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personal transformation stories

Personal Transformation Stories 

NLP Personal Transformation Stories are a series of compelling stories of individuals who decided to set an outcome, take massive actions, and achieve their Goals/Outcomes.  We haven’t constantly updated this page, but these were the initial ones that were listed here. There are 100s of many more inspiring stories of our participants, who are doing some amazing work in the world of coaching & business, and life in general. 

Mahesh Rajamani (Entrepreneur, Business Growth Hacking Specialist, and Business Coach)

Mahesh RajamaniMahesh, is a Serial Entrepreneur, who heads Invertree, a Web Designing Company. He is passionate about being an Entrepreneur and helping other Entrepreneurs succeed by sharing his experience.  He is a model of excellence for budding Entrepreneurs, and his Business growth story is very engaging and interesting.  We are happy to have him as part of personal transformation stories. 

Mahesh’s Story in his own words:

“A year back, my startup – a web design company was struggling. My team was highly demotivated, I was stressed on getting more business, and the company was on the verge of collapsing & everyone losing jobs.

And yeah, I was one of those skeptical non-believers of NLP at that time, until one of my wise friends who is an NLP Coach called me home and said he wanted to help me and coach me for Business Success.  At that moment I was wondering, ‘Why I would even need a coach?’ To my surprise, after the one-hour coaching session, I became aware of all the things that were lacking in the business and the blind spots that were holding me back.  I finally realized that this (NLP and Business Coaching) is exactly what I needed for my business success.

So, I started searching for NLP Programs happening in Bangalore, and I found NLP Coaching Academy on the Explara website (Event booking company) for the Dual Certification Program. I thought, ‘this is for me, let me join right now’. I immediately booked the program, and I was blown away by the things that I learned during the program.  My key takeaways from the program were: How to coach the team on productivity; How to set goals and go for it and How to identify personalities – right roles in the team. Now, whenever I recruit somebody I just use the same simple steps which I learn during NLP Practitioner Program to to select the right candidate.

Later, I thought, ‘if I have benefited so much then why not my team learn NLP as well. Now there are three people in my team apart from me who have completed the NLP practitioner and Coach Program from NLP Coaching Academy.

When NLP Coaching Academy announced the Master Practitioner program, I quickly registered for that too. Post this program, now my company activities, and Business Growth has skyrocketed and within 60 days we became the fastest growing web design and development training in Bangalore, using the cutting edge ‘Growth Hacking fundamentals for Companies’, along with Self Coaching concepts for Entrepreneurs.

Now, I strongly believe that every business owner, startup founder need business coaching on a regular basis. My team is excited and enthusiastic like never before, thanks to NLP.”

Upasana Dwarakanath (Holistic Life Coach & Writer)

2D1DCE90-92ED-4BC6-9E44-F2F57DF45C1DUpasana is a Holistic Life Coach, Author, and Speaker helping people achieve their greatest goals and tap their limitless potential. Through an integrated approach including energy healing, EFT, intensive coaching, and sublime meditative techniques, she catapults people to their next highest level of performance. After attending the NLP Practitioner Program, she started her own coaching business – ‘Enliven Your Dreams’. 

Upasana’s Story in her own words:

“In one of those “sweet synchronicities” that life arranges to propel you towards your highest destiny, I chanced upon NLP Coaching Academy in a random Google search. I had just earlier that week realized that my dream career is to be a Life Coach – committed to channeling people’s latent potential to achieve their greatest vision of their life, and a more Persuasive Writer. The Academy’s Dual NLP Practitioner and Certified Associate Leadership and Life Coach Program, was a God-send. I enrolled immediately and have not looked back since.

Almost immediately after the workshop, I signed on my first client! Looking back, I can easily connect what may look like a bout of good luck to the meticulous and trans-formative experience of the course. Although I went in to it aiming to learn how to be a Life Coach, the program took me through a life-affirming process of my own. In order to best learn how to exponentially enhance another person’s life, there is no better way than to travel that personal journey one self.

I went on to attend their NLP Master Practitioner and Certified Professional Life Coach Program. Expert trainers and coaches at the NLP Coaching Academy seamlessly blended demonstrations, stories, exercises, experiences and assignments (yes, there was homework). In a span of just a few days, I had worked through some of my most negative beliefs and memories, smoothly and effectively. Negative emotions and entrenched behaviors were “swished” away in a matter of minutes. In fact, by the last two days, I was hard-pressed to think of any challenges that still needed working on. By the end, I had with me a meticulously drawn up short-term and long-term vision for my life, and a step-by-step action plan to achieve my goals.

By far, however, the biggest impact that the NLP program had on me was making me believe in myself again. You see, I had joined the course at a time in my life when I was reeling from a series of hard knocks. I was in the process of picking myself up, trying to get a grasp of what I really wanted to do with my life. Earlier that year, I had stumbled on to energy healing and sublime meditative practices that started to awaken my dormant healing and psychic faculties. In order to have a massive positive impact on people’s lives, nevertheless, I had to delve further into the intricacies of what really makes us tick.

I have, since then, found myself in the extraordinary position of being an instrument of massive positive change as a Holistic Life Coach & Catalyst. To end each day with the satisfaction and contentment of having witnessed tremendous increase in my clients’ confidence and performance levels is truly rewarding. I attribute this skill, ease and self-confidence, in no small measure, to the programs at NLP Coaching Academy.”

Priyanka B (Psychology Student, NLP Trainer and Coach)

IMG-20150818-WA0009Priyanka is a Psychology student.  In a short span, she completed her NLP Practitioner, NLP Master Practitioner and NLP Trainer level.  She is a model of excellence for young students, full of energy, and has big dreams – perfect example who demonstrates that with will power, focus, anything is possible, and it is easy to ‘go for your dreams’

Priyanka’s Story in her own words:

“I remember when I was younger; my mother had asked me “what do you want to do when you grow up?” And I said “I want to visit many places, meet many people, teach them to live life happily, make them confident, and touch people’s lives”. This response of mine surprised not only my mother but everyone who ever asked me such a question. Wouldn’t you be surprised as well when a 7 year old will speak like that? Looking back, I am surprised with myself, and you may be curious to know, ‘Why?’ Because I held on to this dream for years.

One day I asked myself, “What do I want to do after completion of my 12th grade?.” Answer came naturally to me, and I decided to join an Under Graduate program in Psychology in order to support my passion of enriching people’s lives in helping them to ‘Reach beyond’. I always believe that everybody is more than what they think they are, and when I look back at my life I could see myself flowing with the passion of enriching life of people. Yet, I had always wondered “how could I take my dream to reality? will I be able to do it? Will people accept me? How can I better myself at enriching lives of others?”

It was around this time that I stumbled upon an amazing opportunity to attend an NLP Practitioner program at NLP Coaching Academy. I must say that this was truly a turning point in my life.  After completion of Practitioner program, my goals gained clarity and focus. My passion was very much appreciated by the NLP Coaching Academy team, and the kind of opportunities they created and the energy that was passed on to me helped me to get more confident about my goals, break limiting beliefs patterns that were holding me from moving forward, from reaching beyond my past self.  I attended advanced NLP and Coaching Programs with them to pursue my NLP journey further.

I am extremely proud that I have the opportunity to work with them now as the youngest NLP Trainer! Merely sticking to my childhood dream had brought a great change in my life and it still continues to do so.

With greater clarity and bigger goals set ahead, I cannot resist myself but reach beyond. With lots of hope and hard work I am sure I will reach my goals faster, and continue to coach people to handle their life in a powerful, effective manner; especially the young community which has to take a giant leap as tomorrow’s leaders, captains and moral human beings.”

Esmaeel Akther (Motivational Speaker, Author, and Coach)

Continuing with the captivating personal transformation stories, next is Esmaeel. He attended NLP program with us in Dubai after completing his Accountancy degree from ACCA (UK).  He was attending the program just to explore what is NLP, and how it can benefit him to present better.  There are some who dream and do nothing, and then there are some who dream and wonder whether it is possible or not, and then there are some who dream and slowly move towards it, and then there are some who dream, and take massive actions towards it.  Esmaeel is somebody who came with a though, got inspired to do something about it, and showed how it is done.  He is somebody who is on a path to glory, and is an inspiration for many who attended NLP program with him.  We at NLP Coaching Academy are proud of what he has achieved in such a short term, and wish him super success.

Esmaeel’s Story in his own words:

“I was as skeptical of NLP as everyone who come across this term but consider it just as another motivational thing. Going in as a skeptical person for the course I was blown away. I soon realized how this could change my life. It was not just another theory course. It was as application oriented and practical as life itself. Those 3 days helped me clear a lot of confusion I had in my head. Those 3 days also showed me I I could bring more clarity, focus and 10 fold my productivity with simple exercises and tweaks.

2 months later, I have launched my first book ever. Its a FREE e-book to help people overcome their fear of Public Speaking. This is the start of my first venture which I wanted to since 2 years but never took action to implement my vision. What I couldn’t do in 2 years has already started taking the foundation in just 2 months. If this not a proof of NLP in action, then what is? Today I have a mission to inspire and helps a million introverts become better communicators and presenters.

NLP is not just a course. NLP is life.”

So what is your personal transformation story after attending NLP Program. Wanna share?


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