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Neuro-Semantics Matrix Model for coaching

By on Jul 25, 2021 in Blog |

Neuro-Semantics Matrix Model for coaching

In this article, you will understand how you can use Neuro-Semantics Matrix Model for coaching. You will learn how to detect a person’s matrix, and how you can change and transform a person’s matrix.

This is the second of a two-part series in which you will capture the essence coaching to the Matrix of Frames in depth. So, ensure that you first read about the basics of Neuro-Semantics Matrix Model and what specifically does it mean for Coaches and Meta NLP Practitioners.

This is a post for advanced NLP coaches / Neuro-Semantics coaches to deepen their coaching repertoire.

Introduction ~ Neuro-Semantics Matrix Model for Coaching

The coaching questions in the Neuro-Semantics Matrix model for coaching are written and presented in a way, which may take time and effort to follow, as they are written keeping in mind the skills of a Neuro-Semantics Practitioner / Meta Coach, and also their understanding of the Neuro-Semantics Matrix model.  In the article the coaching questions may appear raw (with technical language), as that is for the Neuro-Semantics Practitioner / Coach to understand the meaning of the question, and in which context, and frame that is being used, and how.

Note for coaches: While asking the coaching question to a client, make sure to tone down the NLP and Neuro-Semantics language so that the client can understand in simple language what the question is. Understand the essence of the Neuro-Semantics Matrix Model, and the application of Neuro-Semantics model for coaching, and fine tune the questions in this post during your coaching sessions.  

Neuro-Semantics (Meta NLP) is the latest code of NLP.


Importance of The Neuro-Semantics Matrix Model for Coaches

The Matrix Model provides a way to profile experiences, model best practices and expertise, and to suggest steps in replicating excellence, refining and reframing meanings, and designing new frames for higher quality of living, loving, and contributing.


Before we dive into the Neuro-Semantics Matrix model for coaching, read the essence of the model, as it is a powerful coaching tool. And its importance as a model of coaching is highlighted below:


  • The Matrix gives you a simple yet dynamic structure and template which then allows you to collect and work with all of the rich details that an individual presents. After all, it is this Matrix of frames that governs how people perceive the world, how they react, and ultimately the choice of behaviours available to them.


As a useable, workable, and practical model, the Neuro-Semantics Matrix Model for coaching provides structure, form, and direction to coaches and NLP Practitioners. You can use the Matrix model to sort out where a client is at, what matrix of frames needs to be address, and how to figure out what to do when. It enables you to make sense of lots of details and formulate information into classes and categories so that the data doesn’t overwhelm you.


  • As such the Matrix as a model not only provides a theoretical framework for how human frames of meaning work. It also guides profiling of experiences and decision making about interventions.


It provides several process distinctions that enable you to enter into a Matrix, see and recognise it in action, and work with your own or another’s Matrix of meaning frames.


  • Using the Matrix model as a framework allows coaches to describe, think about, and work with the frames that make up personality and all of the nested frames.


A complete Matrix is made up all of the mappings and models of the world that you inherit and create. These maps enable you to understand how people move through both the inner world of self, meaning, intention, and state and the outer world of Others, Time, and all Worlds.


  • The Matrix model helps coaches to diagnose people, actions, feelings, meanings, and experiences. It enables you figure out people, things, and processes. This diagnosis isn’t about labelling people, but detecting patterns.


  • The Neuro-Semantics Matrix Model for coaching enables coaches to facilitate an empowering transformation via their coaching. It supports coaches in empowering the client to recognise not only what’s occurring but also the mechanisms that make it so.


To a great extent, coaching involves inviting clients to step back for a greater mindfulness of their Matrix and all of the sub-matrices and to continue the growth and development.

Sometimes it involves decommissioning a matrix of frames that interfere with personal success, and at other times of developing and training in a new set of embedded frames that will empower people for greater health, vitality, or success.


  • Learning to think and see systemically the Matrix of a person enables us to see the fluid nature of the mind-body-emotion system and to follow a person’s energy as it moves through the system.


How does one use The Neuro-Semantics Matrix Model practically in coaching?

If you want to coach your clients to the Matrix of Frames, you can use the process distinctions to be able to work effectively with a client in a coaching situation.

As an overview, the following distinctions offers a general format.


1)  Begin with State

State control is the foundation for all personal and business mastery. Everything is grounded in your mind-body state. And every single person is always in some state.

States can be so present and undeniable and so invisible that often you do not even notice your states or those of your clients.

So, begin with noticing your state, your client’s state and see where that leads you.

The following questions will guide you:

  • What state are you in right now?
  • What is your state of mind, your state of body, your state of emotion?
  • How did you get into this state? What triggers evoked it?
  • What conditions or circumstances contributed to it?
  • Where is the energy of the state? Where does it go?
  • How intense or dominating is the state?
  • How resourceful or limiting?

This kind of state analysis initiates state awareness (self-awareness) so that you can cultivate state management.


2) Enter the meaning-making / meta-stating funnel.

Your mind-body states always and inevitably arise from your thinking, meaning-making, and interpreting of your experiences.

Use the following spiralling meta questions to explore how your client makes meanings, and then meanings about those meanings.

  • What are you thinking? What’s coming to your mind?
  • What are you remembering, imagining, fearing, hoping, anticipating, second-guessing, dreaming, etc.?
  • What frames are you setting in your mind about what’s going on?
  • What references, associations, linguistics, metaphors, and meta state (Meta States Model) structures are you using or creating?
  • Are your meanings enhancing or limiting you, are they empowering or sabotaging your success and happiness? Does the meaning-making spiral upward into more positive responses? Are you creating meanings that send you downward in a negative or vicious spiral?
  • Do you like these meanings?

Within the Matrix, your meaning-making funnel governs how you construct meaning. Also, your thinking patterns play a determining and governing role in the quality of your mental maps and your life. When things go awry, it is always the frame and framing that’s the problem, never the person. Yet meaning-making is influenced by a person’s physical state and environmental conditions and often gets into an un resourceful way. Hence, it is important to uncover the meaning making/meta stating funnel, and probably is a very essence skill for Meta Coaches, and a component in the Neuro-Semantics Matrix Model for Coaching.


3) Explore the intentions in the back of the mind

People make meaning in numerous ways. For instance, cognitively through associations, language, references, metaphors, etc.

They also construct another kind of meaning as they invent reasons, agendas, motives, and intentions that can be brought to light using the following questions:

  • What are the thoughts in the back of your mind as you say that? Or feel that? Or think about that person?
  • What are you attempting to do, feel, or achieve in this?
  • Why do you want to reach that outcome?
  • And, when you get that what does that do for you?
  • What’s even higher than that?
  • What do you feel you need to do? Why? Why that?

As you inquire about intentions, do not stop at the first or second level. Explore the entire intentional ladder, all the way up to the person’s highest intentions. This may often end up in purpose and spiritual inspiration.

Then use that purpose or spiritual inspiration to reorient the person and help him or her take an intentional stance in life.


4) Identify the robustness and vitality of each content matrix.

People construct cognitive and intentional meaning. And they then experience a mind-body-emotional state that registers those meanings.

Alongside, they also construct specific content about themselves, others, the world, time, and their resources for coping and mastering things.

This content they construct also matters in coaching. Especially when their specific ideas, thoughts, and beliefs are wrong-headed and muddled.

The limiting beliefs and un-resourceful thoughts can send you client in directions that will never enable them to reach their objectives.

Erroneous ideas and maps can completely misinform and misdirect people. So, use the following questions to ask about content, and clear out erroneous zones:

  • Are there any mis-mappings in the matrices that create an unecological and unbalanced matrix?
  • How healthy or toxic is the content in your Self matrix?
  • Are there any thought viruses in your matrix of Others?
  • What do you think and believe and feel about Time, or a specific domain of experience in the World that does not enhance your life?


5) Step in and out to see the System as a System

As a model, the Matrix is a system and works systemically.

You can use the below mentioned questions to use the Matrix systemically. And think about all of the dynamic processes that are occurring as the exchange of information and energy throughout the system.

  • What information is being inputted and processed?
  • What energy is being generated and expressed? In what areas?
  • How healthy, appropriate, and empowering is this information–energy exchange?
  • What iterations are occurring in the matrix?
  • What patterns are being created and/or replicated?
  • What is the quality of the feedback loops? The feed forward loops?
  • Is the Matrix spiraling up or down?
  • What frames are working like attractors in the system and creating self-reinforcing or self-fulfilling prophecies?


6) Identify the Attractors in the system

Attractors give you insight into the available leverage points for initiating change in the system.

An attractor is any idea, emotion, experience, value, or other belief frame that attracts you. The attraction that you feel to it depends on how you give it meaning and how it plays a meaningful role in your life.

To explore and identify an attractor, step back from the system and invite the following kind of questions.

  • What is the system attracting to itself?
  • How is the system becoming increasingly organised?
  • What is becoming foregrounded in the system?
  • What is becoming backgrounded?
  • How is the energy of the system creating magnetic attractions?
  • How is the information of the system creating a bias?
  • What is the bias for and against?


7) Ask a thousand curious respectful questions.

Ultimately, coaching is a questioning technique that invites exploration and inquiry. Your questions must flush out the presuppositions of the system itself.

Begin by asking a series of control questions to help client identify the quality of his or her matrix:

  • What is the quality of your Matrix?
  • Is your Matrix world of frames robust and powerful and a wonderful place to live?
  • How empowering is it so that you are waking up every day with an excitement about this days adventure in life, in career, in contribution, in personal growth, in love?
  • Are you ready to become a master of your Matrix—so that you have your belief frames, value frames, understanding frames, intention frames, etc or do your frames have you?
  • Are you ready to wake up to your Matrix and to take charge of the way you create meaning and intention that will create a rich and lovely place to come from?


End Note:

Coaching to the Matrix is a coaching model that many Meta-Coaches use in their practice. Understanding and using Neuro-Semantics Matrix Model for Coaching takes time, but it is worth the effort.

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