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Salary of a Life Coach in India

By on Jan 6, 2020 in Blog |

Salary of a Life Coach in India

This article has been written specifically for the aspiring life coaches who are curious to find out about Life Coach Certification in India, salary of a Life Coach in India, average income of a Life Coach in India, and answer to the question- “how to become a life coach in India?” Additionally, this article will benefit those experienced and successful coaches who are hungry for more success and who are interested in identifying the action steps required to further scale up their existing life coaching practice .

What is Life Coaching?

In layman terms, coaching is a conversation. However, it is not casual chit chat you often have with your friends and acquaintances.

In reality, life coaching is a thought-provoking conversation that involves absolute commitment, hard work and partnership of both the client as well as the coach. The coach thinks and listens a lot to intuitively ask insightful questions whereas the client does a lot of thinking work to find answer to them and bring coaching to a successful mutually agreed closure.

As a process, life coaching is designed to assist people identify their own resources and find their own solutions to jump hurdles and overcome limitations. Hence, this is the very reason Life Coach Certification in India is becoming very popular. What is the salary of a Life Coach in India ~ answered in a separate section.

Who is a successful Life Coach in India?

A successful life coach is someone who is able to help people maximise their full potential and reach their desired results quickly. Most of the successful life coaches are often professionally trained as well as skilled at building ethical and good quality relationship with each and every client. They maintain confidentiality, they do not teach or preach the clients at all, and they almost always encourage the clients to take ownership and accountability of their actions and develop useful habits.

If you want to become a successful ICF coach, you must develop ICF core coaching competencies and coaching skills to the point that you can easily run a successful life coaching business.

Salary of a Life Coach in India

Unfortunately Life Coaching is a salaried career in India.  It is not like engineering that you are hired to do engineering jobs.  There are very limited jobs specifically for classic Life Coaching.  Life Coaches do get hired by different organizations, but the role will be to do Life Coaching, plus a varied of other tasks.  So how to ensure that you generate salary for yourself as a Life Coach, or a consistent income in other terms.  You need to think like an entrepreneur or a business owner, and work towards becoming successful to have a regular salary out of your own business.

  • In order to identify how to become a successful life coach, ensure that you have a clear goal of what exactly you want to achieve from it.

Thoroughly explore – what specifically do you want to get from successfully running your life coaching business? What does it mean to you, and what it will take to get there?

  • Determine the steps (Find the best Life Coach Certification in India) you got to take to reach where you want to be.

              Pin down whether you yourself will be a coach, or you will just manage other coaches, or you will do both. How specifically would you want to work? Would you prefer face to face coaching or you would like to be mainly home based? If you don’t like working face to face with clients and be dressed in classic business gear, then in all probability, corporate coaching is not a right choice for you.  This will go a long way in generating income as a Life Coach in India.

  • Identify the target group you want to coach and then outline your ideal client profile.

           Think about how much money do you want your life coaching business to generate for you. How much fees do you need to charge to make that money?

              Identify and have access to places where you can find prospective clients who have the capacity to pay and who would most likely be able to afford a series of coaching sessions with you.

  • Make a list of your personal contacts who would give you the head start in your target market. Prepare yourself on how you will approach them and why is it that they will help you. Plug into relevant networks and make efforts to build and maintain trust with clients.
  • One of the most common factors in nearly all successful coaching interactions is the unshakable faith that you as a life coach place on your clients. Therefore, to establish and run a successful coaching business, and to generate regular income as a Life Coach work with only those clients who have the willingness to change for better. If you do not absolutely believe that the client has willingness and true intent to reach the goals or make efforts, you should not be working with him or her.
  • Continuously look for avenues of adding more credibility, more experience and more subject matter expertise in your professional bag no matter what your present experience level of life coaching is or at what stage your life coaching business currently is on, in order to find answer to the question “how to become a successful life coach?’ If possible upgrade your Coaching skills, and find out which is the best Life Coach Certification in India, if you are looking to attend an in class program.

              Research your competition and identify the gaps your competition may have overlooked which you could fill in the market with your special offerings.

If you are particularly interested in charging relatively higher rates yet achieving substantial repeat business, then delve deeper into corporate coaching because fees charged for corporate coaching is generally higher than that charged in the personal coaching/ life coaching arena. Moreover, once an organisation has benefitted from your coaching services, it will often want to use your services  again and again. In corporate environment, one successful client can generate hundreds of referrals. Gratitude is often repaid by referrals and one word of recommendation can easily open up a huge potential market for you.

Life coaching businesses usually experience mushrooming growth by either selling more coaching sessions to existing / new clients, or by adding more new offerings to the existing service portfolio. Celebrity Life Coaching is in great demand, due to latest development in Bollywood and cases of starts ending their lives.  Read more about how to become a Life Coach in India.

Stay in touch with the recent developments and trends in the coaching world. Also, keep abreast of the social and cultural trends, political and economic factors  that affect business as well as help in creating new coaching opportunities.

A lot of experienced coaches say that they will coach everyone. Frankly, there is nothing wrong with offering coaching to anyone and everyone who approaches you to get coached in a sane state of mind. You can very well target several different markets, but the most successful life coaches have been those who aimed at creating a competitive advantage for themselves.

Every time someone asks you what specifically do you do, it is a valuable opportunity for you to pitch for your life coaching services. Therefore, work some impressive answers to the typical questions like what do you do? What is working with a life coach / results coach/ success coach/ transformation coach like?

Prepare answers in no more than 3 simple sentences in such a way that your answer appeals to your target audience.

Also, based on your scope of operation, pursue a useful marketing strategy for your business to grow further.

Most importantly, continue to hone your coaching skills through practice as well as continued learning.

Even though you may have already trained as a coach, continue exploring avenues of how you can boost your coaching skills. Explore other Life Coach Certification in India that can boost your career.

When you approach organisations for a coaching contract, the Human Resources or decision making figure in the organisation often look for evidences that you are keen on upgrading and enhancing your skills so that you continue to bring to them the best of what’s out there in the market.

When you approach clients through referral, the reassurance that your skills are up to date plays an important role in whether your clients finally decide to get coached by you or not. Therefore, be keen on wearing the label of “ICF coach”and join ICF accredited coach training programs.

Attend courses which offer a formal qualification such as certified Life Coach, Certified Leadership and Executive Coach, etc.

Market is full of a range of so many Life coaching courses in India that your head will start spinning  and you will be mentally tired as you conduct a thorough search of all the options out there.  Therefore, narrow down your search on the basis of useful and proven coaching framework you would like to become master of first.  If someone is saving that the income of a Life Coach in India is in Millions, and that too in a few months, or 1-2 years, then stay away from those claims.

Listed below are some of the coaching frameworks. Decide your preference based on the ‘outcomes’ you want to coach your clients upon as well as the coaching framework that gives faster results easily in that area.

  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
  • Neuro-Semantics (Meta NLP)
  • Emotional Intelligence (EI) backed by research in Neuro Science (NS)
  • Life Coach Certification (LC)

In conclusion,

Life coaching is a highly competitive field. Hence, you will find that Life Coach Certification in India is in great demand. The bigger question is do you have skills to generate regular income as a Life Coach in India.

Whether or not you succeed in running a satisfying and profitable coaching practice, it will loosely depend on three things:-

  • your up-to-date education and experience in line with the industry requirements.
  • your successful networking to generate opportunities.
  • the proven results you give to generate word of mouth referrals.

Therefore, if you are someone who is keen to learn from the best NLP trainer in India, and becoming a successful life coach in India, take a first step towards generating income as a Life Coach, choose to join our Integrated NLP Practitioner program

This is Asia’s only life coaching skill development program that is recognised by the most reputed global accreditation bodies namely International Coach federation (ICF), International Society of Neuro-Semantics (ISNS), International Association of Professional Coaches, Counselors, and Therapists, and American Board of NLP (ABNLP).

Write to us on should you want to enquire any further details about Life Coach Certification in India.

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