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The need for Meta NLP training in India

By on Nov 7, 2019 in Blog |

Meta NLP training in India

Just as manufacturers keep bringing improved and revised edition of their products, the co-developers of NLP have been enhancing and updating NLP models for years now. A lot of look-alike variations of NLP (Read: Why NLP is Rubbish) came and after some time vanished from the market, but Meta NLP stayed because it retained the essence of Classic NLP at its core. Moreover, Meta NLP extended the already existing NLP models to tap into the explanation of how exactly people give meaning to the events of life and go on forming understandings, beliefs, values etc. at various levels. Using the metaphor of ‘height’, Meta NLP explains and expands the existing powerful NLP tools in a much better and easier way. If you are looking for Latest Code of NLP or Newest Code of NLP, then definitely, you need Meta NLP training in India.

Meta NLP has spread to over 40 countries all over the world. Growingly, India is also experiencing this radical shift in preference from NLP to Meta NLP – the improved and revised NLP. So, if you are someone who is intrigued to know why and how Meta NLP gained precedence over classic and other codes of NLP, read this article on the need for Meta NLP training in India:


What is Meta NLP?

Meta NLP is the powerful framework for becoming more resourceful, taking control of your own life, and unleashing your hidden talents and potential.


Who can benefit from Meta NLP?

Meta NLP is for each and everyone, because it’s learnings and findings apply to each and every aspect of human experience.

If you want to master the powerful and effective techniques of managing mind and emotions to achieve success, health, happiness, self actualisation, and greater effectiveness effortlessly, then Meta NLP is for you.


What are the benefits of Meta NLP training?

There are many added benefits of attending Meta NLP training in India.

The robust framework of Meta NLP allows you to master your thinking and emotional states, easily read non-verbal communications, develop strong personal and professional relationships, understand fears, anxieties and limiting beliefs, adopt useful habits, and modify undesired behaviours in yourself and other people.

Meta NLP gives you useful tools to become superb presenters, better leaders, accomplished coaches, influential and effective communicators, motivators, negotiators, etc.

Meta NLP training has shown people the right way of envisioning success, creating success and achieving lasting results in all areas of life.


How did Meta NLP come into existence?

NLP as a framework has always been evolving because the co-developers have been installing in it different parts like time-lines, reframing, hypnotic patterns, sub-modalities, meta-programs, meta-model patterns, etc.

NLP thinkers thus always talked about “going meta”.

Just as someone brings different parts together to solve a puzzle and open door to hidden treasures, Dr. Michael Hall glued these disconnected ‘meta’ parts of NLP together to build Meta States Model and opened doors to a new domain – the Meta NLP


What is the link between Meta NLP and Neuro Semantics?

The Meta-States model developed by Dr. Michael Hall in 1994 was a remarkable breakthrough in NLP because it truly revolutionised and revitalised the classic NLP in many ways.

Various NLP enthusiasts adopted the Meta NLP way of doing NLP and further developed numerous new patterns and cutting-edge techniques that gave desired results much more easily and quickly.

Soon everyone realised that “to apply NLP effectively on yourself, you have to go meta”.

Increasingly, more and more people were joining together to promote Meta NLP.

In the year 1996, Dr. Michael Hall and Dr. Bodenhamer together added the elements of ethics, integrity, congruence, professionalism, and collaboration and gave this new domain of NLP the identity of Neuro-Semantics.

Thus, if Meta NLP is the evolved way of practicing NLP, then Neuro-Semantics is the ideology behind the coming together and harmonious implementation of Meta NLP.


You can take the route of classic NLP (developed by Richard Bandler, John Grinder, Frank Pucelik, and many other co-developers of NLP in early and late 70s) to learn the fundamental concepts of NLP, but to actually apply and practice NLP thoroughly, you need to become a Meta NLP Practitioner in India.


Who is a Meta NLP Practitioner?

The Meta NLP Practitioner is someone who has actualised excellence for self, and is also passionate about helping other people actualise excellence for themselves.

Primarily, a certified Meta NLP Practitioner is a change-agent in the role of a competent coach, speaker, trainer, or facilitator, and is skilled at helping people master their emotions and transform into better leaders and outstanding performers.


Why should you become a certified Meta NLP Practitioner in India?

Although India had a late start to NLP because the co-founders and co-developers focused more on American continents, Europe and East Asian countries, there is a decent amount of NLP going on in India these days. Sadly, the quality of most of the NLP trainings in India is not up to the mark as more than 90% of NLP Trainers are not well trained, or are not trained at all. Well, this problem is exactly the reason why you need to become a certified Meta NLP Practitioner in India.

It is important to note that Meta NLP came into existence because NLP Practitioners in 80s were neither applying NLP on self, nor operating from the space of congruence.

So, to ensure that you get the best out of NLP, and to stand out and differentiate yourself from the crowd – you should become a Meta NLP Practitioner in India.

Successful completion of Meta NLP training qualifies and accredits you as someone who is congruent and authentic in working with others.

You earn the credentials of Meta NLP Practitioner only when you learn how to access your own personal mastery states so you can walk your own talk.

The tag of certified Meta NLP Practitioner gives you more credibility and validity in the field that otherwise seems disorganised and messed up.

The leading edge techniques of Meta NLP allow you to easily apply the powerful NLP skills in your own life – personally as well as professionally to create the results you desire, increase your motivation, eliminate limitations, adopt useful habits and behaviours, make more money, access your personal genius and empower yourself as well as others.

Undisputedly, Meta NLP along with Meta Coaching using Meta NLP (Neuro-Semantics) is a force to reckon with.

Whether you are a coach, trainer, facilitator, leader, entrepreneur, or any individual, the Meta NLP Training in India will only take you to higher heights in your business, career and relationships.


How to become a certified Meta NLP Practitioner in India? 

If you are looking for a great and enriching experience in NLP, consider doing a certified NLP Practitioner + Meta NLP Practitioner + ICF Coach program, which is one of its kind in the world.

Go through the NeuroSemantics training in INdia know more about the integrated NLP + Meta NLP + ICF Coach Certificate program

Click on scheduled NeuroSemantics events in India to know about the program dates and register to participate in one of our programs.

At NLP Coaching Academy we proudly claim to be the only course providers for integrated NLP as well as Meta NLP Training Programs in India

We are the leading training providers of one of the world’s most current, comprehensive, competitively priced integrated NLP Practitioner certification and Meta NLP Practitioner Certification program in India.

Furthermore, this integrated NLP + Meta NLP + Coach training program is Asia’s only training program approved by the most trusted globally renowned accreditation bodies- International Society of Neuro-Semantics (ISNS), International Coach Federation (ICF), American Board of NLP (ABNLP), and International Association of Professional Coaches, Counsellors, and Therapists (IAPCCT).  Sometimes people do ask who teaches Latest Code of NLP in India? or who teaches New Code NLP in India (considering New Code NLP is Old Code of NLP now – 40 years old), or Newest Code of NLP in India? and the answer to that question is below:

The 7 days extensive workshop is facilitated by Vikram Dhar, who is a Master NLP Trainer, considered to be amongst the top nlp trainers in India, Licensed Meta NLP Trainer (Certified by Legendary Michael Hall himself), a certified NLP trainer with American Board of NLP, a member trainer of Association of NLP, UK, a Master Coach with IAPCCT, and a Mentor Coach of International Coach Federation (ICF).

This extensive and exciting integrated Meta NLP Practitioner and ICF Coach training course is guaranteed to provide you a range of impactful tools, techniques, methodology, and skill sets that you can easily use in your life almost immediately to help yourself, as well as others who want to actualise excellence in any area of their personal, professional or social life.

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