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Why NLP is rubbish

By on Oct 30, 2019 in Blog |

Why NLP is rubbish

Are you looking for a straightforward answer to the question- Is NLP rubbish? all hype? Is it even real? Why NLP is Rubbish? Is it fake? Does it work? How long do the results last? Is NLP training really worth it? or its just a waste of money?

Well, here is a point-blank answer to all these questions:

Depends on your NLP trainer!


Because the degree of results you experience during an NLP Program actually depends on the expertise of your NLP trainer. Those who learn NLP from the Top NLP Trainer in India experience incredible results.

Speaking metaphorically, when you travel to a new place, you rely on your tour guide to show you fascinating sights, tell you insightful stories, and expose you to delightful adventures. Whether you enjoy your tour or not will predominantly depend on your tour guides ability to customize the trip as per your preferences. Also, the amount of knowledge your tour guide actually possesses about the place will substantially affect your opinion of whether that place was miraculous or not! Thus, unless your tour guide is an expert, you will not have the best of experience at any place.

It is important to note here that peoples experience and opinion about NLP is not all about NLP only. Their experience, whether good or bad – is actually their experience of NLP with a specific trainer.  Why NLP Is rubbish has direct relevance with the statement above -> The quality of your NLP experience depends on the NLP Trainer you train with. 

If you run a quick search on google reviews, testimonials, and personal transformation stories of NLP, you will find that NLP in itself is extremely impactful and powerful. The changes last for a lifetime in most cases, and people have experienced massive transformation in their lives and relationships when they have explored NLP with the best NLP Trainer in India.

Interestingly, almost everybody is calling themselves ‘the best to benefit from the growing demand of NLP. The internet is full of self-proclaimed best NLP Trainers who actually have no credentials to substantiate their false claims.

Consider this, you are a person who enrolled in an NLP program with the intention of leveraging NLP training to your best advantage. And soon you figure out that the trainer that you are going to learn NLP from has actually become an NLP Trainer by watching NLP training videos online, and has not even completed NLP Trainer level Certification.

How much confidence will you have over the quality and credibility of the trainer’s training? And what about your reputation as an NLP Practitioner?

There are many 3 days or 4 days NLP Practitioner programs available in the market. In such programs, the NLP trainers use a feed-forward approach with NLP techniques.

Frankly, these 3/4 days NLP programs are nothing more than an orientation to NLP because they can give you only a helicopter view of the tall NLP structures. They can point and tell you the names of some NLP structures from a distance, but you won’t be able to identify the nuances and intricacies involved.

A person can never become “NLP Practitioner” by attending just 3/4 days program. Especially because NLP is not like any other regular classroom training program. NLP is an experience, an adventure in itself. If it takes minimum half a day to explore the huge territory of a technique in-depth, then so it is.

The problem is that NLP has become a market place these days. If you do a thorough search on NLP training companies in India, or NLP trainers in India, you will notice that

  • many NLP accreditation bodies are not of any significant repute.

  • people are using ‘NLP Trainer’ tag without even clearing the NLP training skills evaluation.

  • a lot of NLP trainers in India haven’t even undergone proper NLP Practitioner level training with a recognised institute.

Even worse, a lot of NLP trainers themselves have not used NLP in their life to unleash their hidden potential. They use innovative social media approaches to their advantage and entice people with fun filler activities.

So, what NLP Training really is?

In reality, NLP Training is a person’s gateway to success.

An effective NLP Training enables you to tap into your own resources to embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation.

NLP training ensures that you manage your emotions easily and deal with your life situations effortlessly. 

An impactful NLP program is like an adventure where you reflect about various aspects in your life, get clarity on what exactly you want to do in your life, learn how to get into positive resourceful states, set powerful beliefs, apply the strategies of success, and much much more.

What is the role of an NLP Trainer during the NLP training program?

The role of an NLP Trainer is to design the overall program experience for the participants in such a way that all the participants get optimum know-how as well as practice of the NLP techniques.

An expert NLP Trainer ensures that participants are in learning state on all days so that they benefit immensely from using and internalising NLP tools of self-transformation.

Thankfully, there are ways of differentiating expert NLP trainers from the tricksters. If you wish to attend the best NLP training in India, then you must know the history of NLP, the co-founders, co-developers, how NLP evolved, and a bit of what everyone has done, and how NLP is used in modern-day challenges, in coaching, in sales, etc. 

Along with great power there comes great responsibility” – summarises the role of sincere NLP trainers who have invested time and resources in learning NLP extensively and are passionate about transforming people’s lives with the power of NLP.

Why are 4 days NLP Practitioner program useless?

There are various reasons. First, and foremost, in 3/4 days you barely get to touch the surface of NLP, forget about going into the depth of concepts.

Second, globally renowned NLP accreditation bodies do not recognise 3/4 days program for NLP Practitioner level. So if you want to explore NLP further with some other training, you must have had attended minimum 6 days training, else your application will get rejected.  This is the very reason Why NLP is rubbish is doing the rounds, because there are many who would like to make a quick buck, and are promoting these 4 days NLP Practitioner programs in India. 

Additionally, due to 3/4 days, NLP Practitioner Certification your personal branding will suffer and your credibility will be under question all the time. So beware and be aware of these 3/4 days programs. It will do more harm than any good possible.  

Also, read about how to decide which NLP program to attend in India.

In conclusion

People who are serious about experiencing transformation through NLP enrol in NLP Programs with a minimum duration of 6 days or more. They look for extensive full day workshops where only NLP is the focus of training. They avoid workshops where the trainer uses fillers (games, team building activities, etc.) to fill the days. They look for depth in the program content. They do due diligence by checking

  • who trained the trainer, and whether the trainer has depth in his/her knowledge or not. Is the trainer really the best NLP trainer in India

  • the pure NLP training experience of the trainer (not their life experience of dozen other things)

  • factual coaching experience of the trainer.

  • how trainer himself/herself used NLP to achieve success in life, relationships, business/ career.

If you ever are part of the discussion Why NLP is rubbish, then probably you will have few pointers to talk about.

About Meta NLP Practitioner Program offered by NLP Coaching Academy

At NLP Coaching Academy, we offer 7 days Meta NLP Practitioner Program which is a roller coaster of self-transformation adventure in itself.

Go through the program details and participate using the link or get in touch with us on to know more.

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