC or ICF PCC is NOT mandatory for coaching.

When and How do I get ICF certified?

Although there is no particular answer for the ‘When’ part, the ‘good time’ can be chanced upon by taking factors such as the person itself, background, financial support, requirements for a specific job which requires ICF ACC for application come into consideration when deciding the answer.  The ‘How’ part will be addressed in another section below.

How to select an ICF approved program and ICF Coach

Again, the subjectivity continues. Thinking about the different perspectives which come down to either joining an ICF Coach program or hiring one ICF Certified coach, there are a number of factors which would help finally forming an answer.

How to decide which ICF Coach program to attend while scanning through multiple ICF programs in Bangalore or elsewhere – If you have made up your mind about attending a certified program, then it is recommended you have an eye on certain factors which would include:

– Framework which the course relies on. To name a few viable frameworks which segregates great coaches from ordinary coaches include – Meta NLP, NLP, Emotional Intelligence, NeuroSemantics and perhaps, NeuroScience-based methods.

– Layout of the course – typically would include the number of days, classroom-based training, coverage area etc.

– The person facilitating the program

– Program Cost

Check the NLP event page, if you are looking for an ICF programs in Bangalore.

Hiring an ICF Certified Coach ~ Coming to the other aspect, the factors which the hiring should depend on would include experience in the field, framework one indulges in and other common qualification such as usual experience in the industry, business and life experience, etc.

Is attending an ICF approved course enough to get an ICF ACC?

Merely completing the course does not make you a certified coach. Fulfillment of the training hours – a period of 60 hours that is the ICF accepted course itself in addition to 10 hours spent with a mentor coach indulging in mentoring for a period of at least 3 months has to be spent in this regard. And once a minimum of 100 hours of coaching is completed, either with a group or with individuals, only then an application has to be put in process to the ICF along with submission of the required documents. Once ICF validates the application, the final requirement is clearing the online exam conducted by the ICF. Thereafter, you finally come to be an ICF ACC.

What are my job prospects after completion of a Certified ICF program in Bangalore? 

Whether you have done ICF program in Bangalore or in any other city, the challenges to establish as a coach remains the same. The first thing to note is cementing yourself out there as a coach takes time and the other thing to know is that the number of companies which hire coaches are a handful. The only exception being an organization which hires Coaches, and places them in positions where their job skills are required for Coaching assignments. So be ready to work hard in this niche segment, if you want to establish yourself as a Coach ~ Persistence, perseverance, tenacity, grit, passion will come handy, while you are on this journey.

Can a Life coaching practice be established easily?

Once again, there are multiple factors which affect the answer:

– An individual’s Sales and Marketing strategy and budget. The latter holding the capacity for a person to remain in the market for a longer time and thus, attract clients.

– Established network. Connectivity plays a far role in establishing oneself in the market.

– Online branding and personality of a person makes his/her presence known.

– Experience as a coach.

Coming to the answer itself, it is nearly impossible to build a reverenced practice in a day, but it can be formed by demonstration of simple values such as desire, patience, dedication and perseverance coupled with sales and marketing excellence.

What is the difference between different ICF approved courses?

While the different ICF courses adhere to the same standard and guidelines which are approved by ICF itself, the basic distinctions can be spotted in the frameworks which the courses run on, and the presentation of the program which might either be classroom or online based. Other than this, the difference in methodology is also present which became the primary reason for ICF to issue the guidelines for a common standard.  Our Organizational Development Coach program in India is an example of ICF approved program.  Another example would be Life Coach certification program in Bangalore.

Making a pick out of frameworks, while checking ICF programs in Bangalore

The presence of diverging Coaching frameworks makes it arduous for a person to decipher the best among them, especially when considering the variables in the lot.  This is to imply that the usage of quality methodology can be carried out by not-so-great Coaches whereas noteworthy coaches on the other hand could also use the less than fantastic methodologies. Especially a lot of ICF programs in Bangalore are available, so make sure check and get familiar with the Coaching framework and the coach/trainer who is delivering the training program and who is going to supervise the sessions/and coaching mentoring files.

Focusing strictly on the topic at hand now, changes are often observed to be made faster by programs that run frameworks which are behavioural rather than the ones existing as mostly mundane and unexceptional, basing themselves on tools. Examples of robust coaching methodologies would include NLP Coaching, NeuroScience, NeuroSemantics, Emotional Intelligence and Meta Coaching.

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